了解万维网,需要了解 Tim Berners-Lee 当时工作的环境和工作的背景,同时做好了解下Internet的起源以及相关历史,就会明白他们之间的关联性
一、介绍 Tim Berners-Lee
Sir Timothy John Berners-Lee OM KBE FRS FREng FRSA DFBCS (born 8 June 1955),also known as TimBL, is an English computer scientist best known as the inventor of the World Wide Web. He is a Professorial Fellow of Computer Science at the University of Oxford and a professor at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT).Berners-Lee proposed an information management system on 12 March 1989,then implemented the first successful communication between a Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP) client and server via the Internet in mid-November.
OM KBE FRS FREng FRSA DFBCS 爵士,也称为TimBL ,是一位英国计算机科学家,以万维网的发明者而闻名。他是牛津大学计算机科学教授和麻省理工学院(MIT) 教授。Berners-Lee 于1989 年3月12日提出了一个信息管理系统,[然后在11 月中旬第一个成功实现了通过Internet的超文本传输协议 (HTTP)客户端和服务器之间的通讯。
Berners-Lee is the director of the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C), which oversees the continued development of the Web. He co-founded (with his then wife-to-be Rosemary Leith) the World Wide Web Foundation. He is a senior researcher and holder of the 3Com founder's chair at the MIT Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence Laboratory (CSAIL).He is a director of the Web Science Research Initiative (WSRI) and a member of the advisory board of the MIT Center for Collective Intelligence.In 2011, he was named as a member of the board of trustees of the Ford Foundation. He is a founder and president of the Open Data Institute and is currently an advisor at social network MeWe.
Berners-Lee 是W3C的负责人,该联盟负责监督 Web 的持续发展。他(与他当时的未婚妻Rosemary Leith)共同创立了World Wide Web Foundation(万维网基金会)。他是 CSAIL 的高级研究员和 3Com 创始人主席。他是网络科学研究计划(WSRI) 的主任和麻省理工学院集体智慧中心顾问委员会的成员。 2011年,他被任命为福特基金会董事会成员。他是开放数据研究所的创始人和总裁,目前是社交网络MeWe的顾问。
In 2004, Berners-Lee was knighted by Queen Elizabeth II for his pioneering work.
2004 年,Berners-Lee 因其开创性的工作被 “英国女王伊丽莎白二世” 封为爵士
He devised and implemented the first Web browser and Web server, and helped foster the Web's subsequent explosive development. He currently directs the W3 Consortium, developing tools and standards to further the Web's potential. In April 2009, he was elected as Foreign Associate of the National Academy of Sciences.
他设计并实现了第一个 Web 浏览器和 Web 服务器,并帮助促进了 Web 随后的爆炸式发展。他目前指导 W3 Consortium,开发工具和标准以进一步发挥 Web 的潜力。In April 2009, he was elected as Foreign Associate of the National Academy of Sciences .
He was named in Time magazine's list of the 100 Most Important People of the 20th century and has received a number of other accolades for his invention.He was honoured as the "Inventor of the World Wide Web" during the 2012 Summer Olympics opening ceremony in which he appeared working with a vintage NeXT Computer. He tweeted "This is for everyone"which appeared in LED lights attached to the chairs of the audience.[23] He received the 2016 Turing Award "for inventing the World Wide Web, the first web browser, and the fundamental protocols and algorithms allowing the Web to scale".
他被《时代》杂志评为20 世纪最重要的 100 位人物,并因其发明而获得了许多其他荣誉。在2012 年夏季奥运会开幕式上,他被授予“万维网发明者”称号,当时他与一台老式NeXT 计算机一起工作。他在推特上发布了“这是给每个人的” ,它出现在观众椅子上的 LED 灯中。2016年 图灵奖获得者 “因为发明了万维网、第一个网络浏览器,以及允许网络扩展的基本协议和算法”。
Berners-Lee was born on 8 June 1955 in London, England, the eldest of the four children of Mary Lee Woods and Conway Berners-Lee; his brother Mike is a professor of ecology and climate change management. His parents were computer scientists who worked on the first commercially built computer, the Ferranti Mark 1. He attended Sheen Mount Primary School, and then went on to attend south-west London's Emanuel School from 1969 to 1973, at the time a direct grant grammar school, which became an independent school in 1975. A keen trainspotter as a child, he learnt about electronics from tinkering with a model railway. He studied at The Queen's College, Oxford, from 1973 to 1976, where he received a first-class Bachelor of Arts degree in physics. While at university, Berners-Lee made a computer out of an old television set, which he bought from a repair shop.
