Intel 芯片组(南桥的演变)

List of Intel chipsets

 本文提供了Intel制造的主板chipsets列表,分为三大类:使用PCI总线进行互连的芯片组(4xx 系列)、使用专用“集线器链路”连接的芯片组(8xx 系列)以及使用PCI Express(9xx 系列)连接。芯片组按时间顺序列出。

Pre-chipset situation

 可以在 MCS-85 family部分找到支持 Intel 8085 微处理器的早期芯片组

早期的IBM XT-compatible mainboards还没有芯片组,而是依赖于英特尔的一系列分立 TTL芯片


为了将主板上所需的功能集成到更少量的 IC 中,英特尔为其英特尔 80286英特尔 80386 SX 处理器(82230/82231 高集成 AT 兼容芯片组)授权了ZyMOS POACH 芯片组。 82230 涵盖了这种芯片组合:82C284 时钟、82288 总线控制器和双 8259A 中断控制器以及其他组件。82231 涵盖了这种芯片组合:8254 中断定时器、74LS612 内存映射器和双 8237A DMA 控制器以及其他组件。两套 10 MHz 版本售价 60 美元,12 MHz 版本售价 90 美元,数量为 100 件。该芯片组可与 82335 高集成接口设备一起使用,以提供对 Intel 386SX 的支持


  • 82091AA EISA/ISA - Advanced Integrated Peripheral (AIP), includes: floppy disk controller, 2× UARTsparallel port, IDE controller, oscillator, etc.
  • 82310 MCA family chipset - announced in April 1988.[8] This chipset also supports the 80386SX based machines as well.[9] Which it does includes:[4][10]
    • 82306 Local Channel Support Chip
    • 82307 DMA Controller/Central Arbiter
    • 82308 Micro Channel Bus Controller
    • 82309 Address Bus Controller
    • 82706 VGA Graphics Controller
  • 82350 EISA - announced in September 1988.
  • 82311 MCA - announced in November 1988. Includes: 82303 and 82304 Local I/O Channel Support Chips, 82307 DMA Controller/Central Arbiter, 82308 Micro Channel Bus Controller, 82309 Address Bus Controller, 82706 VGA Graphics Controller, 82077 Floppy Disk Controller.
  • 82320 MCA - announced in April 1989.
  • 82340SX PC AT - announced in January 1990, it is the Topcat chipset licensed from VLSI.
  • 82340DX PC AT - announced in January 1990, it is the Topcat chipset licensed from VLSI.
  • 82360SL - announced in October 1990.It was a chipset for the mobile 80386SL and 80486SL processors. It integrated DMA controller, an interrupt controller PIC, serial and parallel ports, and power-management logic for the processor.
  • 82350DT EISA - announced in April 1991.
  • 82380 - High Performance 32-Bit DMA Controller with Integrated System Support Peripherals. This chipset has 20-level programmable interrupt controller a superset of Intel's 82C59 PIC. It also has four (x4) 16-bit programmable internal timers which its superset Intel's 82C54 PIT. It also has built-in DRAM refresh controller as well. It is available for USD $149 and USD $299 for 16 MHz and 20 MHz respectfully in quantities of 100.[19]
  • 82384 - Clock Generator. The available version for USD $15 in quantities of 100.[20]
  • 82385 - High Performance 32-Bit Cache Controller.[21] This chipset was introduced in February 1987. It was available for 20 MHz version.[22]


4xx 芯片组

80486 chipsets

Chipset代号北桥规格编号南桥Release Date处理器FSB总线SMP内存类型Max. memoryMax. cacheableParity/ECCL2 Cache TypePCI support
420TX Saturn CDC (82424TX), DPU (82423TX) SZ839


SIO (System I/O) November 1992 V 486 Up to 33 MHz No FPM 128 MB[23]   Parity Async. 1.0
420ZX Saturn II CDC (82424ZX), DPU (82423TX) SZ884 March 1994 5 V/3.3 V 486 160 MB   2.1
420EX Aries PSC (82425EX) SZ897 (PSC)

SZ898 (IB)

IB (82426EX) Up to 50 MHz 128 MB 128 MB (/w 32KB Tag Ram & 512KB L2 Cache[24] 2.0

Pentium chipsets

While not an actual Intel chipset bug, the Mercury and Neptune chipsets could be found paired with RZ1000 and CMD640 IDE controllers with data corruption bugs. L2 caches are direct-mapped with SRAM tag RAM, write-back for 430FX, HX, VX, and TX.

芯片组代号Part Numbers规格编号南桥发布日期处理器FSBSMP内存类型Max. memoryMax. cacheableParity/ECCL2 Cache TypePCI supportAGP support
430LX Mercury
82434LX (PCMC)
2x 82433LX (LBX)
SZ914 (PCMC)

SZ942 (LBX)

March 1993 P60/66 60/66 MHz No FPM 192 MB 192 MB Parity Async. 2.0 No
430NX Neptune
82434NX (PCMC)
2x 82433NX (LBX)
SZ919 (PCMC)

SZ899 (LBX)

March 1994 P75+ 50/60/66 MHz Yes 512 MB 512 MB
430FX Triton
82437FX/JX (TSC)
2x 82438FX (TDP)
SZ965 (A1)

SZ968 (A1)


SZ973 (A1)

SZ975 (A1)

SZ998 (A2)


PIIX January 1995 No FPM/EDO 128 MB 64 MB Neither Async. / Pburst
430MX Mobile Triton 82437MX SU036 (A1)

SU037 (A1)

SU069 (B0)

MPIIX October 1995
430HX Triton II[28][29] 82439HX/JHX (TXC) SU087 (A1)

SU102 (A2)


PIIX3 February 1996 Yes 512 MB 64 MB
512 MB (w/ 11-bit tag RAM)[30]
Both 2.1
430VX Triton II[28][31] 82437VX (TVX)
2x 82438VX (TDX)
SU085 (A1)

SU116 (A2)

60/66 MHz No FPM/EDO/SDRAM 128 MB 64 MB Neither
430TX[32]   82439TX (MTXC) SL238 (A1)

SL28T (A2)

PIIX4 February 1997 256 MB

Pentium Pro/II/III chipsets

ChipsetCode Name零件号sSpec Number南桥发布日期Processors
FSB总线SMPMemoryParity/ECCPCI supportAGP support
450KX Mars 82451KX, 82452KX, 82453KX, 82454KX SU022 (A2)

SU024 (A2)

SU025 (A1)

SU026 (A1)

SU027 (A2)

SU028 (A2)

SU029 (A1)

SU030 (A2)

SU039 (A1)

SU040 (A1)

SU041 (A2)

SU042 (A2)

SU043 (A1)

SU044 (A2)

SU061 (A3)

SU062 (A4)

SU064 (A4)

November 1995 Pentium Pro 60/66 MHz Yes FPM GB   Both 2.0 No
450GX Orion 82451GX, 82452GX, 82453GX, 82454GX SU019 (A1)

SU055 (A1)

SU056 (A3)

SU057 (A3)

SU058 (A4)

SU059 (A4)

SU063 (A4)

SY050 (A4)

SY051 (A5)

SY052 (A6)

SY053 (A4)

SY054 (A6)

Yes (up to four) 8 GB  
440FX Natoma 82441FX, 82442FX SU053 (A1)

SU054 (A1)

May 1996 Pentium Pro, Pentium II Yes FPM / EDO / BEDO 1 GB 4 2.1
440LX Balboa 82443LX SL2KK (A3)

SL2KN (A3)

PIIX4 August 1997 Pentium II, Celeron 66 MHz FPM / EDO / SDRAM 1 GB EDO / 512 MB SDRAM[35] AGP 2×
440EX 82443EX SL2SA (A0)


PIIX4E April 1998 No EDO / SDRAM 256 MB 2 Neither
440BX Seattle 82443BX


SL278 (C1)

SL2T5 (B1)

SL2VH (C1) SL85Y

Pentium II/III, Celeron 66/100 MHz Yes 512 MB (1 GB w/ Registered)[36] 4 Both 2.1 (64-bit optional)
440GX Marlinspike 82443GX SL2TF (A0)

SL2VJ (A0)

