Popular Science杂志一百五十年老字号杂志(大众科学网和杂志)

  Popular Science gives our readers the information and tools to improve their technology and their world.
The core belief that Popular Science and our readers share: The future is going to be better, 
and science and technology are the driving forces that will help make it better.


  The editors of Popular Science have been demystifying the world of discovery and innovation for everyday readers for 150 years.
To mark the occasion, we’re delving into the highs and lows of our past, and peering into the future


  请访问: https://www.popsci.com/150years
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以下介绍来自wiki: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Popular_Science

 Popular Science(又名PopSci)是美国的一种载有科普内容的数字杂志,是指面向普通读者的科技类文章。《大众科学》获得了超过 58 个奖项,包括2003 年(一般优秀奖)、2004 年(最佳杂志部分)和 2019 年(单主题问题)的美国杂志编辑协会奖。起源于 1872 年, [2] 大众科学已被翻译成 30 多种语言,并分发到至少 45 个国家

杂志封面 (1926 年 11 月)
编辑 科琳娜·约齐奥
类别 跨学科
频率 全数字化
(2014 年 6 月)
1,321,075 [1]
成立年份 1872 年 5 月150年前
最后一期 2021 年 4 月 27 日(印刷版)
国家 美国
立足于 纽约州纽约
网站 www.popsci.com
ISSN 0161-7370
OCLC 488612811



  The Popular Science Monthly, as the publication was originally called, was founded in May 1872 by Edward L. Youmans to disseminate scientific knowledge to the educated layman. Youmans had previously worked as an editor for the weekly Appleton's Journal and persuaded them to publish his new journal. Early issues were mostly reprints of English periodicals. The journal became an outlet for writings and ideas of Charles DarwinThomas Henry HuxleyLouis PasteurHenry Ward BeecherCharles Sanders PeirceWilliam JamesThomas EdisonJohn Dewey and James McKeen CattellWilliam Jay Youmans, Edward's brother, helped found Popular Science Monthly in 1872 and was an editor as well. He became editor-in-chief on Edward's death in 1887.[4] The publisher, D. Appleton & Company, was forced for economic reasons to sell the journal in 1900.[5]

  最初被称为《Popular Science Monthly》出版物,Edward L. Youmans于 1872 年 5 月创立,旨在向受过教育的外行传播科学知识。Youmans 之前曾担任周刊Appleton's Journal的编辑,并说服他们出版他的新期刊。早期发行的主要是英文期刊的再版。该杂志成为查尔斯·达尔文托马斯·亨利·赫胥黎路易斯·巴斯德亨利·沃德·比彻查尔斯·桑德斯·皮尔斯威廉·詹姆斯托马斯·爱迪生约翰·​​杜威的著作和思想的出路。詹姆斯麦基恩卡特尔爱德华的兄弟威廉·杰伊·尤曼斯 ( William Jay Youmans ) 于 1872 年帮助创办了《Popular Science Monthly》,同时也是一名编辑。1887 年爱德华去世后,他成为主编。 出版商D. Appleton & Company因经济原因被迫于 1900 年出售该期刊。

  James McKeen Cattell became the editor in 1900 and the publisher in 1901. Cattell had a background in academics and continued publishing articles for educated readers. By 1915 the readership was declining and publishing a science journal was a financial challenge. In a September 1915 editorial, Cattell related these difficulties to his readers and announced that the Popular Science Monthly name had been "transferred" to a group that wanted the name for a general audience magazine, a publication which fit the name better. The existing journal would continue the academic tradition as Scientific Monthly. Existing subscribers would remain subscribed under the new name. Scientific Monthly was published until 1958 when it was absorbed into Science.

