CMake 最简指南(三)
在本章中,我们将讨论 Minimal CMake 的最后一个主要主题——打包。这是将我们构建的软件转化为可以共享的格式的过程。当然,您也可以在没有打包步骤的情况下共享软件,但这样做通常是一个手动过程,容易出错,也不符合平台的预期规范——例如,Windows 的图形安装程序、macOS 的磁盘映像(.dmg
)或 Linux(Ubuntu)Debian 包(.deb
我们将展示如何使用 CPack 来为 macOS、Windows 和 Linux 打包我们的应用程序。我们将介绍需要对 CMakeLists.txt
理解 CPack
集成 CPack
构建 macOS 包
添加 CPack 预设
CPack 的其他用途
为了跟随本书的进度,请确保你满足 第一章《入门》中概述的要求。这些要求包括:
一台安装有最新 操作 系统(OS)的 Windows、Mac 或 Linux 机器
一个可用的 C/C++ 编译器(如果你还没有,建议使用系统默认的编译器)
理解 CPack
通过终端使用 cpack
。理解 CPack 最好的方式是把它看作是 CMake 安装命令的封装工具。在 第八章,《使用超级构建简化入门》中,我们已经完成了为我们的应用程序创建安装命令的过程,也就是说,我们已经做了打包应用程序所需的工作。CPack 的作用是处理与安装软件相关的特定平台约定,它能很好地抽象化这些工作,使你无需过多担心。
文件夹)运行应用程序、将 DLL 复制到 Windows 上正确的文件夹以及库搜索路径(我们在 Linux/macOS 上执行的 RPATH
CPack 提供了多个包生成器,这些生成器的指定方式类似于我们通过 -G
命令行选项传递给 CMake 的构建系统生成器。其中一些是特定于平台的(例如,macOS 上的 Bundle 和 DragNDrop),其他一些则需要额外的软件安装(例如,Windows 上的 Nullsoft Scriptable Install System(NSIS));我们将至少介绍每个平台上的一个生成器,并展示每种情况下所需的 CPack 命令。
在我们开始向 CMakeLists.txt
文件中添加任何 CPack 命令之前,还有一个我们之前忽略的最终话题需要讨论,那就是如何确保我们加载的资源文件可以相对于可执行文件被找到。
在 Minimal CMake 中,我们几乎一直从终端启动应用程序,但我们必须非常小心从哪里启动应用程序。从 app
),将目录切换到 install/bin
文件夹并从那里启动应用程序也可以正常工作(这是因为我们确保将着色器复制到 install
Shaders not found. Have you built them using compile-shader-<platform>.sh/bat script?
很可能你已经构建了着色器(特别是在我们在 第八章 中添加了自定义命令来自动为我们完成此操作之后,使用超级构建简化入门);问题是,当从主目录运行时,我们的应用程序会在 ~/shaders/build
中寻找着色器,而不是在 path/to/app/install/bin/shaders/build
中。与 Windows 相比,macOS 和 Linux 上的情况要更复杂一些。在 Windows 上通过图形界面启动应用程序时,工作目录默认会设置为包含可执行文件的文件夹,但在 macOS 和 Linux 上,工作目录会是用户的主目录(~/
为了解决这个问题,我们需要更新我们的应用程序,使其相对于可执行文件加载资源文件,而不是当前工作目录。为了实现这一点,我们需要查询应用程序在运行时的当前目录。根据使用的平台不同,这有多种方法(例如,macOS 上的 _NSGetExecutablePath
,Linux 上的 readlink
,Windows 上的 GetModuleFileName
,以及其他一些替代方法)。幸运的是,既然我们使用的是 SDL 2,我们可以使用一个名为 SDL_GetBasePath
的工具函数(更多信息请参见 wiki.libsdl.org/SDL2/SDL_GetBasePath
),它可以为我们处理所有这些跨平台的情况(它还处理了 macOS 特定的包的差异)。
├── minimal-cmake_game-of-life_window
└── shader
├── fs_vertcol.bin
└── vs_vertcol.bin
${CMAKE_COMMAND} -E copy_directory
bin files, we will use the install DIRECTORY option, FILES_MATCHING, with the PATTERN match kind (this uses a glob matching pattern; for more complex cases, it’s possible to use REGEX and provide a regular expression instead). Note that we also added a trailing forward slash at the end of build on the first line to ensure that we only copy the folder’s contents, not the folder itself.
These are the only changes we need to make to our `CMakeLists.txt` file; let’s now turn our attention to `main.cpp`. The change we need to make to this is small and self-contained, as shown in the following snippet:
char* base_path = SDL_GetBasePath();
std::string vs_shader_full_path;
We first call `SDL_GetBasePath()` to get the path to where our executable is running, and then we use the `std::string` C++ type for convenience to build a path to the file we want to load (there is undoubtedly a faster and more efficient method, using C++17’s filesystem library and/or `std::string_view`, but this is intended as a quick, simple example). Once we have the full path to our file, we can pass it to our existing `read_file` function, and when we’ve finished using it, we need to clean up `base_path` using `SDL_free`, as we’re responsible for managing its lifetime.
With these changes applied, it’s now possible to launch our application from Finder on macOS, GNOME on Linux (the default Ubuntu desktop), and through File Explorer on Windows. With the relative loading of assets out of the way, we now have everything we need to start adding CPack support to our application.
Integrating CPack
Integrating CPack is deceptively simple; the majority of the work comes from the `install` commands we’ve already covered. The process involves setting several CPack-related variables (beginning with the `CPACK_` prefix) to project-specific values, and then adding `include(CPack)` at the very end of our `CMakeLists.txt` file. In fact, with the current state of our `CMakeLists.txt` file from `ch10/part-1/app`, it’s possible to just add `include(CPack)` at the end, and then running `cpack` will do something useful.
One quick reminder is that CPack will default to installing a `Release` build, so ensure that you’ve built the `Release` configuration of the application; otherwise, invoking `cpack` will produce an error resembling the following:
文件 INSTALL 无法找到
To invoke `cpack` directly, you need to tell it where to find a newly generated file called `CPackConfig.cmake`. This file gets created after running a CMake configure step when the `include(CPack)` command is added to our `CMakeLists.txt` file. `CPackConfig.cmake` will appear at the root of the build folder; it’s also usually sensible to provide a directory for the packaged files to be added to (similarly to how we provide a build folder for CMake to store our build files).
The following is an example of invoking CPack after we’ve configured and built our project (e.g., by running `cmake --workflow --``preset multi-ninja-super`):
cpack --config build/multi-ninja-super/--config 提供 CPackConfig.cmake 文件的路径,然后使用 -B 创建一个名为 package 的新文件夹来存储打包后的文件。调用 CPack 将根据平台产生不同的结果,类似于 CMake,因为每个平台都会有自己的默认生成器(在这种情况下,是包生成器而不是构建系统生成器)。我们可以像在 CMake 中一样使用 -G 来指定使用哪种生成器。
CPack 的真正复杂性(在核心 `install` 逻辑完成后)来自于配置你关心的具体生成器(运行 `cpack --help` 将列出你所在平台上所有可用的生成器)。为了限定各种生成器的范围,我们将为每个平台选择一个最适合该平台上应用程序安装方式的生成器。一个完整的工作示例已在 `ch10/part-2/app/CMakeLists.txt` 中给出,并且包含一个新的 `packaging` 文件夹,里面有特定于包的资产和文件。我们将首先介绍常见的 `CPACK_` 变量设置,然后依次讲解每个平台。
CPack 常见属性
除了 `include(CPack)` 命令外,还有许多 CPack 变量可以设置,用来配置打包项目的各种设置。有些变量是所有 CPack 生成器共享的(完整的列表可以在 [`cmake.org/cmake/help/latest/module/CPack.html#variables-common-to-all-cpack-generators`](https://cmake.org/cmake/help/latest/module/CPack.html#variables-common-to-all-cpack-generators) 查阅),还有些变量是特定于某个生成器的——例如,macOS 上的 CPack Bundle 生成器以 `CPACK_BUNDLE_` 开头(它的完整变量列表可以在 [`cmake.org/cmake/help/latest/cpack_gen/bundle.html`](https://cmake.org/cmake/help/latest/cpack_gen/bundle.html) 查阅)。并非所有通用的 CPack 变量都适用于每个生成器,但它们会适用于多个生成器(例如,`CPACK_PACKAGE_EXECUTABLES` 就被 NSIS、WiX 和 Inno Setup 生成器使用)。
我们将从最基本的常见变量开始(还有许多其他变量被省略;你可以随意尝试这些变量并将它们添加到你未来的项目中)。我们将首先指定的是 `CPACK_PACKAGE_NAME`:
set(CPACK_PACKAGE_NAME "minimal-cmake_game-of-life")
这是非常重要的,并且几乎所有 CPack 生成器都会使用。如果省略此项,目标名称将被用作包名称。在我们的案例中,我们将其设置为 `"minimal-cmake_game-of-life"`(这里要特别注意,名称中不能有空格,因为如果有空格,某些平台/生成器在安装时可能会失败)。
我们将使用的下一个常见变量(仅用于 Windows NSIS 安装程序)是 `CPACK_PACKAGE_EXECUTABLES`:
PROJECT_NAME) and the second is a friendly name for the application once the package has been installed by a user (this makes sure things such as the Start Menu icon on Windows has this name).
