Crypto 杂题选做
?apj 你在干神魔
暑假好像有好多场 ctf,所以这博暑期可能还会更新几次(
W4terCTF 2024
Merciful ZMJ4396
找不到原来的 了,记得大概是这么个题,口胡一下吧
,要你找到一个 ,使得
当时没做出来,后来看 wp 才大概看明白的
from sage.all import *
from gmpy2 import *
def gcd1(a, b):
if b == 0:
return a.monic()
return gcd1(b, a % b)
PR = PolynomialRing(ZZ,'x')
x = PR.gen()
f = x ** 43 + 96
g = (x - 7) ** 77 + (x + 777) ** 7
P = abs(f.resultant(g))
P //= 2 ** 10
PR = PolynomialRing(Zmod(P),'x')
x = PR.gen()
f = x ** 43 + 96
g = (x - 7) ** 77 + (x + 777) ** 7
h = gcd1(f, g)
# h's degree = 1
m = gmpy2.mpz(P - h[0])
ans = gmpy2.gcd(m ** 43 + 96, (m - 7) ** 77 + (m + 777) ** 7)
的立方根的小数部分,还原 。
Google CTF 2023
ok 这题是当时闲的没事做的。来试试自己能不能做出来 google ctf 的 crypto 签到题(
但是好像也错过了 google ctf 2024,哈哈
题目大概是给了一个 LCG,你不知道它的系数,然后给出了前 6 个生成的数,然后用这个 LCG 生成了 RSA 的 key,我们的目标就是通过这 6 个生成的数还原出来这个 LCG 的系数。
DeadSec CTF 2024
ok 这个是最近打的了。
有点菜!crypto 被卡了两题,虽然最后看题解发现是傻逼题,两题我想法都是对的但是一个我算的理论不可行一个我跑到一半放弃了。那两个题不写了,感觉真没意思。
Raul Rosas
from Crypto.Util.number import * from sympy import nextprime p1 = bin(getPrime(1024))[2:] p2 = p1[:605] p2 = p2 + ('0'*(len(p1)-len(p2))) p1 = int(p1,2) p2 = nextprime(int(p2,2)) q1 = getPrime(300) q2 = getPrime(300) n1 = p1*p1*q1 n2 = p2*p2*q2 e = 65537 flag = bytes_to_long(b'REDACTED') c1 = pow(flag,e,n1) c2 = pow(flag,e,n2) print(f'{n1=}') print(f'{n2=}') print(f'{c1=}') print(f'{c2=}')
这个题对于 OIer 还是不太难的吧!虽然我做法可能有点偏,正解可能不是这个(
from Crypto.Util.number import *
from sympy import nextprime
from decimal import *
getcontext().prec = 1024
n1 = 33914684861748025775039281034732118800210172226202865626649257734640860626122496857824722482435571212266837521062975265470108636677204118801674455876175256919094583111702086440374440069720564836535455468886946320281180036997133848753476194808776154286740338853149382219104098930424628379244203425638143586895732678175237573473771798480275214400819978317207532566320561087373402673942574292313462136068626729114505686759701305592972367260477978324301469299251420212283758756993372112866755859599750559165005003201133841030574381795101573167606659158769490361449603797836102692182242091338045317594471059984757228202609971840405638858696334676026230362235521239830379389872765912383844262135900613776738814453
n2 = 45676791074605066998943099103364315794006332282441283064976666268034083630735700946472676852534025506807314001461603559827433723291528233236210007601454376876234611894686433890588598497194981540553814858726066215204034517808726230108550384400665772370055344973309767254730566845236167460471232855535131280959838577294392570538301153645042892860893604629926657287846345355440026453883519493151299226289819375073507978835796436834205595029397133882344120359631326071197504087811348353107585352525436957117561997040934067881585416375733220284897170841715716721313708208669285280362958902914780961119036511592607473063247721427765849962400322051875888323638189434117452309193654141881914639294164650898861297303