June 1998 Pentium II/III, Xeon 66/100 MHz SDRAM 2 GB 2.1
450NX 82451NX, 82452NX, 82453NX, 82454NX SL2RU (B0)

SL2RV (B1)

SL2RW (B0)

SL2RX (B0)

SL2ZA (B1)

SL36R (C0)

Yes (up to four) FPM / EDO 8 GB 2.1 (64-bit optional) No
440ZX-66 82443ZX SL37A November 1998 Celeron, Pentium II/III 66 MHz No SDRAM 512 MB 2 Neither 2.1 AGP 2×
440ZX SL33W 66/100 MHz
440ZX-M 82443ZX-M SL3VP PIIX4M   Pentium III, Celeron 256 MB
440MX Banister 82443MX SL37L (B0)

SL3N4 (B0)

Same chip   Pentium II/III, Celeron 512 MB 2.2 No

南桥 4xx chipsets

ChipsetPart Number规格编号ATA支持usb支持CMOS/clockISA支持LPC支持Power management
ESC 82374EB/SB SZ867 None None   Yes    
PCEB 82375EB/SB        
SIO 82378IB/ZB SZ905 No No SMM
SIO.A 82379AB  
MPIIX 82371MX SU034 (A1)

SU035 (A1)

SU067 (A2)

PIIX 82371FB SZ964 (A1)

SZ967 (A1)

SZ997 (A1)

PIIX3 82371SB SU052 (A1)

SU093 (B0)

1 Controller, 2 Ports
PIIX4 82371AB SL23P

SL2 km (B0)

PIIX4E 82371EB


SL2MY (A0)

SL2T3 (A0)

SL37M (A0)

SL37U (A0)


PIIX4M 82371MB SL3CG (A0)

SL3DD (A0)

8xx chipsets

Pentium II/III chipsets

ChipsetCode namePart numberssSpec Number南桥Release dateProcessorsFSBSMPMemory typesMax. memoryMemory banksParity or ECCPCIExt. AGP/speedIGP
810 Whitney 82810 SL3P6

SL3P7 (A3)


ICH/ICH0 April 1999 Celeron, Pentium II/III 66/100 MHz No EDO/PC100 SDRAM 512 MB 4 Neither v2.2/33 MHz No Yes
810E 82810E SL3MD (A3) ICH September 1999 66/100/133 MHz PC100/133 SDRAM
810E2   ICH2  
815 Solano 82815 SL4DF (A2)



ICH June 2000 6 Yes/AGP 4×
815E ICH2 Yes (2)
815G 82815G   ICH/ICH0 September 2001 Celeron, Pentium III No No
815EG   ICH2
815P 82815EP   ICH/ICH0 March 2001 Yes/AGP 4× No
815EP SL5NR (B0) ICH2 November 2000 Celeron, Pentium II/III
820 Camino 82820


SL353 (B1)

SL3FT (B1)

SL3NF (B1)

SL47D (B2)

SL47F (B2)

ICH November 1999 Yes PC800 RDRAM/PC100 SDRAM (with MTH adapter) 1 GB 2 Both
820E ICH2 June 2000
840 Carmel 82840 SL3QR ICH October 1999 Pentium III, Xeon Dual-Channel PC800 RDRAM/PC100 SDRAM (with MTH adapter) 4 GB 2×4 v2.2/33 MHz + PCI-X/66 MHz

Pentium III mobile chipsets

Chipset发布代号Part numbers规格编号南桥发布日期处理器FSBSMPMemory typesMax. memoryMemory banksParity or ECCPCIExt. AGP/speedIGP
815EM   82815EM SL4MP ICH2-M October 2000 Mobile Celeron, Mobile Pentium III 100 MHz No PC100 SDRAM 512 MB 2 Neither v2.2/33 MHz Yes/AGP 4× Yes
830M Almador 82830M SL62D ICH3-M July 2001 Celeron, Pentium III-M 100/133 MHz No PC133 SDRAM 1 GB 2 Neither v2.2/33 MHz Yes/AGP 4× Yes
830MP 82830MP SL5P7



830MG 82830MG SL5P9


  No Yes

Pentium 4 芯片组

Chipset代码零件号规格编号南桥Release dateSocket处理器带宽FSB
MT/s ]
SMPMemory typesMemory ChannelsMax. memory
GiB ]
Colusa 82860 (MCH) SL5HB ICH2 May 2001 Socket 603 Socket 604 Xeon 400 MT/s
(100 MHz QDR)
Yes PC800/600 RDRAM 2 4 (w. 2 repeaters) Yes/Yes AGP 4×  
845 Brookdale 82845 (MCH) SL5V7 (A3)


SL63W (B0)

September 2001[38] Socket 423

Socket 478

Celeron, Pentium 4 No DDR 200/266
SDR 133
1 2 (DDR)
3 (SDR)
850 Tehama 82850 (MCH) SL4NG (A2)

SL5HA (A3)

November 2000 PC800/600 RDRAM 2  
850E Tehama-E 82850E (MCH) SL64X (A3) ICH2/ICH4 May 2002 Socket 478 400/533 MT/s PC1066/800/600 RDRAM  
845E Brookdale-E 82845E (MCH) SL66N


ICH4 Celeron, Celeron D, Pentium 4 DDR 200/266 5.8 W
845G Brookdale-G 82845G (GMCH) SL66F (A1)

SL6PR (B1)

DDR 200/266
SDR 133
No/No Intel Extreme Graphics
AGP 4×
5.1 W (SDRAM),
5.7 W (DDR)[39]
845GV Brookdale-GV 82845GV (GMCH) SL6NR (A1)

SL6PU (B1)


October 2002 Socket 478
LGA 775
DDR 200/266
SDR 133
Intel Extreme Graphics
no AGP slot
845GL Brookdale-GL 82845GL (GMCH) SL66G (A1)

SL6PT (B1)

May 2002 Socket 478 Celeron, Pentium 4 400 MT/s DDR 200/266
SDR 133
5.1 W (SDRAM),
5.8 W (DDR)[39]
845GE Brookdale-GE 82845GE (GMCH) SL6PS October 2002 Socket 478
LGA 775
Celeron, Celeron D, Pentium 4 400/533 MT/s DDR 200/266/333 Intel Extreme Graphics
AGP 4×
6.3 W
845PE Brookdale-PE 82845PE (MCH) SL6H5


Socket 478 AGP 4× 5.6 W
848P Breeds Hill 82848P (MCH) SL77Y (A2)

SL7YG (A2)

ICH5/ICH5R August 2003 Socket 478
LGA 775
Pentium 4, Pentium 4 EE, Pentium D,
Celeron, Celeron D
400/533/800 MT/s DDR-400 AGP 8× 8.1 W
865P Springdale-P 82865P SL6UY May 2003 Pentium 4, Celeron D 400/533 MT/s DDR-333 2 4 10.3 W
865PE Springdale-PE 82865PE SL722 (A2)

SL7YE (A2)

Pentium 4, Pentium 4 EE, Pentium D,
Pentium Extreme Edition, Celeron,
Celeron D, Core 2, Pentium Dual Core
400/533/800 MT/s DDR-400 AGP 8× 11.3 W
865G Springdale 82865G (GMCH) SL99Y

SL743 (A2)

Intel Extreme Graphics 2
AGP 8×
12.9 W
865GV Springdale-GV 82865GV (GMCH) SL77X (A2)

SL7YF (A2)

September 2003 Intel Extreme Graphics 2
no AGP slot
Canterwood 82875P (MCH) SL744 (A2)


ICH5/ICH5R/6300ESB April 2003 Socket 478
Socket 604
LGA 775
Pentium 4, Pentium 4 EE, Pentium D,
Pentium Extreme Edition, Celeron,
Celeron D, Xeon
Yes/Yes AGP 8× 12.1 W
Granite Bay E7205 (MCH) SL65P (B0)


ICH4 November 2002 Socket 478 Pentium 4 400/533 MT/s DDR-200/266  
Plumas E7500 (MCH) SL64H


ICH3-S February 2002 Socket 604 Xeon 400 MT/s Yes DDR-200 16 PCI-X  
Plumas 533   December 2002 Socket 604
Socket 479
Xeon, Pentium M
400/533 MT/s DDR-200/266  
Placer E7505 (MCH) SL65N


