



    class XOR
static void Main()
// 逻辑异或

// When one operand is true and the other is false, exclusive-OR
// returns True.
Console.WriteLine(true ^ false);
// When both operands are false, exclusive-OR returns False.
Console.WriteLine(false ^ false);
// When both operands are true, exclusive-OR returns False.
Console.WriteLine(true ^ true);

// 按位异或(将两个数字转换为二进制后,相同的位置上相比较,如果相同得到的结果为0,否则为一)

// Bitwise exclusive-OR of 0 and 1 returns 1.
Console.WriteLine("Bitwise result: {0}", Convert.ToString(0x0 ^ 0x1, 2));
// Bitwise exclusive-OR of 0 and 0 returns 0.
Console.WriteLine("Bitwise result: {0}", Convert.ToString(0x0 ^ 0x0, 2));
// Bitwise exclusive-OR of 1 and 1 returns 0.
Console.WriteLine("Bitwise result: {0}", Convert.ToString(0x1 ^ 0x1, 2));

// With more than one digit, perform the exclusive-OR column by column.
// 10
// 11
// --
// 01
// Bitwise exclusive-OR of 10 (2) and 11 (3) returns 01 (1).
Console.WriteLine("Bitwise result: {0}", Convert.ToString(0x2 ^ 0x3, 2));

// Bitwise exclusive-OR of 101 (5) and 011 (3) returns 110 (6).
Console.WriteLine("Bitwise result: {0}", Convert.ToString(0x5 ^ 0x3, 2));

// Bitwise exclusive-OR of 1111 (decimal 15, hexadecimal F) and 0101 (5)
// returns 1010 (decimal 10, hexadecimal A).
Console.WriteLine("Bitwise result: {0}", Convert.ToString(0xf ^ 0x5, 2));

// Finally, bitwise exclusive-OR of 11111000 (decimal 248, hexadecimal F8)
// and 00111111 (decimal 63, hexadecimal 3F) returns 11000111, which is
// 199 in decimal, C7 in hexadecimal.
Console.WriteLine("Bitwise result: {0}", Convert.ToString(0xf8 ^ 0x3f, 2));
Bitwise result: 1
Bitwise result: 0
Bitwise result: 0
Bitwise result: 1
Bitwise result: 110
Bitwise result: 1010
Bitwise result: 11000111


class BitwiseAnd
static void Main()
Console.WriteLine(true & false); // 逻辑与
Console.WriteLine(true & true); // logical and
Console.WriteLine("0x{0:x}", 0xf8 & 0x3f); // 按位与 }




posted @ 2011-11-22 11:03  Jolan  阅读(3534)  评论(1编辑  收藏  举报