After graduation, Berners-Lee worked as an engineer at the telecommunications company Plessey in Poole, Dorset.In 1978, he joined D. G. Nash in Ferndown, Dorset, where he helped create typesetting software for printers.
毕业后,伯纳斯-李在多塞特郡普尔的电信公司Plessey担任工程师。1978 年,他加入了位于多塞特郡Ferndown的 DG Nash,在那里他帮助开发了用于打印机的排版软件
Berners-Lee worked as an independent contractor at CERN from June to December 1980. While in Geneva, he proposed a project based on the concept of hypertext, to facilitate sharing and updating information among researchers.To demonstrate it, he built a prototype system named ENQUIRE.
Berners-Lee于1980年6月至12月在 CERN 担任独立承包商。在日内瓦期间,他提出了一个基于超文本概念的项目,以促进研究人员之间的信息共享和更新。为了演示它,他构建了一个名为INQUIRE的原型系统。
After leaving CERN in late 1980, he went to work at John Poole's Image Computer Systems, Ltd, in Bournemouth, Dorset.He ran the company's technical side for three years.The project he worked on was a "real-time remote procedure call" which gave him experience in computer networking.In 1984, he returned to CERN as a fellow.
1980 年底离开 CERN 后,他前往位于多塞特郡伯恩茅斯的 John Poole 的图像计算机系统有限公司工作。他在公司的技术部门工作了三年。他从事的项目是“实时 远程过程调用”,这使他获得了计算机网络方面的经验。 1984 年,他作为研究员回到欧洲核子研究中心。
1989 年,CERN 是欧洲最大的互联网节点,Berners-Lee 看到了将超文本与互联网结合的机会
In 1989, CERN was the largest Internet node in Europe and Berners-Lee saw an opportunity to join hypertext with the Internet:
1989 年,CERN 是欧洲最大的互联网节点,Berners-Lee看到了将超文本与互联网结合的机会
I just had to take the hypertext idea and connect it to the TCP and DNS ideas and—ta-da!—the World Wide Web.
我只需要接受超文本的想法并将其连接到 TCP 和 DNS 的想法以及 - ta-da! - 万维网。
Creating the web was really an act of desperation, because the situation without it was very difficult when I was working at CERN later. Most of the technology involved in the web, like the hypertext, like the Internet, multifont text objects, had all been designed already. I just had to put them together. It was a step of generalising, going to a higher level of abstraction, thinking about all the documentation systems out there as being possibly part of a larger imaginary documentation system.
创建网络确实是一种铤而走险的行为,因为当我后来在 CERN 工作时,没有网络的情况下是非常困难的。网络中涉及的大多数技术,如超文本、互联网、多字体文本对象,都已经设计好了。我只需要把它们放在一起。这是一个概括的步骤,进入更高的抽象层次,将所有的文档系统视为可能是更大的虚构文档系统的一部分。
— Tim Berners-LeeBerners-Lee wrote his proposal in March 1989 and, in 1990, redistributed it. It then was accepted by his manager, Mike Sendall, who called his proposals "vague, but exciting".He used similar ideas to those underlying the ENQUIRE system to create the World Wide Web, for which he designed and built the first web browser. His software also functioned as an editor (called WorldWideWeb, running on the NeXTSTEP operating system), and the first Web server, CERN HTTPd (short for Hypertext Transfer Protocol daemon).