ICH4 November 2002 Socket 604 Xeon AGP 8×  
Copper River E7221 (MCH) SL7YQ ICH6/ICH6R September 2004 LGA 775 Pentium 4, Pentium 4 HT 533/800 MT/s No DDR 333/400
DDR2 400/533
4 Yes/Yes
unbuffered only
• Integrated graphics engine (SVGA)
• PCI Express ×8 (1.0a), or
• PCI-X (with PCIe bridge)
not specifically dedicated to graphics
Mukilteo E7230 (MCH) SL8kJ


ICH7/ICH7R July 2005 LGA 775 Pentium D,
Pentium 4, Pentium 4 HT, Pentium 4 EE,
Celeron D
533/800/1066 MT/s DDR2 400/533/667 8 Yes/Yes
unbuffered only
• PCI Express ×8 (1.0a), or
• PCI-X (with PCIe bridge)
not specifically dedicated to graphics


  • 845 (Brookdale)
    • 两个不同的版本845 MCH 用于 SDR和845 MCH 用于 DDR 
  • 875P (Canterwood)
  • 865PE (Springdale)
    • 875P without PAT, though it was possible to enable PAT in some early revisions. Also lacks ECC Memory support.
    • Sub-versions:
      • 865P - Similar to 865PE, but supports only 400/533 MHz bus and 333 MHz memory.
      • 848P - Single memory channel version of 865PE.
  • 865G (Springdale-G)
    • 865PE with integrated graphics (Intel Extreme Graphics 2). PAT never supported in any revisions.
    • Sub-versions:
      • 865GV - 865G without external AGP slot.
  • E7221 (Copper River)
    • Designed for Pentium 4-based server.
    • Supports only one physical processor.
    • A basic SVGA controller is integrated for analog video.
    • One PCI-X slot can be bridged to the PCI-e ×8 using the Intel® 6702PXH 64-bit PCI Hub.
  • E7230 (Mukilteo)
    • Similar to the Intel 3000 MCH, but mainly designed for Pentium D-based server.
    • Supports only one physical processor.
    • DDR2-667 4-4-4 is not supported.
    • No integrated graphics.
    • One PCI-X slot can be bridged to the PCI-e ×8 using Intel® 6700PXH 64-bit PCI Hub/Intel® 6702PXH 64-bit PCI Hub.

Pentium 4-M/Pentium M/Celeron M 移动 chipsets

Chipset代号零件号规编南桥发布日期处理器FSBSMPMemory types最大内存Parity/ECCPCI TypeGraphicsTDP
845MZ Brookdale-MZ 82845 (MCH) SL64T ICH3-M March 2002 Mobile Celeron, Pentium 4-M 400 MT/s No DDR 200 1 GB No/No v2.2/33 MHz AGP 4×  
845MP Brookdale-M SL66J DDR 200/266  
852GM Montara-GM 82852GM (GMCH) SL6ZK


ICH4-M Q2, '04 Pentium 4-MCeleronCeleron M Integrated 32-bit 3D Core @ 133 MHz 3.2 W
852GMV 82852GMV (GMCH) SL742  
852PM 82852PM (MCH) SL72J


  Pentium 4-M, Celeron, Celeron D 400/533 MT/s DDR 200/266/333 2 GB AGP 1x/2×/4× 5.7 W
852GME 82852GME (GMCH) SL72K


Q4, '03 Integrated Extreme Graphics 2 graphics core
  82854 (GMCH) SL794 March 2005 Celeron M ULV 400 MT/s DDR 266/333
855GM Montara-GM 82855GM (GMCH) SL6WW


March 2003 Pentium M, Celeron M DDR 200/266 3.2 W
855GME 82855GME (MCH) SL72L


DDR 200/266/333 4.3 W
855PM Odem 82855PM (MCH) SL6TJ (A3)

SL752 (B1)

AGP 2×/4× 5.7 W

南桥 8xx chipsets

ChipsetPart Number规格编号ATASATARAID LevelUSBPCI
ICH 82801AA SL38R



UDMA 66/33 No No 1.1, 2 ports Rev 2.2, 6 slots
ICH0 82801AB SL38P

SL3N2 (B1)

UDMA 33 Rev 2.2, 4 slots
ICH2-M 82801BAM SL4HN (B1)

SL4R6 (B2)

UDMA 100/66/33 Rev 2.2, 2 slots
ICH2 82801BA SL45H (B0)

SL4HM (B1)

SL4YG (B1)

SL59Z (B4)

SL5FC (B0)

SL5WK (B5)


1.1, 4 ports Rev 2.2, 6 slots
ICH3-M 82801CAM SL5LF (B0)


1.1, 2 ports Rev 2.2, 2 slots
ICH3-S 82801CA SL632

SL8AN (B2)

1.1, 6 ports Rev 2.2, 6 slots

SL7VK (B2)

2.0, 4 ports Rev 2.2, 3 slots
ICH4 82801DB SL66K (A1)

SL6DM (B0)


2.0, 6 ports Rev 2.2, 6 slots
ICH5-M 82801EBM   2.0, 4 ports Rev 2.3, 4 slots
ICH5 82801EB SL6TN (A2)

SL73Z (A3)


SATA 1.5 Gbit/s, 2 ports 2.0, 8 ports Rev 2.3, 6 slots

SL73D (A3)

SL742 (A3)

6300ESB 6300ESB SL7XJ 2.0, 4 ports Rev 2.2 4 PCI slots,
Rev 1.0 2 PCI-X slots + 2 PCI-X devices


9xx chipsets(芯片组) and 3/4 系列 chipsets

Pentium 4/Pentium D/Pentium EE chipsets


  • 不支持 SMP
  • 支持 南桥的(-R 和 -DH) 变体 
  • FSB: 前端总线
Chipset代号零件号规格编号南桥发布日期支持的处理器FSB [MT/s]内存Parity / ECCGraphicsTDP [W]
类型max. [GB]PCIeintegrated core
910GL Grantsdale-GL 82910GL (GMCH) SL7W4 (B1)

SL8AR (C2)

SL8BV (C2)

ICH6/ICH6R September 2004 Pentium 4, Celeron, Celeron D 533 DDR 333/400 2 No/No GMA 900 16.3
915GL 82915GL (GMCH) SL8CK (C2)


SL8DC (C2)

March 2005 Pentium 4, Celeron D 533/800 4
915PL Grantsdale-PL 82915PL (MCH) SL8D6 (C2)

SL8DD (C2)

2 ×16
915P Grantsdale 82915P (MCH) SL7LY (B1)

SL8AS (C2)

SL8BW (C2)

June 2004 DDR 333/400,
DDR2 400/533
915G Grantsdale-G 82915G (GMCH) SL7LX (B1)

SL8AT (C2)

SL8BU (C2)

GMA 900
915GV Grantsdale-GV 82915GV (GMCH) SL7W5 (B1)

SL8AU (C2)

SL8BT (C2)

925X Alderwood 82925X (MCH) SL7LZ


Pentium 4, Pentium 4 EE 800 DDR2 400/533 4[*] Yes/Yes ×16 12.3
925XE Alderwood-XE 82925XE (MCH) SL84Z November 2004 800/1066 13.3
945PL Lakeport-PL 82945PL (MCH) SL8V4 (A2)

SL93C (A1)

ICH7 March 2006 Pentium 4, Pentium D, Celeron D,
(Core 2 Duo)
533/800 2[*] No/No 15.2
945P Lakeport 82945P (MCH) SL8FV (A1)

SL8HT (A2)

ICH7/ICH7R May 2005 Pentium 4, Pentium D, Celeron D,
(Core 2 Duo)
533/800/1066 DDR2 400/533/667 4[*]
945G Lakeport-G 82945G (GMCH) SL8FU GMA 950 22.2
955X Lakeport-X 82955X (MCH) SL8FW April 2005 Pentium 4, Pentium 4 EE, Pentium D, Pentium XE, Core 2 Duo 800/1066 DDR2 533/667 8 Yes/Yes 13.5
Pentium M/Celeron M mobile chipsets
ChipsetCode NamePart numberssSpec Number南桥Release DateSupported ProcessorsFSB总线Memory TypesMax. MemoryParity/ECCGraphicsTDP
910GML Alviso-GM 82910GML (GMCH) SL89H