  詹姆斯·麦基恩·卡特尔于 1900 年成为编辑,并于 1901 年成为出版商。卡特尔拥有学术背景,并继续为受过教育的读者发表文章。到 1915 年,读者人数正在下降,出版科学期刊是一项财务挑战。在 1915 年 9 月的一篇社论中,卡特尔将这些困难与他的读者联系起来,并宣布《Popular Science Monthly》的名称已“转移”给一个希望为普通读者杂志命名的团体,该杂志更适合该名称。现有期刊将延续Scientific Monthly 的学术传统。现有订阅者将继续以新名称订阅。科学月刊直到 1958 年它被吸收到科学中才出版。

   The Modern Publishing Company acquired the Popular Science Monthly name. This company had purchased Electrician and Mechanic magazine in 1914 and over the next two years merged several magazines together into a science magazine for a general audience. The magazine had a series of name changes: Modern Electrics and MechanicsPopular Electricity and Modern MechanicsModern Mechanics and finally World's Advance, before the publishers purchased the name Popular Science Monthly. The October 1915 issue was titled Popular Science Monthly and World's Advance. The volume number (Vol. 87, No. 4) was that of Popular Science but the content was that of World's Advance. The new editor was Waldemar Kaempffert, a former editor of Scientific American.[8][9]

  现代出版公司获得了科普月刊的名称。这家公司在 1914 年收购了Electrician and Mechanic杂志,并在接下来的两年内将几本杂志合并为一本面向普通读者的科学杂志。该杂志进行了一系列更名:《现代电气与机械》、《大众电气与现代机械》、《现代机械》 ,最后是《世界前进》,之后出版商购买了《大众科学月刊》这个名称。1915 年 10 月号的标题是《科普月刊》和《世界进步》卷号(第87卷第4期)是《大众科学》的卷号但内容是世界进阶新任编辑是《科学美国人》的前编辑Waldemar Kaempffert[8] [9]

  From the mid-1930s to the 1960s, the magazine featured fictional stories of Gus Wilson's Model Garage, centered on car problems.

An annual review of changes to the new model year cars ran in 1940 and 1941, but did not return after the war until 1954. It continued until the mid-1970s when the magazine reverted to publishing the new models over multiple issues as information became available.

  从 1930 年代中期到 1960 年代,该杂志刊登了 Gus Wilson 的模型车库的虚构故事,以汽车问题为中心。

  1940 年和 1941 年对新车型年汽车的变化进行了年度审查,但直到 1954 年才在战后回归。它一直持续到 1970 年代中期,当信息变得可用时,该杂志重新开始在多个问题上发布新车型.

  From 1935 to 1949, the magazine sponsored a series of short films, produced by Jerry Fairbanks and released by Paramount Pictures.

  从 1935 年到 1949 年,该杂志赞助了一系列短片,由杰里·费尔班克斯制作,派拉蒙影业公司发行

  From July 1952 to December 1989, Popular Science carried Roy Doty's Wordless Workshop as a regular feature.

  从 1952 年 7 月到 1989 年 12 月,Popular Science》将Roy Doty的无言工作坊作为常规专题进行。

  From July 1969 to May 1989, the cover and table of contents carried the subtitle, "The What's New Magazine." The cover removed the subtitle the following month and the contents page removed it in February 1990. In 1983, the magazine introduced a new logo using the ITC Avant Garde font, which it used until late 1995. Within the next 11 years, its font changed four times (in 1995, 1997, 2001, and 2002, respectively). In 2009, the magazine used a new font for its logo, which was used until the January 2014 issue.

  从 1969 年 7 月到 1989 年 5 月,封面和目录带有副标题“最新消息”。次月封面删除了副标题,内容页于 1990 年 2 月将其删除。1983 年,该杂志推出了使用ITC Avant Garde字体的新标识,一直使用到 1995 年底。在接下来的 11 年内,它的字体发生了变化四次(分别在 1995 年、1997 年、2001 年和 2002 年)。2009 年,该杂志为其标志使用了一种新字体,该字体一直使用到 2014 年 1 月号。

  In 2014, Popular Science sported a new look and introduced a new logo for the first time in eight years, complete with a major overhaul of its articles.