c1 = 5901547799381070840359392038174495588170513247847714273595411167296183629412915012222227027356430642556122066895371444948863326101566394976530551223412292667644441453331065752759544619792554573114517925105448879969399346787436142706971884168511458472259984991259195488997495087540800463362289424481986635322685691583804462882482621269852340750338483349943910768394808039522826196641550659069967791745064008046300108627004744686494254057929843770761235779923141642086541365488201157760211440185514437408144860842733403640608261720306139244013974182714767738134497204545868435961883422098094282377180143072849852529146164709312766146939608395412424617384059645917698095750364523710239164016515753752257367489
c2 = 3390569979784056878736266202871557824004856366694719533085092616630555208111973443587439052592998102055488632207160968490605754861061546019836966349190018267098889823086718042220586285728994179393183870155266933282043334755304139243271973119125463775794806745935480171168951943663617953860813929121178431737477240925668994665543833309966378218572247768170043609879504955562993281112055931542971553613629203301798161781786253559679002805820092716314906043601765180455118897800232982799905604384587625502913096329061269176369601390578862509347479694697409545495592160695530037113884443071693090949908858172105089597051790694863761129626857737468493438459158669342430468741236573321658187309329276080990875017
e = 65537
# find approximation of n1/n2
l = (0, 1)
r = (1, 0)
def check(q1, q2):
if q1 != 1 and n1 % q1 == 0 and n2 % q2 == 0:
print(q1, q2)
p2 = int(Decimal(n2 // q2).sqrt())
d = inverse(e, (p2 - 1) * p2 * (q2 - 1))
m = pow(c2, d, n2)
while l[1] < 2 ** 300 and r[1] < 2 ** 300:
mid = (l[0] + r[0], l[1] + r[1])
check(mid[0], mid[1])
if mid[0] * n2 < n1 * mid[1]:
l = mid
r = mid
corCTF 2024
这个是在上一场 ctf 被那两题卡自闭之后弃赛来打的这场。
彩笔队友这场 pwn 和 web 一题没过,要不然还能再多点分)
from Crypto.Util.number import getPrime from random import randint from hashlib import sha512 from secret import FLAG p = getPrime(1024) def apply(x, y): z0 = x[0] * y[1] + x[1] * y[0] - x[0] * y[0] z1 = x[0] * y[0] + x[1] * y[1] return z0 % p, z1 % p def calculate(n): out = 0, 1 base = 1, 1 while n > 0: if n & 1 == 1: out = apply(out, base) n >>= 1 base = apply(base, base) return out def step(x, n): '''Performs n steps to x.''' return apply(x, calculate(n)) def xor(a, b): return bytes(i ^ j for i, j in zip(a, b)) g = tuple(randint(0, p - 1) for _ in range(2)) a = randint(0, p) b = randint(0, p) A = step(g, a) B = step(g, b) print(p) print(g) print(A) print(B) shared = step(A, b) assert shared == step(B, a) pad = sha512(str(shared).encode()).digest() print(xor(FLAG, pad))
注意到 他实际上写了个斐波那契数列,,,反正把转移矩阵写出来发现就是个斐波那契
monkfish / anglerfish 太长了,不贴了
import sys
print("I caught a monkfish in the sea! ")
from hashlib import sha256
from Crypto.Util.number import bytes_to_long
from random import SystemRandom
import ast
n = 100
m = 100
q = 5
FF.<x> = GF(q)
def apply(F, v):
out = []
for i in range(m):
out.append((v.T * F[i] * v)[0, 0])
return matrix(FF, m, 1, out)
def apply_verif_info(F, a, b):
