Free Software Foundation (FSF自由软件基金会) -gnu

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  引用一句话: 与智者同行,你会不同凡响;与高人为伍,你能登上巅峰。 下面就看下FSF的一些关键成员。

  Staff and Board

             by Free Software Foundation
      Meet the staff, board of directors, and voting members of the Free Software Foundation.


    • Zoë Kooyman

      Zoë Kooyman, Executive Director

      Kooyman joined the Free Software Foundation (FSF) as program manager in 2019, in charge of public activities and communications, and became the executive director in February 2022. As program manager, she led the FSF to new records for attendance and submissions at the annual LibrePlanet conference, organizing and leading the conference for three years (2020-2022). The 2020 event was converted into a successful virtual conference in just five days at the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic, and continues virtually for the time being. Kooyman directed the development of a series of animated videos highlighting and increasing awareness of important free software issues. She also drove successful efforts in associate member recruitment and fundraising.

    • Kooyman于2019年加入自由软件基金会(FSF),担任项目经理,负责公共活动和通信,并于2022年2月成为执行董事。作为项目经理,她带领 FSF 创下了年度LibreaNet会议出席人数和提交人数的新纪录,并组织和领导了为期三年(2020-2022年)的会议。2020年的活动在2019 冠状病毒疾病大流行开始后的五天内就成功地转化为一次虚拟会议,并将继续进行。Kooyman指导开发了一系列动画视频,突出并提高了人们对重要自由软件问题的认识。她还在准会员招募和筹款方面做出了成功的努力。

      Prior to coming to the FSF, she was already a highly experienced international project manager and event producer. She has demonstrated skills in leading technology and social justice initiatives.

    • 在加入FSF之前,她已经是一位经验丰富的国际项目经理和活动制作人。她在领导技术和社会公正倡议方面表现出了技能。

      Kooyman holds a Bachelor of Arts degree in Media and Culture and a Master of Arts in the Preservation and Presentation of the Moving Image, both from the University of Amsterdam. Born in the Netherlands, she has lived in seven countries and worked in twenty-two countries on four continents, soaking up life lessons along the way. She has a deep interest in the visual and digital nature of modern society, is always up for an adventure outdoors and, in true Dutch style, prefers to(更喜欢,倾向于) travel by bicycle.

    • Kooyman拥有阿姆斯特丹大学媒体与文化学士学位和动态图像保存与展示硕士学位。她出生于荷兰,曾在七个国家生活,在四大洲的二十二个国家工作,沿途学习生活课程。她对现代社会的视觉和数字本质有着浓厚的兴趣,总是热衷于户外探险,而且,以真正的荷兰风格来说,她更喜欢骑自行车旅行。
    • John Sullivan

      John Sullivan, Advisor, Clerk

      John (he/him) started working with GNU Press and the Free Software Foundation in 2003, after receiving his MFA in Writing and Poetics. He then became the FSF's first Campaigns Manager, working on outreach efforts like Defective by Design, BadVista, and PlayOgg. In 2011, John became Executive Director after four years as Manager of Operations. He served as Executive Director until March 2022. He is especially interested in advancing free software on mobile devices, including automobiles.

    • 约翰在获得写作和诗学硕士学位后,于2003年开始在GNU出版社和自由软件基金会工作。然后,他成为FSF的第一位活动经理,致力于推广工作,如Defective by Design、BadVista和PlayOgg。2011年,John在担任运营经理四年后成为执行董事。他担任执行董事直至2022年3月。他对推进包括汽车在内的移动设备上的自由软件特别感兴趣。

    • Andrew Engelbrecht

      Andrew Engelbrecht, Senior Systems Administrator

      Andrew was a long time volunteer at the FSF, where he gained experience in system administration and developed his passion for software freedom. He was hired as a web developer at the FSF in 2016, and promoted to Senior Systems Administrator in 2018. He is interested in machine learning and the question of how its emergence will shape our society in the near and distant future. He enjoys cycling, programming, house music, and tasty vegan food.