Berners-Lee在 1989 年 3 月写下了他的提案,并在 1990 年重新分发了它。然后他的经理 Mike Sendall, 接受了它,他称他的提议“含糊不清,但令人兴奋”。他使用与 INQUIRE 系统底层相似的想法来创建万维网,为此他在1989年工作在CERN的时候,设计并构建了第一个Web 浏览器。叫做WorldWideWeb ,后来更名为Nexus,以避免软件和万维网混淆,他的软件还用作编辑器(该浏览器在NeXTSTEP操作系统上运行)和第一个 Web 服务器CERN HTTPd (超文本传输协议守护程序的缩写)。
关于WorldWideWeb(后来更名为Nexus,以避免软件和万维网混淆)是第一个网络浏览器和网页编辑器。它于 1994 年停产。在编写它时,它是唯一存在的网络浏览器,以及第一个所见即所得的 HTML 编辑器。
源代码于1993 年 4 月 30 日发布到公共领域。一些代码仍然存在于 CERN 博物馆 Tim Berners-Lee 的 NeXT 计算机上,由于计算机的状态为一件历史文物。为了配合研究中心向世界提供网络 20 周年,CERN 于 2013 年启动了一个项目,以保护与网络诞生相关的原始硬件和软件。
参看: cern上的介绍点这里 以及 https://www.history.com/news/the-worlds-first-web-site
CERN 的第一个网站——也是世界上的第一个网站——专门用于万维网项目本身,并托管在 Berners-Lee 的 NeXT 计算机上。2013 年,CERN 启动了一个项 目来恢复这个有史以来的第一个网站: info.cern.ch。
图片来自 history.com
英国科学家蒂姆·伯纳斯·李(Tim Berners-Lee)在欧洲核子研究中心(CERN)使用这台计算机设计了万维网(WWW)。
Berners-Lee 没有试图从他的发明中获利,并拒绝了 CERN 为他的 Web 技术申请专利的呼吁。他希望 Web 是开放和免费的,这样它就可以尽可能快地扩展和发展。正如他后来说,“如果这项技术是专有的,并且在我的完全控制下,它可能不会起飞。你不能提议将某物作为一个普遍的空间,同时保持对它的控制。
Berners-Lee published the first web site, which described the project itself, on 20 December 1990; it was available to the Internet from the CERN network. The site provided an explanation of what the World Wide Web was, and how people could use a browser and set up a web server, as well as how to get started with your own website.On 6 August 1991, Berners-Lee first posted, on Usenet, a public invitation for collaboration with the WorldWideWeb project.
Berners-Lee 于 1990 年 12 月 20 日发布了第一个描述项目本身的网站;它可以从 CERN 网络访问 Internet。该网站解释了万维网是什么,人们如何使用浏览器和设置网络服务器,以及如何开始使用您自己的网站。1991 年 8 月 6 日,Berners-Lee 第一次在Usenet上发布了与 WorldWideWeb 项目合作的公开邀请
In a list of 80 cultural moments that shaped the world, chosen by a panel of 25 eminent scientists, academics, writers and world leaders, the invention of the World Wide Web was ranked number one, with the entry stating, "The fastest growing communications medium of all time, the Internet has changed the shape of modern life forever. We can connect with each other instantly, all over the world."
在由 25 位著名科学家、学者、作家和世界领袖组成的小组评选出的塑造世界的 80 个文化时刻的名单中,万维网的发明排名第一,其条目指出:“发展最快的通信作为所有时间的媒介,互联网永远改变了现代生活的形态。我们可以在世界各地即时联系。”
In 1994, Berners-Lee founded the W3C at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. It comprised various companies that were willing to create standards and recommendations to improve the quality of the Web. Berners-Lee made his idea available freely, with no patent and no royalties due. The World Wide Web Consortium decided that its standards should be based on royalty-free technology, so that they easily could be adopted by anyone.
