



The site is holding a number of web pages for groups producing open standards:




     ISO/IEC   JTC1/SC22/WG14 is the international standardization working group for the programming language C.

ISO/IEC JTC1/SC22/WG14是编程语言C的国际标准化工作组。 有明确的阐述工作委员会的性质。
JTC1/SC 22 is the international standardization subcommittee for programming languages, their environments and system software interfaces.
SC 22 is oftentimes called the "portability subcommittee".
JTC1/SC 22是编程语言、其环境和系统软件接口的国际标准化小组委员会。SC 22通常被称为“便携性小组委员会”。

      The current C programming language standard (C17) ISO/IEC 9899 was adopted by ISO and IEC in 2018.

2018年,ISO和IEC采用了当前的C编程语言标准(C17)ISO/IEC 9899。

     To obtain the international standard, please contact your national member body.

要获得国际标准,请联系您的国家member body

     Work on projects and their milestones include:

  projects  工作及其milestones(里程碑)包括:


     If you want further information, or want to participate, please contact your national member body or one of the contact addresses of the WG.



      ISO/IEC 9899 - Revision of the C standard

   C语言工作组,以下简称“WG 14”

           The primary output of WG14 is ISO/IEC 9899, the C Standard. The following is a list of revisions to ISO/IEC 9899 that the committee has produced:

    WG14的主要输出是ISO/IEC 9899,即C标准。以下是委员会对ISO/IEC 9899的修订列表:


RevisionISO publicationSimilar draft
C2x Not available N2731 [2021-10-18] (later drafts may be available)
C17 ISO/IEC 9899:2018 N2310  [2018-11-11] (early C2x draft)
C11 ISO/IEC 9899:2011 N1570  [2011-04-04]
C99 ISO/IEC 9899:1999 N1256 [2007-09-07]
C89 ISO/IEC 9899:1990 Not available

Change and Clarification Requests

ISO/IEC JTC1/SC22/WG14(C编程语言的标准化委员会) processes change and clarification requests (previously called Defect Reports) against ISO/IEC 9899 and has produced the following records of response:

C编程语言的标准化委员会根据ISO/IEC 9899 处理变更和澄清请求(以前称为缺陷报告),并已生成以下响应记录:


ISO publicationCompendium document
ISO/IEC 9899:2018 N2396
ISO/IEC 9899:2011 N2148
ISO/IEC 9899:1999 List of C99 CRs
ISO/IEC 9899:1990 List of C90 CRs

Additionally, WG14 tracks a list of proposals that the committee agrees should apply to obsolete versions of the C standard when applicable. These proposals are adopted into the current working draft of the C standard, but are reasonable to treat as extensions to previous versions of C if an implementation chooses to provide such a mode to their users. See the list of extensions to obsolete versions of C for more details.

有关更多详细信息,请参阅C过时版本的extensions to obsolete versions of C 。


Important Committee Documents 重要的委员会文档

The following are Standing Documents (SD) or other documents about the how the committee conducts its business.



SD-1 Mailings and Meetings Information
SD-2 Study Group Organization Information
SD-3 Partial list of proposals that did not fit into the former DR process for C11
N2611 The committee's charter of principles for C(委员会的C原则章程)

TS 18661: Floating-point extensions for C(TS 18661:C的浮点扩展)

This TS (Technical Specification) is in five parts, all of which are available from ISO.

PartISO publicationLatest draft
Part 1 TS 18661-1:2014 N1711
Part 2 TS 18661-2:2015 N1912
Part 3 TS 18661-3:2015 N1896
Part 4 TS 18661-4:2015 N1897
Part 5 TS 18661-5:2016 N1974

TS 17961: C secure coding rules(TS 17961:C安全编码规则)

WG14 has published a TS on rules for writing secure code in C. The TS focuses on requirements for implementations wishing to diagnose insecure C code. The latest draft is in document N1717 and the ISO publication is document ISO/IEC TS 17961:2013. A Technical Corrigendum (TC) was published to correct issues with the original publication. The latest draft is in document N2010 and the ISO publication is document ISO/IEC TS 17961:2013/COR 1:2016.

TR 18037: Embedded C(TR 18037:嵌入式C)

WG14 has published a TR (Technical Report) on Embedded C, which is available for free from ISO at ISO/IEC TR 18037:2008.

TR 24731-1: Extensions to the C Library Part 1: Bounds-checking interfaces

WG14 has published a TR on extensions to the C Library for bounds-checking interfaces. This TR is oriented towards modifying existing programs, often by adding an extra parameter with the buffer length. The latest draft is in document N1225 and the ISO publication is document ISO/IEC TR 24731-1:2007. A rationale is in N1173.

TR 24731-2: Extensions to the C Library - Part 2: Dynamic allocation functions

WG14 has published a TR on extensions to the C Library for dynamic allocation functions. This TR is oriented towards new programs using dynamic allocation instead of an extra parameter for the buffer length. The latest draft is in document N1388 and the official ISO publication is ISO/IEC TR 24731-2:2010.

TR 24732: Decimal floating-point

WG14 has published a TR on extensions to the C programming language to support decimal floating-point arithmetic. The latest draft is in document N1312 and the official ISO publication is ISO/IEC TR 24732:2009. A rationale document is in N1242.

TR 24747: Mathematical special functions

WG14 has published a TR on extensions to the C Library to support mathematical special functions. The latest draft is in document N1292 and the official ISO publication is ISO/IEC TR 24747:2009. A rationale document is in N1244.

TR 19769: New character types in C

WG14 had published a TR on new character types, including support for UTF-16, called TR 19769 - Extensions for the programming language C to support new character data types. This TR has been withdrawn because a revised version of its text was merged into the C Standard. The draft of the TR that was approved for publication can be found in document N1040.

SC22/WG14 Milestones(SC22/WG14里程碑)


2018: Published 

ISO/IEC 9899:2018   C17

2016: Published 

ISO/IEC TS 18861-5:2016  supplementary attributes

2016: Published

ISO/IEC TS 17961:2013/COR 1:2016  C secure coding rules TC1

2015: Published x

ISO/IEC TS 17961:2013/COR 1:2016 C secure coding rules TC1

2015: Published 

 ISO/IEC TS 18861-3:2015  interchange and extended types

2015: Published 

 ISO/IEC TS 18861-2:2015  decimal floating-point

2014: Published

ISO/IEC TS 18861-1:2014  binary floating-point

2013: Published 

ISO/IEC TS 17961:2013  C secure coding rules

2012: Published 

ISO/IEC 9899:2011/Cor 1:2012  

2011: Published 

ISO/IEC 9899:2011  C11

2010: Published 

ISO/IEC TR 24731-2:2010  dynamic allocation functions

2009: Published 

ISO/IEC TR 24732:2009  decimal floating-point

2009: Published 

ISO/IEC TR 24747:2009  mathematical special functions

2008: Published

ISO/IEC TS 18037:2008   embedded C

2007: Published 

 ISO/IEC 9899:1999/Cor 3:2007  

2007: Published 

 ISO/IEC TR 24731-1:2007 bounds-checking interfaces

2004: Published 

 ISO/IEC 9899:1999/Cor 2:2004  

2004: Published 

 ISO/IEC TR 19769:2004  (aka new character data types

2000: Published 

 ISO/IEC 9899:1999  C99

1995: Published 

 ISO/IEC 9899:1990/AMD 1:1995  C95 

1990: Published 

 ISO/IEC 9899:1990  C90 

1989: Published 

 ANSI X3.159-1989   C89 or ANSI C


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