out = []
for i in range(m):
out.append((a.T * (F[i] + F[i].T) * b)[0, 0])
return matrix(FF, m, 1, out)
def create_pok(v, s, F):
t = matrix(FF, n, 1, [FF.random_element() for i in range(n)])
com = apply(F, t)
verif = apply_verif_info(F, t, s)
a = list(FF)[sha256(bytes([list(FF).index(i[0]) for i in list(com) + list(v) + list(verif)])).digest()[0] % len(list(FF))]
print("a =", a)
return (com, t - a * s, verif)
def verif_pok(v, F, pi):
com = pi[0]
resp = pi[1]
verif = pi[2]
a = list(FF)[sha256(bytes([list(FF).index(i[0]) for i in list(com) + list(v) + list(verif)])).digest()[0] % len(list(FF))]
out1 = apply(F, resp)
out2 = com + (a * a) * v - a * verif
return out1 == out2
gen_seed = bytes([83, 134, 8, 60, 109, 129, 153, 246, 112, 132, 154, 0, 129, 173, 49, 229, 71, 79, 145, 91, 146, 44, 34, 251, 95, 41, 13, 248, 24, 126, 215, 95, 208, 88, 24, 74, 224, 166, 19, 232, 254, 0, 142, 215, 146, 93, 87, 249, 239, 253, 137, 92, 124, 201, 164, 4, 133, 176, 76, 70, 166, 193, 68, 148])
F = []
for i in range(m):
cur = []
for j in range(n):
for k in range(n):
cur[-1].append(list(FF)[sha256(gen_seed).digest()[0] % len(list(FF))])
gen_seed = sha256(gen_seed).digest()
F.append(matrix(FF, n, n, cur))
vl = [2, 0, 3, 2, 4, 2, 4, 1, 4, 3, 4, 1, 1, 1, 2, 0, 4, 3, 4, 0, 0, 0, 0, 3, 2, 2, 3, 2, 0, 1, 1, 4, 2, 3, 4, 2, 4, 4, 2, 0, 1, 0, 1, 3, 4, 0, 0, 1, 0, 3, 4, 3, 0, 3, 4, 1, 1, 4, 1, 3, 0, 1, 4, 1, 2, 2, 2, 3, 2, 2, 4, 2, 4, 3, 0, 0, 3, 1, 4, 2, 1, 2, 1, 3, 2, 3, 4, 4, 4, 0, 1, 1, 2, 2, 1, 4, 3, 0, 2, 4]
v = matrix(FF, n, 1, [list(FF)[i] for i in vl])
m1 = random_matrix(FF, n, 1)
m0 = apply(F, m1)
while True:
m2 = random_matrix(FF, n, 1)
a = sha256(bytes([list(FF).index(i[0]) for i in list(m0) + list(v) + list(m2)])).digest()[0] % len(list(FF))
print("a =", a)
if a == 0:
pi = (m0, m1, m2)
res = verif_pok(v, F, pi)
assert res == True
print([list(FF).index(i[0]) for i in list(m0)])
print([list(FF).index(i[0]) for i in list(m1)])
print([list(FF).index(i[0]) for i in list(m2)])
CrewCTF 2024
这场是接着上一场打的,时间不多了所以排名不好看。上一场没有什么很有趣的 crypto 题,几个古典密码,一个很无聊的题和一个抄的攻击实现,所以没啥可写的。有一个椭圆曲线题,为此我还去学了下,但是最后也没做出来。结果最后发现正解是爆破,他妈的弱智。(大概有一个普通的离散对数还有一个椭圆曲线离散对数,两部分解决方案都是爆破,什么玩意)
read between the lines
#!/usr/bin/env python3 from random import shuffle from Crypto.Util.number import getPrime from secret import FLAG assert len(FLAG) < 100 encoded_flag = [] for i, b in enumerate(FLAG): encoded_flag.extend([i + 0x1337] * b) e = 65537 p, q = getPrime(1024), getPrime(1024) n = p * q c = sum(pow(m, e, n) for m in encoded_flag) % n with open('output.txt', 'w') as f: f.write(f'{n = }\n{e = }\n{c = }\n')
题外话:我真的应该把我古老的 NOI Linux 2.0(Ubuntu 20.04)扔掉重新装一个 22.04 或者装个 kali 了,由于 20.04 上没有新版本的 sage,而自己装好像只能从 conda 装,我还不太会用这个(主要是我需要之前装过的很多 py 库,我也不会迁移这个而且我真没用过 venv 之类的),所以直接装了 apt 上的旧版本,结果旧版本上没有很多格基相关功能,我又不会自己调参,,于是写好了找了个在线 sage 跑的,很火大