That’s it for the common variables; we could specify other properties about the project, such as the version, description, and vendor, but we’ll skip those for now. Next, we’re going to look at our Windows NSIS installer and what other variables are needed.
The CPack Windows NSIS package
To create something that resembles a traditional Windows installer for our application, we’re going to use the NSIS package. If you don’t already have this installed, you can download it from [`nsis.sourceforge.io/Download`](https://nsis.sourceforge.io/Download) (the examples in this book were tested with NSIS `3.10`). Once this is installed, specifying the NSIS generator in CPack should work (if you don’t have it installed, you’ll get an error that CPack can’t find NSIS).
The NSIS installer should more or less work out of the box with our current setup; all we need to do is run the following command (the exact build folder shown here, `build/multi-ninja`, may differ in your case):
cpack --config build/multi-ninja/CPackConfig.cmake -G package。运行安装程序将引导我们完成一系列步骤,然后将安装文件复制到 C:\Program Files\minimal-cmake_game-of-life 0.1.1。开始菜单快捷方式也会添加到 C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\minimal-cmake_game-of-life 0.1.1。
我们设置的两个初始`CPACK_NSIS_`变量是为了给安装程序的欢迎屏幕一个友好的标题,并确保在高 DPI 显示器上显示清晰:
set(CPACK_NSIS_PACKAGE_NAME "Minimal CMake - Game of Life")
我们首先需要创建一个符合 Windows 预期格式的图标。一个非常棒的工具是`.ico`文件,位于`ch10/part-2/app/packaging/windows`,名为`mc_icon.ico`,但了解如何为自己的图标执行此操作未来会很有帮助。
一旦图标文件可用,我们需要添加一个特定于 NSIS CPack 的变量来引用它。这个 CPack 选项是`CPACK_NSIS_MUI_ICON`:
这将把我们创建的图标与 NSIS 安装程序关联起来,因此在通过安装程序时,我们将在窗口的左上角和 Windows 任务栏看到该图标。但是,这不会为安装后的应用程序创建图标。为此,我们需要暂时跳出 CPack,并在我们的`CMakeLists.txt`文件中做一个小更新。我们还必须添加一个 Windows 所需的额外文件。
我们需要添加的文件叫做资源定义脚本,以`.rc`扩展名结尾(要了解更多关于 Windows 资源文件的信息,请访问[`learn.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/menurc/about-resource-files`](https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/menurc/about-resource-files))。
IDI_ICON1 ICON "mc_icon.ico"
${PROJECT_NAME} PRIVATE packaging/windows/icon.rc)
通过这个更改,我们将看到应用程序的开始菜单和桌面快捷方式使用的图标。有更多的 CPack NSIS 选项可以进一步自定义安装程序体验,我们暂时跳过这些;完整列表请访问[`cmake.org/cmake/help/latest/cpack_gen/nsis.html`](https://cmake.org/cmake/help/latest/cpack_gen/nsis.html)。
另一个需要注意的小细节,虽然这略微超出了 CPack 的范围,但属于让我们的应用程序准备好发布的范畴,那就是隐藏启动应用程序时出现的控制台窗口。这一点可能之前不太显眼,因为我们大部分时间都是从终端启动应用程序。你可能已经注意到,当从 Windows GUI 启动时,会在后台出现一个控制台窗口,显示我们添加的调试控制台输出。这个窗口在开发过程中可能很有用,但对于 `Release` 版本来说,最好将其隐藏。可以通过将 `WIN32_EXECUTABLE` 属性传递给 `set_target_properties` 来实现,并确保只有在 CMake 配置设置为 `Release` 时才进行设置。
if(WIN32) block to ensure that we only set these values on Windows (see ch10/part-2/app/CMakeLists.txt for the complete example). Here’s another quick reminder that using Visual Studio Code’s part-<n>/ folders for each chapter).
The last (and optional) change we can make to our `CMakeLists.txt` file is to add a desktop shortcut for our application. This can be achieved by using `CPACK_NSIS_EXTRA_INSTALL_COMMANDS` and `CPACK_NSIS_EXTRA_UNINSTALL_COMMANDS`. The following snippet shows how this is done:
"CreateShortCut 'INSTDIR\\bin\${PROJECT_NAME}.exe'")
We use the `CreateShortCut` command to create a shortcut on the user’s desktop, named `Minimal CMake - Game of Life.lnk`, and link it to the name of the executable in its install location.
The abundance of backslashes unfortunately isn’t a typo; they are needed to escape the backslash character at multiple stages. To represent a literal backslash in CMake, it must be escaped by using a backslash character (`\`), and NSIS also expects the path it uses to be separated by backslashes, and they too need to be escaped. The processing of the path reduces the backslashes from 4 to 2, and finally to 1 (by the time NSIS sees the path). This is a bit ugly and confusing, but unfortunately, there isn’t much we can do about it.
With that final change, we’re done crafting our Windows installer. There’s more we can add, but this should give you a solid base to work from when building your own installers in the future.
Figure 10.1: The Windows NSIS installer
To package our application on Windows using the NSIS installer, use the following command from `ch10/part-2/app` (remembering to have first configured and built a `Release` configuration of the application):
cpack --config build/multi-ninja/CPackConfig.cmake -G NSIS64 -B package
This will create an executable installer, and running it will install *Minimal CMake – Game of Life* in your `Program Files` directory, like any other application you might install (a quick note that administrator privileges are required to install to `Program Files`). An uninstaller is also generated, which makes it easy to remove the application and associated shortcuts in the future.
The CPack macOS bundle package
We are now going to look at the commands needed to package an application bundle on macOS. In this section, we’re going to show how to use the `Bundle` generator. There is another approach we’ll touch on later in the chapter that shows how to build a macOS bundle directly (this works a little differently from how we’ve configured things so far and differs significantly from other platforms, so using it will depend on your exact situation and preference).
The good news is that the `CMakeLists.txt` changes are confined to a single block, as shown here:
set(CPACK_BUNDLE_NAME "Minimal CMake - Game of Life")
We’ll walk through each line to understand what it’s doing and why it’s needed:
* The first line (`CPACK_BUNDLE_NAME`) simply sets the name of the application bundle. This is the name that will appear inside the bundle when it’s opened and dragged to the application folder.
* The second line (`CPACK_BUNDLE_PLIST`) refers to an information property list (`info.plist` for short) that is used to store metadata about the application. This is the mechanism used by macOS and iOS to store configuration information for applications (to learn more about information property lists, go to [`developer.apple.com/library/archive/documentation/General/Reference/InfoPlistKeyReference/Introduction/Introduction.html`](https://developer.apple.com/library/archive/documentation/General/Reference/InfoPlistKeyReference/Introduction/Introduction.html)). There’s a lot of properties that can be added to this file, but for our purposes, we only need one for the time being, and that’s the `CFBundleIconFile` property. This will refer to the icon file in the bundle, which will share the name of the bundle (this is different from the name of the icon file (`gol.icns`) before packaging; the `.icns` file is renamed to match the value of `CPACK_BUNDLE_NAME` inside the bundle). The `info.plist` file will be added to the `Contents` folder of the bundle.
* The third variable (`CPACK_BUNDLE_ICON`) refers to the icon file to use for the bundle. The file we’re using here is `gol.icns`, which was generated by running the `generate-icons.sh` script in the packaging folder. It internally uses `sips` ([`ss64.com/mac/sips.html`](https://ss64.com/mac/sips.html)) on macOS to generate icons of increasing size (all power of 2 dimensions) from a source image (for things to work, ensure that the source image you use is 1,024 x 1,024 pixels in size), and then it uses `iconutil` ([`www.unix.com/man-page/osx/1/iconutil/`](https://www.unix.com/man-page/osx/1/iconutil/)) to create the `.icns` file for CPack (and our `info.plist` file) to refer to. With these changes, we’ll get an icon for our bundle and application after it’s installed.
* The last variable (`CPACK_BUNDLE_STARTUP_COMMAND`) holds a path to a small helper startup script to ensure that we can launch our application from the bundle. This file will be copied to `Contents/MacOS` inside the bundle.