1994 年,Berners-Lee 在麻省理工学院创立了 W3C 。它由愿意创建标准和建议以提高Web质量的各种公司组成。Berners-Lee 将他的想法免费提供,无需专利,也无需支付版税。万维网联盟(w3c)决定其标准应基于免版税技术,以便任何人都可以轻松采用。
Berners-Lee participated in Curl Corp's attempt to develop and promote the Curl programming language.
Berners-Lee 参与了 Curl Corp 开发和推广Curl 编程语言的尝试。In 2001, Berners-Lee became a patron of the East Dorset Heritage Trust, having previously lived in Colehill in Wimborne, East Dorset.In December 2004, he accepted a chair in computer science at the School of Electronics and Computer Science, University of Southampton, Hampshire, to work on the Semantic Web.
In a Times article in October 2009, Berners-Lee admitted that the initial pair of slashes ("//") in a web address were "unnecessary". He told the newspaper that he easily could have designed web addresses without the slashes. "There you go, it seemed like a good idea at the time," he said in his lighthearted apology.
Policy work
In June 2009, then-British prime minister Gordon Brown announced that Berners-Lee would work with the UK government to help make data more open and accessible on the Web, building on the work of the Power of Information Task Force. Berners-Lee and Professor Nigel Shadbolt are the two key figures behind data.gov.uk, a UK government project to open up almost all data acquired for official purposes for free reuse. Commenting on the opening up of Ordnance Survey data in April 2010, Berners-Lee said: "The changes signal a wider cultural change in government based on an assumption that information should be in the public domain unless there is a good reason not to—not the other way around." He went on to say: "Greater openness, accountability and transparency in Government will give people greater choice and make it easier for individuals to get more directly involved in issues that matter to them."
In November 2009, Berners-Lee launched the World Wide Web Foundation (WWWF) in order to campaign to "advance the Web to empower humanity by launching transformative programs that build local capacity to leverage the Web as a medium for positive change".
Berners-Lee is one of the pioneer voices in favour of net neutrality, and has expressed the view that ISPs should supply "connectivity with no strings attached", and should neither control nor monitor the browsing activities of customers without their expressed consent. He advocates the idea that net neutrality is a kind of human network right: "Threats to the Internet, such as companies or governments that interfere with or snoop on Internet traffic, compromise basic human network rights."Berners-Lee participated in an open letter to the US Federal Communications Commission (FCC). He and 20 other Internet pioneers urged the FCC to cancel a vote on 14 December 2017 to uphold net neutrality. The letter was addressed to Senator Roger Wicker, Senator Brian Schatz, Representative Marsha Blackburn and Representative Michael F. Doyle.

Berners-Lee joined the board of advisors of start-up State.com, based in London.As of May 2012, he is president of the Open Data Institute,which he co-founded with Nigel Shadbolt in 2012.
The Alliance for Affordable Internet (A4AI) was launched in October 2013 and Berners-Lee is leading the coalition of public and private organisations that includes Google, Facebook, Intel and Microsoft. The A4AI seeks to make Internet access more affordable so that access is broadened in the developing world, where only 31% of people are online. Berners-Lee will work with those aiming to decrease Internet access prices so that they fall below the UN Broadband Commission's worldwide target of 5% of monthly income.
Berners-Lee holds the founders chair in Computer Science at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, where he heads the Decentralized Information Group and is leading Solid, a joint project with the Qatar Computing Research Institute that aims to radically change the way Web applications work today, resulting in true data ownership as well as improved privacy.In October 2016, he joined the Department of Computer Science at Oxford University as a professorial research fellow and as a fellow of Christ Church, one of the Oxford colleges.
From the mid 2010s Berners-Lee initially remained neutral on the emerging Encrypted Media Extensions (EME) proposal for with its controversial Digital Rights Management (DRM) implications.In March 2017 he felt he had to take a position which was to support the EME proposal. He reasoned EME's virtues whilst noting DRM was inevitable.As W3C director, he went on to approve the finalised specification in July 2017. His stance was opposed by some including Electronic Frontier Foundation (EFF), the anti-DRM campaign Defective by Design and the Free Software Foundation.Varied concerns raised included being not supportive of the Internet's open philosophy against commercial interests and risks of users being forced to use a particular web browser to view specific DRM content.The EFF raised a formal appeal which did not succeed and the EME specification became a formal W3C recommendation in September 2017.