  2014 年,Popular Science》焕然一新,八年来首次引入了新标志,并对其文章进行了大修。


  The Popular Science Publishing Company, which the magazine bears its name, was acquired in 1967 by the Los Angeles-based Times Mirror Company. In 2000, Times Mirror merged with the Chicago-based Tribune Company, which then sold the Times Mirror magazines to Time Inc. (then a subsidiary of Time Warner) the following year. On January 25, 2007, Time Warner sold this magazine, along with 17 other special interest magazines, to Bonnier Magazine Group.

  该杂志以其名字命名的大众科学出版公司于 1967 年被总部位于洛杉矶的时代镜报公司收购2000 年,Times Mirror 与总部位于芝加哥的Tribune Company合并,后者于次年将 Times Mirror 杂志出售给Time Inc. (当时是时代华纳的子公司)。
  2007 年 1 月 25 日,
时代华纳将这本杂志连同其他 17 种特殊兴趣杂志一起卖给了Bonnier Magazine Group(瑞典传媒公司邦尼集团)。

  In January 2016, Popular Science switched to bi-monthly publication after 144 years of monthly publication.

  2016 年 1 月,Popular Science》在 144 年的月刊出版后转为双月刊出版

  In April 2016 it was announced that editor-in-chief Cliff Ransom would be leaving the magazine.

  2016 年 4 月,宣布主编 Cliff Ransom 将离开该杂志。

  In August 2016, Joe Brown was named Popular Science's new Editor in Chief. In September 2018, it was announced that Popular Science would become a quarterly publication.

  2016 年 8 月,乔·布朗被任命为科普新任总编辑。2018 年 9 月,宣布Popular Science将成为季刊。

  On October 6, 2020, the Bonnier Group sold Popular Science and six other special interest magazines, including the well-known titles Popular PhotographyOutdoor Life, and Field & Stream, to North Equity LLC.While North Equity is a venture equity firm that primarily invests in digital media brands, David Ritchie, CEO of the Bonnier Group, said Bonnier believes, "North Equity is best-positioned to continue to invest in and grow these iconic legacy brands."

  2020 年 10 月 6 日,瑞典传媒公司邦尼集团将大众科学和其他六特别感兴趣的杂志出售给 North Equity LLC。虽然 North Equity 是一家主要投资于数字媒体品牌的风险投资公司,但 Bonnier Group 首席执行官 David Ritchie 表示,Bonnier 认为,“North Equity 最有能力继续投资和发展这些标志性的传统品牌。” 

  从 2021 年 4 月 27 日起,科普出版物已更改为全数字格式,不再采用实体印刷形式。


  Popular Science Radio was a partnership between Popular Science and Entertainment Radio Network, which ran through 2016
Popular Science和娱乐广播网络之间的合作伙伴关系,一直持续到 2016 年。


  On March 27, 2011, Popular Science magazine sold the 10,000th subscription to its iPad edition, nearly six weeks after accepting Apple's terms for selling subs on its tablet
  2011 年 3 月 27 日,
Popular Science》杂志售掉了第 10,000 份 iPad 版订阅,这是在接受 Apple 的平板电脑订阅条款后将近六周。


  In 2018, Popular Science launched two podcasts, Last Week in Tech and The Weirdest Thing I Learned This WeekLast Week in Tech was later replaced by Techathlon  
  2018 年,
Popular Science推出了两个播客,Last Week in TechThe Weirdest Thing I Learned This WeekLast Week in Tech后来被Techathlon取代。

  Weirdest Thing proved to be the brand's breakout hit. After just one episode, Apple Podcasts included “Weirdest Thing” on their weekly "New & Noteworthy” list, and over the years it has hosted a number of live events.