n = 11570808501273498927205104472079357777144397783547577003261915477370622451850206651910891120280656785986131452685491947610185604965099812695724757402859475642728712507339243719470339385360489167163917896790337311025010411472770004154699635694228288241644459059047022175803135613130088955955784304814651652968093606122165353931816218399854348992145474578604378450397120697338449008564443654507099674564425806985914764451503302534957447420607432031160777343573246284259196721263134079273058943290282037058625166146116257062155250082518648908934265839606175181213963034023613042840174068936799861096078962793675747202733
e = 65537
c = 7173375037180308812692773050925111800516611450262181376565814072240874778848184114081029784942289615261118103256642605595499455054072839201835361613983341298973366881719999836078559255521052298848572778824157749016705221745378832156499718149327219324078487796923208917482260462508048311400560933782289383624341257636666638574026084246212442527379161504510054689077339758167386002420794571246577662116285770044542212097174474572856621921237686119958817024794843805169504594110217925148205714768001753113572920225449523882995273988088672624172009740852821725803438069557080740459068347366098974487213070886509931010623
from sage.modules.free_module_integer import IntegerLattice
for len in range(1, 100):
print("ckecking", len)
a = matrix(ZZ, len + 1, len + 1)
M = 1000
for i in range(len):
a[i, i] = 1
a[i, len] = pow(0x1337 + i, e, n) * M
a[len, len] = n * M
a = IntegerLattice(a)
vec = a.approximate_closest_vector([0] * len + [c * M])
if vec[len] != c * M:
flag = True
for i in range(len):
if vec[i] < 0 or vec[i] >= 256:
flag = False
if flag:
for i in range(len):
print(chr(vec[i]), end='')
CTFZone 2024 Quals
Shes the Real one
from functools import namedtuple from secret import flag assert len(flag) == 33 Point = namedtuple("Point", ["x", "y"]) R = RealField(prec=800) inf = Point(R(0), R(1)) def lift_x(x): return Point(x, sqrt(x**3 - R(3) * x - R(2))) def add(P, Q): if P.x == Q.x and P.y != Q.y: return inf elif P.y == Q.y: raise ValueError("Points have to differ!") elif P == inf: return Q elif Q == inf: return P lambda_ = (P.y - Q.y) / (P.x - Q.x) xr = lambda_**2 - P.x - Q.x yr = lambda_ * (Q.x - xr) - Q.y return Point(xr, yr) def double(P): if P == inf: return P lambda_ = (R(3) * P.x**2 - R(3)) / (R(2) * P.y) xr = lambda_**2 - 2 * P.x yr = lambda_ * (P.x - xr) - P.y return Point(xr, yr) def multiply_by_scalar(P, n: int): if n == 0 or P == inf: return inf elif n < 0: return multiply_by_scalar(Point(-P.x, P.y), -n) R0, R1 = P, double(P) for b in bin(n)[3:]: if b == "0": R0, R1 = double(R0), add(R0, R1) else: R0, R1 = add(R0, R1), double(R1) return R0 P = lift_x(R(5.0) + R.random_element()) s = int.from_bytes(flag, 'big') Q = multiply_by_scalar(P, s) with open("output.dump", 'wb') as f: f.write(dumps([P, Q]))
首先从 lift_x
这题是后者的情况,而我们的 approximate_closest_vector
from functools import namedtuple
from Crypto.Util.number import *
Point = namedtuple("Point", ["x", "y"])
R = RealField(prec=800)
inf = Point(R(0), R(1))
C = ComplexField(prec=800)
with open("output.dump", 'rb') as f:
P, Q = loads(
