try it, then you know it____________just do it , as love easily fade.

一次只有一个目标,步子迈小些,抑制一次实现所有功能的冲动。 过程如何结果就如何,行动是欢喜的,不管是兴奋还是沮丧的情绪都对结果无益。贵在持之以恒


sscanf, sspritf

// crt_sprintf.c
// compile with: /W3
// This program uses sprintf to format various
// data and place them in the string named buffer.

#include <stdio.h>

int main( void )
   char  buffer[200], s[] = "computer", c = 'l';
   int   i = 35, j;
   float fp = 1.7320534f;

   // Format and print various data: 
   j  = sprintf( buffer,     "   String:    %s\n", s ); // C4996
   j += sprintf( buffer + j, "   Character: %c\n", c ); // C4996
   j += sprintf( buffer + j, "   Integer:   %d\n", i ); // C4996
   j += sprintf( buffer + j, "   Real:      %f\n", fp );// C4996
   // Note: sprintf is deprecated; consider using sprintf_s instead

   printf( "Output:\n%s\ncharacter count = %d\n", buffer, j );
   String:    computer
   Character: l
   Integer:   35
   Real:      1.732053

character count = 79
// crt_sscanf.c
// compile with: /W3
// This program uses sscanf to read data items
// from a string named tokenstring, then displays them.

#include <stdio.h>

int main( void )
   char  tokenstring[] = "15 12 14...";
   char  s[81];
   char  c;
   int   i;
   float fp;

   // Input various data from tokenstring:
   // max 80 character string:
   sscanf( tokenstring, "%80s", s ); // C4996
   sscanf( tokenstring, "%c", &c );  // C4996
   sscanf( tokenstring, "%d", &i );  // C4996
   sscanf( tokenstring, "%f", &fp ); // C4996
   // Note: sscanf is deprecated; consider using sscanf_s instead

   // Output the data read
   printf( "String    = %s\n", s );
   printf( "Character = %c\n", c );
   printf( "Integer:  = %d\n", i );
   printf( "Real:     = %f\n", fp );
String    = 15
Character = 1
Integer:  = 15
Real:     = 15.000000


posted on 2013-07-28 13:18  吾一  阅读(267)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报