On 30 September 2018, Berners-Lee announced his new open-source startup Inrupt to fuel a commercial ecosystem around the Solid project, which aims to give users more control over their personal data and lets them choose where the data goes, who's allowed to see certain elements and which apps are allowed to see that data.
In November 2019 at the Internet Governance Forum in Berlin Berners-Lee and the WWWF launched Contract for the Web, a campaign initiative to persuade governments, companies and citizens to commit to nine principles to stop "misuse", with the warning that "if we don't act now – and act together – to prevent the web being misused by those who want to exploit, divide and undermine, we are at risk of squandering [its potential for good]".
"He wove the World Wide Web and created a mass medium for the 21st century. The World Wide Web is Berners-Lee's alone. He designed it. He loosed it on the world. And he more than anyone else has fought to keep it open, nonproprietary and free."
—Tim Berners-Lee's entry in Time magazine's list of the 100 Most Important People of the 20th century, March 1999.
Berners-Lee has received many awards and honours. He was knighted by Queen Elizabeth II in the 2004 New Year Honours "for services to the global development of the Internet", and was invested formally on 16 July 2004.
On 13 June 2007, he was appointed to the Order of Merit (OM), an order restricted to 24 (living) members. Bestowing membership of the Order of Merit is within the personal purview of the Queen and does not require recommendation by ministers or the Prime Minister.
He was elected a Fellow of the Royal Society (FRS) in 2001.[69] He was also elected as a member into the American Philosophical Society in 2004[70] and the National Academy of Engineering in 2007.
He has been conferred honorary degrees from a number of universities around the world, including Manchester (his parents worked on the Manchester Mark 1 in the 1940s), Harvard and Yale.[71][72][73]
In 2012, Berners-Lee was among the British cultural icons selected by artist Sir Peter Blake to appear in a new version of his most famous artwork – the Beatles' Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band album cover – to celebrate the British cultural figures of his life that he most admires to mark his 80th birthday.[74][75]
In 2013, he was awarded the inaugural Queen Elizabeth Prize for Engineering.On 4 April 2017, he received the 2016 ACM Turing Award "for inventing the World Wide Web, the first web browser, and the fundamental protocols and algorithms allowing the Web to scale".
Berners-Lee has said "I like to keep work and personal life separate."
Berners-Lee married Nancy Carlson, an American computer programmer, in 1990. She was also working in Switzerland at the World Health Organization. They had two children and divorced in 2011. In 2014, he married Rosemary Leith at the Chapel Royal, St. James's Palace in London. Leith is a Canadian Internet and banking entrepreneur and a founding director of Berners-Lee's World Wide Web Foundation. The couple also collaborate on venture capital to support artificial intelligence companies.
Berners-Lee was raised as an Anglican, but he turned away from religion in his youth. After he became a parent, he became a Unitarian Universalist (UU).When asked whether he believes in God, he stated: "Not in the sense of most people, I'm atheist and Unitarian Universalist."
The web’s source code was auctioned by Sotheby’s in London during 23–30 June 2021, as a non-fungible token (NFT) by TimBL. Selling for USD $5,434,500, it was reported the proceeds would be used to fund initiatives by TimBL and his wife, Rosemary Leith.
过去在 W3C 开发的项目
原始的 CERN httpd服务器(也称为W3C httpd)
1996 年 5 月,w3c发布了 W3C 领先的 Web 服务器平台Jigsaw ,在 Java 实现的高级架构之上提供了一个示例 HTTP 1.1 实现和各种其他特性。
下载链接: https://www.w3.org/Daemon/httpd/w3c-httpd-3.0A.tar.Z
- ^ Jump up to:a b c Anon (2015). "Berners-Lee, Sir Timothy (John)". Who's Who. ukwhoswho.com (online Oxford University Press ed.). A & C Black, an imprint of Bloomsbury Publishing plc. doi:10.1093/ww/9780199540884.013.U12699. (Subscription or UK public library membership required.) (subscription required)
- ^ "Tim Berners-Lee". Department of Computer Science.