print(P, Q)
def f(p):
x = p.x
y = p.y
x += 1
return C(y, sqrt(3) * x) / C(y, -sqrt(3) * x)
p = f(P)
q = f(Q)
a = imag(log(p))
b = imag(log(q))
# solve fa = b (mod 2pi)
M = 2 ** 264
N = 2 ** 800
A = Matrix(ZZ, [
[floor(a * N), 1],
[floor(2 * pi * N), 0]
from sage.modules.free_module_integer import IntegerLattice
B = IntegerLattice(A)
print(long_to_bytes(B.approximate_closest_vector([floor(b * N), M])[1]))
Cold Siemens
我最一开始先开的这个,可能开场没用很长时间就做出来了?但是一开始网站上的 flag 放错了,导致一开始一直 0 solve,等恢复了之后我交上之后就有 2 solves 了,我不知道我到底是不是一血,因为一开始网站都有问题。
import os import random from math import log from Crypto.Util.number import long_to_bytes from gmpy2 import iroot from secret import flag TARGET_LEN = 666 left_pad = random.randint(TARGET_LEN // 3, TARGET_LEN // 2) right_pad = TARGET_LEN - left_pad - len(flag) flag = os.urandom(left_pad) + flag + os.urandom(right_pad) def sqrsqr(x: int, prec: int) -> tuple[int, int]: return int(iroot(x * 10 ** (prec * 4), 4)[0]) % 10**prec class Server: def __init__(self, bl: int, skip: int = 1000): = bl self.K = random.randrange(0, 2** self.cipher = None self.key = None random.seed(self.K) def init_cipher(self, keylen: int): alpha = sqrsqr(self.K, prec=keylen) alpha_list = list(str(alpha).zfill(keylen)) random.shuffle(alpha_list) self.key = long_to_bytes(int("".join(alpha_list))) def encrypt(self, m: bytes) -> bytes: keylen = round(log(10 ** len(m)) / log(10)) self.init_cipher(keylen) sc = (len(m) + len(self.key) - 1) // len(self.key) return bytes([x ^ y for x, y in zip(m, self.key * sc)]) S = Server(bl=256) print("Encrypted flag: ", S.encrypt(flag).hex()) while True: try: msg = bytes.fromhex(input("m: ")) if len(msg) > 285: print("Message to big to encrypt, sorry") else: print("Encrypted msg: ", S.encrypt(msg).hex()) except Exception as e: print(e) exit()
首先注意到这是一个异或加密,而且我们可以自己输入明文得到密文,所以 key 是很容易获取的。key 是某个东西的重复,可以简单寻找一下最小循环节来得到这个 key,然后分析一下 key 是什么。可以发现 key 是
from Crypto.Util.number import *
from pwn import *
from math import *
# io = process([ 'python3', '' ])
io = remote('', 1188)
# context.log_level = 'debug'
f = log10(256)
flag = io.recvline()[len('Encrypted flag: '):].strip()
print("flag:", flag)
d = 0
lst = []
for x in range(1, 286):
# print("digit", x)
io.sendlineafter(b'm: ', b'00' * x)
ori = bytes([0] * x)
now = bytes.fromhex(io.recvline()[len('Encrypted msg: '):-1].decode())
key = bytes([x ^ y for x, y in zip(ori, now)])
keylen = max(1, int(floor(x / f)) - 1)
while keylen < len(key) and key[0] != key[keylen]:
keylen += 1
if x > 10:
while keylen < len(key) and key[0 : 2] != key[keylen : keylen + 2]:
keylen += 1
key = key[:keylen]
key = list(str(bytes_to_long(key)).zfill(x))
cc = 0
for i in key:
if lst.count(i) > 0:
d = d * 10 + int(i)
# print(i)
cc += 1
if cc != 1:
lst = key
m = 285
print('d:', d)
d = 0.552614595204287979807856154939042235218477194309748799957420905710149800055341805019514376906258499559095896775423817284550380575486264184700632183171344936543190111597307051093409215284141322557986592334377958046723110960896879684591934100408184702751852343915234092895045700941304497