    • Andrew在FSF做了很长时间的志愿者,在那里他获得了系统管理经验,并对软件自由产生了热情。2016年,他被FSF聘为web开发人员,2018年晋升为高级系统管理员。他对机器学习以及机器学习的出现将如何在不久和遥远的将来塑造我们的社会感兴趣。他喜欢骑自行车、编程、家庭音乐和美味的素食。

    • Davis Remmel

      Davis Remmel, Operations Assistant

      Davis burned his first GNU/Linux image when he was 10 years old. He’s been a fan of Unix-like practicality ever since, but wishes computers were holistic devices for augmenting human intellect like envisioned by Licklider, Engelbart, Kay, Nelson, et al. Remmel believes free software is the humane way to progress this vision. By day, his keyboard promotes indelible user rights; by night, it conjures a libre dynabook line by line.

    • Davis在10岁时刻录他的第一个GNU/Linux 映像。从那以后,他一直热衷于类Unix(Unix-like 即类unix系统,比如GNU/Linux、FreeBSD、OpenBSD、SUN公司的Solaris、Minix、QNX等)的实用性,但他希望计算机能够像利克利德、恩格尔巴特、凯、纳尔逊等人所设想的那样,成为增强人类智力的整体设备。雷梅尔相信,自由软件是实现这一愿景的人性化的方式。白天,他的键盘促进了不可磨灭的用户权利;到了晚上,它会一行一行地变戏法似的变出一本自由的手册。

    • Dawn B. Peterson

      Dawn Bryanton Peterson, Business Operations Manager

      Dawn joined the Free Software Foundation in 2019, bringing a diverse set of skills to the Foundation. With a degree in accounting, she worked in investment banking as project manger, for accounting, data, and payroll systems, before moving to work in the nonprofit sector. At the FSF, she handles incoming and outgoing accounting activities for all its member projects as well as finance, budgeting, human resources, and risk management for the Foundation.

    • Dawn于2019年加入自由软件基金会,为基金会带来了多种技能。她拥有会计学学位,曾在投资银行担任项目经理,负责会计、数据和工资系统,后来进入非营利部门工作。在FSF,她负责处理所有成员项目的传入和传出会计活动,以及基金会的财务、预算、人力资源和风险管理。

      In her free time, Dawn can be found in a yoga studio, swimming, or spending time with her family.

    • 在她的空闲时间,可以在瑜伽馆、游泳或与家人共度时光。

    • Devin Ulibarri

      Devin Ulibarri, Outreach & Communications Coordinator

      Devin's inception into free software began with a simple question: "Why is my computer telling me what to do?" From there, he spent his lunch breaks reading GNU philosophy and the FSF Web site. Soon thereafter, he installed GNU/Linux onto his laptop and the rest is history.

    • Devin对自由软件的开创始于一个简单的问题:“为什么我的电脑告诉我该做什么?”在那里,他利用午休时间阅读GNU哲学和FSF网站。此后不久,他在笔记本电脑上安装了GNU/Linux,其余的都成了历史。

      Trained as a musician and educator, who has taught hundreds of people over the years, Devin has contributed to educational free software projects that are used, studied, remixed, and redistributed throughout the world. For pleasure, Devin enjoys studying Japanese, biking, and playing his Kite guitar.

    • 作为一名音乐家和教育家,Devin多年来教过数百人,他为教育自由软件项目做出了贡献,这些项目在世界各地被使用、研究、重新混合和分发。为了消遣,Devin喜欢学习日语、骑自行车和弹风筝吉他。

    • Greg Farough

      Greg Farough, Campaigns Manager

      Greg's introduction to free software came by way of the Punkcast video blog in 2006, when intending to see a concert bootleg, they saw an RMS speech instead. From that moment forward, they resolved to use an exclusively free system. Greg has previously worked as a goat herder, labor organizer, and tutor of Attic Greek. Greg is a straight edge vegan, and is an emeritus of many loud and talentless bands in the American Midwest. They have a special fondness for glitchy guitar pedals, horror movies, and GNU Emacs (which gives some people just as many nightmares).