The content of the file it refers to (`bundle-run.sh`) is as follows:
cd "0")"
The first line changes the directory to the location of the script that’s currently running (so we’ll end up in the bundle’s `Contents/MacOS` folder), and the second line launches our executable (all resources will then load relative to it). It’s a little unconventional but works well when dealing with a cross-platform `CMakeLists.txt` file.
To package our application on macOS using the bundle generator, navigate to `ch10/part2/app`, and then run the following command (again, remember to build the application in the `Release` configuration first):
cpack --config build/multi-ninja/CPackConfig.cmake -B package -G .dmg 文件),该文件可以打开,之后将打包的应用程序拖到“应用程序”文件夹中进行安装(只需将应用程序从“应用程序”文件夹移动到 macOS Bin 中即可卸载它)。
图 10.2:macOS 磁盘映像
还有其他方法可以自定义已挂载磁盘映像的外观,例如创建自定义的 `.DS_Store` 文件,并使用 `CPACK_DMG_DS_STORE` 变量来引用它。请参阅 `ch10/part-4/app/CMakeLists.txt` 和 `ch10/part-4/app/packaging/macos/custom_DS_Store` 了解示例。
CPack Linux Debian 包
现在我们将回顾 `ch10/part-2/app` 中的 `CMakeLists.txt` 文件的更改,以了解支持 Linux 上 Debian(`.deb`)安装程序所做的添加。
好消息是这些更改是有限的。第一个更改类似于我们在 Windows 上所做的操作,目的是确保安装后应用程序会显示图标。这一次,我们需要添加两个额外的`install`命令,分别用于复制 Linux `.desktop` 文件(负责应用程序出现在 Linux GUI 中)和相关的 `.png` 图像到安装位置:
FILES ${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/packaging/linux/mc-gol.desktop
FILES packaging/linux/mc-gol-logo.png
在这个例子中,我们使用了 Debian 包生成器;当我们安装包时,文件将被复制到平台标准位置(`/usr/share/icons`、`/usr/share/applications`、`/usr/bin`等)。这样做的好处是,我们不需要在`.desktop`文件中硬编码绝对路径,因为可执行文件和图标可以在预期的位置找到。
[Desktop Entry]
Name=Minimal CMake - Game of Life
Comment=Interactive Game of Life simulation
为了支持 Linux 上的 Debian 包,我们唯一需要做的代码更改是提供包的维护者名称。可以使用以下命令来实现:
set(CPACK_DEBIAN_PACKAGE_MAINTAINER "<maintainer-email>")
这是一个有用的方法,用户可以在遇到问题或有反馈时联系包的所有者/维护者。此字段是必须提供的;否则,CPack 会返回错误并且不会生成 Debian 包。
应用这些更改到我们的`CMakeLists.txt`文件后,我们现在可以运行 CPack 并提供 DEB 包生成器。在构建项目的发布配置(例如,`cmake --build build/multi-ninja --config Release`)之后,只需从`ch10/part-2/app`目录运行以下命令:
cpack --config build/multi-ninja/CPackConfig.cmake -G .deb file in the package folder. To install the package to the system, use the following command:
sudo dpkg -i package/minimal-cmake_game-of-life-0.1.1-Linux.deb
This will install the package and make it available in your path; it can be launched by typing `minimal-cmake_game-of-life_window` from the terminal (try changing the directory to your `$HOME`*/*`~` folder and launching it), or by navigating to `Minimal CMake – Game` `of Life`.
Figure 10.3: The installed icon on Linux (Ubuntu)
The last important detail to cover is if we wish to uninstall an application from our system, we can do this by running the inverse of the `dpkg -i` command, which takes the following form:
sudo dpkg -P minimal-cmake_game-of-life
This will remove the executable, libraries, icons, and `.desktop` file from the system and restore it to the state it was before the package was installed.
That covers creating three separate package generators on three separate platforms. There are, of course, many more, and the packages we did create can continue to be improved and refined, but this should hopefully give a taste of how to use CPack and some of the details to be aware of.
In the next section, we’re going to spend a bit of time on a macOS-specific topic, relating to CMake’s built-in support for application bundles.
Building a macOS bundle
When looking at macOS in *The CPack macOS bundle package* section earlier, we used the CPack generator `Bundle` type to package our application’s build artifacts in a macOS bundle. There is, however, an interesting alternative that is worth briefly mentioning.
CMake provides an option to directly build an application as a macOS bundle. The setting is called `MACOSX_BUNDLE`, and it can be passed directly to `add_executable` or set separately with `set_target_properties`, as shown here:
${PROJECT_NAME} PROPERTIES Minimal CMake - Game of Life.app 位于 build/.app
文件只是一个包含所有这些文件的文件夹;唯一的区别是它以一个稍微整洁的包的形式呈现。从 Finder 中,如果右键点击.app
文件并点击 CMakeLists.txt 文件(查看 ch10/part-3/app/CMakeLists.txt 以查看完整示例)。
可执行文件最终会被放入一个名为 `MacOS` 的文件夹中,我们的共享库(`.dylib` 文件)会被添加到名为 `Frameworks` 的文件夹中。最后,我们的着色器(以及 `.icns` 文件)会被添加到一个名为 `Resources` 的文件夹中。这个布局是 macOS 应用程序的标准布局,CMake 使得支持它相对容易。值得一提的改动是对 `set_target_properties` 的 `INSTALL_RPATH` 命令进行了小的更新,将 `Frameworks` 添加到搜索路径中:
$<$<PLATFORM_ID:Darwin>:@loader_path;.dylib files relative to its location, without the files needing to be in the same folder. We also used an add_custom_target command to create the Frameworks folder for us before we tried to copy any files there:
create_frameworks_directory ALL
${CMAKE_COMMAND} -E make_directory
COMMENT "创建 Frameworks 目录")
${PROJECT_NAME} create_frameworks_directory)
We use `add_dependencies` to ensure that this happens before our main executable is built (`${PROJECT_NAME}` will depend on the `create_frameworks_directory` target, ensuring that `create_frameworks_directory` happens first).
We can forgo a lot of our install commands in the case of a macOS bundle because it handles copying all the files to the correct location internally; for the install step, we just need to install `BUNDLE`:
install(TARGETS ${PROJECT_NAME} if(APPLE) block. 我们使用 CMake 的 set_source_files_properties 命令来设置各种文件的包位置(这包括我们的着色器文件,vs_vertcol.bin 和 fs_vertcol.bin 以及新的 gol.icns 文件)。这些文件被复制到 Resources/shader 文件夹和包内 Contents 文件夹中的 Resources 文件夹(.app 文件)。
shader/build/vs_vertcol.bin shader/build/fs_vertcol.bin
${PROJECT_NAME} PRIVATE shader/build/vs_vertcol.bin
设置 MACOSX_BUNDLE 为 TRUE 后,CMake 将使用位于 /Applications/CMake.app/Contents/share/cmake-3.28/Modules(CMAKE_MODULE_PATH)中的一个名为 MacOSXBundleInfo.plist.in 的 Info.plist 模板文件,而不是我们自己创建 Info.plist 文件。然后可以使用 set_target_properties 提供多个 MACOSX_BUNDLE_ 属性来覆盖这些值(完整列表请参见 https://cmake.org/cmake/help/latest/prop_tgt/MACOSX_BUNDLE_INFO_PLIST.html)。
在我们的例子中,我们设置了一些通常有用的属性;对于我们的用途,`MACOSX_BUNDLE_ICON_FILE` 是最显著的,它确保我们的应用程序具有独特的外观。下面展示了部分命令:
PROPERTIES OUTPUT_NAME "Minimal CMake - Game of Life"
"Minimal CMake - Game of Life"
也可以通过提供一个自定义的 `Info.plist` 文件并使用 `MACOSX_BUNDLE_INFO_PLIST` 从我们的 `CMakeLists.txt` 文件中引用它,来覆盖模板。
唯一剩下的变化是从我们的 `CMakeLists.txt` 文件中移除了 `set(CPACK_BUNDLE_...` 调用,因为它们不再需要。通过这些更改,我们可以将应用程序构建为 macOS 包,并且在打包应用程序时,不再使用之前的 `Bundle` 生成器,而是可以使用 `DragNDrop` 生成器。这里展示了一个示例:
cpack --config build/multi-ninja/CPackConfig.cmake \
-B package -G CPACK_DMG_... variables. As mentioned earlier, when discussing the Bundle generator, these values can be used to further customize the macOS disk image (for example, CPACK_DMG_DS_STORE can be used to refer to a customized .DS_Store file to provide a custom layout; for more information, see https://cmake.org/cmake/help/latest/cpack_gen/dmg.html and ch10/part-4/app as an example). It’s worth highlighting that the previous Bundle generator we used inherits from DragNDrop, which is why the CPACK_DMG_... settings can also be used to customize the .dmg file when using the Bundle generator.
