try it, then you know it____________just do it , as love easily fade.

一次只有一个目标,步子迈小些,抑制一次实现所有功能的冲动。 过程如何结果就如何,行动是欢喜的,不管是兴奋还是沮丧的情绪都对结果无益。贵在持之以恒


java 的 一点记录

1. put space on the two sides of %, not mandatory,//can be ignored.

2.But we use === (three equal signs) to check if one variable's value is "equal" or "identical" to another variable's value.
as == can have some odd behavior in javescript.
3. backup some command used here
prompt(.....  prove you to write sth
confirm("your message here");//to confirm
alert("your message");// pop up an alert, which do not give users the option to cancel_they can only click OK.

god, javascript ,at least the basic knowledge is simple, quite similar to C. except using === instead of ==.maybe it is the only difference in syntax. all others are same, parenthesis, semicolon,brackets are the used in the same exact case.
Besides, there are special commands in javescript, like prompt, alert, confirm, which is quite understandable, as it is for the appication of web developping.

posted on 2012-01-29 06:09  吾一  阅读(153)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报