M = 2 ** 64
N = 2 ** 900
A = matrix(ZZ, [
[floor(4 * N * d), 1, 0, 0],
[floor(6 * N * d * d), 0, 1, 0],
[floor(4 * N * d * d * d), 0, 0, 1],
[N, 0, 0, 0]
from sage.modules.free_module_integer import IntegerLattice
B = IntegerLattice(A)
a = B.approximate_closest_vector([-floor(d * d * d * d * N), M ** 3, M ** 2, M])
t1 = a[1]
t2 = a[2]
t3 = a[3]
print(-floor(d * d * d * d * N))
print(t3 * t3)
print(round((t3 + d) ** 4))
解 flag 部分:
import os
import random
from math import log
from Crypto.Util.number import long_to_bytes
from gmpy2 import iroot
# from secret import flag
flag = b'CTFZone{test}'
left_pad = random.randint(TARGET_LEN // 3, TARGET_LEN // 2)
right_pad = TARGET_LEN - left_pad - len(flag)
flag = os.urandom(left_pad) + flag + os.urandom(right_pad)
def sqrsqr(x: int, prec: int):
return int(iroot(x * 10 ** (prec * 4), 4)[0]) % 10**prec
class Server:
def __init__(self, bl: int, skip: int = 1000): = bl
self.K = 60524391950962576960088028569211737700220255699569156977377615495035094550061
self.cipher = None
self.key = None
def init_cipher(self, keylen: int):
alpha = sqrsqr(self.K, prec=keylen)
alpha_list = list(str(alpha).zfill(keylen))
self.key = long_to_bytes(int("".join(alpha_list)))
def encrypt(self, m: bytes) -> bytes:
keylen = round(log(10 ** len(m)) / log(10))
# print("keylen:", keylen)
# print("key:", self.key)
# print("actkey:", len(self.key))
sc = (len(m) + len(self.key) - 1) // len(self.key)
return bytes([x ^ y for x, y in zip(m, self.key * sc)])
S = Server(bl=256)
flag = bytes.fromhex('d6749e60b10ff44cc575a7512fa345b51dba614aaaeb46d57bf079cbf5ce6cfe5da50e88cf7856da590beaf410bb76795ce160938622a3fa9ce644a6795db315d45205027bf8e40709be30e357a6004edf7db41997af52b48fc73ac96aa68f5eccfa1240ba39dbbdae01ce1eade83fa916fe9351b7830b46cdba14bd8b03096bd6a3f82f04419879b0d13df4bc9accc0846fc9938278f56bf548fbe60fe47c408316d9f14a30361553e7472bdefb0d01ace8b0770e7a390a87802ea2da82a0242228646c1dc6e67aed74724601dfb7260a07a4af7576cacebfb23a737d80561bc604be067d940729fed3d91b58aa0ec1331740cf3d657ed659dee5c9f8a07762a36864d1923d9baf9fa8695cc3ca03e4393d8020d362e98d3c683bf333b979f5f3b1280d75d5b596a2fdd0f2a1b92259ca28dbed537a9091c4f4b2c78d0ee6bcbfb9be83603c0116feb10b56825371b61dc0cc002b530bf5bbb276810dd9eddfb6805fcf7dd7fd898013b14bb67e64a90331c46a98adb1b722c39449117272e365fb5a59b3305a10c3bbd5f7bf8b9c40d0ba8549ceadc0b90e5d6352787c45ba005be7537db4f54bc3ecb2f8669f0525c3f0c190792529ee6a57568c470465b74be211ebe23745c382727bc76ae166f753e12eb6ea3a43a1b2350ff87713649cacb71d518936350d07aad1e7ff410c869f7b5ca8a886024137d2944be7e929432a49a81ae440bad0e38e2f7937bec45b802c284813f746ce232933e162d9c59412f5230bc113bd1adefa10733b7537e9168af6524516dc8b7ce825a322a69665bd39f7fadcc88d4ee0035d8c7c5a361f18cac63556ff8a1e379ee20057eb0bff8925f92d92aee7ae33da483dfca857317657823ed1526f71b430134d8a3f55cb4c0144d4942da9b40fcf182588113ab21dc6a7246f7c8abda215')
相对来说要简单一些的比赛,不过也没有特别简单,能把除了 pwn 的全 ak 了还是很爽的!
