

Evolving a language in and for the real world: C++ 1991-2006
    Bjarne Stroustrup Texas A&M University www.research.att.com/~bs

This paper outlines the history of the C++ programming language from the early days of its ISO standardization (1991),
through the 1998 ISO standard, to the later stages of the C++0x revision of that standard (2006).


通过1998年的ISO标准,到该标准的 C++0x 修订版(2006)的后期阶段。

The emphasis is on the ideals, constraints, programming techniques, and people
that shaped the language, rather than the minutiae of language features. Among the major themes are the emergence
of generic programming and the STL (the C++ standard library’s algorithms and containers).

重点是理想、约束、编程技术和人员 ,这塑造了语言,而不是语言特征的细节。其中的主要主题是泛型编程和STL(C++标准库的算法和容器)。

Specific topics include  separate compilation of templates, exception handling, and support for embedded systems programming.
During most  of the period covered here, C++ was a mature language with  millions of users.


Consequently, this paper discusses various  uses of C++ and the technical and commercial pressures that  provided the background for its continuing evolution.
Categories and Subject Descriptors K.2 [History of Computing]:
systems  General Terms Design, Programming Language, History   Keywords C++, language use, evolution, libraries, standardization, ISO, STL, multi-paradigm programming


1. Introduction (介绍)
In October 1991, the estimated number of C++ users was
400,000 [121]. The corresponding number in October 2004
was 3,270,000 [61]. Somewhere in the early ’90s C++ left its
initial decade of exponential growth and settled into a decade
of steady growth. The key efforts over that time were to

1991年10月,C++用户的估计数量为400,000 [121]. 2004年10月的相应数字为3270000【61】。在90年代早期的某个地方,C++留下了指数增长的最初十年,进入十年


1. use the language (obviously) 使用语言(显然)
2. provide better compilers, tools, and libraries 提供更好的编译器、工具和库
3. keep the language from fragmenting into dialects 防止语言分裂成方言
4. keep the language and its community from stagnating 防止语言及其社区停滞不前

Obviously, the C++ community spent the most time and  money on the first of those items.
The ISO C++ standards  committee tends to focus on the second with some concern  for the third.
ISO C++标准委员会倾向于关注第二个标准,而对第三个标准则有所关注。
My main effort was on the third and the fourth. The ISO committee is the focus for people who aim to  improve the C++ language and standard library.
Through such change they (we) hope to improve the state of the art in real-world C++ programming.
The work of the C++   standards committee is the primary focus of the evolution of  C++ and of this paper. 
Thinking of C++ as a platform for applications, many  have wondered why
— after its initial success — C++ didn’t  shed its C heritage to “move up the food chain” and become a “truly object-oriented” applications programming
language with a “complete” standard library.


Any tendencies  in that direction were squelched by a dedication to systems  programming, C compatibility, and compatibility with early
versions of C++ in most of the community associated with   the standards committee.


Also, there were never sufficient  resources for massive projects in that community. Another  important factor was the vigorous commercial opportunism
by the major software and hardware vendors who each saw  support for application building as their opportunity to distinguish themselves from their competition and to lock in
their users. Minor players saw things in much the same light  as they aimed to grow and prosper. However, there was no  lack of support for the committee’s activities within its chosen domain. Vendors rely on C++ for their systems and for  highly demanding applications.



Therefore, they have provided steady and most valuable support for the standards effort in the form of hosting and — more importantly — of
key technical people attending. 


For good and bad, ISO C++ [66] remains a generalpurpose programming language with a bias towards systems  programming that
不管好坏,ISO C++[66]仍然是一种通用编程语言,偏向于系统编程
• is a better C 是更好的C
• supports data abstraction 支持数据抽象
• supports object-oriented programming  支持面向对象编程
• supports generic programming 支持泛型编程
An explanation of the first three items from a historical  perspective can be found in [120, 121];  从历史角度对前三项的解释见【120121】;

the explanation of  “supports generic programming” is a major theme of this  paper. 

Bringing aspects of generic programming into the  mainstream is most likely C++’s greatest contribution to the  software development community during this period.


The paper is organized in loose chronological order:

§1 Introduction
§2 Background: C++ 1979-1991 — early history, design  criteria, language features.
§3 The C++ world in 1991 — the C++ standards process,  chronology.
§4 Standard library facilities 1991-1998 — the C++ standard library with a heavy emphasis on its most important and innovative component: the STL (containers, algorithms, and iterators).
§5 Language features 1991-1998 — focusing on separate  compilation of templates, exception safety, run-time type  information and namespaces.
§6 Standards maintenance 1997-2003 — for stability, no  additions were made to the C++ standard. However, the committee wasn’t idle.
§7 C++ in real-world use — application areas; applications  programming vs. systems programming; programming   styles; libraries, Application Binary Interfaces (ABIs), and environments; tools and research; Java, C#, and C; dialects.
§8 C++0x — aims, constraints, language features, and library facilities.
§9 Retrospective — influences and impact; beyond C++.