When building macOS applications that are going to be installed and launched through Finder, using the `MACOSX_BUNDLE` approach is incredibly useful and a sensible option to take. However, it does make maintaining a cross-platform application a little more complicated, as things behave quite differently between platforms. Whether you choose to use it or not will depend on your specific use case. Hopefully, showing how both approaches can be used is useful (`ch10/part-3/app` contains a full example for reference). For the remaining part of this chapter, we’ll switch back to the approach shown in `part-2` to help keep things more consistent across Windows, macOS, and Linux.
Adding CPack presets
Before closing out this chapter, it’s worth covering one more useful topic when it comes to CPack, and that’s its support for CMake presets. CMake provides the package presets (`packagePresets`) field in `CMakePresets.json`, and various CPack options can be set there, instead of from the command line or inside our `CMakeLists.txt` file.
The upshot of this is that we don’t have to write the following on macOS:
cpack --config build/multi-ninja/CPackConfig.cmake -B package -G Bundle
We can instead write this:
cpack –preset macos
This will use the preconfigured options we’ve set for macOS; an example listing is shown here:
"packagePresets": [
"name": "base",
"configurePreset": "multi-ninja-super",
"packageDirectory": "${sourceDir}/package",
"hidden": true
"name": "macos",
"condition": {
"type": "equals",
"lhs": "${hostSystemName}",
"rhs": "Darwin"
"generators": ["Bundle"],
"inherits": ["base"]
We start with a base preset that can be shared across multiple package presets (one for each platform), and then we set the package directory to `${sourceDir}/package` so that we can omit `-B package` from the command line. We must also provide `configurePreset` so that CPack knows which build folder to use (this is because the build folder is specified by the configure preset). We then provide our actual preset; the preceding example is for macOS, but presets are added for each platform in `ch10/part-4/app/CMakePresets.json`. By using the `condition` property, we ensure that this preset only appears when running on macOS, and we also provide the explicit generator to use (in this case, `Bundle`).
The other useful thing about package presets is that they can be included in workflow presets, making it possible to configure, build, test, and package all with one command.
As CPack requires the `Release` configuration to be compiled (`-DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release` when configuring with a single-config generator, or `--config Release` when building with a multi-config generator), we skip the testing preset in the packaging workflow, as we explicitly build it in a `Debug` configuration (see the `multi-ninja-super-test` build preset in `ch10/part-4/app/CMakePresets.json`).
The following is an example of the workflow preset for Linux:
"name": "multi-ninja-super-package-linux",
"steps": [
"type": "configure",
"name": "multi-ninja-super"
"type": "build",
"name": "multi-ninja-super"
"type": "package",
"name": "linux"
This can be invoked by using the following command (run from `ch10/part-4/app`):
cmake --workflow --preset \
At the time of writing, workflow presets do not currently support the `condition` property we used for other presets. This means that it’s not possible to hide the workflow presets for other platforms, but they will fail to run, as we’ve specified which package preset is allowed on which platform already. It is possible that workflow presets will be updated in the future to inherit `condition` properties from the steps they use; however, there is no timeframe for when this may happen. This topic is an ongoing area of discussion within the CMake community.
Other uses for CPack
In addition to the main packaging and installer logic we’ve covered so far in this chapter, there are a couple more uses for CPack that are worth mentioning briefly. The first is the ability to use a standard archive format (such as `.zip`, `.7z`, or `.tar.gz`) to create a snapshot of an application at a certain point in time. It might be useful to do this to share a work-in-progress build with someone before sending them a full installer (running the application from the extracted folder will work and will not affect the wider system). It can also be useful to keep an archive of builds for milestones or releases you can then go back to easily in the future (this is commonly done in the *Tags and Releases* section of projects on GitHub. A good example is a tool such as `ripgrep` ([`github.com/BurntSushi/ripgrep/releases`](https://github.com/BurntSushi/ripgrep/releases)). For a full list of archive formats (and other package generators), run `cpack --help`.
There is also one more file generated by CPack that we haven’t covered yet, and that’s `CPackSourceConfig.cmake`. By providing this file to the `cpack` `--config` argument, it’s possible to create an archive of the source directory itself, not the built artifacts. We must do a little bit of work to tell CPack which files not to include, which we achieve by setting the `CPACK_SOURCE_IGNORE_FILES` variable before invoking the `include(CPack)` command.
The following is an example from `ch10/part-5/app/CMakeLists.txt`:
The `CPACK_SOURCE_IGNORE_FILES` variable uses regular expressions to match against the different file and folder paths to discount.
With this change, we can then run the following command to create a snapshot of the source directory if we wish:
cpack --config build/multi-ninja-super/CPackSourceConfig.cmake -G TGZ -B package-source
Instead of providing `CPackConfig.cmake` as we did earlier in the chapter, we pass `CPackSourceConfig.cmake`, as well as a package generator (`-G`) to use and a folder (`-B`) to add the archived file to. We could also configure a CMake preset to handle this by using the `configFile` entry to specify the source config file. The following is one way to do this (we’re using `ZIP` instead of `TGZ` as the package generator in this example):
"name": "source",
"generators": ["ZIP"],
"packageDirectory": "${sourceDir}/package-source",
"configFile": "CPackSourceConfig.cmake",
"inherits": ["base"]
Review `ch10/part-5/app/CMakePresets.json` to see this in context. It’s then possible to use `cpack --preset source` to create a source package.
You made it! Packaging was the last hurdle on our CMake journey. Making your application shareable with others is a significant achievement, and you now have everything you need to create a cross-platform application that’s easy to build and distribute. This is no small feat, and although there’s of course still plenty more to learn, you’re standing on a solid foundation and have the tools available to build your own applications from scratch.
In this chapter, we got to know CPack and how it integrates with our existing CMake scripts. We first learned how to handle loading files relative to our executable, an important detail to make sure that running our application from any location works reliably. We then took a tour of CPack, seeing how to provide packaging support for Windows, macOS, and Linux. This is essential for providing a familiar means for users to install your application, matching what they’ve come to expect from existing conventions on their platform. We then took a small detour to discuss building macOS bundles with CMake and the various improvements and trade-offs in doing so. We then looked at how to simplify CPack usage by taking advantage of CMake presets to configure and automate the packaging step, another key factor in keeping our projects clean and maintainable. We concluded by looking at some other uses of CPack, as well as how to package our project’s source and its build artifacts.
We’ve now covered all the main topics to get you up and running with CMake. In the final chapter, we’re going to cover useful tools available in the CMake ecosystem to make day-to-day development faster and easier. We’ll also touch on where to go next and introduce some topics we weren’t able to cover in detail in this book.
本章将介绍一些与 CMake 核心生态系统相辅相成的出色工具,帮助使 CMake 开发更加容易、快速和愉快。许多出色的项目扩展和增强了 CMake,了解这些工具可以显著改善你的开发体验。我们还将介绍一些其他流行的集成开发环境(IDE),并了解如何让它们与 CMake 兼容。
除此之外,我们还将介绍一些关于开发 C/C++应用程序的推荐实践,以及 CMake 如何帮助实现这些目标,最后还会提供一些关于如何组织 CMake 脚本的建议。最后,我们将展望未来,介绍一些本书未能涵盖的 CMake 话题,并告诉你可以在哪里深入学习这些内容。
Visual Studio Code 的 CMake 工具
Visual Studio Code 附加功能
CMake 与其他 IDE 的配合
CMake 脚本结构
一台运行最新操作系统(OS)的 Windows、Mac 或 Linux 机器
一款可用的 C/C++编译器(如果你尚未安装,建议使用平台的系统默认编译器)
Visual Studio Code 的 CMake 工具
在本书开头,我们推荐使用Visual Studio Code作为首选编辑器,以确保无论你是在 Windows、macOS 还是 Linux 上开发,都能获得一致的体验。这完全是可选的,但使用 CMake 与 Visual Studio Code 结合起来有很多优点。在本节中,我们将讨论如何最好地使用本书中的示例,并展示如何在 Visual Studio Code 中配置、构建和调试项目。
如果你按照第一章《入门》中的Visual Studio Code 设置部分进行操作,你将已经通过C/C++扩展包安装了CMake Tools。
导航 Minimal CMake 源代码
为了能够在Minimal CMake源代码中进行导航,建议从仓库的根目录打开一个 Visual Studio Code 项目。这可以通过克隆仓库,然后从该目录打开 Visual Studio Code 来实现:
cd <your-dev-folder>
git clone https://github.com/PacktPublishing/Minimal-CMake.git mc
code mc
文件夹(cd mc
),然后运行code .
