IEEE Computer Society(计算机协会以及历史演变)


  IEEE 全称: The Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (电气和电子工程师协会 )
  IEEE拥有一个顶级的域名,, 即


  We Are the Home for Computer Science and Engineering Leaders
The IEEE Computer Society is the premier source for information, inspiration, and collaboration in computer science and engineering. Connecting members worldwide, the Computer Society empowers the people who advance technology by delivering tools for individuals at all stages of their professional careers. Our trusted resources include international conferences, peer-reviewed publications, a robust digital library, globally recognized standards, and continuous learning opportunities.





  The IEEE Computer Society traces its origins to the 1946 formation of the Subcommittee on Large-Scale Computing Devices (LCD) of the American Institute of Electrical Engineers (AIEE). Five years later, the Institute of Radio Engineers (IRE) formed its Professional Group on Electronic Computers (PGEC). The principal volunteer officers of both these groups were designated chairs.

  The AIEE and the IRE merged in 1963 to become the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE). The respective committee and group of the predecessor organizations combined to form the modern IEEE Computer Society. The society’s principal volunteer officer has been designated as president since 1971.

  The Computer Society celebrated its 70th anniversary in 2016.






  IEEE(美国电气电子工程师学会)于1963年1月1日由AIEE(美国电气工程师学会)和IRE(美国无线电工程师学会)合并而成,是美国规模最大的专业学会。IEEE是一个非营利性科技学会,拥有全球近175个国家三十六万多名会员。在电气及电子工程、计算机及控制技术领域中,IEEE 发表的文献占了全球将近百分之三十。IEEE每年也会主办或协办三百多项技术会议。

  IEEE是一个非营利性科技学会,该组织在国际计算机、电信、生物医学、电力及消费性电子产品等学术领域中都是主要的权威。在电气及电子工程、计算机及控制技术领域中,IEEE 发表的文献占了全球将近1/3。


  作为全球最大的专业学术组织,IEEE在学术研究领域发挥重要作用的同时也非常重视标准的制定工作。IEEE专门设有IEEE标准协会(IEEE-SA,IEEE Standard Association),负责标准化工作。IEEE-SA下设标准局,标准局下又设置两个分委员会,即新标准制定委员会(New Standards Committees)和标准审查委员会(Standards Review Committees)。 IEEE的标准制定内容包括电气与电子设备、试验方法、原器件、符号、定义以及测试方法等多个领域。

  IEEE现有42个主持标准化工作的专业学会或者委员会。为了获得主持标准化工作的资格,每个专业学会必须向IEEE-SA提交一份文件,描述该学会选择候选建议提交给IEEE-SA的过程和用来监督工作组的方法。当前有25个学会正在积极参与制定标准,每个学会又会根据自身领域设立若干个委员会进行实际标准的制定。例如,我们熟悉的IEEE 802.11、802.16、802.20等系列标准,就是IEEE计算机专业学会下设的802委员会负责主持的。IEEE 802又称为局域网/城域网标准委员会(LMSC,LAN /MAN Standards Committee),致力于研究局域网和城域网的物理层和MAC层规范。


Condensed and adapted from “IEEE Computer Society: Four Decades of Service,” by Merlin G. Smith, IBM T.J. Watson Research Center (Computer, September 1991).

 Browse the IEEE Computer Society Timeline

1950-60s  |  1970s  |  1980s  |  1990s  |  2000s & Beyond

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   IEEE, an organization dedicated to advancing innovation and technological excellence for the benefit of humanity, is the world's largest technical professional society. It is designed to serve professionals involved in all aspects of the electrical, electronic, and computing fields and related areas of science and technology that underlie modern civilization.


  IEEE's roots(起源) go back to(回到) 1884  when electricity began to become a major influence in society. There was one major established electrical industry, the telegraph, which since the 1840s had come to connect the world with a data communications system faster than the speed of transportation. The telephone and electric power and light industries had just gotten underway.


Meaning of I-E-E-E(IEEE的含义)

  IEEE, pronounced "Eye-triple-E," stands for the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers. The organization is chartered under this name and it is the full legal name.