The emphasis is on the early and later years: The early years
shaped current C++ (C++98). The later ones reflect the response to experience with C++98 as represented by C++0x.
It is impossible to discuss how to express ideas in code without code examples. Consequently, code examples are used to illustrate key ideas, techniques, and language facilities.
The examples are explained to make them accessible to non-C++ programmers.
However, the focus of the presentation is the  people, ideas, ideals, techniques, and constraints that shape  C++ rather than on language-technical details.
For a description of what ISO C++ is today, see [66, 126].
有关当今ISO C++的描述,请参见[66126]。
The emphasis  is on straightforward questions: What happened? When did  it happen? Who were there? What were their reasons? What  were the implications of what was done (or not done)?
C++ is a living language. The main aim of this paper  is to describe its evolution. However, it is also a language  with a great emphasis on backwards compatibility.
The code  that I describe in this paper still compiles and runs today.
Consequently, I tend to use the present tense to describe it.  Given the emphasis on compatibility, the code will probably also run as described 15 years from now. Thus, my use of  the present tense emphasizes an important point about the  evolution of C++.


2. Background: C++ 1979-1991

The early history of C++ (up until 1991) is covered by my  HOPL-II paper [120].

The standard reference for the first 15  years of C++ is my book 《The Design and Evolution of C++》,  usually referred to as D&E [121].
我的书《C++的设计和发展》(通常称为D&E)是 C++ 前15年的标准参考资料。

It tells the story from the  pre-history of C++ until 1994. However, to set the scene for  the next years of C++, here is a brief summary of C++’s early  history.
C++ was designed to provide Simula’s facilities for program organization together with C’s efficiency and flexibility  for systems programming.
It was intended to deliver that to  real projects within half a year of the idea. It succeeded. 


At the time, I realized neither the modesty nor the preposterousness of that goal.
The goal was modest in that it  did not involve innovation, and preposterous in both its time scale and its Draconian demands on efficiency and flexibility.
While a modest amount of innovation did emerge over  the early years, efficiency and flexibility have been maintained without compromise.
While the goals for C++ have  been refined, elaborated, and made more explicit over the  years, C++ as used today directly reflects its original aims.
Starting in 1979, while in the Computer Science Research  Center of Bell Labs, I first designed a dialect of C called “C  with Classes”.
从1979年开始,在贝尔实验室的计算机科学研究中心,我第一次设计了一种称为“C with Classes”的C方言。

The work and experience with C with Classes  from 1979 to 1983 determined the shape of C++.
In turn, C  with Classes was based on my experiences using BCPL and  Simula as part of my PhD studies (in distributed systems)
反过来,C with Class是基于我在博士研究(分布式系统)中使用BCPLSimula的经验
in the University of Cambridge, England. For challenging  systems programming tasks I felt the need for a “tool” with  the following properties:

• A good tool would have Simula’s support for program  organization – that is, classes, some form of class hierarchies, some form of support for concurrency, and
compile-time checking of a type system based on classes.


This I saw as support for the process of inventing programs; that is, as support for design rather than just support for implementation.
• A good tool would produce programs that ran as fast as  BCPL programs and share BCPL’s ability to combine separately compiled units into a program.

 A simple linkage convention is essential for combining units written in languages such as C, Algol68, Fortran, BCPL, assembler, etc., into a single program and thus not to suffer the
handicap of inherent limitations in a single language.


• A good tool should allow highly portable implementations. My experience was that the “good” implementation I needed would typically not be available until “next
year” and only on a machine I couldn’t afford.


This implied that a tool must have multiple sources of implementations (no monopoly would be sufficiently responsive to users of “unusual” machines and to poor graduate students), that there should be no complicated run-time support system to port, and that there should be only very   limited integration between the tool and its host operating system.

During my early years at Bell Labs, these ideals grew into a  set of “rules of thumb” for the design of C++.
• General rules: (通用规则)
C++’s evolution must be driven by real problems.  C++的发展必须由实际问题驱动。
Don’t get involved in a sterile quest for perfection. 不要陷入对完美的毫无结果的追求。
C++ must be useful now. C++现在一定很有用了。
Every feature must have a reasonably obvious implementation. 每个特性都必须有一个相当明显的实现。
Always provide a transition path. 始终提供过渡路径。
C++ is a language, not a complete system. C++是一种语言,不是一个完整的系统。
Provide comprehensive support for each supported  style. 为每种受支持的样式提供全面支持。
Don’t try to force people to use a specific programming style. 不要试图强迫人们使用特定的编程风格。
• Design support rules(设计支持规则):
Support sound design notions. 支持合理的设计理念。
Provide facilities for program organization. 为项目组织提供设施。
Say what you mean. 说出你的意思。
All features must be affordable. 所有功能都必须价格合理。
It is more important to allow a useful feature than to prevent every misuse. 允许一个有用的特性比防止每一次滥用更重要
Support composition of software from separately developed parts. 支持从单独开发的部分组成软件。
• Language-technical rules:(语言技术规则)
No implicit violations of the static type system. 没有对静态类型系统的隐式冲突。
Provide as good support for user-defined types as for built-in types. 为用户定义的类型提供与内置类型一样好的支持
Locality is good.  位置很好
Avoid order dependencies.避免订单依赖关系。
If in doubt, pick the variant of a feature that is easiest  to teach. 如果有疑问,请选择最容易设定的功能变体。
Syntax matters (often in perverse ways).语法很重要(通常以反常的方式)。
Preprocessor usage should be eliminated. 应消除预处理器的使用。
• Low-level programming support rules:(低级编程支持规则):
Use traditional (dumb) linkers. 使用传统(哑)链接器。
No gratuitous incompatibilities with C. 与C没有无缘无故的不兼容。
Leave no room for a lower-level language below C++  (except assembler).
What you don’t use, you don’t pay for (zero-overhead  rule). 你不用的东西,你不用付费(零开销规则)。
If in doubt, provide means for manual control. 如有疑问,提供手动控制方法。