SL8G5 (C2)

SL8G8 (C2)

ICH6-M January 2005 Celeron M 400 MT/s DDR 333/400, DDR2 400 2 GB No/No Integrated GMA 900 6 W
915GMS 82915GMS (GMCH) SL8B6


SL8G4 (C2)

SL8G9 (C2)

Pentium M, Celeron M DDR2 400 4.8 W
915GM 82915GM (GMCH) SL87G



SL8G2 (C2)

SL8G6 (C2)

400/533 MT/s DDR 333, DDR2 400/533 6 W
915PM Alviso 82915PM (MCH) SL8B4




SL8G3 (C2)

SL8G7 (C2)

PCI Express ×16 5.5 W

Core/Core 2 mobile chipsets

ChipsetCode namePart numberssSpec Number南桥Release dateProcessors supported (official)FSB [MT/s]MemoryGraphicsTDP [W]
typesmax. [GB]graphics core3D Render
940GML Calistoga 82940GML (GMCH) SL8Z5 ICH7-M January 2006 Celeron M 533 DDR2 400/533 2 Integrated GMA 950 Max. 166 MHz 7
943GML 82943GML (GMCH)   Celeron M, Core Solo, Pentium Dual-Core
Max. 200 MHz  
945GSE 82945GSE (GMCH) SLB2R Q1'06 Intel Atom 533/667 Max. 166 MHz 6
945GMS 82945GMS (GMCH) SL8TC January 2006 Core 2 DuoCore Duo, Pentium Dual-Core, Core Solo, Celeron M 7
945GM/E 82945GM/E (GMCH) SL8Z2 ICH7-M/ICH7-M DH DDR2 400/533/667 4
Max. 250 MHz 7
945GT[54] 82945GT (GMCH) SL8Z6 Max. 400 MHz
945PM 82945PM (MCH) SL8Z4 PCI Express ×16

Core 2 chipsets

All Core 2 Duo chipsets support the Pentium Dual-Core and Celeron processors based on the Core architecture. Support for all NetBurst based processors was officially dropped starting with the Bearlake chipset family. However, some motherboards still support the older processors.

ChipsetCode NamePart numberssSpec Number南桥发布日期ProcessorsLithographyIntel VT-d support[57]FSB [MT/s]MemoryParity/ECCPCIeiGraphics
Lakeport-GC 82945GC (MCH) SL9ZC (A2)

SLA9C (A2)

SLB86 (A2)

May 2005
Pentium 4, Pentium D, Celeron D, Core 2 Duo, Pentium Dual-Core, Atom 130 nm No 533/800 (last rev.1066) DDR2 400/533/667 2 GB (some boards supports 4 GB shrunk to 3.27 GB) [*] No/No 1x16 GMA 950
945GZ Lakeport-GZ 82945GZ (GMCH) SL927 (A2) ICH7 June 2005 Pentium 4, Pentium D, Celeron D, Core 2 Duo, Pentium Dual-Core DDR2 400/533 4 GB (shrunk to 3.27 GB due to chipset limitation [61] some motherboards have ×16 @×4 from ICH7[62]
946PL Lakeport-PL 82946PL (MCH) SL9NV


ICH7/ICH7R July 2006 DDR2 533/667 4 GB ×16
946GZ Lakeport-GZ 82946GZ (GMCH) SL9NV


GMA 3000
P965 Broadwater(P) 82P965 (MCH) SL9NU


ICH8/ICH8R/ICH8-DH June 2006 Pentium Dual-Core, Core 2 Quad, Core 2 Duo 533/800/1066 DDR2 533/667/800 8 GB ×16, ×4
G965 Broadwater(GC) 82G965 (GMCH) SL9P2


Pentium Dual-Core, Core 2 Duo ×16 GMA X3000
Q965 Broadwater(G) 82Q965 (GMCH) SL9NW


GMA 3000
Q963 Broadwater(G) 82Q963 (GMCH)   No
975X Glenwood 82975X (MCH)
SL8YS ICH7/ICH7R/ICH7-DH November 2005 Pentium D, Core 2 Quad, Core 2 Duo, Pentium Dual-Core 533/800/1066 DDR2 533/667/8003 Yes/Yes 1x161, 2×8
P31 Bearlake (P) 82P31 (MCH) SLAHX


ICH7 August 2007 Pentium Dual-Core, Core 2 Duo, Core 2 Quad 90 nm 800/1066/1333
(P45 unofficial 1600)
DDR2 667/800 4 GB No/No 1×16 rev. 1.1
G31 Bearlake (G) 82G31 (GMCH) SLASJ (B0) GMA 3100
G33 Bearlake (G+) 82G33 (GMCH) SLA9Q (A2) ICH9/ICH9R/ICH9-DH June 2007 DDR2 667/800
DDR3 800/1066
8 GB
4 GB
P35 Bearlake (P+) 82P35 (MCH) SLA9R (A2) 8 GB 1×16, 1x4 rev. 1.1
G35 Bearlake 82G35 (GMCH) SLAJJ August 2007 DDR2 667/800 1×16 rev. 1.1 GMA X3500
Q33 Bearlake (QF) 82Q33 (GMCH) SLAEW (A2) ICH9/ICH9R June 2007 GMA 3100
Q35 Bearlake (Q) 82Q35 (GMCH) SLAEX ICH9/ICH9R/ICH9-DO Yes4
G41 Eaglelake (G) 82G41 (GMCH) SLB8D


ICH7 September 2008 Core 2 Duo, Core 2 Quad 65 nm No DDR2 667/800
DDR3 800/1066
4 GB
8 GB
GMA X4500
B43 Eaglelake (B) 82B43 (GMCH) SLGL7 (A3) ICH10D December 2008 16 GB 1×16 rev. 2.0
P43 Eaglelake (P) 82P43 (MCH) SLB89 ICH10/ICH10R June 2008 8 GB
16 GB
P45 Eaglelake (P+) 82P45 (MCH) SLB7Z (A1)

SLB8C (A2)

1×16, 2×8 rev. 2.0
G43 Eaglelake (G) 82G43 (GMCH) SLB85 (A3)

SLGQ2 (A3)

1x16 rev. 1.1 GMA X4500
G45 Eaglelake (G+) 82G45 (GMCH) SLB84
Q43 Eaglelake (Q) 82Q43 (GMCH) SLB88 (A3) ICH10/ICH10R/ICH10D August 2008
Q45 Eaglelake (Q) 82Q45 (GMCH) SLB8A ICH10/ICH10R/ICH10-DO Yes4
X38 Bearlake (X) 82X38 (MCH) SLALJ (A1) ICH9/ICH9R/ICH9-DH September 2007
Core 2 Duo, Core 2 Quad, Core 2 Extreme 90 nm DDR3 800/1066/1333
DDR2 667/800/1066
No/DDR2 only 2×16 rev. 2.0
X48 82X48 (MCH) SLASF (A1) March 2008 800/1066/1333/1600


Core 2 mobile chipsets

ChipsetCode namePart numberssSpec Number南桥Release dateLithographyProcessors supported (official)FSB [MT/s]MemoryGraphicsTDP [W]
types.max. [GB]graphics core3D Render
GL960 Crestline 82960GL (GMCH) SLA5V (C0) ICH8-M May 2007 ?? nm Celeron M, Pentium Dual-Core 533 DDR2 533/667 3/51 Integrated GMA X3100 Max. 400 MHz 13.5
GM965 82965GM (GMCH) SLA9F (C0) Core 2 Duo 533/667/800 4/82 Max. 500 MHz
PM965 82965PM (MCH) SLA5U (C0) PCIe ×16 8
GL40 Cantiga 82GL40 (GMCH) SLB95 (B3)


ICH9-M Sep 2008 65 nm Core 2 Duo, Celeron, Celeron M, Pentium Dual-Core 667/800 DDR2 667/800, DDR3 800/1066 4/82 Integrated GMA X4500MHD Max. 400 MHz 12
GS40 82GS40 (GMCH) SLGT8 (B3) Core 2 Duo, Celeron, Celeron M?, Pentium Dual-Core 4
GS45 82GS45 (GMCH) (For CULV) SLB92 (B3) Core 2 Solo, Core 2 Duo, Core 2 Extreme, Celeron M 800/1066 8 Max. 533 MHz 7/8/123
GM45 82GM45 (GMCH) SLB94 (B3)


Core 2 Duo, Core 2 Extreme, Celeron M 667/800/1066 12
PM45 82PM45 (MCH) SLB97 (B3)


Core 2 Duo, Core 2 Quad, Core 2 Extreme PCIe ×16 7
  • 1 Unofficially this chipset support 5GB.
  • 2 Officially only 4GB is supported. Unofficially many laptops with this chipset support 8GB.
  • 3 Low power mode, HD playback mode and Full performance mode respectively.