  However, as the world's largest technical professional organization, IEEE's membership has long been composed of engineers, scientists, and allied professionals. These include computer scientists, software developers, information technology professionals, physicists, medical doctors, and many others in addition to IEEE's electrical and electronics engineering core. For this reason the organization no longer goes by the full name, except on legal business documents, and is referred to simply as IEEE.



补充:有一个著名的计算机先驱奖,英文为  Computer Pioneer Award ,这个奖就是由这个组织来颁发。linus 2014年获得了该奖项。

Foundation of the AIEE(AIEE的成立)

  In the spring of 1884, a small group of individuals in the electrical professions met in New York, USA. They formed a new organization to support professionals in their nascent field and to aid them in their efforts to apply innovation(创新) for the betterment of humanity—the American Institute of Electrical Engineers, or AIEE for short. That October, the AIEE held its first technical meeting in Philadelphia, PA, USA. Many early(早期) leaders, such as founding President Norvin Green of Western Union, came from telegraphy.


  IEEE的前身AIEE,全称American Institute of Electrical Engineers,美国电气工程师协会。AIEE于1963年1月1日,和IRE(无线电工程师协会)合并成立IEEE(美国电气工程师协会)。

  Others, such as Thomas Edison, came from power, while Alexander Graham Bell represented the telephone industry. Electric power spread rapidly, enhanced by innovations such as AC induction motors, long-distance AC transmission, and larger power plants(大型发电厂). Companies such as AEG, General Electric, Siemens & Halske, and Westinghouse underwrote its commercialization(商业化). The AIEE became increasingly focused(聚焦) on electrical power and its ability to change people’s lives through the unprecedented products and services it could deliver. There was a secondary focus on wired communication, both the telegraph and the telephone. Through technical meetings, publications, and promotion of standards, the AIEE led the growth of the electrical engineering profession, while through local sections and Student Branches, it brought its benefits to engineers in widespread places.

Foundation of the IRE(IRE的成立)

  A new industry arose, beginning with Guglielmo Marconi’s wireless telegraphy experiments in 1895-1896. What was originally called “wireless” telegraphy became radio with the electrical amplification possibilities inherent in the vacuum tubes that evolved from John Fleming’s diode and Lee de Forest’s triode. With the new industry came a new society in 1912, the Institute of Radio Engineers.


  李·德佛瑞斯特(Lee De Forest)在1907年制造出第一个三极管

  The IRE was modeled on the AIEE but was devoted to radio(无线电), and then broadly to electronics. It also furthered its profession by linking members through publications, standards, and conferences and encouraging them to organize local sections and meetings to exchange information and ideas.



The societies converge and merge(协会集中合并)

  Through the help of leadership from the two societies, and with the applications of its members' innovations to industry, electricity wove its way more deeply into every corner of life, through television, radar, transistors, and computers. Increasingly, the interests of the societies overlapped.


  Membership in both societies grew, but beginning in the 1940s, the IRE grew faster and in 1957 became the larger group. On 1 January 1963, the AIEE and the IRE merged to form the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, or IEEE. At its formation, IEEE had 150,000 members, 140,000 of whom resided in the United States.



Growth and globalization(增长与全球化)

  Over the decades that followed, the social roles of the technologies under IEEE’s aegis continued to spread across the world and reach into more and more areas of people's lives. The professional groups and technical boards of the predecessor institutions evolved into IEEE Societies. By the early 21st century, IEEE served its members and their interests with 39 Societies; 130 journals, transactions, and magazines; more than 300 conferences annually; and 900 active standards.


  Since that time, computers evolved from massive mainframes to desktop appliances to portable devices, linked to global networks connected by copper wire, microwaves, satellites, or fiber optics. IEEE’s fields of interest expanded well beyond electrical and electronics engineering and computing into areas such as micro- and nanotechnologies, ultrasonics, bioengineering, robotics, electronic materials, and many others. Electronics became ubiquitous, integrated in everything from jet cockpits to industrial robots to medical imaging.