- ^ "Sir Tim Berners-Lee joins Oxford's Department of Computer Science". University of Oxford.
- ^ "Tim Berners-Lee | MIT CSAIL". www.csail.mit.edu.
- ^ "30 years on, what's next #ForTheWeb?". World Wide Web Foundation. 12 March 2019.
- ^ "info.cern.ch – Tim Berners-Lee's proposal". Info.cern.ch. Retrieved 21 December 2011.
- ^ Tim Berners Lee's own reference. The exact date is unknown.
- ^ Berners-Lee, Tim; Mark Fischetti (1999). Weaving the Web: The Original Design and Ultimate Destiny of the World Wide Web by its inventor. Britain: Orion Business. ISBN 978-0-7528-2090-3.
- ^ Berners-Lee, T. (2010). "Long Live the Web". Scientific American. 303 (6): 80–85. Bibcode:2010SciAm.303f..80B. doi:10.1038/scientificamerican1210-80. PMID 21141362.
- ^ Shadbolt, N.; Berners-Lee, T. (2008). "Web science emerges". Scientific American. 299 (4): 76–81. Bibcode:2008SciAm.299d..76S. doi:10.1038/scientificamerican1008-76. PMID 18847088.
- ^ Berners-Lee, T.; Hall, W.; Hendler, J.; Shadbolt, N.; Weitzner, D. (2006). "Computer Science: Enhanced: Creating a Science of the Web". Science. 313 (5788): 769–771. doi:10.1126/science.1126902. PMID 16902115. S2CID 5104030.
- ^ "Draper Prize". Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Retrieved 25 May 2008.
- ^ "People". The Web Science Research Initiative. Archived from the original on 28 June 2008. Retrieved 17 January 2011.
- ^ "MIT Center for Collective Intelligence (homepage)". Cci.mit.edu. Retrieved 15 August 2010.
- ^ "MIT Center for Collective Intelligence (people)". Cci.mit.edu. Archived from the original on 11 June 2010. Retrieved 15 August 2010.
- ^ Bratt, Steve (29 September 2011). "Sir Tim Berners-Lee Named to the Ford Foundation Board". World Wide Foundation. Retrieved 22 August 2017.
- ^ Shukman, Harry; Bridge, Mark (8 January 2019). "Sir Tim Berners-Lee's app MeWe is used by neo-Nazis and perverts". The Times. ISSN 0140-0460. Retrieved 12 March 2019.
- ^ Jump up to:a b c "Web's inventor gets a knighthood". BBC News. 31 December 2003. Retrieved 10 November 2015.
- ^ Jump up to:a b "Creator of the web turns knight". BBC News. 16 July 2004. Retrieved 10 November 2015.
- ^ "Timothy Berners-Lee Elected to National Academy of Sciences". Dr. Dobb's Journal. Retrieved 9 June 2009.
- ^ "72 New Members Chosen By Academy" (Press release). United States National Academy of Sciences. 28 April 2009. Retrieved 17 January 2011.
- ^ Jump up to:a b Quittner, Joshua (29 March 1999). "Tim Berners Lee—Time 100 People of the Century". Time Magazine. Archived from the original on 16 October 2007.
- ^ Jump up to:a b Friar, Karen (28 July 2012). "Sir Tim Berners-Lee stars in Olympics opening ceremony". ZDNet. Retrieved 28 July 2012.
- ^ Jump up to:a b Berners-Lee, Tim (27 July 2012). "This is for everyone". Twitter. Retrieved 28 July 2012.
- ^ Jump up to:a b "A. M. Turing Award". Association for Computing Machinery. 2016. Retrieved 4 April 2017.