南桥 9xx and 3/4 系列 chipsets

sSpec NumberParallel ATASerial ATAAHCI SupportRAID LevelsUSBTDP
ICH6-M 82801FBM SL7W6 (B2)

SL89K (B2)

UDMA 100/66/33 2 ports Yes None 4 ports 3.8
ICH6 82801FB SL7AG (B1)

SL7Y5 (B2)

SL89L (B2)

SL8BZ (C0)

4 ports No None 8 ports
ICH6R 82801FR SL79N (B1)

SL7W7 (B2)

SL89J (B2)

SL8C2 (C0)

Yes 0, 1, Matrix 8 ports
ICH7-M 82801GBM SL8YB (B0) 2 ports Yes None 4 ports 3.3
ICH7-M DH 82801GHM SL8YR (B0) 4 ports Yes 0, 1, Matrix
ICH7 82801GB SL8FX (A1)


No None 8 ports
ICH7DH 82801GDH SL8UK (A1) Yes 0, 1, Matrix
ICH7R 82801GR SL8FY (A1)

SL8KL (A1)

Yes 0, 1, 5, 10, Matrix
ICH8M 82801HBM SLA5Q (B1)

SLB9A (B2)

SLJ4Y (B2)

3 ports Yes None 10 ports 2.4
ICH8M-E 82801HEM SLA5R (B1)

SLB9B (B2)

Yes 0, 1, Matrix
ICH8 82801HB SL9MN (B0) No 4 ports No None 3.7
ICH8R 82801HR SL9MK (B0) 6 ports Yes 0, 1, 5, 10, Matrix
ICH8DH 82801HH SL9ML (B0) Yes
ICH8DO 82801HO SL9MM (B0) Yes
ICH9M 82801IBM SLB8Q (A3) 4 ports Yes None 8 ports 2.5
ICH9M-E 82801IEM SLB8P (A3) Yes 0, 1, Matrix
ICH9 82801IB SLA9M (A2) No(Yes[66]) None 12 ports 4.3
ICH9R 82801IR SLA9N (A2)


6 ports Yes 0, 1, 5, 10, Matrix
ICH9DH 82801IH SLA9P (A2) Yes
ICH9DO 82801IO SLAFD (A2) Yes
ICH10 82801JB SLB8R (A0) Yes None 4.5
ICH10D 82801JH SLG8T (B0) Yes
ICH10R 82801JR SLB8S (A0) Yes 0, 1, 5, 10, Matrix
ICH10DO 82801JO   Yes

5/6/7/8/9 系列 chipsets

Nehalem 微体系结构将内存控制器移动到处理器中。对于高端Nehalem处理器,X58 IOH充当从QPI到PCI Express外围设备和DMI到 ICH10 南桥的桥梁。对于主流和低端Nehalem处理器,集成内存控制器(IMC)是一个完整的北桥(有些甚至有GPU),PCH(平台控制器集线器)充当南桥。



LGA 1156

Chipsets supporting LGA 1156 CPUs (Lynnfield and Clarkdale).

ChipsetCode NamesSpec NumberPart numbers发布日期总线接口Link SpeedPCI Express lanesPCISATAUSBFDI supportTDP
3 Gbit/sv2.0
H55 Ibex Peak SLGZX(B3) BD82H55 (PCH) Jan 2010 DMI 1 GB/s 6 PCIe 2.0 at 2.5 GT/s Yes 6 ports 12 ports Yes 5.2 W
P55 SLH24 (B3),
BD82P55 (PCH) Sep 2009 8 PCIe 2.0 at 2.5 GT/s 14 ports No 4.7 W
H57 SLGZL(B3) BD82H57 (PCH) Jan 2010 Yes 5.2 W
Q57 SLGZW(B3) BD82Q57 (PCH) 5.1 W

LGA 1155

Chipsets supporting LGA 1155 CPUs (Sandy Bridge and Ivy Bridge). The PCIe 2.0 lanes from the PCH ran at 5 GT/s in this series, unlike in the previous LGA 1156 chips.[70]

ChipsetCode namesSpec numberPart numbersRelease dateBus interfaceLink speedPCI Express lanesPCISATAUSBFDI supportTDP
6 Gbit/s3 Gbit/sv3.2 Gen 1x1v2.0
H611 Cougar Point SLH83(B2)
BD82H61 (PCH) February 20, 2011 DMI 2.0 2 GB/s 6 PCIe 2.0 No None 4 ports None 10 ports Yes 6.1 W
B651 SLH98(B2)
BD82B65 (PCH) February 25, 2011 8 PCIe 2.0 Yes 1 port 5 ports 12 ports
Q651 SLH99(B2)
BD82Q65 (PCH) Q2 2011 14 ports
P671 SLH84(B2) (Recalled)
SLJ4C (B3)
BD82P67 (PCH) January 9, 2011 No 2 ports 4 ports No
H671 SLH82(B2) (Recalled)
SLJ49 (B3)
BD82H67 (PCH) Yes
Q671 SLH85(B2)
BD82Q67 (PCH) February 20, 2011 Yes
Z681 SLJ4F(B3) BD82Z68 (PCH) May 11, 2011 No
B752 Panther Point SLJ85(C1) BD82B75 (PCH) May 13, 2012 Yes 1 port 5 ports 4 ports 8 ports 6.7 W
Q752 SLJ84(C1) BD82Q75 (PCH) 10 ports
Z752 SLJ87(C1) BD82Z75 (PCH) April 8, 2012 No 2 ports 4 ports
H772 SLJ88(C1) BD82H77 (PCH)
Q772 SLJ83(C1) BD82Q77 (PCH) May 13, 2012 Yes
Z772 SLJC7(C1) BD82Z77 (PCH) April 8, 2012 No

LGA 1150

Chipsets that support LGA 1150 CPUs are listed below. Haswell and Haswell Refresh CPUs are supported by all listed chipsets; however, a BIOS update is usually required for 8-Series Lynx Point motherboards to support Haswell Refresh CPUs.[72] Broadwell CPUs are supported only by 9-Series chipsets, which are usually referred to as Wildcat Point.

The C1 stepping of the Lynx Point chipset contains a bug – a system could lose connectivity with USB devices plugged into USB 3.0 ports provided by the chipset if the system enters the S3 sleep mode.

ChipsetCode namesSpec numberPart numbersRelease dateBus InterfaceLink SpeedPCI Express lanesIntel VT-d supportPCISATAUSBFDI supportTDPPCIe M.2 support
6 Gbit/s3 Gbit/sv3.2 Gen 1x1v2.0
H81 Lynx Point SR13B(C1)
DH82H81 (PCH) June 2013 DMI 2.0 2 GB/s 6 PCIe 2.0 No No 2 ports 2 ports 2 ports 8 ports Yes 4.1 W No
B85 SR13C(C1)
DH82B85 (PCH) 8 PCIe 2.0 4 ports 4 ports
Q85 SR138(C1)
DH82Q85 (PCH) 6 ports
Q87 SR137(C1)
DH82Q87 (PCH) Yes 6 ports None
H87 SR139(C1)
DH82H87 (PCH) No
Z87 SR13A(C1)
DH82Z87 (PCH)
Z97 Wildcat Point SR1JJ(A0) DH82Z97 (PCH) May 2014 Yes
H97 SR1JK(A0) DH82H97 (PCH)


LGA 1366, LGA 2011, and LGA 2011-v3

单个插槽芯片组支持 LGA 1366LGA 2011, 和 LGA 2011-v3 CPUs.
Please consult List of Intel Xeon chipsets for further, multi-socket, chipsets for these sockets.