  As technologies and the industries that developed them increasingly transcended national boundaries, IEEE has kept pace. It is now a global institution that uses the innovations of the practitioners it represents to enhance IEEE’s excellence in delivering products and services to members, industries, and the public at large. Publications and educational programs are delivered online, as are member services such as renewal and elections. By 2020, IEEE comprised over 395,000 members in 160 countries. Through its global network of geographical units, publications, web services, and conferences, IEEE remains the world's largest technical professional organization.


三、Browse the IEEE Computer Society Timeline

 The 1950s

  During this decade, Maurice Wilkes created the concept of microprogramming, Grace Hopper developed the first compiler, the EDVAC ran the first production program, IBM launched the 701 Defense Calculator, and the COBOL development language was created.

  在这十年中,Maurice Wilkes创造了微程序设计的概念,Grace Hopper开发了第一个编译器,EDVAC运行了第一个生产程序,IBM推出了701防御计算器,并创建了COBOL开发语言。

  Although the IEEE Computer Society traces its origins to the 1946 formation of the Subcommittee on Large-Scale Computing Devices (LCD) of the American Institute of Electrical Engineers (AIEE), it was the Institute of Radio Engineers (IRE)’s formation of its Professional Group on Electronic Computers (PGEC) that made it an organization with many elements of the present Computer Society, without the technical and education committees.


  Conferences were the most significant early activity, but publications grew rapidly, with some 1,800 editorial pages generated during the decade. At the end of the fifties, the PGEC was IRE’s largest professional group. It had 19 chapters across the US and 8,874 members, including 8,129 full members, 679 student members, and 66 affiliates.


  1951  The Institute of Radio Engineers (IRE) forms its Professional Group on Electronic Computers (PGEC), which grows to 19 chapters and 8,874 members by the decade’s end on the strength of its conferences and publications. The Transactions on Electronic Computers is renamed the IEEE Transactions on Computers, which is the longest-running IEEE journal.


 The 1960s

  The 1960s was a time of tremendous technological advancement. During this decade, Stanford and Purdue universities established departments of computer science, ASCII became the standard for 7-bit code information exchange, the Basic programming language was developed, Doug Engelbart invented the mouse, and the US Department of Defense commissioned the Arpanet, the precursor to today’s Internet.


  The IEEE took a major step in July 1966 with the first issue of the bimonthly Computer Group News, which included group and industry news, applied and tutorial articles, a guide to computer literature, and a repository of computer articles. Repository materials were available to the profession for a nominal charge.


  Computer Group News opened the door for many magazines in the Society, as well as in IEEE. But it was also significant in another way. With the publication of its own magazine, the Computer Group began employing and managing its own small full-time staff in the Los Angeles area for publications support and other administrative activities. The Computer Group was the first IEEE group to employ its own staff, and it was a major factor in the growth of the Society.


  In 1968, IEEE Transactions on Computers became a monthly publication. The number of published periodical pages grew to almost 9,700 in the transactions and about 640 in the Computer Group News. Membership grew to 16,862, including 4,200 students and 158 affiliates. The decade closed with 41 chapters.


  1962   PGEC forms its first technical community, covering logic and switching theory.


  1963   The AIEE and the IRE merge to become the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE).


  1966  July marks the first issue of the bimonthly Computer Group News and the Computer Group becomes the first IEEE society to hire staff.


  1968  IEEE Transactions on Computers becomes a monthly publication. A 20-person administrative committee is added to the governance structure with members serving staggered two-year terms.




   As the 1970s dawned, a tremendous evolution in technology continued. The decade saw the development of Unix, the establishment of Xerox PARC at Stanford University, the development of the first microprocessor, and the first email.


  In 1971, the Computer Group became the IEEE Computer Society. For the Computer Society, the 70s was a decade of significant growth in both the depth and breadth of services. Membership more than tripled. The number of officers doubled from 5 to 10. By the end of the 70s, Computer Society membership had grown to 43,930, including 7,833 students and 3,943 affiliates. There were more than 100 chapters, including 30 student branch chapters.