These criteria are explored in detail in Chapter 4 of D&E   [121].  D&E第4章对这些标准进行了详细探讨【121】
C++ as defined at the time of release 2.0 in 1989  strictly fulfilled these criteria; the fundamental tensions in  the effort to design templates and exception-handling mechanisms for C++ arose from the need to depart from some  aspects of these criteria.
I think the most important property  of these criteria is that they are only loosely connected with specific programming language features. Rather, they specify constraints on solutions to design problems.
Reviewing this list in 2006, I’m struck by two design  criteria (ideals) that are not explicitly stated:
• There is a direct mapping of C++ language constructs to  hardware C++语言结构直接映射到硬件
• The standard library is specified and implemented in C++  Coming from a C background and being deep in the development of the C++98 standard (§3.1), these points (at the
time, and earlier) seemed so obvious that I often failed to  emphasize them.


Other languages, such as Lisp, Smalltalk, Python, Ruby, Java, and C#, do not share these ideals.
Most  languages that provide abstraction mechanisms still have to  provide the most useful data structures, such as strings, lists, trees, associative arrays, vectors, matrices, and sets, as builtin facilities, relying on other languages (such as assembler, C, and C++) for their implementation.
Of major languages, only C++ provides general, flexible, extensible, and efficient containers implemented in the language itself.
To a large extent, these ideals came from C. C has those two properties, but not the abstraction mechanisms needed to define nontrivial new types.
The C++ ideal – from day one of C with Classes (§2.1)
– was that the language should allow optimal implementation of arbitrary data structures and operations on them.
This constrained the design of abstraction mechanisms in many useful ways [121] and led to new and interesting implementation techniques (for example, see §4.1).
In turn, this ideal  would have been unattainable without the “direct mapping  of C++ language constructs to hardware” criterion.
The key idea (from C) was that the operators directly reflected hardware operations (arithmetic and logical) and that access to memory was what the hardware directly offered (pointers and arrays).


The combination of these two ideals is also what  makes C++ effective for embedded systems programming [131] (§6.1).

2.1 The Birth of C with Classes  (C with Classes的诞生)

The work on what eventually became C++ started with an attempt to analyze the UNIX kernel to determine to what
extent it could be distributed over a network of computers connected by a local area network.


This work started in April of 1979 in the Computing Science Research Center of Bell  Laboratories in Murray Hill, New Jersey.
Two subproblems soon emerged:  两个子问题很快出现:
how to analyze the network traffic that would  result from the kernel distribution and how to modularize the  kernel.

Both required a way to express the module structure of a complex system and the communication pattern of the modules.
This was exactly the kind of problem that I had become determined never to attack again without proper tools.
Consequently, I set about developing a proper tool according to the criteria I had formed in Cambridge.

In October of 1979, I had the initial version of a preprocessor, called Cpre, that added Simula-like classes to C.
By March of 1980, this pre-processor had been refined to the point where it supported one real project and several experiments.
My records show the pre-processor in use on 16 systems by then. The first key C++ library, called “the task system”, supported a coroutine style of programming [108, 115].
It was crucial to the usefulness of “C with Classes,” as the language accepted by the pre-processor was called, in most early projects.
在大多数早期项目中,这对于“C with Classes”的有用性至关重要,正如前处理器所接受的语言所称。
During the April to October period the transition from thinking about a “tool” to thinking about a “language” had occurred, but C with Classes was still thought of primarily as an extension to C for expressing modularity and concurrency.
A crucial decision had been made, though. Even though support of concurrency and Simula-style simulations was a primary aim of C with Classes, the language contained no primitives for expressing concurrency; rather, a combination of inheritance (class hierarchies) and the ability to define class member functions with special meanings recognized by the pre-processor was used to write the library that supported the desired styles of concurrency.
不过,已经做出了一个至关重要的决定。尽管支持并发和Simula风格的模拟是C with Class的主要目标,但该语言不包含表示并发的原语;相反,使用继承(类层次结构)和定义具有预处理器识别的特殊含义的类成员函数的能力来编写支持所需并发样式的库。
Please note that “styles” is plural. I considered it crucial — as I still do — that more than one notion of concurrency should be expressible in the language.
Thus, the language provided general mechanisms for organizing programs rather than support for specific application areas.
This was what made C with Classes and later C++ a general-purpose language rather than a C variant with extensions to support specialized applications.
这就是为什么 C with Classes 以及后来的C++成为一种通用语言,而不是一种具有支持专门应用程序的扩展的C变体。
Later, the choice between providing support for specialized applications or general abstraction mechanisms has come up repeatedly.
Each time, the decision has been to improve the abstraction mechanisms. 2.2 Feature Overview The earliest features included • classes • derived classes • constructors and destructors •

public/private access control • type checking and implicit conversion of function arguments. In 1981, a few more features were added based on perceived need: • inline functions