从该目录打开 Visual Studio Code。
这对于浏览示例以及比较各部分之间的差异和更新非常有用,但遗憾的是,它不适合构建和运行各个示例。为了获得更具代表性的使用 CMake Tools 在 Visual Studio Code 中配置、构建和调试示例的体验,最好为每个包含根级 CMakeLists.txt
文件的目录打开一个新的 Visual Studio Code 实例。例如,在某些后续示例的情况下,你可以在终端中切换到 ch10/part-5/app
目录,然后从该文件夹输入 code .
(或者如果你在仓库根目录,可以直接输入 code ch10/part-5/app
);这就是你通常与 CMake 项目合作的方式。随附的源代码由多个随着时间演变的嵌套项目组成;每个 ch<n>/part-<n>
除了之前描述的工作流外,Visual Studio Code 还支持多根工作区(有关更多信息,请参见 code.visualstudio.com/docs/editor/multi-root-workspaces
)。要激活多根工作区,你可以通过命令面板使用 工作区:添加文件夹到工作区… 选项,或者导航到 文件 菜单并选择 添加文件夹到工作区...。
图 11.1:添加文件夹到工作区… 选项
然后,你可以选择一个包含 CMakeLists.txt
文件的文件夹,在该文件夹中运行示例(在书中的后续示例中,通常是 app
文件夹)。以下是一个示例,展示了 Visual Studio Code EXPLORER 中的工作区视图:
图 11.2:EXPLORER 中的多工作区视图
你可以保存工作区并跟踪其中的文件夹。如果选择这样做,一个新文件将会以与工作区同名并带有 .code-workspace
文件扩展名的方式创建。还可以为文件夹添加显示名称,这在多个位置的文件夹具有相同名称时尤其有用(例如,之前提到的底部两个子文件夹,如果没有名称覆盖,它们将被称为 app
以下是之前显示的工作区中 .code-workspace
"folders": [
"name": "minimal-cmake",
"path": "."
"name": "ch8_part-2_app",
"path": "ch8/part-2/app"
"name": "ch11_part-3_app",
"path": "ch11/part-3/app"
"settings": {}
Visual Studio Code 的 CMake Tools 扩展也支持多根工作区,并使得通过 CMake Tools 扩展侧边栏中的 项目大纲 部分在工作区之间切换成为可能(只需点击齿轮图标以设置活动工作区)。多根工作区对于将多个项目保存在一个单一仓库中非常方便。
在 Visual Studio Code 中,如果你打开了某个文件夹的项目视图,例如:
cd ch2/part-1
code .
按下 F1
会打开命令面板。在命令面板中输入 CMake,会显示所有通过 Visual Studio Code CMake 工具扩展提供的 CMake 命令。在那里,你可以搜索诸如 configure
和 build
图 11.3:CMake 工具的配置和构建命令
在 Visual Studio Code 的侧边栏中,还有一个非常方便的 CMake 工具面板,提供了一系列选项,允许你在 Visual Studio Code 内部配置、构建、测试、调试和启动应用程序:
图 11.4:Visual Studio Code 的 CMake 工具面板
将鼠标悬停在每一行时,右侧会显示一个可以按下的图标,以执行相应的操作。这比在 Visual Studio Code 中为没有使用 CMake 的 C/C++ 应用程序配置 launch.json
使用 macOS 的用户可能会遇到 lldb-mi
的问题。解决方法是在你的工作区或用户的 settings.json
文件中提供 miDebuggerPath
"cmake.debugConfig": {
"miDebuggerPath": "/Users/<username>/.vscode/extensions/ms-vscode.cpptools-1.21.6-darwin-arm64/debugAdapters/lldb-mi/bin/lldb-mi"
要打开 settings.json
文件,只需按下 F1
以打开命令面板,然后搜索 settings
,并选择 首选项:打开用户设置(JSON) 或 首选项:打开工作区设置(JSON),具体取决于你想在哪设置选项(全系统,或仅此工作区)。
如果因为某些原因,CMake 的 launch.json
文件和手动设置可执行文件位置以及工作目录,操作方法是进入 Visual Studio Code 的 运行与调试 面板,按下 创建一个 launch.json 文件。
图 11.5:Visual Studio Code 的运行与调试面板
会打开 launch.json
,或者打开命令面板,提供选择调试器的选项。这将根据你所使用的平台有所不同。如果你先使用 CMake 配置和构建,那么会显示 C++ 调试器(如果没有构建文件夹,则只会显示默认选项)。
// Use IntelliSense to learn about possible attributes.
// Hover to view descriptions of existing attributes.
// For more information, visit: https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=830387
"version": "0.2.0",
"configurations": []
屏幕右下角有一个名为 添加配置... 的按钮,点击它会显示调试选项列表。根据你的平台选择最合适的选项,例如:
macOS:{} C/C++:(****lldb) 启动
Windows:{} C/C++:(****Windows) 启动
Linux:{} C/C++:(****gdb) 启动
应该设置为您希望应用程序运行的工作目录(在大多数情况下,这将与 ${workspaceFolder}
这里展示了一个 macOS 配置示例:
"name": "(lldb) Launch",
"type": "cppdbg",
"request": "launch",
"program": "${workspaceFolder}/build/Debug/minimal-cmake_game-of-life",
"args": [],
"stopAtEntry": false,
"cwd": "${workspaceFolder}",
"environment": [],
"externalConsole": false,
"MIMode": "lldb"
通过这个更改,按下 F5 或者在 RUN AND DEBUG 侧边栏面板中点击 Start Debugging 播放符号将启动应用程序,并允许您设置断点并逐步调试代码。接下来,我们将看看 CMake 预设如何与 Visual Studio Code 集成。
Visual Studio Code 和 CMake 预设
Visual Studio Code 在配置和构建阶段的处理方式与 CMake 从命令行本地处理方式类似(根据生成器做出最佳猜测,并为诸如 build
文件夹之类的事项选择一些合理的默认值,默认情况下该文件夹设置为 ${workspaceFolder}/build
好消息是,Visual Studio Code 在利用 CMake 预设的项目中表现得更好。如果项目根目录下存在 CMakePresets.json
文件,当您在 Visual Studio Code 中通过 CMake Tools 扩展点击配置按钮时,命令面板会提示您首先选择一个预设。它还提供了创建全新预设的选项。如果选择了预设,项目将使用该预设中定义的所有设置进行配置。输出会显示在 OUTPUT 窗口中,通常位于 Visual Studio Code 窗口的底部:
图 11.6: Visual Studio Code CMake – 配置输出
点击 Build 图标(出现在 CMake Tools 扩展中的 Build 标题旁边),然后会为我们构建应用程序,如果点击播放图标(当悬停在 CMake Tools 扩展中的 Debug 或 Launch 标题上时显示),应用程序将启动。Debug 功能特别有用,因为您可以在 Visual Studio Code 中设置断点,并使用 VARIABLES 和 WATCH 窗口查看程序中变量的状态。
命令需要添加到我们的 CMakeLists.txt
文件中(紧接着 include(CTest)
后添加即可)。虽然从命令行使用 ctest
可以正常工作,但为了使 Visual Studio Code 中的功能顺利运行,这个命令是必须的。
在打包方面,不幸的是,CMake Tools 不会尊重我们用来隐藏其他平台打包配置的 "condition"
属性。这意味着在 CMake Tools 中查看时,打包预设将会丢失。要恢复它们,只需从 CMakePresets.json
文件中的包预设中删除 "condition"
例如,您需要从 windows
"condition": {
"type": "equals",
"lhs": "${hostSystemName}",
"rhs": "Windows"
图 11.7:CMake Tools 中列出的包预设
图 11.8:从命令面板选择包预设
这是一个小小的不便,希望在未来版本的 CMake Tools 中修复。有关我们项目的示例,已做了小调整以使其完全兼容 CMake Tools,请参见ch11/part-1/app
调试 CMakeLists.txt 文件
文件的目录中的 Visual Studio Code 后,打开命令面板(F1 或 Cmd + Shift + P 在 macOS 上,Ctrl + Shift + P 在 Windows/Linux 上),搜索CMake Debugger
;这将显示CMake:使用 CMake 调试器配置选项。在此之前,如果你添加了一些断点(要添加断点,点击 Visual Studio Code 文本编辑器的左侧边距,位于行号左侧,或位于侧边栏的右侧),执行将在此停止,你可以使用变量和观察窗口更好地了解脚本处理时的状态。
图 11.9 显示了你可以期待的一个例子。在其中,我们在一个 APPLE
图 11.9:Visual Studio Code CMake 调试器
命令的调用无法直接处理我们的文件。为了解决这个问题,只需创建另一个常规构建(使用常规 CMake 预设之一,如multi-ninja
并浏览文档来了解更多关于 CMake Tools 的信息。还可以通过访问code.visualstudio.com/docs/cpp/cmake-linux
来获取另一个关于如何设置 CMake 和 Visual Studio Code 的视角。
Visual Studio Code 附加功能
本节涵盖了一些与 Visual Studio Code 和 CMake 密切相关的有用工具和功能,这些工具和功能可以简化开发,并且在未来的项目中可能会非常有用。
第一个是一个有用的扩展,它提供了 CMakeLists.txt
和 .cmake
文件的语法高亮。该扩展名为 twxs.cmake
。你可以从 marketplace.visualstudio.com/items?itemName=twxs.cmake
下载,或者从 Visual Studio Code 的侧边栏扩展管理器中下载。它不仅提供语法高亮,还提供有用的代码片段和自动补全功能。
生成 compile_commands.json
当使用 Ninja 或 Make 生成器时,可以向 CMake 提供一个缓存变量,叫做 CMAKE_EXPORT_COMPILE_COMMANDS
,以启用生成名为 compile_commands.json
可以添加到 CMake 预设中,也可以在运行配置步骤时通过命令行传递,例如:
cmake -B build -G Ninja compile_commands.json, is a compilation database, which essentially describes how code is compiled, independent of the build system being used (for more information, see https://clang.llvm.org/docs/JSONCompilationDatabase.html). What’s useful about this file is it’s used by a variety of other tools to perform operations on your code (this covers things such as static analysis, improved editor support, such as navigation and refactoring, and code coverage analysis). Visual Studio Code can also use this file to give improved completions and navigation (e.g., Go to definition).