- ^ Jump up to:a b c d "Berners-Lee Longer Biography". World Wide Web Consortium. Retrieved 18 January 2011.
- ^ "Lunch with the FT: Tim Berners-Lee". Financial Times. 7 September 2012.
- ^ Jump up to:a b "He caught us all in the Web!". The Hindu. 1 September 2018. ISSN 0971-751X. Retrieved 2 September 2018.
- ^ "Berners-Lee's original proposal to CERN". World Wide Web Consortium. March 1989. Retrieved 25 May 2008.
- ^ Jump up to:a b Stewart, Bill. "Tim Berners-Lee, Robert Cailliau, and the World Wide Web". Retrieved 22 July 2010.
- ^ Jump up to:a b Berners-Lee, Tim. "Frequently asked questions". World Wide Web Consortium. Retrieved 22 July 2010.
- ^ Grossman, Wendy (15 July 1996). "All you never knew about the Net ...". The Independent.
- ^ Berners-Lee, Tim. "Answers for Young People". World Wide Web Consortium. Retrieved 25 May 2008.
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- ^ "Welcome to info.cern.ch, the website of the world's first-ever web server". CERN. Retrieved 25 May 2008.
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- ^ "World Wide Web—First mentioned on USENET". 6 August 1991. Retrieved 25 May 2008.
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- ^ Klooster, John W., (2009), Icons of Invention: the makers of the modern world from Gutenberg to Gates, ABC-CLIO, p. 611.
- ^ Berners-Lee, T.; Hendler, J.; Lassila, O. (2001). "The Semantic Web". Scientific American. 2841 (5): 34. Bibcode:2001SciAm.284e..34B. doi:10.1038/scientificamerican0501-34.
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- ^ Jump up to:a b "NFT representing Tim Berners-Lee's source code for the web to go on sale". theguardian.com. theguardian.com. 15 June 2021. Retrieved 15 June 2021.
- ^ "This Changed Everything: Source Code for WWW x Tim Berners-Lee, an NFT". sothebys.com. sothebys.com. Retrieved 15 June 2021.
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- ^ Lawler, Richard (30 June 2021). "Sir Tim Berners-Lee's web source code NFT sells for $5.4 million". The Verge. VOX Media. Retrieved 30 June 2021.
Further reading
- Tim Berners-Lee's publications
- Tim Berners-Lee and the Development of the World Wide Web (Unlocking the Secrets of Science) (Mitchell Lane Publishers, 2001), ISBN 1-58415-096-3
- Tim Berners-Lee: Inventor of the World Wide Web (Ferguson's Career Biographies), Melissa Stewart (Ferguson Publishing Company, 2001), ISBN 0-89434-367-X children's biography
- How the Web was Born: The Story of the World Wide Web, Robert Cailliau, James Gillies, R. Cailliau (Oxford University Press, 2000), ISBN 0-19-286207-3
- Weaving the Web: The Original Design and Ultimate Destiny of the World Wide Web by Its Inventor, Tim Berners-Lee, Mark Fischetti (Paw Prints, 2008)
- "Man Who Invented the World Wide Web Gives it New Definition", Compute Magazine, 11 February 2011
- BBC2 Newsnight – Transcript of video interview of Berners-Lee on the read/write Web
- Technology Review interview
- Brooker, Katrina (August 2018). ""I Was Devastated": Tim Berners-Lee, the Man Who Created the World Wide Web, Has Some Regrets". Vanity Fair.
External links
- Tim Berners-Lee at TED
- Tim Berners-Lee at IMDb
- Works by or about Tim Berners-Lee in libraries (WorldCat catalog)
- Tim Berners-Lee on the W3C site
- List of Tim Berners-Lee publications on W3C site
- First World Wide Web page
- Interview with Tim Berners Lee
- Tim Berners-Lee: "The next Web of open, linked data" – presented his Semantic Web ideas about Linked Data (2009), Ted Talks. on YouTube
- Appearances on C-SPAN
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