GNU创始人 Richard Matthew Stallman 的介绍


一、A  Serious Bio(biography)-严肃的生平

   Richard Matthew Stallman leads the Free Software Movement, which shows how the usual non-free software subjects users to the unjust power of its developers, plus their spying and manipulation, and campaigns to replace it with free (freedom-respecting) software.

    理查德·马修·斯泰尔曼(Richard Matthew Stallman)领导了自由软件运动,该运动展示了通常的非自由软件如何让用户受制于其开发人员的不公正权力,加上他们的间谍和操纵,以及用自由(尊重自由)软件取代它的运动。

    Born in 1953, Stallman graduated Harvard in 1974 in physics. He worked at the MIT Artificial Intelligence Lab from 1971 to 1984, developing system software including the first extensible text editor Emacs (1976), plus the AI technique of dependency-directed backtracking, also nown as truth maintenance (1975).

  In 1983 Stallman launched the Free Software Movement by announcing the project to develop the GNU operating system, planned to consist entirely of free software. Stallman began working on GNU on January 5, 1984, resigning from MIT employment in order to do so. In October 1985 he established the Free Software Foundation.

   1983年,Stallman 发起了自由软件运动,宣布开发 gnu 操作系统,计划完全由自由软件组成。Stallman 从1984年1月5日开始在 gnu 工作,为此他从麻省理工辞职。1985年10月,他建立了自由软件基金会。

    Stallman invented the concept of copyleft, "Change it and redistribute it but don't strip off this freedom," and wrote (with lawyers) the GNU General Public License, which implements copyleft. This inspired Creative Commons.

  关于what is Copyleft?  请参看:

  Stallman personally developed a number of widely used software components of the GNU system: the GNU Compiler Collection, the GNU symbolic debugger (gdb)GNU Emacs, and various others.

  Stallman亲自开发了GNU系统中许多广泛使用的软件组件:GNU编译器集合、GNU符号调试器(gdb)、GNU Emacs和其他各种组件。

  The GNU/Linux system, which is a variant of GNU that also contains the kernel Linux developed by Linus Torvalds, is used in tens or hundreds of millions of computers. Alas, people often call the system "Linux", giving the GNU Project none of the credit.

  GNU/Linux系统是GNU的一个变体,它还包含Linus Torvalds开发的内核Linux,用于数千万或数亿台计算机。唉,人们经常称这个系统为“Linux”,这对GNU项目来说毫无益处。

  Their versions of GNU/Linux often disregard(vt 不顾,不理会,n 忽视) the ideas of freedom which make free software important, and even include nonfree software in those systems.

  Nowadays, Stallman focuses on political advocacy for free software and its ethical ideas. He spends most of the year travelling to speak on topics such as "Free Software And Your Freedom" and "Copyright vs Community in the Age of the Computer Networks". Another topic is "A Free Digital Society", which treats several different threats to the freedom of computer users today.

  In 1999, Stallman called for development of a free on-line encyclopedia through inviting the public(民众) to contribute articles. This idea helped inspire (灵感)  Wikipedia.
  1999年,Stallman(史泰尔曼)呼吁通过邀请民众(公众)发表文章来开发 free on-line encyclopedia(免费的在线百科全书)。这个想法启发了维基百科。

  Stallman was a Visiting Scientist at MIT from 1991 (approximately) to 2019.

  Free Software, Free Society is Stallman's book of essays. His semiautobiography, Free as in Freedom, provides further biographical information.