• default arguments • overloading of the assignment operator.  
公共/私有访问控制•函数参数的类型检查和隐式转换。1981年,根据感知的需求,又增加了一些功能:•内联函数•  默认参数•赋值运算符重载。
Since a pre-processor was used for the implementation of C with Classes, only new features, that is features not present in C, needed to be described and the full power of C was directly available to users. Both of these aspects were appreciated at the time.
In particular, having C as a subset dramatically reduced the support and documentation work needed. C with Classes was still seen as a dialect of C.
Furthermore, classes were referred to as “An Abstract Data Type Facility for the C Language” [108].
Support for objectoriented programming was not claimed until the provision of virtual functions in C++ in 1983 [110].

A common question about “C with Classes” and later about C++ was “Why use C? Why didn’t you build on, say, Pascal?”  One version of my answer can be found in [114]:
关于“C with Classes”以及后来关于C++的一个常见问题是“  为什么使用C? 为什么不建立在Pascal 上?”  我的答案的一个版本可以在【114】中找到:
C is clearly not the cleanest language ever designed nor the easiest to use, so why do so many people use it?
• C is flexible: It is possible to apply C to most every application area, and to use most every programming technique with C. The language has no inherent limitations that preclude particular kinds of programs from being written.
• C is efficient: The semantics of C are ‘low level’; that is, the fundamental concepts of C mirror the fundamental concepts of a traditional computer. Consequently, it is relatively easy for a compiler and/or a programmer to efficiently utilize hardware resources for a C program.
• C is available: Given a computer, whether the tiniest micro or the largest super-computer, the chance is that there is an acceptable-quality C compiler available and that that C compiler supports an acceptably complete and standard C language and library. There are also libraries and support tools available, so that a programmer rarely needs to design a new system from scratch.
• C is portable: A C program is not automatically portable from one machine (and operating system) to another nor is such a port necessarily easy to do. It is, however, usually possible and the level of difficulty is such that porting even major pieces of software with inherent machine dependences is typically technically and economically feasible.
   Compared with these ‘first-order’ advantages, the ‘second-order’ drawbacks like the curious C declarator syntax and the lack of safety of some language constructs become less important. Pascal was considered a toy language [78], so it seemed easier and safer to add type checking to C than to add the features considered necessary for systems programming to Pascal. 


At the time, I had a positive dread of making mistakes of the sort where the designer, out of misguided paternalism or plain ignorance, makes the language unusable for real work in important areas.


The ten years that followed clearly showed that choosing C as a base left me in the mainstream of systems programming where I intended to be.
The cost in language complexity has been considerable, but (just barely) manageable. The problem of maintaining compatibility with an evolving C language and standard library is a serious one to this day (see §7.6).
In addition to C and Simula, I considered Modula-2, Ada, Smalltalk, Mesa, and Clu as sources for ideas for C++ [111], so there was no shortage of inspiration.


2.3 Work Environment 工作环境
C with Classes was designed and implemented by me as a research project in the Computing Science Research Center of  Bell Labs.
C with Classes是我在贝尔实验室计算科学研究中心设计和实现的一个研究项目。
This center provided a possibly unique environment for such work. When I joined in 1979, I was basically  told to “do something interesting,” given suitable computer resources, encouraged to talk to interesting and competent people, and given a year before having to formally present  my work for evaluation.
There was a cultural bias against “grand projects” requiring many people, against “grand plans” like untested paper designs for others to implement, and against a class distinction between designers and implementers.
If you liked such things, Bell Labs and other organizations had many places where you could indulge such preferences.
However, in the Computing Science Research Center it was almost a requirement that you — if you were not into theory — personally implemented something embodying your ideas and found users who could benefit from what you built.
The environment was very supportive for such work and the Labs provided a large pool of people with ideas and problems to challenge and test anything built.
Thus I could write in [114]: “There never was a C++ paper design; design, documentation, and implementation went on simultaneously. Naturally,
the C++ front-end is written in C++.


There never was a “C++  project” either, or a “C++ design committee”.
Throughout, C++ evolved, and continues to evolve, to cope with problems encountered by users, and through discussions between the  author and his friends and colleagues”.