To set it, open the Command Palette, type `edit configurations`, and then select `"compileCommands"`, and set the value to something resembling `"${workspaceFolder}/build/multi-ninja/compile_commands.json"`. If the file can be found, the yellow squiggle underneath the path should disappear. In context, it looks like this:
"configurations": [
"compileCommands": "${workspaceFolder}/build/multi-ninja/compile_commands.json"
"version": 4
When using CMake Tools, this shouldn’t be strictly necessary, as the IntelliSense support from the `"ms-vscode.cmake-tools"` provider should work out of the box. However, knowing how to generate a `compile_commands.json` file is useful, as well as how to set it in Visual Studio Code to get improved suggestions/completions and navigation support.
Code auto-formatting
To make formatting your `CMakeLists.txt` files much easier, there is an application to automatically format your CMake files available called `cmake-format` (the repository is hosted on GitHub and can be found here: [`github.com/cheshirekow/cmake_format`](https://github.com/cheshirekow/cmake_format)).
It comes bundled as part of a Python package called `cmakelang`. To install it, first, ensure you have a recent version of Python installed on your system (to download the latest version of Python, please see [`www.python.org/downloads/`](https://www.python.org/downloads/)). On Linux/Ubuntu, you may wish to use a package manager to do this; it may also be necessary to run `sudo apt install python3-pip` before trying to install `cmake-format`.
Once Python and Pip (Python’s package manager) are downloaded and available in your path, you can run the following commands:
python3 -m pip install cmakelang
python3 -m pip install pyyaml # cmake-format 所需
You can then run `cmake-format` from the command line, passing the name of the `CMakeLists.txt` file you wish to format. On Linux (Ubuntu), you may first need to add `~/.local/bin` to your path, as this is the default location Pip installs executables and it might not already be in your path. To achieve this, simply add the following to your `.bashrc` file (found in your `$``HOME` directory):
export PATH="PATH"
When running `cmake-format` from the terminal, pass the `-i` command-line argument to have the file updated in place (if you don’t pass `-i`, the result of the formatting operation will be output to the console). An example command might look like the following:
cmake-format CMakeLists.txt -i
To take advantage of `cmake-format` inside of Visual Studio Code, you need to install the `cmake-format` Visual Studio Code extension. This can be installed either through Visual Studio Marketplace ([`marketplace.visualstudio.com/items?itemName=cheshirekow.cmake-format`](https://marketplace.visualstudio.com/items?itemName=cheshirekow.cmake-format)) or through the integrated Visual Studio Code extension manager. Once `cmake-format` is installed, running the `cmake-format` will process the open file. Unfortunately, at the time of writing, this does not seem to work reliably on Linux but should work on macOS and Windows.
There are several configuration options to control how the formatting looks; these are added to a file called `.cmake-format.yaml` that lives at the root of the project. (`cmake-format` will search up the folder structure until it finds a `.cmake-format.yaml` file. In the case of *Minimal CMake*, there’s just one file at the root of the repo used to format all examples.) The contents of the *Minimal CMake* `.cmake-format.yml` file are as follows:
line_width: 80
tab_size: 2
enable_sort: True
dangle_parens: False
dangle_align: 'prefix'
command_case: 'canonical'
keyword_case: 'upper'
line_ending: 'auto'
Feel free to experiment with different settings to find a style that works for you. To learn more about `cmake-format`, see the documentation available at [`cmake-format.readthedocs.io/en/latest/index.html`](https://cmake-format.readthedocs.io/en/latest/index.html). Regrettably, `cmake-format` is no longer under active maintenance, so it’s possible that if issues are discovered, fixes may not be forthcoming, and it may not be updated to handle newer versions of CMake. Even with that being the case, it’s still an incredibly useful tool, and infinitely superior to formatting things manually. There is also an alternative tool called `gersemi` ([`github.com/BlankSpruce/gersemi`](https://github.com/BlankSpruce/gersemi)), which also formats CMake code and is under active development; it may be worth exploring in the future.
Diff Folders
One last tool worth briefly mentioning is an extension called `build`, `build-third-party`, `install`, `package`, and `.vscode` folders to the Diff Folders exclude list (`l13Diff.exclude` in `settings.json`). The diff panel allows you to clearly view changes between multiple files at once.
Figure 11.10: Diff panel display in Diff Folders
The options along the top-left panel are useful for customizing the display to show all files, added files, changed files, or deleted files. Diff Folders can be a helpful companion tool when the built-in **Compare Active File With...** Visual Studio Code command is not sufficient.
CMake with other IDEs
Throughout this book, we’ve focused exclusively on Visual Studio Code, primarily because it provides a consistent experience across Windows, macOS, and Linux. It is sometimes necessary and useful to use an editor or IDE for a specific platform and knowing how to configure it to play nicely with CMake can be helpful. We’ll briefly cover a few useful settings for Visual Studio, Xcode, and CLion.
Visual Studio
If developing on Windows, using the fully-fledged Visual Studio development environment can be especially useful at times. *Visual Studio Community Edition* is completely free and comes with a host of useful features when developing in C++ (see *Chapter 1*, *Getting Started*, for instructions on how to install it).
When trying to run projects from within Visual Studio (especially examples from earlier parts of this book), things unfortunately might not work as expected. The reason for this is, by default, the working directory Visual Studio uses is the folder of the executable, not the project root that we relied on up until *Chapter 10*, *Packaging the Project for Sharing* (this is because we’d normally launch our executable from the command line).
To try things out, configure the project using the Visual Studio generator. This can either be done by using the `vs` preset in later chapters, or by specifying the generator directly:
cmake --preset vs # 选项 1
cmake -B build/vs -G "Visual Studio 17" # 选项 2
Depending on the `ch<n>/part<n>` directory you’re trying this from, you will need to have built the third-party dependencies first, either separately, or as part of a super build. For simplicity, in later examples, we’ll assume you’ve used `cmake --preset multi-ninja-super` to configure and build the project using Ninja, and then can use `cmake --preset vs` to create the Visual Studio generator files. It’s also possible to perform the super build using Visual Studio; there’s just a possibility it might take slightly longer than with Ninja:
cmake -B build/vs -G "Visual Studio 17" -DSUPERBUILD=ON
To open our project in Visual Studio, after running one of the configure steps mentioned previously, open the `build/vs` folder, and double-click the `.sln` file (for example, `minimal-cmake_game-of-life_window.sln`). When inside Visual Studio, the first thing we need to do is review the **Solution Explorer** window (by default, on the right of the screen) and set the project that’s been created for us as **Startup Project** (this corresponds to our executable target):
Figure 11.11: Visual Studio Solution Explorer
This can be achieved by right-clicking the project and selecting the **Set as Startup** **Project** option:
Figure 11.12: The Visual Studio Set as Startup Project context menu
We’ll then see our project displayed in bold:
Figure 11.13: Application set at Startup Project
To avoid having to make this change manually every time the solution is generated from scratch, it’s possible to use the `VS_STARTUP_PROJECT` CMake property to refer to the target we want to be the startup project. This can be achieved with the following addition to our `CMakeLists.txt` file:
要构建并启动应用程序,我们可以使用屏幕顶部中央的 **本地 Windows 调试器** 选项,或者按 *F5*(如果只构建不运行,使用 *F7*):
图 11.14:Visual Studio 配置和启动选项
记得选择与我们为第三方依赖项构建的配置相匹配的配置,如果你使用本书后面的示例。若你在 `Debug` 模式下构建依赖项,然后尝试在 `Release` 模式下构建应用程序(或反之),可能会遇到链接器错误。
一旦所有构建完成,并且你可以运行可执行文件,在从 *第二章* 到 *第九章* 的所有示例中,你将看到以下错误信息:
Shaders not found. Have you built them using compile-shader-<platform>.sh/bat script?