  最奇怪的事情被证明是该品牌的突破口。仅仅一集之后,Apple Podcasts 就将“Weirdest Thing”列入了他们每周的“New & Noteworthy”列表,并且多年来它举办了许多现场活动。


  In early 2010, Bonnier partnered with London-based design firm BERG to create Mag+, a magazine publishing platform for tablets. In April 2010, Popular Science+, the first title on the Mag+ platform, launched in the iTunes Store the same day the iPad launched. The app contains all the content in the print version as well as added content and digital-only extras. Bonnier has since launched several more titles on the Mag+ platform, including Popular Photography+ and Transworld Snowboarding+。

  2010 年初,Bonnier 与总部位于伦敦的设计公司 BERG 合作创建了平板电脑杂志出版平台 Mag+。2010 年 4 月,Popular Science+,Mag+ 平台上的第一个标题,在iPad 推出的同一天在iTunes Store推出。该应用程序包含印刷版中的所有内容以及添加的内容和仅限数字的附加内容。Bonnier 此后在 Mag+ 平台上推出了更多游戏,包括大众摄影+ 和Transworld Snowboarding +。

澳大利亚Popular Science

  2008年9月24日,澳大利亚出版公司Australian Media Properties(隶属于WW Media Group)推出了本地版《Popular Science它是月刊,与其美国同行一样,使用美国版杂志的内容以及当地材料。澳大利亚媒体资产同时推出了Popular Science网站的本地化版本 www.popsci.com.au

Popular Science预测交流

  2007 年 7 月,Popular Science推出了Popular Science预测X变化( PPX )。人们能够对技术、环境和科学领域的下一个创新进行虚拟投注。赌注包括 Facebook 是否会在2008 年进行首次公开​​募股,届时将推出触摸屏 iPod ,以及中国的生态城市东滩是否会在 2010 年有人居住。PPX 于 2009 年关闭。



  Popular Science的未来... 节目于 2009 年 8 月 10 日星期一在科学频道首播。该节目关注每周不同的特定主题领域中技术和科学的未来。自 2009 年 12 月起,每周一都会有新剧集首播。


  Popular Science(Popular Science)出版了多本书籍,包括畅销书Big Book of HacksBig Book of Maker Skills

  该品牌还出版了The Total Inventor's ManualThe and The Future Then - 这是在品牌成立 145 周年之际出版的。


  In June 2014, Popular Science Italia was launched in Italy by Kekoa Publishing. Directed by Francesco Maria Avitto the magazine is available in print and digital version  

  2014 年 6 月,Kekoa Publishing 在意大利推出了Popular Science Italia该杂志由Francesco Maria Avitto执导,有印刷版和数字版。

  In April 2017, Popular Science was launched in Arabic by United Arab Emirates based publisher Haykal Media. The magazine is available in print bimonthly, and through a daily updated portal.[  

  2017 年 4 月,阿拉伯联合酋长国的出版商 Haykal Media 以阿拉伯语推出了《大众科学》该杂志每双月刊印刷一次,并通过每日更新的门户网站提供。


1872–1900 D. 阿普尔顿公司
1900–1901 麦克卢尔飞利浦公司
1901–1915 科学出版社
1915–1924 现代出版公司
1924–1967 科普出版公司
1967–1973 时代镜报旗下科普出版公司
1973–2000 时代镜业公司
2000–2007 时代公司
2007–2020 邦尼尔杂志集团
2020 年至今 北方股票



1936 年 1 月,埃德加·富兰克林·维特马克(Edgar Franklin Wittmack)着
美国正在建造“新月”吗?,1949 年 5 月
没有轮子的汽车,1959 年 7 月