    • Greg 在2006年通过 Punkcast 视频博客介绍了自由软件,当时他们打算看一场音乐会的盗版,却看到了 RMS 的演讲。从那一刻起,他们决心使用完全免费的系统。Greg 此前曾担任牧羊人、劳工组织者和希腊阁楼导师。Greg 是一个直截了当的素食主义者,他是美国中西部许多吵闹而没有天赋的乐队的退休成员。他们特别喜欢华丽的吉他踏板、恐怖电影和GNU Emacs(这会让一些人做同样多的噩梦)。

      Ian 在2017年5月作为高级系统管理员加入FSF之前是FSF志愿者。他也是一名自由软件开发人员,并为包括GNU Emacs在内的多个项目做出了贡献。

    • Michael McMahon

      Michael McMahon, Web Developer

      Michael joined the FSF tech team as Web Developer in January 2019 after working with GNU/Linux in manufacturing, gaming, and education. He enjoys tinkering, board games, DJing, public speaking, parenting, and cats.     

      GPG keyring of the FSF staff and board

    • Michael于2019年1月加入FSF技术团队,担任Web开发人员,此前曾在制造业、游戏和教育领域与GNU/Linux合作。他喜欢修补、棋盘游戏、DJ、公共演讲、育儿和猫。

  Board of directors

More about the role of the FSF's board of directors

  • Geoffrey Knauth

    Geoffrey Knauth, President and Treasurer

    Geoffrey is an independent software contractor, has worked as a programmer, senior associate, systems engineer, and systems analyst at various companies and has contributed to the GNU Objective-C project. He is fluent in Russian and French and has a working knowledge of German, which helps him maintain relationships with computer scientists, mathematicians, and physicists of the Russian Academy of Sciences and with United States economists, scientists, and agencies. He holds a BA in Economics from Harvard University and is the treasurer of the FSF.

    Geoffrey是一家独立的软件承包商,曾在多家公司担任程序员、高级助理、系统工程师和系统分析师,并为GNU Objective-C项目做出了贡献。他精通俄语和法语,并精通德语,这有助于他与俄罗斯科学院的计算机科学家、数学家和物理学家以及美国经济学家、科学家和机构保持联系。他拥有哈佛大学经济学学士学位,是FSF的财务主管。

    Gerald J. Sussman, Professor of Electrical Engineering at MIT

    Gerald has been involved in artificial intelligence research at MIT since 1964. He co-authored Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs and Structure and Interpretation of Classical Mechanics and is the recipient of numerous awards, including ACM's Karl Karlstrom Outstanding Educator Award and the Amar G. Bose award for teaching. He is a fellow of numerous institutions including the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, the American Association for the Advancement of Science, the American Association for Artificial Intelligence, the ACM, the American Academy of Arts and Sciences and the New York Academy of Arts, and Sciences.

  • 杰拉尔德自1964年以来一直在麻省理工学院从事人工智能研究。他与他人合著了《计算机程序的结构与解释》和《经典力学的结构与解释》,并获得了多项奖项,包括 ACM 的卡尔·卡尔斯特伦杰出教育家奖和阿马尔·G·博斯教学奖。他是众多机构的院士,包括电气和电子工程师协会、美国科学促进协会、美国人工智能协会、ACM、美国艺术和科学学院以及纽约艺术和科学学院。

    Henry Poole, founder of CivicActions

    Henry Poole is an Internet strategist with three decades' experience in information technology and more than a decade's with online communities and commerce. He was the first technologist to set up a blog for a member of the US House of Representatives. He has presented at conferences in Europe and in the US, and was the technical editor of Demystifying Multimedia. He co-founded CivicActions, a grassroots campaign technology consulting firm in 2004, helping provide network-centric free software technology solutions focusing on transforming the world.