这是因为应用程序正在 `build/vs/<config>` 文件夹中寻找资源(着色器)文件,而不是项目的根文件夹,通常我们会从终端在其中运行程序。
我们在 *第十章*中看到了解决这一问题的一种方式,*为共享项目打包*,但是如果我们还没有达到那个阶段,一个有用的解决方法是提供一个名为 `CMAKE_VS_DEBUGGER_WORKING_DIRECTORY` 的 CMake 缓存变量,用于设置 Visual Studio 中工作目录的位置。这可以通过为整个项目设置 `CMAKE_VS_DEBUGGER_WORKING_DIRECTORY`,或者为特定目标在 `CMakeLists.txt` 文件中添加以下命令来实现:
cmake --preset vs), and if it’s open, Visual Studio will show a popup letting us know the solution has been changed and needs to be reloaded.
Select **Reload All** and then build and run again from within Visual Studio. The application should now run successfully as it will be looking for the shader files in the location we expect. This isn’t something to use when reaching the stage of making your application sharable; the technique outlined in *Chapter 10*, *Packaging the Project for Sharing*, is more appropriate, but this can be a useful tool in the initial stages of development.
Visual Studio is a great tool and well worth exploring if you’re developing on Windows. The debugging features, profiling tools, and code analysis support are all high quality and provide a lot of utility while developing larger more complex projects. Visual Studio also provides the ability to debug CMake scripts just as Visual Studio Code does (see [`learn.microsoft.com/en-us/cpp/build/configure-cmake-debugging-sessions`](https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/cpp/build/configure-cmake-debugging-sessions) for more information).
`Info.plist` file, which were discussed in *Chapter 10*, *Packaging the Project* *for Sharing*.
To generate a project for Xcode, either use the existing CMake preset we defined or name the generator manually (Xcode will need to be installed before trying this):
cmake --preset xcode # 选项 1
cmake -B build/xcode -G Xcode # 选项 2
To open the Xcode project, navigate to `build/xcode` (in `.xcodeproj` extension (for example, `minimal-cmake_game-of-life_window.xcodeproj`).
There, like in Visual Studio, we need to change the working directory to be the root of our project for things to work correctly in some of the earlier examples. Fortunately, this is simple to do, and like how we set `VS_DEBUGGER_WORKING_DIRECTORY` in the case of Visual Studio.
In our application’s `CMakeLists.txt` file, we need to add the following settings:
This will update the Xcode scheme for the executable target. This can be viewed by clicking the top bar in Xcode, selecting the name of the target, and then clicking **Edit scheme...**. Clicking the **Options** tab will then display a series of settings, including **Working Directory**:
Figure 11.15: Custom working directory in Xcode
There are a lot more `XCODE_SCHEME_` variables that can also be set to configure a scheme outside of Xcode; for a full list, please see [`cmake.org/cmake/help/latest/prop_tgt/XCODE_GENERATE_SCHEME.html`](https://cmake.org/cmake/help/latest/prop_tgt/XCODE_GENERATE_SCHEME.html). To view other `Info.plist` options that can be configured, click the top-level project in the left-hand sidebar and click the **Build Settings** tab from the top bar. Either scroll down or use the filter to search for the **Info.plist** **Values** section.
Xcode is necessary when it comes to publishing your app on macOS or iOS. The code signing functionality must be used for this; see [`developer.apple.com/documentation/xcode/distribution`](https://developer.apple.com/documentation/xcode/distribution) for more information on this topic. Xcode also comes bundled with an application called **Instruments**, which includes a suite of tools to perform memory tracking, profiling, and more.
`CMakeLists.txt` file of your project. CLion then stores project-specific settings in a hidden `.idea` folder. Very much like Visual Studio Code, one of the most convenient ways to use CLion with CMake is by using our existing CMake presets. CLion currently only supports CMake presets up to version `6`, so we need to drop our version from `8` to `6` for things to work correctly. With that change applied, it’s possible to load the CMake presets we’ve already defined with all the right settings. CLion doesn’t handle super builds by default so it’s recommended to build a super build configuration separately outside of CLion, and then use a normal preset when working with CLion.
IDEs can be a huge productivity boost once they’re configured, but they take time to master and can come with a relatively steep learning curve, along with their own quirks and idiosyncrasies. Knowing how to get by without them is useful but don’t be afraid to try them out and see what they have to offer.
We’re now going to turn our attention to some important topics to be aware of when building our C and C++ code.
C/C++ build recommendations
To ensure the code we write is as correct as possible, it’s a wise move to enable as many warnings and checks as we can while working on our project. There are a few ways to achieve this using CMake. The first is ensuring we’re using standard C++ and avoiding any compiler-specific extensions to guarantee our code is cross-platform. This can be achieved with `CXX_STANDARD_REQUIRED` and `CXX_EXTENSIONS`, as shown in the following code (for C, just replace `CXX_` with `C_`):
CMakeLists.txt 文件:
此外,通常建议启用尽可能多的警告,以帮助在编码过程中尽早捕捉错误(这有助于捕获未初始化变量的使用、数组越界访问等问题,以及许多其他问题)。为了启用这些警告,我们需要根据所使用的编译器设置不同的编译器标志。我们可以使用 CMake 生成器表达式来帮助实现这一点,并为所使用的编译器(无论是**Microsoft Visual C++**(**MSVC**)、**GNU 编译器集合**(**GCC**)还是 Clang)设置正确的警告。
${PROJECT_NAME} PRIVATE ${compile_options})