2.4 From C with Classes to C++(C with Classes 到 C++)
During 1982, it became clear to me that C with Classes was  a “medium success” and would remain so until it died.
1982年,我清楚地认识到,C with Class是一个“中等成功”,并将一直保持到它消亡。
The success of C with Classes was, I think, a simple consequence of meeting its design aim:  C with Classes helped organize a large class of programs significantly better than C.
我认为,C with class的成功是实现其设计目标的一个简单结果:C with class帮助组织了一个比C更好的大型课程。

Crucially, this was achieved without the loss of run-time efficiency and without requiring unacceptable cultural changes in development organizations.
The factors limiting its success were partly the limited set of new facilities offered over  C and partly the pre-processor technology used to implement  C with Classes.
C with Classes simply didn’t provide support for people who were willing to invest significant effort  to reap matching benefits:
C with Classes根本没有为那些愿意投入大量精力来获得相应利益的人提供支持:
C with Classes was an important  step in the right direction, but only one small step.
C with Classes 是朝着正确方向迈出的重要一步,但只是一小步。
As a result  of this analysis, I began designing a cleaned-up and extended  successor to C with Classes and implementing it using traditional compiler technology.

In the move from C with Classes to C++, the type checking was generally improved in ways that are possible only using a proper compiler front-end with full understanding of  all syntax and semantics.

在从C with Classes迁移到C++的过程中,类型检查得到了普遍的改进,只有在充分理解所有语法和语义的情况下使用适当的编译器前端才能实现。

This addressed a major problem  with C with Classes. In addition,
 这解决了C with Classes 的一个主要问题。此外
• virtual functions 虚函数
• function name and operator overloading
• references 引用
• constants (const)
• many minor facilities   were added. To many, virtual functions were the major addition, as they enable object-oriented programming.

I had been unable to convince my colleagues of their utility, but saw them as essential for the support of a key programming style (“paradigm”).

After a couple of years of use, release 2.0 was a major release providing a significantly expanded set of features, such as

• type-safe linkage,
• abstract classes
• multiple inheritance.
Most of these extensions and refinements represented experience gained with C++ and could not have been added earlier without more foresight than I possessed.


2.5 Chronology(纪年表)
The chronology of the early years can be summarized:早年的年表可以总结如下:
1979 Work on C with Classes starts; first C with Classes use   
  1979年 工作在C with Classes上;第一次使用C with Classes
1983 1st C++ implementation in use     
1984 C++ named  
  1984 C++ 被命名
1985 Cfront Release 1.0 (first commercial release); The  C++ Programming Language (TC++PL) [112]
  1985 Cfront Release 1.0(第一个商业版本);C++编程语言(TC++PL)[112]
1986 1st commercial Cfront PC port (Cfront 1.1, Glockenspiel)
1987 1st GNU C++ release
  1987年GNU C++第1版
1988 1st Oregon Software C++ release; 1st Zortech C++  release;
  1988年俄勒冈州第一个软件C++版本;第一个Zortech C++版本
1989 Cfront Release 2.0; The Annotated C++ Reference  Manual [35]; ANSI C++ committee (J16) founded (Washington, D.C.)
  1989 Cfront 2.0版;带注释的C++参考手册[35];ANSI C++委员会(J16)成立(华盛顿特区)

Evolving C++ 1991-2006 5 2007/5/25  (进化C++1991-2006 5 2007/5/25)

1990 1st ANSI X3J16 technical meeting (Somerset, New Jersey); templates accepted (Seattle, WA); exceptions accepted (Palo Alto, CA); 1st Borland C++ release
 1991 1st ISO WG21 meeting (Lund, Sweden); Cfront Release 3.0 (including templates); The C++ Programming Language (2nd edition) [118] On average, the number of C++ users doubled every 7.5
months from 1 in October 1979 to 400,000 in October of 1991 [121]. It is of course very hard to count users, but during the early years I had contacts with everyone who shipped
compilers, libraries, books, etc., so I’m pretty confident of  these numbers. They are also consistent with later numbers  from IDC [61].

3. The C++ World in 1991(1991年的C++世界)
In 1991, the second edition of my The C++ Programming  Language [118] was published to complement the 1989  language definition The Annotated C++ Reference Manual
(“the ARM”) [35].

1991年,我的《C++编程语言》(the C++Programming Language)[118]第二版出版,以补充1989年的语言定义《带注释的C++参考手册》 (“手臂”)【35】。

  Those two books set the standard for C++  implementation and to some extent for programming techniques for years to come.

        Thus, 1991 can be seen as the  end of C++’s preparations for entry into the mainstream.

   From then on, consolidation was a major issue. That year, there were five C++ compilers to choose from (AT&T, Borland, GNU, Oregon, and Zortech) and three more were to   appear in 1992 (IBM, DEC, and Microsoft).

     The October  1991 AT&T release 3.0 of Cfront (my original C++ compiler  [121]) was the first to support templates.
  The DEC and IBM  compilers both implemented templates and exceptions, but  Microsoft’s did not, thus seriously setting back efforts to encourage programmers to use a more modern style.
  The effort  to standardize C++, which had begun in 1989, was officially converted into an international effort under the auspices of  ISO. 
 However, this made no practical difference as even the organizational meeting in 1989 had large non-US participation.