Symmetric RSA
#!/usr/bin/env python3 from Crypto.Util.number import long_to_bytes as ltb, > bytes_to_long as btl, getPrime p = getPrime(1024) q = getPrime(1024) n = p*q e = p with open("flag.txt", "rb") as f: PT = btl( CT = pow(PT, e, n) print(f"{CT = }") for _ in range(4): CT = pow(int(input("Plaintext: ")), e, n) print(f"{CT = }")
一个常规的 rsa,只不过
from pwn import *
from math import gcd
from functools import reduce
from Crypto.Util.number import *
# io = process(['python3', ''])
io = remote('', 31783)
flag = int(io.recvline()[len('CT = '):])
io.sendlineafter(b'Plaintext: ', b'2')
x = int(io.recvline()[len('CT = '):])
io.sendlineafter(b'Plaintext: ', b'4')
y = int(io.recvline()[len('CT = '):])
io.sendlineafter(b'Plaintext: ', b'16')
z = int(io.recvline()[len('CT = '):])
io.sendlineafter(b'Plaintext: ', b'256')
w = int(io.recvline()[len('CT = '):])
n = reduce(gcd, [x * x - y, y * y - z, z * z - w])
p = reduce(gcd, [x - 2, y - 4, z - 16, w - 256])
assert n % p == 0
q = n // p
d = inverse(p, (p - 1) * (q - 1))
print(long_to_bytes(pow(flag, d, n)))
Truly Symmetric RSA
搞笑的事情:有人过了这题之后将分解出来的 p 和 q 传到了 factordb 上,导致这题通过比上一题还高,尽管这题是上一题的加强版。
#!/usr/bin/env python3 from Crypto.Util.number import long_to_bytes as ltb, > bytes_to_long as btl, getPrime p = getPrime(1536) q = getPrime(1024) n = p*q e = p with open("flag.txt", "rb") as f: PT = CT = pow(btl(PT), e, n) print(f"{len(PT) = }") print(f"{CT = }") print(f"{n = }")
好像还有 LLL 的做法?我不会了
from Crypto.Util.number import *
CT = 155493050716775929746785618157278421579720146882532893558466000717535926046092909584621507923553076649095497514130410050189555400358836998046081044415327506184740691954567311107014762610207180244423796639730694535767800541494145360577247063247119137256320461545818441676395182342388510060086729252654537845527572702464327741896730162340787947095811174459024431128743731633252208758986678350296534304083983866503070491947276444303695911718996791195956784045648557648959632902090924578632023471001254664039074367122198667591056089131284405036814647516681592384332538556252346304161289579455924108267311841638064619876494634608529368113300787897715026001565834469335741541960401988282636487460784948272367823992564019029521793367540589624327395326260393508859657691047658164
n = 237028545680596368677333357016590396778603231329606312133319254098208733503417614163018471600330539852278535558781335757092454348478277895444998391420951836414083931929543660193620339231857954511774305801482082186060819705746991373929339870834618962559270938577414515824433025347138433034154976346514196324140384652533471142168980983566738172498838845701175448130178229109792689495258819665948424614638218965001369917045965392087331282821560168428430483072251150471592683310976699404275393436993044069660277993965385069016086918288886820961158988512818677400870731542293709336997391721506341477144186272759517750420810063402971894683733280622802221309851227693291273838240078935620506525062275632158136289150493496782922917552121218970809807935684534511493363951811373931
l = (0, 1)
r = (1, 0)
def check(q1, q2):
if q2 > 1 and n % q2 == 0:
q = q2
p = n // q
d = inverse(p, (p - 1) * (q - 1))
print(long_to_bytes(pow(CT, d, n)))
while True:
mid = (l[0] + r[0], l[1] + r[1])
check(mid[0], mid[1])
if mid[0] * n < CT * mid[1]:
l = mid
r = mid
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