  The IEEE 754 floating-point working group was created in 1977, and eight years later the Microprocessor Standards Committee completed the IEEE 754-1985 binary floating-point arithmetic for computer microprocessors. The society’s publication program grew rapidly. The Computer Group News, renamed Computer in 1972, became a monthly publication in 1973, and significantly increased its tutorial-oriented content. At the same time, IEEE Transactions on Computers was unbundled from it, making Computer the only publication received automatically with society membership. The subscriber base to the now optional transactions held up well, and the society learned it could expand its publications program outside the membership dues structure.

  IEEE 754浮点工作组成立于1977年,八年后微处理器标准委员会完成了计算机微处理器的IEEE 754-1985二进制浮点算法。该协会的出版计划发展迅速。1972年更名为《计算机》的《计算机集团新闻》于1973年成为月刊,并大幅增加了以教程为导向的内容。与此同时,计算机上的IEEE交易与之分离,使计算机成为唯一一种自动获得协会会员资格的出版物。现在可选交易的订阅者基数保持良好,学会了解到可以在会费结构之外扩展其出版物计划。

  The society introduced the IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering in 1975 and the IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence in January 1979. The decade saw the publication of more than 25,000 periodical pages: about 13,500 pages for the IEEE Transactions on Computers, about 4,100 pages for the IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering, over 400 pages for the IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis & Machine Intelligence, and over 8,000 editorial pages for Computer.


  Also during this time, the society formalized its non-periodical publications into the Computer Society Press, which produced mainly conference proceedings, tutorial texts, and reprints in the 70s.


  Fourteen new technical communities were formed, making a total of 20 by the end of the period. The communities contributed significantly to growth in the number of specialty conferences and meetings. In the late seventies, the Computer Society was sponsoring or cosponsoring about 50 technical conferences, meetings, and symposia, many with ACM.


  The Computer Society was also the first IEEE society to establish student branch chapters. This activity began in 1974 as an experiment and was subsequently adopted by the IEEE. Additionally, the society formalized and expanded its awards program in this decade.


  Late in the decade, the society started the election of officers and members of the board of governors (BOG) directly by members. Before then, all officers (chairs/presidents and members of BOG) were elected by the board itself. There was only one candidate for each position, but petition candidates were allowed. It was not until 1984 that the election became competitive.


  The staff supporting the society’s operations also grew. The position of executive secretary was created in 1971. By the end of the decade, the Computer Society staff numbered 16 permanent employees: two in the executive secretary’s home office in Silver Spring, Maryland, and 14 in the publishing group’s rented space in Long Beach, California, plus several temporary part-time people in both locations. The needs and viability of the publishing organization grew to the extent that, late in the decade, the society started the process of acquiring its own building in Los Alamitos, California.


  By the end of the seventies, Computer Society membership had grown to 43,930, including 7,833 students and 3,943 affiliates. There were now more than 100 chapters, including about 30 student branch chapters.


  1970  The Computer Group becomes the IEEE Computer Society. The Distinguished Visitor Program begins by providing speakers to chapters. The Computer Society elects its first president.


  1972  The Computer Program Test Methods conference articulates the need for software engineering standards. Computer Group News is renamed Computer magazine.


  1973 Computer, now monthly, becomes the Society’s flagship publication.


  1974 The Computer Society becomes the first IEEE society to establish student branch chapters. IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering is launched.


  1975 IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering is launched.


  1976  The Software Engineering Technical Community starts the Software Quality Assurance standards working group. The Education Committee launches its first model curriculum.


  1977  The IEEE 754 floating-point working group is created.

  1977年成立了IEEE 754浮点工作组。

  1978  IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence is launched.



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  The 1980s
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  The 1980s saw the birth and proliferation of the first personal computers, including the IBM PS/1 and PS2 and the Macintosh. The MIDI and CD-ROM were also developed during this decade.

  20世纪80年代见证了第一台个人计算机的诞生和激增,包括IBM PS/1和PS2以及Macintosh。MIDI和CD-ROM也是在这十年中开发的。

  Within the Computer Society, the growth of the seventies continued in every function, but with new dimensions and changing emphasis. This was the decade of new magazines, major standards activities, new education initiatives, international services, and significant growth(显著增长) and refinement(改进) of staff services and facilities. There were also changes in the volunteer structure.