The main difference is that we refer to ISO C++ rather  than ANSI C++.
主要区别在于我们引用的是ISO C++,而不是ANSI C++。
 The C++ programmer — and would-be  C++ programmer — could now choose from among about  100 books of greatly varying aim, scope, and quality. 
   Basically, 1991 was an ordinary, successful year for the  C++ community.
  It didn’t particularly stand out from the  years before or after. The reason to start our story here is   that my HOPL-II paper [120] left off in 1991.

3.1 The ISO C++ Standards Process(ISO C++标准过程)
For the C++ community, the ISO standards process is central: The C++ community has no other formal center, no  other forum for driving language evolution, no other organization that cares for the language itself and for the community as a whole.
C++ has no owner corporation that determines a path for the language, finances its development, and provides marketing.
Therefore, the C++ standards committee became the place where language and standard library  evolution is seriously considered.
To a large extent, the 1991-2006 evolution of C++  was determined by what could be  done by the volunteer individuals in the committee and how far the dreaded “design by committee” could be avoided.

The American National Standards Institute committee for C++ (ANSI J16) was founded in 1989; it now works under the auspices of INCITS (InterNational Committee for Information Technology Standards, a US organization). In 1991,  it became part of an international effort under the auspices of  ISO.

美国国家标准协会C++委员会(ANSI J16)成立于1989年;它现在在美国组织信息技术标准国际委员会(INCITS)的支持下工作。1991年,它成为ISO赞助下的国际努力的一部分。

Several other countries (such as France, Japan, and the UK) have their own national committees that hold their own  meetings (in person or electronically) and send representatives to the ANSI/ISO meetings.
Up until the final vote on  the C++98 standard [63] in 1997, the committee met three  times a year for week-long meetings. Now, it meets twice a year, but depends far more on electronic communications
in between meetings.


The committee tries to alternate meetings between the North American continent and elsewhere,  mostly Europe.
The members of the J16 committee are volunteers who  have to pay (about $800 a year) for the privilege of doing  all the work.
Consequently, most members represent companies that are willing to pay fees and travel expenses, but there is always a small number of people who pay their own way.
Each company participating has one vote, just like each  individual, so a company cannot stuff the committee with  employees.
People who represent their nations in the ISO  (WG21) and participate in the national C++ panels pay or  not according to their national standards organization rules.
The J16 convener runs the technical sessions and does formal votes. The voting procedures are very democratic. First  come one or more “straw votes” in a working group as part
of the process to improve the proposal and gain consensus.


Then come the more formal J16 votes in full committee  where only accredited members vote. The final (ISO) votes  are done on a per-nation basis.
The aim is for consensus, defined as a massive majority, so that the resulting standard is  good enough for everybody,  if not necessarily exactly what  any one member would have preferred.
For the 1997/1998  final standards ballot, the ANSI vote was 43-0 and the ISO  vote 22-0.
We really did reach consensus, and even unanimity. I’m told that such clear votes are unusual. 
The meetings tend to be quite collegial, though obviously  there can be very tense moments when critical and controversial decisions must be made. For example, the debate
leading up to the export vote strained the committee (§5.2). 



The collegiality has been essential for C++. The committee  is the only really open forum where implementers and users
from different — and often vigorously competing — organizations can meet and exchange views.


Without a committee  with a dense web of professional, personal, and organizational connections, C++ would have broken into a mess of
feuding dialects.


The number of people attending a meeting varies between 40 and 120. Obviously, the attendance  increases when the meeting is in a location with many C++ programmers (e.g., Silicon Valley) or something major is being decided (e.g., should we adopt the STL?). 

At the Santa  Cruz meeting in 1996, I counted 105 people in the room at  the same time.
Most technical work is done by individuals between  meetings or in working groups. These working groups are  officially “ad hoc” and have no formal standing.
However, some lasts for many years and serve as a focus for work  and as the institutional memory of the committee.

The main  long-lived working groups are:(主要的长期工作组包括)

• Core — chairs: Andrew Koenig, Josée Lajoie, Bill Gibbons, Mike Miller, Steve Adamczyk.

• Evolution (formerly extensions) — chair: Bjarne Stroustrup.

• Library — chairs: Mike Vilot, Beman Dawes, Matt  Austern, Howard Hinnant.  When work is particularly hectic, these groups split into subworking-groups focussed on specific topics.
The aim is to  increase the degree of parallelism in the process and to better  use the skills of the many people present.

The official “chair” of the whole committee whose primary job is the ensure that all formal rules are obeyed and  to report back to SC22 is called the convener. The original
convener was Steve Carter (BellCore). Later Sam Harbinson (Tartan Labs and Texas Instruments), Tom Plum (Plum Hall), and Herb Sutter (Microsoft) served.

全体委员会的正式“主席”称为召集人,其主要工作是确保遵守所有正式规则并向SC22报告。原件召集人是史蒂夫·卡特(BellCore)。后来,萨姆·哈宾逊(Tartan Labs and Texas Instruments)、汤姆·普卢姆(Plum Hall)和赫伯·萨特(Herb Sutter)(Microsoft)担任了该职位。

The J16 chairman conducts the meeting when the whole  committee is gathered. Dmitri Lenkov (Hewlett-Packard)  was the original J16 chair and Steve Clamage (Sun) took
over after him.

