After 7 days holiday, not long and not short days, it is a stage's end.

     I really miss it,although I haven't done anything meaningful.Such as eating, sleeping, playing, watching......

     I found that a person who do nothing also can live a lazy man.

     Now, I will talk about which I learn in these days:
     I  got a series DVDs about Bruce Li, who took chinese KongFu to the world. He is really a Worldwide Super Star in motion film.I am deeply attracted by his swift fist and his feet.Bruce Li  is  a  dauntless unyielding man. I like these man. He is upright and clever. He can help other weak man to conquer rude and violent ones. Such as <<Nu Fist>>,also named<<Jing Wu Men>> is the most one I like. Others are <<Long Zheng Hu Dou>>,<<Fury of the Dragon>>,<<the Game of  Death >>.The last one is about the life of  Bruce.
     I dont know if the media's or party's problems, always who have fame ,or have fortune,or have both, generally speaking, party will have negative news ,lacy news. But One I believe, "shadow  is not inclined if One is integrity".
     Whatever, a successful person not only have his enterprise enough,especially have a veriest personality.

     I have watched great capacity for liquor's films and CDs, Like:
     1.  陶子主演的<<安室爱美惠>>, a lovely wife and her husband 's romantic story in common days
     2.  Korea Film<<My boyfriend's romantic story>>, from that I feel the great of  love.
     3.  American Film<<prehistorical gigantic crocodile>>, A little shock
     4.  American Film<<***44****>>, it  is a really frightened film ,so that I can't remember the whole name of it.
     5.  <<One stone Two birds>>, a little like junk.

     The last  thing that I feel myself is great, is I nearlly become a super washer,because I wash so many many many many clothes , bedsheet, shoes........ha

posted on 2005-10-08 09:58  apple  阅读(253)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报