  In 1982, major committees were reorganized as boards, each headed by a vice president. Starting from 1984, the election of the president and the 1st and 2nd vice presidents were made competitive in that the nomination committee was required to place at least two candidates for each of the positions. The office of the president became a de facto full-time job. To attract people to make the commitment, the society changed its term of the presidency to one year (from two) in 1987. In 1985, the executive committee was established. In 1989, the BOG was expanded to 21 members who served staggered three-year terms.


  Within the society, the breadth of the profession and member interest in the more tutorial-oriented materials published in Computer prompted the creation of similar magazines in specialty areas. The society introduced IEEE Computer Graphics and Applications in January 1981, IEEE Micro in February 1981, both IEEE Design & Test of Computers and IEEE Software in February 1984, and IEEE Expert in the spring of 1986. IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering was introduced in September 1989.

  在社会内部,专业的广度和会员对计算机上出版的更多以教程为导向的材料的兴趣促使在专业领域创建了类似的杂志。该协会于1981年1月推出了IEEE计算机图形与应用,于1981年2月推出了IEEE Micro,于1984年2月推出了IEEE计算机设计与测试和IEEE软件,并于1986年春推出了IEEE专家。IEEE知识与数据工程交易于1989年9月推出。

  The number of technical communities continued to grow, mirroring the diversity in the computer industry. Fifteen new TCs brought the total to 33 by the end of the decade. These communities were the primary sources of conferences and meetings. The society sponsored and cosponsored more than 50 conferences annually and cooperated, without financial involvement, with other organizations in dozens more.


  The technical communities also began to support standards activities in a major way. The results were remarkable. At the end of the decade, 56 standards had been approved and 125 working groups were underway. These projects involved well over 5,000 people. The expansion of computer hardware standards and the software engineering standards resulted in the Society organization’s change to promote the standards committee to a separate board – Standards Activities Board (SAB) in 1985.


  The Computer Group staff operations had begun in the garages and basements of its first publisher and executive secretary. In early 1980, the West Coast publishing operation moved into its newly purchased building, and in 1985, the space was doubled with the purchase of the adjoining building. Also in 1985, the society purchased its current headquarters building in Washington, D.C., and extended its staff support overseas by opening an office in Brussels. The Brussels office was expanded in 1987. In 1988, an office was opened in Tokyo. These offices represent a major step in serving the Society internationally.


  1981  IEEE Computer Graphics and Applications and IEEE Micro are launched.

  1981年,推出(发行,上市)了IEEE Computer Graphics and ApplicationsIEEE计算机图形与应用)和 IEEE Micro 。

  1982  Volunteer committees are reorganized(重组) as boards(董事会,委员会,理事会,一般理事会时社团,委员是是行政单位,board一般都是用作董事会), each headed by a vice president. The society’s first executive director is hired.


  1984  IEEE Design & Test of Computers and IEEE Software are launched.

  1984年 IEEE Design & Test of Computers 与IEEE Software发布。

  1985  The Society purchases its Washington, D.C., headquarters(总部) building and an adjoining(紧挨,毗邻) building in Los Alamitos, as well as opens an office in Brussels. The Executive Committee is formed to oversee(监督) operations and act for the Board of Governors in between meetings. 


        1986  Members begin receiving email addresses as a benefit of membership. IEEE Expert is launched.

  1986年会员开始对 computer.org的email地址进行相应,并作为会员资格的一项福利。 开始发行 《IEEE Expert》 。

  1987  The president’s term is changed from two years to one.


  1988  IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering is introduced and IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence moves from bimonthly to monthly publication. An office is opened in Tokyo to help support international growth.

  1988年,介绍了IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering ,IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence从双月刊改为月刊。在东京开设了一个办事处,以帮助支持国际增长。

       1989  The Board of Governors is expanded to 21 members who serve staggered three-year terms. IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems begins publication.

     1989年,理事会扩大到21名成员,任期三年。  IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems 开始出版。

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