  • 亨利·普尔(HenryPoole)是一位互联网战略家,在信息技术领域拥有三十年的经验,在在线社区和商业领域拥有十多年的经验。他是第一位为美国众议院议员建立博客的技术专家。他曾在欧洲和美国的会议上发表演讲,并担任《去神秘化多媒体》的技术编辑。2004年,他与人共同创立了一家草根运动技术咨询公司CivicActions,帮助提供以网络为中心的自由软件技术解决方案,致力于改变世界。

    Ian Kelling

    Ian holds a bachelor's degree in computer science and is a continuous user, developer, and advocate for free software. His past experience working as a software developer for proprietary software companies, while using, learning, and contributing to GNU/Linux on his own time, solidified his personal belief in complete software freedom. He now works exclusively on GNU/Linux. He has contributed to pieces of free software like GNU Emacs, community efforts like the Free Software Directory and others, and has been a speaker at the Seattle GNU/Linux conference (SeaGL). Ian joined the Free Software Foundation in 2017, where he is a senior systems administrator and the FSF union steward.

  • Ian拥有计算机科学学士学位,是自由软件的持续用户、开发人员和倡导者。他过去在私有软件公司担任软件开发人员的经历,在自己的时间里使用、学习GNU/Linux并为之做出贡献,巩固了他对完全软件自由的个人信念。他现在只在GNU/Linux上工作。他为GNU Emacs等自由软件、自由软件目录等社区活动做出了贡献,并在西雅图GNU/Linux会议(Seattle GNU/Linux conference,SEGL)上发表了演讲。伊恩于2017年加入自由软件基金会,担任高级系统管理员和FSF工会干事。

    Odile Bénassy

    Odile uses only free software since the nineties and works as a free software developer. She has been active in French volunteer groups like association APRIL and Aful, Parinux, Ofset and the Rencontres Mondiales du Logiciel Libre.

  • Odile自上世纪90年代以来只使用自由软件,并且是一名自由软件开发人员。她一直活跃于法国志愿团体,如APRIL和Aful协会、Parinux、Ofset和法国逻辑自由协会。

    Richard M. Stallman

    GPG key: 6781 9B34 3B2A B70D ED93 2087 2C64 64AF 2A8E 4C02

    Richard Stallman founded the free software movement in 1983 when he announced he would develop the GNU operating system, a Unix-like operating system meant to consist entirely of free software. He has been the GNU project's leader ever since. In October 1985 he started the Free Software Foundation.

  • 理查德·斯塔尔曼于1983年创立了自由软件运动,当时他宣布将开发GNU操作系统,这是一种完全由自由软件组成的类Unix操作系统。从那以后,他一直是GNU项目的负责人。1985年10月,他成立了自由软件基金会。

    Since the mid-1990s, Stallman has spent most of his time in political advocacy for free software. Before that, Richard developed a number of widely used programs that are components of GNU.

    Stallman pioneered the concept of copyleft, and is the main author of the GNU General Public License, the most widely used free software license.

  • 自20世纪90年代中期以来,Stallman的大部分时间都花在了自由软件的政治宣传上。在此之前,Richard开发了许多广泛使用的程序,这些程序是GNU的组成部分。



    Stallman graduated from Harvard in 1974 with a BA in physics. During his college years and after, he worked as a staff hacker at the MIT Artificial Intelligence Lab, learning operating system development by doing it. He wrote the first extensible Emacs text editor there in 1975.

  • 斯泰尔曼1974年毕业于哈佛大学,获得物理学学士学位。在大学期间及之后,他在麻省理工学院人工智能实验室担任黑客,通过实践学习操作系统开发。1975年,他在那里编写了第一个可扩展的Emacs文本编辑器。

Voting members

About the distinction between voting and board members

  • Geoffrey Knauth
  • Gerald J. Sussman
  • Henry Poole
  • Ian Kelling
  • Odile Bénassy
  • Richard M. Stallman
  • Alexandre Oliva

Board governance information:



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