J16主席在全体委员会开会时主持会议。Dmitri Lenkov(Hewlett-Packard)是最初的J16座椅,Steve Clamage(Sun)担任在他后面。

The draft standard text is maintained by the project editor.  标准文本草案由项目编辑器维护。
The original project editor was Jonathan Shopiro (AT&T). 最初的项目编辑是乔纳森·肖皮罗(美国电话电报公司)。
He was followed by Andrew Koenig (AT&T) whose served 1992-2004, after which Pete Becker (Dinkumware) took  over “the pen”.

The committee consists of individuals of diverse interests,concerns, and backgrounds. Some represent themselves, some represent giant corporations. Some use PCs, some use
UNIX boxes, some use mainframes, etc.

该委员会由具有不同兴趣、关切和背景的个人组成。有些代表自己,有些代表大公司。有些使用PC,有些使用UNIX boxes,一些使用大型机等。

Some would like C++ to become more of an object-oriented language (according to a variety of definitions of “object-oriented”), others would have been more comfortable had ANSI C been
the end point of C’s evolution.

有些人希望C++更像是一种面向对象的语言(根据“面向对象”的各种定义),其他人则希望ANSI C更适合C进化的终点。

Many have a background in C, some do not. Some have a background in standards  work, many do not. Some have a computer science background, some do not. Most are programmers, some are not.
Some are language lawyers, some are not. Some serve endusers, some are tools suppliers. Some are interested in large  projects, some are not. Some are interested in C compatibility, some are not.


It is hard to find a generalization that covers them all. 
This diversity of backgrounds has been good for C++; only a very diverse group could represent the diverse interests of the C++ community.
The end results — such as the 1998 standard and the Technical Reports (§6.1, §6.2) — are something that is good enough for everyone represented,

rather than something that is ideal for any one subcommunity. However, the diversity and size of the membership do make constructive discussion difficult and slow at times.
In particular, this very open process is vulnerable to disruption by individuals whose technical or personal level of maturity doesn’t encourage them to understand or respect the views of


Part of the consideration of a proposal is a process of education of the committee members. Some members have claimed — only partly in jest — that they attend to get that education.
I also worry that the voice of C++ users (that is, programmers and designers of C++ applications) can be drowned by the voices of language lawyers, would-be language designers, standards bureaucrats, implementers, tool  builders, etc.
To get an idea about what organizations are represented, here are some names from the 1991-2005 membershiplists: Apple, AT&T, Bellcore, Borland, DEC, Dinkumware,
Edison Design Group (EDG), Ericsson, Fujitsu, HewlettPackard, IBM, Indiana University, Los Alamos National Labs, Mentor Graphics, Microsoft, NEC, Object Design,
Plum Hall, Siemens Nixdorf, Silicon Graphics, Sun Microsystems, Texas Instruments, and Zortech.


爱迪生设计集团(EDG)、爱立信、富士通、HewlettPackard、IBM、印第安纳大学、洛斯阿拉莫斯国家实验室、Mentor Graphics、微软、NEC、Object Design、,

Plum Hall、Siemens Nixdorf、Silicon Graphics、Sun Microsystems、Texas Instruments和Zortech。

Changing the definition of a widely used language is very different from simple design from first principles.
Whenever we have a “good idea”, however major or minor, we must remember that
• there are hundreds of millions of lines of code “out there”
— most will not be rewritten however much gain might result from a rewrite
• there are millions of programmers “out there” — most won’t take out time to learn something new unless they consider it essential
• there are decade-old compilers still in use — many programmers can’t use a language feature that doesn’t compile on every platform they support
• there are many millions of outdated textbooks out there
— many will still be in use in five years’ time The committee considers these factors and obviously that gives a somewhat conservative bias. Among other things, the members of the committee are indirectly responsible for well over 100 million lines of code (as representatives of their organizations). Many of the members are on the committee to promote change, but almost all do so with a great
sense of caution and responsibility. Other members feel that their role is more along the lines of avoiding unnecessary and dangerous instability. Compatibility with previous versions of C++ (back to ARM C++ [35]), previous versions of C (back to K&R C [76]), and generations of corporate dialects is a serious issue for most members. We (the members of the committee) try to face future challenges, such as conEvolving C++ 1991-2006 7 2007/5/25 currency, but we do so remembering that C++ is at the base of many tool chains.
Break C++ and the major implementations of Java and C# would also break. Obviously, the committee couldn’t “break C++” by incompatibilities even if it
wanted to. The industry would simply ignore a seriously incompatible standard and probably also start migrating away  from C++.