ChipsetCode NamesSpec NumberPart numbersRelease DateSocketBus InterfaceLink Speed[d]PCI Express lanesIntel VT-d supportPCISATAUSBFDI supportTDP
6 Gbit/s3 Gbit/sv3.2 Gen 1x1v2.0
X58 (I/O hub)1 Tylersburg SLGBT (B2),
SLH3M (C2)
AC82X58 (IOH) November 2008 LGA 1366 QPI Up to 12.8 GB/s 36 PCIe 2.0 at 5 GT/s (IOH);
6 PCIe 1.1 (ICH)
Yes Yes None 6 ports None 12 ports No 28.6 W2
X793 Patsburg SLJHW (C0),[75]
SLJN7 (C1)[76]
BD82X79 (PCH)[77] November 14, 2011 LGA 2011 DMI 2.0 32 GB/s 40 PCIe 3.0 No 2 ports 4 ports 14 ports 7.8 W
X994 Wellsburg SLKDE (B1),
SLKM9 (B1)
DH82031PCH (PCH) August 29, 2014 LGA 2011-v3 10 ports None 6 ports 8 ports 6.5 W
  • 1 X58 南桥是 ICH10/ICH10R.
  • 2 X58 TDP includes the X58 IOH TDP in addition to the ICH10/ICH10R TDP.
  • 3 For Sandy Bridge enthusiast desktop platform. Sandy Bridge CPUs will provide up to 40 PCIe 3.0 lanes for direct GPU connectivity and additional 4 PCIe 2.0 lanes. NOTE : This reference number 4 is on X79, which is a Sandy bridge -E, not Sandy Bridge, and PCIe 3.0 only is enabled when an Ivy Bridge-E CPU or Xeon E-5 series is used.
  • 4 For Haswell enthusiast desktop platform. Haswell CPUs will provide up to 40 PCIe 3.0 lanes for direct GPU connectivity and additional 4 PCIe 2.0 lanes.

LGA 2066

Chipsets支持 Skylake-X processors 和 Kaby Lake-X processors的  LGA 2066 插槽

The C621 Chipset also supports FCLGA3647 socket for Skylake-SP as well as Cascade Lake-W and Cascade Lake-SP processors.

ChipsetCode NamesSpec NumberPart numbers发布日期Bus InterfaceLink Speed
6 Gbit/sv3.0v2.0
X299 Basin Falls SR2Z2(A0) GL82X299 May 30, 2017 DMI 3.0

32 GB/s

16 PCIe 3.0 (for i5), 28-44 PCIe 3.0 (i7), 48 PCIe 3.0 (i9) ? ? No Up to 10 Up to 14 6 W
C422 Kaby Lake SR2WG(A0) GL82C422 July 11, 2017 24 PCIe 3.0 ? ? 6 W
C621 Lewisburg SR36S(B1)
EY82C621x UPI 32 GB/s 48 PCIe 3.0 Up to 14 15 W
C622 SR36X(S0)
EY82C622 17 W
C624 SR36Y(S0)
EY82C624 19 W
C625 SR36W(B1)
EY82C625 Yes 21 W
C626 SR36V(B1)
EY82C626 23 W
C627 SR36U(B1)
EY82C627 28.6 W
C628 SR36T(B1)
EY82C628 26.3 W


Dedicated mobile chipsets

所有Core-i 系列 移动芯片组有一个集成南桥

ChipsetCode NamesSpec NumberPart numbersRelease DateProcess supportBus InterfaceLink SpeedPCI Express lanesIntel VT-d supportSATAUSBTDPFDI support
6 Gbit/s3 Gbit/sv3.2 Gen 1x1v2.0
PM55 Ibex Peak-M SLGWN(B2),
BD82PM55 (PCH) September 2009 45 nm, 32 nm DMI 1 GB/s 8 PCIe 2.0 Yes None 6 ports None 14 ports 3.5 W No
HM55 SLGZS(B3) BD82HM55 (PCH) January 2010 6 PCIe 2.0 4 ports 12 ports Yes
HM57 SLGZR(B3) BD82HM57 (PCH) 8 PCIe 2.0 6 ports 14 ports
QS57 SLGZV(B3) BD82QS57 (PCH) 3.4 W
HM65 Cougar Point-M SLH9D(B2) (Recalled)
BD82HM65 (PCH) January 9, 2011 32 nm DMI 2.0 2 GB/s 8 PCIe 2.0 No 2 ports 4 ports 12 ports 3.9 W
HM67 SLH9C(B2) (Recalled)
BD82HM67 (PCH) 14 ports
UM67 SLH9U(B2)
BD82UM67 (PCH) February 20, 2011 3.4 W
QM67 SLH9B(B2)
BD82QM67 (PCH) Yes 3.9 W
BD82QS67 (PCH) 3.4 W
NM70 Panther Point-M SLJTA(C1) BD82NM70 (PCH) August 2012 22 nm 4 PCIe 2.0 ? 1 port 3 ports 8 ports 4.1 W
HM70 SJTNV(C1) BD82HM70 (PCH) April 8, 2012 8 PCIe 2.0 No 4 ports 4 ports 6 ports
HM75 SLJ8F(C1) BD82HM75 (PCH) 2 ports None 12 ports
HM76 SLJ8E(C1) BD82HM76 (PCH) 4 ports 8 ports
UM77 SLJ8D(C1) BD82UM77 (PCH) 4 PCIe 2.0 1 port 3 ports 6 ports 3.0 W
HM77 SLJ8C(C1) BD82HM77 (PCH) 8 PCIe 2.0 2 ports 4 ports 10 ports 4.1 W
QM77 SLJ8A(C1) BD82QM77 (PCH) Yes
QS77 SLJ8B(C1) BD82QS77 (PCH) 3.0 to 3.6 W
HM86 Lynx Point-M SR13J(C1)
DH82HM86 (PCH) June 2013 4 ports 2 ports 5 ports 2.7 W
QM87 SR13G(C1)
DH82QM87 (PCH) 6 ports 8 ports
HM87 SR13H(C1)
DH82HM87 (PCH) 10 ports
HM97 Wildcat Point-M SR1JN(A0) DH82HM97 (PCH) May 2014 ?

On-package mobile chipsets

Every 4th Generation Intel Core and 5th Generation Intel Core processor based on Mobile U-Processor and Y-Processor Lines has an on-package Platform Controller Hub.

CPU On-package ChipsetCode NameRelease DateProcess supportBus InterfaceLink SpeedPCI Express lanesIntel VT-d supportSATAUSBTDPFDI support
6 Gbit/s3 Gbit/sv3.2 Gen 1x1v2.0
8 series low-power, premium Lynx Point-LP June 2013 22 nm OPI✕8 Un­known 12 PCIe 2.0 Yes Up to 3 Up to 4 Up to 4 8 Un­known No
9 series U-processor line, base[79] Wildcat Point-LP January 2015 ? DMI 2.0 Un­known 10 PCIe 2.0 Yes 2 Up to 4 8 Un­known Yes
9 series U-processor line, premium[79] ? 12 PCIe 2.0 Up to 4
9 series Core M processor line, premium[79] September 2014 ? 10

100/200/300 Series chipsets

LGA 1151 rev 1

The 100 Series chipsets (codenamed Sunrise Point), for Skylake processors using the LGA 1151 socket, were released in the third quarter of 2015.

The 200 Series chipsets (codenamed Union Point) were introduced along with Kaby Lake processors, which also use the LGA 1151 socket;[82] these were released in the first quarter of 2017.

