readability-lxml 源码解析(二):``

from lxml.html import tostring
import lxml.html
import re

from .cleaners import normalize_spaces, clean_attributes
from .encoding import get_encoding
from .compat import str_

utf8_parser = lxml.html.HTMLParser(encoding="utf-8")

# 将 HTML 文本转为文档树
def build_doc(page):
    # 如果页面文本是字符串
    # 保持原样,不解析编码
    if isinstance(page, str_):
        encoding = None
        decoded_page = page
        # 否则获取其编码,默认 UTF8
        # 将字节串转化为字符串
        encoding = get_encoding(page) or "utf-8"
        decoded_page = page.decode(encoding, "replace")

    # XXX: we have to do .decode and .encode even for utf-8 pages to remove bad characters
    doc = lxml.html.document_fromstring(
        decoded_page.encode("utf-8", "replace"), parser=utf8_parser
    return doc, encoding

# JS风格的正则替换函数
def js_re(src, pattern, flags, repl):
    # 将替换字符串中的 $ 换成 \\ 然后再执行 re.sub
    return re.compile(pattern, flags).sub(src, repl.replace("$", "\\"))

# 规范化实体
# 将一些 Unicode 字符替换为等价 ASCII 字符
def normalize_entities(cur_title):
    entities = {
        u"\u2014": "-",
        u"\u2013": "-",
        u"—": "-",
        u"–": "-",
        u"\u00A0": " ",
        u"\u00AB": '"',
        u"\u00BB": '"',
        u""": '"',
    for c, r in entities.items():
        if c in cur_title:
            cur_title = cur_title.replace(c, r)

    return cur_title

# 规范化标题 = 规范化实体+空白
def norm_title(title):
    return normalize_entities(normalize_spaces(title))

def get_title(doc):
    # 获取`<title>`节点
    title = doc.find(".//title")
    # 如果找不到或者没有内容,返回占位符
    if title is None or title.text is None or len(title.text) == 0:
        return "[no-title]"
    # 规范化标题并返回
    return norm_title(title.text)

# 获取作者
def get_author(doc):
    # 获取`<meta name='author'>`
    author = doc.find(".//meta[@name='author']")
    # 还是找不到或者内容为空,就返回占位符
    if author is None or 'content' not in author.keys() or \
       len(author.get('content')) == 0:
        return "[no-author]"
    # 返回`content`属性的值
    return author.get('content')

def add_match(collection, text, orig):
    text = norm_title(text)
    if len(text.split()) >= 2 and len(text) >= 15:
        if text.replace('"', "") in orig.replace('"', ""):

# 正文中标题候选元素的一些 CSS 选择器

# 获取简短标题
def shorten_title(doc):
    # 寻找`<title>`节点
    title = doc.find(".//title")
    # 如果没有,或者没有文本,那么返回空串
    if title is None or title.text is None or len(title.text) == 0:
        return ""
    # 规范化标题
    title = orig = norm_title(title.text)

    # 创建标题候选集
    candidates = set()
    # 对于每个`<h1> <h2> <h3>` 
    for item in [".//h1", ".//h2", ".//h3"]:
        for e in list(doc.iterfind(item)):
            # 如果它有内容,就加入候选
            if e.text:
                add_match(candidates, e.text, orig)
            if e.text_content():
                add_match(candidates, e.text_content(), orig)
    # 对于每个标题候选元素
    for item in TITLE_CSS_HEURISTICS:
        for e in doc.cssselect(item):
            # 如果它有内容,就加入候选
            if e.text:
                add_match(candidates, e.text, orig)
            if e.text_content():
                add_match(candidates, e.text_content(), orig)

    if candidates:
       # 如果候选集不为空,取最长元素当做标题
       title = sorted(candidates, key=len)[-1]
        # 将文章标题和网站名称分开,类似
        # `<title>text title | site name</title>`
        for delimiter in [" | ", " - ", " :: ", " / "]:
            # 对于每个分隔符,判断是否包含在标题中
            if delimiter in title:
                # 使用分隔符分割标题
                parts = orig.split(delimiter)
                # 找出标题网站名称前面还是后面
                # 如果第一个元素每空格分成四段或者以上
                # 就取第一个元素当标题,反之就取最后一个
                if len(parts[0].split()) >= 4:
                    title = parts[0]
                elif len(parts[-1].split()) >= 4:
                    title = parts[-1]
            if ": " in title:
                parts = orig.split(": ")
                if len(parts[-1].split()) >= 4:
                    title = parts[-1]
                    title = orig.split(": ", 1)[1]

    if not 15 < len(title) < 150:
        return orig

    return title

# 获取整洁版的正文
# is it necessary? Cleaner from LXML is initialized correctly in
def get_body(doc):
    # 删除`<script>`、`<link>`和`<style>`
    for elem in doc.xpath(".//script | .//link | .//style"):
    # 获取文档的`<body>`,如果没有就是文档的根元素,之后获取其 HTML
    # tostring() always return utf-8 encoded string
    # FIXME: isn't better to use tounicode?
    raw_html = tostring(doc.body or doc)
    # 如果是字节串转换为字符串
    if isinstance(raw_html, bytes):
        raw_html = raw_html.decode()
    # 把一些不良属性移除
    # 但是先删属性后转 HTML 比较好,这就很迷
    cleaned = clean_attributes(raw_html)
        # BeautifulSoup(cleaned) #FIXME do we really need to try loading it?
        return cleaned
    except Exception:  # FIXME find the equivalent lxml error
        # logging.error("cleansing broke html content: %s\n---------\n%s" % (raw_html, cleaned))
        return raw_html

posted @ 2023-07-10 17:54  绝不原创的飞龙  阅读(11)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报