  • 1986: Honorary life time membership in the Chalmers Computer Society
  •  查尔默斯 计算机学会终身荣誉会员
  • 1990: MacArthur Foundation Fellowship
  • 1990: The Association for Computing's Grace Murray Hopper Award "For pioneering work in the development of the extensible editor EMACS (Editing Macros)."
  • 1990年: 计算协会的Grace Murray Hopper奖“在开发可扩展编辑器EMACS(编辑宏)方面的开创性工作”
  • 1996: Doctorate honoris causa from Sweden's Royal Institute of Technology
  • 1996年 瑞典皇家理工学院荣誉博士
  • 1998: Electronic Frontier Foundation's Pioneer award
  • 1998年: 电子前沿基金会先锋奖
  • 1999: Yuri Rubinsky Memorial Award
  • 1999:尤里·鲁宾斯基纪念奖
  • 2001: The Takeda Techno-Entrepreneurship Award for Social/Economic Well-Being
    2001年: 武田科技创业社会/经济福利奖
  • 2001: Doctorate honoris causa from the University of Glasgow
     2001年: 格拉斯哥大学荣誉博士
  • 2002: United States National Academy of Engineering membership
  • 2003: Doctorate honoris causa from the Vrije Universiteit Brussel
    2003年: 布鲁塞尔弗里耶大学荣誉博士
  • 2003: Honorary professorship from the Universidad Nacional de Ingeniería del Perú
  • 2004: Doctorate honoris causa from the Universidad Nacional de Salta, in Argentina
  • 阿根廷萨尔塔国立大学荣誉博士学位
  • 2004: Honorary professorship from the Universidad Tecnológica del Perú
  • 秘鲁科技大学名誉教授
  • 2005: Fondazione Pistoletto prize
  • Fondazione Pistoletto 奖
  • 2007: Honorary professorship from the Universidad Inca Garcilaso de la Vega, in Peru
  • 秘鲁印加加西拉索德拉维加大学名誉教授
  • 2007: First Premio Internacional Extremadura al Conocimiento Libre
  • 首届埃斯特雷马杜拉国际自由知识奖
  • 2007: Doctorate honoris causa from the Universidad de Los Angeles de Chimbote, in Peru
  • 秘鲁钦博特大学洛杉矶分校荣誉博士学位
  • 2007: Doctorate honoris causa from the University of Pavia
  • 帕维亚大学荣誉博士学位
  • 2008: Doctorate honoris causa from the Universidad Nacional de Trujillo, in Peru
  • 秘鲁国立特鲁希略大学荣誉博士学位
  • 2009: Doctor of Science honoris causa from Lakehead University in Canada
  • 加拿大湖首大学荣誉理学博士
  • 2011: Doctorate honoris causa from the Universidad Nacional de Córdoba, in Argentina
  • 阿根廷科尔多瓦国立大学荣誉博士学位
  • 2012: Honorary professorship from the Universidad César Vallejo de Trujillo, in Peru
  • 秘鲁塞萨尔瓦列霍德特鲁希略大学名誉教授
  • 2012: Doctorate honoris causa from the Universidad Latinoamericana Cima de Tacna, in Peru
  • 秘鲁 Cima de Tacna 拉丁美洲大学荣誉博士学位
  • 2012: Doctorate honoris causa from the Universidad José Faustino Sanchez Carrión, in Peru
  • 秘鲁 Jose Faustino Sanchez Carrión 大学荣誉博士学位
  • 2013: Inducted into the Internet Hall of Fame
  • 入选互联网名人堂 (
  • 2014: Doctorate honoris causa from Concordia University in Canada
  • 加拿大康考迪亚大学荣誉博士学位
  • 2015: Doctorate(博士学位) honoris causa from Universidad las Américas in Peru.
  • 秘鲁美洲大学荣誉博士学位。
  • 2016: The Association for Computing's Software and Systems Award for development of GCC, the GNU Compiler Collection.
  • 因开发 GCC(GNU 编译器集合)而获得计算机协会软件和系统奖
  • 2016: Doctorate honoris causa from Université Pierre et Marie Curie in France.
  • 法国皮埃尔和玛丽居里大学荣誉博士学位。
  • 2017: Doctorate honoris causa from the Universidad Nacional de Jujuy in Argentina.
  • 阿根廷胡胡伊国立大学荣誉博士学位。
  • 2018: Doctorate honoris causa from the Universidad de Tucumán, in Argentina.
  • 2018: Honorary professorship from the Universidad Tecnológica Nacional in Mendoza, in Argentina.
  • 阿根廷门多萨国立技术大学名誉教授。

  Richard Stallman's 1983 传记

  (This biography was published in the first edition of "The Hacker's Dictionary". It is copyright 1983 Richard Stallman and released under the Creative Commons Sharealike license 3.0.)
 (本传记发表于《黑客词典》第一版。版权归 1983 Richard Stallman 所有,并在 Creative Commons Sharealike license 3.0 下发布。)

  I was built at a laboratory in Manhattan around 1953, and moved to the MIT Artificial Intelligence Lab in 1971. My hobbies include affection, international folk dance, flying, cooking, physics, recorder, puns, science fiction fandom, and programming; I magically get paid for doing the last one. About a year ago I split up with the PDP-10 computer to which I was married for ten years. We still love each other, but the world is taking us in different directions. For the moment I still live in Cambridge, Massachusetts, among our old memories. "Richard Stallman" is just my mundane name; you can call me "rms".

  我于 1953 年左右在曼哈顿的一个实验室里建立起来,并于 1971 年搬到麻省理工学院人工智能实验室。我的爱好包括情感、国际民间舞蹈、飞行、烹饪、物理、录音机、双关语、科幻迷和编程;我神奇地因为做最后一个而得到报酬。大约一年前,我与我结婚十年的 PDP-10 计算机分手了。我们仍然彼此相爱,但世界正把我们引向不同的方向。目前,我还住在马萨诸塞州的剑桥,在我们的旧记忆中。“Richard Stallman”只是我平凡的名字;你可以叫我“rms”。

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