Release DateBus
PCI Express
Intel Optane
USB portsTDP
6 Gbit/sv3.2 Gen 1x1v3.2 Gen 2x1Total
H110 Sunrise
Sep. 27, 2015 DMI 2.0 2.0 GB/s 6 PCIe 2.0 No 4 None None No Up to 4 None Up to 10 6 W
B150 SR2C7(D1)
Sep. 1, 2015 DMI 3.0 3.93 GB/s 8 PCIe 3.0 6 Up to 1 Up to 6 Up to 12
Q150 SR2C6(D1)
H2 2015 10 PCIe 3.0 Up to 8 Up to 14
H170 SR2C8(D1)
Sep. 1, 2015 16 PCIe 3.0 Up to 2 Up to 2
Q170 SR2C5(D1)
Oct. 2015 20 PCIe 3.0 Up to 3 Up to 3 Up to 10
Z170 SR2C9(D1)
Aug. 2015
B250 Union
SR2WC(A0) GL82B250 Jan. 3, 2017 12 PCIe 3.0 Yes Up to 1 Up to 1 Up to 6 Up to 12
Q250 SR2WD(A0) GL82Q250 14 PCIe 3.0 Up to 8 Up to 14
H270 SR2WA(A0) GL82H270 20 PCIe 3.0 Up to 2 Up to 2
Q270 SR2WE(A0) GL82Q270 24 PCIe 3.0 Up to 3 Up to 3 Up to 10
Z270 SR2WB(A0) GL82Z270

LGA 1151 rev 2

While Coffee Lake shares the same socket as Skylake and Kaby Lake, this revision of LGA 1151 is electrically incompatible with 100 and 200 series CPUs.

The 300 Series chipsets were introduced along with Coffee Lake processors, which use the LGA 1151 socket; the enthusiast model was released in the last quarter of 2017, the rest of the line was released in 2018.

Release DateBus
PCI Express
Intel Optane
USB portsTDP
6 Gbit/sv3.2 Gen 1x1v3.2 Gen 2x1Total
Z370 Cannon Point SR3MD(A0) GL82Z370 October 5, 2017 DMI 3.0 3.93 GB/s 24 PCIe 3.0 Yes 6 up to 3 up to 3 No Up to 10 None Up to 14 6 W
H310 SR409(B0)
? April 3, 2018 DMI 2.0 2.0 GB/s 6 PCIe 2.0 No 4 None None WiFi 5 Up to 4 Up to 10
B360 SR408(B0) DMI 3.0 3.93 GB/s 12 PCIe 3.0 Yes 6 Up to 1 Up to 1 Up to 6 Up to 4 Up to 12
B365 Union Point SREVJ(A0) Dec. 14, 2018 20 PCIe 3.0 Up to 2 Up to 2 No Up to 8 None Up to 14
H370 Cannon Point SR405(B0) April 3, 2018 WiFi 5 Up to 4
Q370 SR404(B0) Q2 2018 24 PCIe 3.0 Up to 3 Up to 3 Up to 10 Up to 6
Z390 SR406(B0) FH82Z390 October 8, 2018

Xeon chipsets

C232 and C242 chipsets do not support CPU integrated GPUs, as they lack FDI support. Officially they support only Xeon processors, but some motherboards also support consumer processors (6/7th generation Core for C230 series, 8/9th generation Core for C240 series and its Pentium/Celeron derivatives).

ChipsetCode NamesSpec NumberPart numbersRelease DateBus InterfaceLink SpeedPCI Express lanesSATASATAePCIe M.2Wireless
USB portsTDP
6 Gbit/sv3.2 Gen 1x1v3.2 Gen 2x1Total
C232 Sunrise Point SR2CB(D1) GL82C232 (PCH) September 1, 2015 DMI 3.0 3.93 GB/s 8 PCIe 3.0 Up to 6 Up to 3 Up to 1 No Up to 6 None Up to 12 6 W
C236 SR2CC(D1) GL82C236 (PCH) 20 PCIe 3.0 Up to 8 Up to 3 Up to 10 Up to 14
C242 Coffee Lake SR40C(B0) FH82C242 November 2018 10 PCIe 3.0 Up to 6 ? Up to 1 Up to 6 Up to 2 Up to 12
C246 SR40A(B0) FH82C246 July 2018 24 PCIe 3.0 Up to 8 Up to 3 WiFi 5 Up to 10 Up to 6 Up to 14

Dedicated mobile chipsets

ChipsetCode NamesSpec NumberPart numbersRelease DateBus InterfaceLink SpeedPCI Express lanesSATASATAePCIe M.2Wireless
USB portsTDP
6 Gbit/s portsv3.2v2.0
Gen 1x1Gen 2x1
HM170 Sunrise
GL82HM170 (PCH) September 1, 2015 DMI 3.0 3.93 GB/s 16 PCIe 3.0 Up to 4 ? Up to 2 No Up to 8 None Up to 14 2.6 W
QM170 SR2C3(D1)
GL82QM170 (PCH)
CM236 SR2CE(D1) GL82CM236 (PCH) 20 PCIe 3.0 Up to 8 Up to 3 Up to 10 3.67 W
QMS180 SR2NH(D1) GLQMS180 (PCH) ? ? ? ? ? ?
QMU185     ? ? ? ? ? ?
HM175 SR30W(D1) GL82HM175 (PCH) January 3, 2017 16 PCIe 3.0 Up to 4 Up to 2 Up to 8 2.6 W
QM175 SR30V(D1) GL82QM175 (PCH)
CM238 SR30U(D1) GL82CM238 (PCH) 20 PCIe 3.0 Up to 8 Up to 3 Up to 10 3.67 W
HM370 Coffee Lake SR40B(B0) FH82HM370 (PCH) Q2 2018 16 PCIe 3.0 Up to 4 Up to 2 WiFi 5 Up to 8 Up to 4 3 W
QM370 SR40D(B0) FH82QM370 (PCH) 20 PCIe 3.0 Up to 10 Up to 6
CM246 SR40E(B0) FH82CM246 (PCH) 24 PCIe 3.0 Up to 8 Up to 4

On-package mobile chipsets

CPU On-package ChipsetCode NameRelease DateBus InterfaceLink Speed
PCI Express lanesSATASATAePCIe M.2Wireless
USB portsTDP
6 Gbit/s portsv3.2v2.0
Gen 1x1Gen 2x1
100 series (Base-U) Skylake[86] September 2015 OPI x8 2GT/s and 4GT/s 10 PCIe 2.0 2 Un­known ? Un­known 4 None 8 Un­known
100 series (Premium-U) 12 PCIe 3.0 3 ? 6 10
100 series (Premium-Y) 10 PCIe 3.0 2 ? 6 6
Kaby Lake (Base-U) Kaby Lake[87] September 2016 OPI x8 2GT/s and 4GT/s 10 PCIe 2.0 2 Un­known ? Un­known 4 None 10 Un­known
Kaby Lake (Premium-U) 12 PCIe 3.0 3 ? 6 10
Kaby Lake (Premium-Y) 10 PCIe 3.0 2 ? 6 6
300 series (Premium-U) Coffee Lake[88] April 2018 OPI x8 Up to 4GT/s 16 PCIe 3.0 3 Un­known ? Un­known Up to 6 None 10 Un­known

400/500 Series chipsets

LGA 1200

LGA 1200 is a CPU socket designed for Comet Lake and Rocket Lake desktop CPUs. Like its predecessors, LGA 1200 has the same amount of pins its name would suggest: 1200. Under the hood, LGA 1200 is a modified version of LGA 1151, its predecessor. It features 49 additional protruding pins that are used to improve power delivery and provide support for eventual updates with I/O features.

Release DateBus
PCI Express
Intel Optane
USB portsRocket Lake supportTDP
6 Gbit/sv2.0v3.2
Gen 1x1Gen 2x1Gen 2x2
H410 Comet Lake SRH1D(A0) FH82H410 Q2 2020 DMI 3.0 ×4
(3.93 GB/s)
6 PCIe 3.0 No 4 No Yes No Up to 10 Up to 4 None None No 6 W
B460 SRH1C(A0) FH82B460 16 PCIe 3.0 Yes 6 Up to 12 Up to 8 None None
H470 SRH14(A0) FH82H470 20 PCIe 3.0 Yes WiFi 6 Up to 14 Up to 4 None Yes
Q470 SRH1A(A0) FH82Q470 24 PCIe 3.0 Yes Up to 10 Up to 6 None
Z490 SRH13(A0) FH82Z490 Yes None
W480 SRH19(A0) FH82W480 Yes 8 Up to 8 None
H420E SRH8W(A0) FH82H420E 6 PCIe 3.0 Un­known 4 No Un­known No Up to 10 Up to 6 None None Un­known 6 W
Q470E SRJ7X(A0) FH82Q470E 24 PCIe 3.0 6 14 Up to 10 Up to 6 None
W480E SRJ7Y(A0) FH82W480E 8 Up to 8 None
H510 Rocket Lake SRKM2(B1) FH82H510 Q1 2021 ×4[89]
(3.93 GB/s)
6 PCIe 3.0 No 4 No Yes WiFi 6 Up to 10 Up to 4 None None Yes 6 W
B560 SRKM5(B1) FH82B560 12 PCIe 3.0 Yes 6 Up to 12 Up to 6 Up to 4 Up to 2
H570 SRKM6(B1) FH82H570 ×8[89]
(7.86 GB/s)
20 PCIe 3.0 Yes Up to 14 Up to 8
Z590 SRKM3(B1) FH82Z590 24 PCIe 3.0 Yes Up to 10 Up to 10 Up to 3
W580 SRKM7(B1) FH82W580 Yes 8
  •  Connection to the CPU will be reduced to DMI 3.0 ×4 if a Comet Lake CPU is installed. DMI 3.0 ×8 is only available with Rocket Lake CPUs.
  •  Mainboards advertised as H410 and B460 with Rocket Lake support use other 400-series chipsets. (such as H470)[90]