在上面的片段中,我们使用 CMake 变量来保存我们希望看到的各种编译标志,然后通过 `target_compile_options` 命令应用它们。你决定启用或禁用的警告将取决于你希望采用的项目和编码实践。从 `cppbestpractices` GitHub 页面([`github.com/cpp-best-practices/cppbestpractices/blob/master/02-Use_the_Tools_Available.md#compilers`](https://github.com/cpp-best-practices/cppbestpractices/blob/master/02-Use_the_Tools_Available.md#compilers))可以找到一个关于警告及其含义的优秀列表。要查看完整的警告集示例,请参见 `ch11/part-2/app/CMakeLists.txt`。尝试编译项目,看看在 *Minimal CMake* 示例代码中可以检测到多少警告(当然,这些警告的数量是为了演示目的)。
Unity 构建
CMake 提供了一种构建设置,称为 `.c` 或 `.cpp` 文件,并将它们连接在一起。这是通过常规的 C/C++ 预处理器 `#include` 指令完成的。CMake 将动态生成这些文件并编译它们,而不是编译现有的 `.c/.cpp` 文件。在我们的 `app` 示例项目中,创建了一个名为 `unity_0_cxx.cxx` 的单一统一 `.cpp` 文件,它包含了项目中的所有 `.cpp` 文件(该文件可以在 `build` 文件夹下的 `CMakeFiles/minimal-cmake_game-of-life_window.dir/Unity` 目录中找到)。
要启用 Unity 构建,可以在命令行中传递 `-DCMAKE_UNITY_BUILD=ON`(或者你可以创建一个 Unity CMake 预设来做到这一点)。Unity 构建的一个缺点是它违反了 C/C++ 中的一个核心规则,那就是 `.c` 或 `.cpp` 文件可以定义具有内部链接的值,这些定义是私有的。这意味着它们不会与其他文件发生冲突,因为它们是单独编译的(这同样适用于匿名命名空间)。然而,当启用 Unity 构建并且这些源文件被分组在一起时,如果两个变量或函数恰好共享相同的名称,程序将会出错(你最有可能会遇到重复定义符号的错误)。Unity 构建还可能导致相反的问题,即在源文件之间引入隐式依赖。如果 `.cpp` 文件从同一 Unity 文件中的前一个 `.cpp` 文件引入了 `include`,那么它可能会在 Unity 构建中编译成功,但如果缺少该 `include`,它就无法单独编译。
确保项目在启用和不启用 Unity 构建的情况下都能正常工作可能是一个挑战,除非定期启用这两种构建方式。Unity 构建的另一个缺点是,在某些情况下,它们的使用可能会减慢迭代时间。这是因为对一个 `.cpp` 文件进行更改时,会触发该文件所在的 Unity 文件中所有其他文件的重新编译(因为该 Unity 文件是作为一个整体进行编译的)。构建时间的变化取决于 Unity 文件的分组方式,但对于小的更改,它可能会导致更长的编译时间。在迭代开发时,最好禁用 Unity 构建,并仅在持续集成构建时启用它们,以减少外部资源的使用。
通过排除可能无法干净编译的文件,确实可以微调 Unity 构建,但这可能是一个繁琐的过程。尝试为一个已经成熟的项目启用 Unity 构建可能会是一个挑战;因此,如果你认为它们会带来好处,最好在开发早期就启用它们。这也非常重要,要衡量和分析节省的时间(如果有的话),以了解它们带来的影响。要了解更多关于 Unity 构建的信息,请参阅 [`cmake.org/cmake/help/latest/prop_tgt/UNITY_BUILD.html`](https://cmake.org/cmake/help/latest/prop_tgt/UNITY_BUILD.html)。
CMake 脚本结构
为了尽量保持简单,在*最小化 CMake*中,我们选择将项目中的 `CMakeLists.txt` 文件数量限制在最少的数量,保持大部分内容集中在一个地方(我们每个项目最多有两个 `CMakeLists.txt` 文件,一个用于第三方依赖,一个用于主应用程序)。这有一些优势;集中管理可以让查找内容和理解项目变得更容易,但随着项目的增长,处理一个庞大的单一文件可能会变成维护噩梦(尤其是对于大团队来说)。
但是,在进行这些更改时,我们需要注意一些细微之处,特别是在`tests`子文件夹的情况下。通过将逻辑从`app/CMakeLists.txt`移动到`app/tests/CMakeLists.txt`,我们之前使用的任何相对路径将不再有效;因此,我们需要处理这些路径(在我们的情况下,我们需要更新`shaders-compiled.cmake`的路径,并显式地使用`CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR`来包含完整路径)。我们还需要记住从顶层的`CMakeLists.txt`文件中调用`enable_testing()`,否则当使用 CTest 时,子文件夹中的测试将无法被发现。
我们可以进一步将安装逻辑移动到一个单独的`CMakeLists.txt`文件中,或者将我们的工具函数提取到新的`.cmake`文件中,并使用`include`将其引入。我们还可以使用在*第九章*中讨论的接口目标技术,*为项目编写测试*,创建一个单独的目标,其中包含所有设置的 C/C++编译警告标志,然后让我们的应用程序和测试链接到该目标。CMake 在脚本结构方面提供了很大的自由度和灵活性,通过时间和经验(并且通过阅读其他`CMakeLists.txt`文件),你将会找到最适合自己的方法。
这就是我们 CMake 之旅的终点。本书的目标一直是尽量分享 CMake 的精华部分,而不陷入琐碎的细节(当然也有一些琐碎的部分,但它本可以更糟)。目的是展示可以使用和学习的实用示例。只有亲眼看到像 CMake 这样的工具如何实际运作,才能真正理解它的能力,并开始理解它的工作原理。我们已经覆盖了很多内容,希望你现在可以使用这些工具来开始构建自己的库和应用程序,并将你构建的内容与越来越容易使用的开源软件进行集成。
话虽如此,仍有很多内容我们没有覆盖,还有许多东西需要学习。如果你有兴趣使用 CMake 来构建其他平台的代码(例如 Android 或 iOS),**工具链文件**是值得研究的内容。它们允许你为与主机平台不同的目标平台构建代码。当构建嵌入式设备、移动平台、不同操作系统或不同架构(例如,ARM 与 x86_64)上的代码时,这非常有用。
我们没有讨论如何在我们的项目中使用完备的包管理器。值得探索的是开源包管理器 `vcpkg`,它会下载你想使用的库的预构建二进制文件(如果它们适用于你使用的平台/架构的话)(它们也因此使用工具链文件;因此,理解它们的工作原理及其必要性将有所帮助)。
还有一个有用的工具叫做 `CPM.cmake` ([`github.com/cpm-cmake/CPM.cmake`](https://github.com/cpm-cmake/CPM.cmake)),它是 CMake 的 `FetchContent` 命令的封装器。它提供了一种更简洁的方式来定义依赖项(它们的位置、名称和版本)。例如,使用 Catch2 的代码如下:
${PROJECT_NAME} ... Catch2::Catch2WithMain)
还有一个问题是关于持续交付和持续集成,用于在每次变更时自动构建,从而尽早发现问题。深入探讨这一点超出了本书的范围,但如果你想看一个简单的示例,展示如何使用 GitHub Actions 构建、测试和打包代码,可以查看 *Minimal* *CMake* 仓库根目录下的 `.github/workflows/cmake.yml` 文件。
还有更多资源可以帮助你继续学习 CMake。首先可以查看 CMake 官方文档([`cmake.org/cmake/help/latest/`](https://cmake.org/cmake/help/latest/))。它不是完美的,但它在不断改进,且在查找特定功能或属性的细节时是一个重要的资源。如果你遇到困难并需要寻求帮助,CMake 论坛社区([`discourse.cmake.org/`](https://discourse.cmake.org/))是一个很好的资源,里面有许多 CMake 专家随时准备回答你的问题(通过搜索问题存档也能找到很多有用的信息)。除了 CMake 论坛社区,你还可以访问 C++ Slack 工作区([`cpplang.slack.com/`](https://cpplang.slack.com/))获得更多帮助。那里有一个专门的 CMake 频道,很多友好且乐于助人的人拥有丰富的 CMake 知识,可以为你提供帮助。
另一个你可能会觉得有用的资源是*《掌握 CMake》*,这本书最初由 Ken Martin 和 Bill Hoffman 编写,现在可以在网上免费阅读,网址是[`cmake.org/cmake/help/book/mastering-cmake/`](https://cmake.org/cmake/help/book/mastering-cmake/)。虽然有些过时,但里面有很多有价值的信息。说到书籍,Craig Scott 编写的*《专业 CMake:实用指南》*([`crascit.com/professional-cmake/`](https://crascit.com/professional-cmake/))是一本非常详细的 CMake 参考书,几乎涵盖了你需要了解的所有内容。
如果你喜欢本书并希望了解更多关于 CMake 的内容,Packt 出版的几本关于 CMake 的书值得一看,包括*《现代 CMake for C++:探索更好的构建、测试和打包软件的方法》*,*《CMake 最佳实践:用 CMake 升级你的 C++ 构建,达到最大效率和可扩展性》*,以及*《CMake 烹饪书:使用现代 CMake 构建、测试和打包模块化软件》*。
最后,为了查看更多实际案例,GitHub 上有一些有用的资源库,提供了设置 CMake 项目的建议和经过验证的方法。这些包括来自`cppbestpractices`的`cmake_template`(参见[`github.com/cpp-best-practices/cmake_template`](https://github.com/cpp-best-practices/cmake_template))以及本书作者的[`github.com/pr0g/cmake-examples`](https://github.com/pr0g/cmake-examples)(这就是整个项目的起源)。此外,`awesome-cmake` GitHub 仓库上列出了大量链接和资源,涵盖了库、书籍和文章([`github.com/onqtam/awesome-cmake`](https://github.com/onqtam/awesome-cmake))。
我们(终于)完成了。这标志着本书的结束,我们从 CMake 新手到自信的 CMake 从业者的转变也已经完成。
在本章中,我们花了一些时间更深入地了解 Visual Studio Code 的 CMake Tools 扩展,并理解它如何让使用 CMake 更加轻松愉快。从调试 CMake 脚本到与 CMake 预设的无缝集成,CMake Tools 在 Visual Studio Code 中处理 CMake 时是一个必不可少的工具。接着,我们介绍了一些其他扩展,以增强语法高亮和自动格式化,改善整体编辑体验。然后,我们将注意力转向其他流行的编辑器,了解如何确保它们从一开始就与我们的项目兼容。之后,我们提出了一些关于如何构建 C/C++ 代码的建议,并分析了需要注意的各种利弊。接下来,我们讨论了如何拆分 `CMakeLists.txt` 文件,以便在项目扩展时保持可管理性。这没有标准答案,但了解一些拆分技巧有助于在项目或团队扩展时保持维护的简易性。最后,我们展望未来,了解 CMake 还能提供哪些功能,并指引您去哪里获取更多的学习资源。
很荣幸能与您分享这些知识,希望您能从中收获一些有价值的信息。我们的目标一直是让您掌握足够的 CMake 知识,以便完成任务,然后继续构建您的应用程序/库/工具,专注于最重要的事情。CMake 虽然并不完美,但它是 C 和 C++ 生态系统中主要的构建工具,因此熟练掌握它是一项宝贵的技能,并将为您解锁其他框架和库,简化您自己的软件创建过程。
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