  1.  "eCirc for Consumer Magazines". Alliance for Audited Media. December 31, 2012. Archived from the original on April 18, 2014. Retrieved June 21, 2013.
  2. ^ Bruce V. Lewenstein (1987). "Was There Really a Popular Science" Boom"?"Science, Technology, & Human Values. Retrieved June 24, 2016.
  3. ^ "Top 100 U.S. Magazines by Circulation" (PDF)PSA Research Center. Archived from the original (PDF) on November 15, 2016. Retrieved February 6, 2016.
  4. ^ Gilman, D. C.; Peck, H. T.; Colby, F. M., eds. (1905). "Youmans, William Jay" New International Encyclopedia (1st ed.). New York: Dodd, Mead.
  5. Jump up to:a b c Nourie, Alan; Barbara Nourie (1990). American Mass Market Magazines. pp. 385–399ISBN 978-0-313-25254-9. Archived from the original on March 16, 2009.
  6. ^ Cattell, James McKeen (September 1915). "The Scientific Monthly and the Popular Science Monthly"Popular Science Monthly87 (3): 307–310.
  7. ^ "AAAS and the Maturing of American Science: 1941–1970". American Association for the Advancement of Science. Retrieved October 3, 2013.
  8. ^ "September's Harvest of Important Books"The New York Times. August 29, 1915. p. BR312. "The Popular Science Monthly has been bought by the Modern Publishing Company of New York City…"
  9. ^ Walter, Frank Keller (1918). Periodicals for the Small Library (2nd ed.). American Library Association. p. 24. The new Popular Science Monthly is continued from World's Advance, old version in now Scientific Monthly.
  10. ^ "Bonnier Magazine Group Buys 18 Magazines from Time Inc". Time Warner. Retrieved 1 April 2012.
  11. ^ "Big Changes at Popular Science"Popular Science. Retrieved 20 January 2016.
  12. ^ "Cliff Ransom Steps Down at Popular Science"Cision. 22 April 2016.
  13. ^ Faisal Kalim (13 August 2019). ""Magazines are alive and well": Publishers refresh their strategies for the print format"WNIP. Retrieved 1 June 2020.
  14. ^ Alpert, Lukas I. (October 6, 2020). "Bonnier Corp to Sell Its Biggest U.S. Magazines to Venture Equity Group"Wall Street Journal.
  15. ^ "North Equity Announces Acquisition of Iconic Brands Including Popular Science, Saveur, Outdoor Life and Field & Stream"PRNewswire. October 6, 2020.
  16. ^ "North Equity".
  17. ^ "Welcome to the new digital edition of Popular Science". 27 April 2021.
  18. ^ Popular Science Radio
  19. ^ Nat Ives, adage.
  20. ^ "Popular Science Podcasts".
  21. ^ "Popular Science+ in iTunes"iTunes. February 24, 2012. Retrieved April 1, 2012.
  22. ^ Lynda Applegate; et al. (November 30, 2012). "Bonnier: Digitalizing the Media Business" (PDF)Harvard Business School. Archived from the original (PDF) on November 4, 2016. Retrieved November 1, 2016.
  23. ^ Fell, Jason (2010-04-07). "How Popular Science Built Its App in 62 Days"Foliomag. Retrieved April 1, 2012.
  24. ^ Popular Science Launches In Australia. Archived September 29, 2008, at the Wayback Machine
  25. ^ "PopSci's "Future Of" on The Science Channel | Popular Science"Popsci. August 24, 2009. Retrieved April 1, 2012.
  26. ^ "PopSci's Future of"Science Channel. January 23, 2012. Archived from the original on September 18, 2012. Retrieved April 1, 2012.
  27. ^ "Popular Science. Sbarca in Italia il mensile di scienza e tecnologia più antico e diffuso al Mondo - Quotidiano Sanità".
  28. ^ Dubai Future Foundation April 2017
  29. ^ Rose, Matthew; Nikhil Deogun (October 20, 2000). "Time Warner to Pay $475 Million To Buy Times Mirror Magazines"The Wall Street Journal.
  30. ^ Kelly, Keith J. (January 25, 2007). "Time Warner Sells Mags Under $300m"New York Post. Archived from the original on November 22, 2008.
  31. ^ Kelly, Keith J. (October 6, 2020). "Bonnier Corp. Sells Popular Science, Field & Stream, and Outdoor Life"New York Post.


维基文库上 与Popular Science Monthly相关的作品

维基共享资源中  Popular Science Monthly 相关的媒体

https://books.google.com/books/about/Popular_Science.html?hl=zh-CN&id=yh8DAAAAMBAJ   大众科学google上一些的期刊


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