


<?xml version="1.0"?>
    <country name="Liechtenstein">
        <neighbor name="Austria" direction="E"/>
        <neighbor name="Switzerland" direction="W"/>
    <country name="Singapore">
        <neighbor name="Malaysia" direction="N"/>
    <country name="Panama">
        <neighbor name="Costa Rica" direction="W"/>
        <neighbor name="Colombia" direction="E"/>


>>> os.getcwd()
>>> import xml.etree.ElementTree as ET
>>> tree = ET.parse('test.xml')
>>> root = tree.getroot()
>>> print root
<Element 'data' at 0x1d2a8b0>
>>> print tree
<xml.etree.ElementTree.ElementTree object at 0x01D2A9D0>
>>> root.tag
>>> root.attrib
>>> #遍历子节点
>>> for child in root:
    print child.tag,child.attrib

country {'name': 'Liechtenstein'}
country {'name': 'Singapore'}
country {'name': 'Panama'}
>>> root[0].text
'\n        '
>>> root[0][1].text
>>> root[1][3].text
>>> root[1][2].text


>>> #查询元素
>>> for neighbor in root.iter('neighbor'):
    print neighbor.attrib

{'direction': 'E', 'name': 'Austria'}
{'direction': 'W', 'name': 'Switzerland'}
{'direction': 'N', 'name': 'Malaysia'}
{'direction': 'W', 'name': 'Costa Rica'}
{'direction': 'E', 'name': 'Colombia'}
>>> root.iter('neighbor')
<generator object iter at 0x01D3CF30>
>>> root.findall('country')
[<Element 'country' at 0x1d2aa90>, <Element 'country' at 0x1d2ad30>, <Element 'country' at 0x1d2af10>]
>>> for country in root.findall('country'): #element.findall()查询当前元素的子元素
    rank=country.find('rank').text  #element.find()查询指定标签的第一个子元素,element.text获取元素的内容
    name=country.get('name')  #element.get()获取元素的属性值
    print name,rank

Liechtenstein 1
Singapore 4
Panama 68



>>> for rank in root.iter('rank'):
    new_rank = int(rank.text) + 1

>>> tree.write('test.xml')


>>> for country in root.findall('country'):
    rank = int(country.find('rank').text)
    if rank>50:

>>> tree.write('test.xml')
<?xml version="1.0"?>
    <country name="Liechtenstein">
        <rank updated="yes">2</rank>
        <neighbor name="Austria" direction="E"/>
        <neighbor name="Switzerland" direction="W"/>
    <country name="Singapore">
        <rank updated="yes">5</rank>
        <neighbor name="Malaysia" direction="N"/>


>>> a = ET.Element('a')
>>> b = ET.SubElement(a, 'b')
>>> c = ET.SubElement(a, 'c')
>>> d = ET.SubElement(c, 'd')
>>> ET.dump(a)
<a><b /><c><d /></c></a>


If the XML input has namespaces, tags and attributes with prefixes in the form prefix:sometag get expanded to {uri}sometag where the prefix is replaced by the full URI. Also, if there is a default namespace, that full URI gets prepended to all of the non-prefixed tags.

Here is an XML example that incorporates two namespaces, one with the prefix “fictional” and the other serving as the default namespace:

<?xml version="1.0"?>
<actors xmlns:fictional=""
        <name>John Cleese</name>
        <fictional:character>Archie Leach</fictional:character>
        <name>Eric Idle</name>
        <fictional:character>Sir Robin</fictional:character>
        <fictional:character>Commander Clement</fictional:character>
>>> import xml.etree.ElementTree as ET
>>> tree=ET.parse('namespace.xml')
>>> root=tree.getroot()
>>> for actor in root.findall('real_person:actor', ns):
    name = actor.find('real_person:name', ns)
    print name.text
    for char in actor.findall('role:character', ns):
        print ' |-->', char.text

John Cleese
 |--> Lancelot
 |--> Archie Leach
Eric Idle
 |--> Sir Robin
 |--> Gunther
 |--> Commander Clement


>>> import xml.etree.ElementTree as ET
>>> tree=ET.parse('spring-subtract.xml')
>>> root=tree.getroot()
>>> print root
<Element '{}beans' at 0x1d423f0>
>>> print root.getchildren()
[<Element '{}bean' at 0x1d422f0>, <Element '{}bean' at 0x1d422d0>, <Element '{}bean' at 0x1d425d0>]
>>> print root.getchildren()[2]
<Element '{}bean' at 0x1d425d0>
>>> print root.getchildren()[2].getchildren()
[<Element '{}property' at 0x1d42610>, <Element '{}property' at 0x1d42670>]
>>> print root.getchildren()[2].getchildren()[1].attrib
{'name': 'cronExpression', 'value': '0000'}
>>> print root.getchildren()[2].getchildren()[1].attrib['value']
>>> #编辑属性值
>>> root.getchildren()[2].getchildren()[1].set('value','222')
>>> tree.write('spring-subtract.xml')  #保存文件
>>> print root.getchildren()[2].getchildren()[1].attrib
{'name': 'cronExpression', 'value': '222'}


posted @ 2016-12-21 15:44  垄上行  阅读(13899)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报