Dedicated mobile and embedded chipsets[edit]

Release DateBus
PCI Express
Intel Optane
USB portsTDP
6 Gbit/sv2.0v3.2
Gen 1x1Gen 2x1Gen 2x2
HM470 Comet Lake SRJAU(A0) FH82HM470 Q2 2020 DMI 3.0 3.93 GB/s 16 PCIe 3.0 Yes 4 No Yes WiFi 6 Up to 14 Up to 8 Up to 4 Un­known 3 W
QM480 SRH16 [91] FH82QM480 20 PCIe 3.0 Up to 10 Up to 6
WM490 SRH17(A0) FH82WM490 24 PCIe 3.0 8 No
HM570E Tiger Lake SRKLS(B1) FH82HM570E Q3 2021 DMI 3.0 3.93 GB/s 16 PCIe 3.0 Un­known 4 No Un­known No Up to 14 Up to 10 Up to 10 Un­known 2.9 W
QM580E SRKLT(B1) FH82QM580E 20 PCIe 3.0
RM590E SRKLR(B1) FH82RM590E 24 PCIe 3.0 8 3.4 W
HM570 SRKMA(B1) FH82HM570 Q2 2021 16 PCIe 3.0 Yes 4 Yes WiFi 6 Up to 8 Up to 8
QM580 SRKMC(B1) FH82QM580 20 PCIe 3.0 Up to 14 Up to 10 Up to 10
WM590 SRKMB(B1) FH82WM590 24 PCIe 3.0 8 No

On-package mobile chipsets

CPU On-package ChipsetCode NameRelease DateBus InterfaceLink Speed[d]PCI Express lanesSATASATAePCIe M.2Wireless
USB portsTDP
6 Gbit/s portsv3.2v2.0
Gen 1x1Gen 2x1
400 series (Mainstream/Base-U) Comet Lake[92] August 2019 OPI x8 Up to 4GT/s 12 PCIe 2.0 Up to 2 No Yes ? Up to 4 None 8 Un­known
400 series (Premium-U) 16 PCIe 3.0 Up to 3 ? Up to 6 Up to 6 10
495 series (Premium-U) Ice Lake[93] August 2019 OPI x8 Up to 4GT/s 16 PCIe 3.0 Up to 3 No Yes ? Up to 6 Up to 6 10 Un­known
495 series (Premium-Y) 14 PCIe 3.0 Up to 2 ? 6
500 series (Premium-UP3) Tiger Lake[94] September 2020 OPI x8 Up to 4GT/s 12 PCIe 3.0 2 No Yes ? 4 4 10 Un­known
500 series (Premium-UP4) Up to 2GT/s 10 PCIe 3.0 None ? 4 4 6

600/700 Series chipsets

LGA 1700

Release DateBus
PCI Express
Intel Optane
USB portsTDP
6 Gbit/sv2.0v3.2
4.03.0Gen 1x1Gen 2x1Gen 2x2
Z690 Alder Lake SRKZZ(B1) FH82Z690 Q4 2021 DMI 4.0 ✕8[95]
(15.76 GB/s)
Yes 8 No Yes WiFi 6E 14 10 10 4 6 W
W680 SRL00(B1) FH82W680 Q2 2022
Q670 SRL01(B1) FH82Q670 Q1 2022 12
H670 SRKZY(B1) FH82H670 8[96] 4[96] 2[96]
B660 SRKZX(B1) FH82B660 ✕4
(7.88 GB/s)
12[96] 6[96]
H610 SRKZW(B1) FH82H610 None
No 10[96] 4[96] 2[96] None[96]
R680E SRL2S(B1) FH82R680E ✕8
(15.76 GB/s)
12 16 No 8 No Un­known WiFi 5 14 10 10 4 6 W
Q670E SRL2R(B1) FH82Q670E 12 8
H610E SRL2T(B1) FH82H610E ✕4
(7.88 GB/s)
None 12 4 WiFi 6E 10 4 2 None
Z790 Raptor Lake SRM8P(B1) FH82Z790 Q4 2022 DMI 4.0 ✕8
(15.76 GB/s)
20 8 Yes 8 No Yes WiFi 6E 14 10 10 5 6 W
H770 SRM8T(B1) FH82H770 Q1 2023 16 8 8 4 2
B760 SRM8V(B1) FH82B760 ✕4
(7.88 GB/s)
10 4 4 12 6

Dedicated mobile chipsets

Every 12th Gen Intel Core-i mobile CPU excluding HX-series has an on-package Platform Controller Hub.

Release DateBus
PCI Express
Intel Optane
USB portsTDP
4.03.06 Gbit/sv2.0v3.2
Gen 1x1Gen 2x1Gen 2x2
HM670 Alder Lake SRL2Y(B1) FH82HM670 Q2 2022 DMI 4.0 ✕8
(15.76 GB/s)
Up to 16 Up to 12 Yes 8 No Yes WiFi 6E Up to 14 Up to 10 Up to 10 Up to 4 3.7 W
WM690 SRL2Z(B1) FH82WM690
HM770 Raptor Lake SRM8M(B1) FH82HM770 January 3, 2023 DMI 4.0 ✕8
(15.76 GB/s)
28 including PCIe 3.0 28 including PCIe 3.0 Un­known 8 No Yes WiFi 6E 14 Up to 10 Up to 10 Up to 4 3.7 W
WM790 ? ?

On-package mobile chipsets

CPU On-package ChipsetCode NameRelease DateBus InterfaceLink
PCI Express lanesSATASATAePCIe M.2Wireless
USB portsTDP
4.03.06 Gbit/s portsv3.2v2.0
Gen 1x1Gen 2x1
600 series (Premium-P)[97] Alder Lake February 2022 OPI ✕8

(15.76 GB/s)

None 12 Up to 2 No Yes WiFi 6 Up to 4 Up to 4 10 Un­known
700 series (Premium-P)[98] Raptor Lake January 2022 OPI ✕8

(15.76 GB/s)

None 12 Up to 2 No Yes WiFi 6 Up to 4 Up to 4 10 Un­known

See also


  1. ^ The Pentium Pro, Pentium II/III, and the Celerons based on them are essentially the same design with minor internal revisions and varying cache designs. Because of this, the same chipset can be used for Socket 8Socket 370Slot 1, or Slot 2 designs with any CPU in the P6 family. In practice however, newer chipset designs are usually made only for the newer processor packages, and older ones may not be updated to accommodate for recent package designs. In addition, certain chipsets may be implemented in motherboards with different processor packages, much like how the 440FX could be used either with a Pentium Pro (Socket 8) or Pentium II (Slot 1). A new feature for the latest Intel chipsets is hardware virtualization support (Intel VT-d).[33] The chipset support for this technology is not very clear for the moment.[34]
  2. ^ The Intel 82943GML mobile chipset unofficially supports Core Duo, Core 2 Duo, and Pentium Dual Core processors as well as 667 MHz FSB, which is a popular upgrade for many older notebook computers such as certain models of Acer Aspire 3680.
  3. ^ Remapping of PCIE/APIC memory ranges not supported,[some physical memory might not be accessible (e.g. limited to 3.5 GB or similar).


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