3.2 Chronology(大事记)

Looking forward beyond 1991, we can get some idea of the process by listing some significant decisions (votes):
1993 Run-time type identification accepted (Portland, Oregon) §5.1.2; namespaces accepted (Munich, Germany)  §5.1.1
1994 string (templatized by character type) (San Diego, California)
1994 The STL (San Diego, California) §4.1 1994 STL(加利福尼亚州圣地亚哥)§4.1
1996 export (Stockholm, Sweden) §5.2 1996年 export(瑞典斯德哥尔摩)§5.2
1997 Final committee vote on the complete standard (Morristown, New Jersey) 1997年委员会对完整标准的最终投票(新泽西州莫里斯镇)
1998 ISO C++ standard [63] ratified 1998年批准ISO C++标准[63]
2003 Technical Corrigendum (“mid-term bug-fix release”) [66]; work on C++0x starts
2004 Performance technical report [67] §6.1; Library Technical Report (hash tables, regular expressions, smart  pointers, etc.) [68] §6.2
2005 1st votes on features for C++0x (Lillehammer, Norway); auto, static_assert, and rvalue references accepted in principle; §8.3.2
2005年对C++0x的特性进行了第一次投票(Lillehammer,挪威);原则上接受auto、static\u assert和rvalue引用;§8.3.2
2006 1st full committee (official) votes on features for  C++0x (Berlin, Germany)  The city names reflect the location of the meeting where the  decision was taken. They give a flavor of the participation.
When the committee meets in a city, there are usually a  dozen or more extra participants from nearby cities and  countries. It is also common for the host to take advantage of  the influx of C++ experts — many internationally known —
to arrange talks to increase the understanding of C++ and its  standard in the community. The first such arrangement was  in Lund in 1991 when the Swedish delegation collaborated
with Lund University to put on a two-day C++ symposium.





This list gives a hint of the main problem about the process from the point of view of someone trying to produce a  coherent language and library, rather than a set of unrelated  “neat features”. At any time, the work focused on a number
of weakly related specific topics, such as the definition of  “undefined”, whether it is possible to resume from an exception (it isn’t), what functions should be provided for string,  etc.


It is extremely hard to get the committee to agree on an  overall direction


3.3 Why Change?
Looking at the list of decisions and remembering the committee’s built-in conservative bias, the obvious question is:
“Why change anything?” There are people who take the
position that “standardization is to document existing practice”. They were never more than a tiny fraction of the committee membership and represent an even smaller proportion
of the vocal members of the C++ committee. Even people
who say that they want “no change” ask for “just one or two
improvements”. In this, the C++ committee strongly resembles other language standardization groups.
Basically, we (the members of the committee) desire
change because we hold the optimistic view that better language features and better libraries lead to better code. Here,
“better” means something like “more maintainable”, “easier
to read”, “catches more errors”, “faster”, “smaller”, “more
portable”, etc. People’s criteria differ, sometimes drastically.
This view is optimistic because there is ample evidence that
people can — and do — write really poor code in every language. However, most groups of programmers — including
the C++ committee — are dominated by optimists. In particular, the conviction of a large majority of the C++ committee has consistently been that the quality of C++ code can
be improved over the long haul by providing better language
features and standard-library facilities. Doing so takes time:
in some cases we may have to wait for a new generation
of programmers to get educated. However, the committee is
primarily driven by optimism and idealism — moderated by
vast experience — rather than the cynical view of just giving
people what they ask for or providing what “might sell”.
An alternative view is that the world changes and a living
language will change — whatever any committee says. So,
we can work on improvements — or let others do it for us.
As the world changes, C++ must evolve to meet new challenges. The most obvious alternative would not be “death”
but capture by a corporation, as happened with Pascal and
Objective C, which became Borland and Apple corporate
languages, respectively.
After the Lund (Sweden) meeting in 1991, the following
cautionary tale became popular in the C++ community:
We often remind ourselves of the good ship Vasa. It
was to be the pride of the Swedish navy and was
built to be the biggest and most beautiful battleship
ever. Unfortunately, to accommodate enough statues
and guns, it underwent major redesigns and extension
during construction. The result was that it only made
it halfway across Stockholm harbor before a gust of
wind blew it over and it sank, killing about 50 people.
It has been raised and you can now see it in a museum
in Stockholm. It is a beauty to behold — far more
beautiful at the time than its unextended first design
and far more beautiful today than if it had suffered the
usual fate of a 17th century battleship — but that is 

no consolation to its designer, builders, and intended
This story is often recalled as a warning against adding features (that was the sense in which I told it to the committee).
However, to complicate matters, there is another side to the
story: Had the Vasa been completed as originally designed,
it would have been sent to the bottom full of holes the first
time it encountered a “modern two-deck” battleship. Ignoring changes in the world isn’t an option (either).
4. The Standard Library: 1991-1998
After 1991, most major changes to the draft C++ standard
were in the standard library. Compared to that, the language
features were little changed even though we made an apparently infinite number of improvements to the text of the
standard. To gain a perspective, note that the standard is 718
pages: 310 define the language and 366 define the standard
library. The rest are appendices, etc. In addition, the C++
standard library includes the C standard library by reference;
that’s another 81 pages. To compare, the base document
for the standardization, the reference manual of TC++PL2
[118], contained 154 pages on the language and just one on
the standard library.
By far the most innovative component of the standard
library is “the STL” — the containers, iterators, and algorithms part of the library. The STL influenced and continues to influence not only programming and design techniques but also the direction of new language features. Consequently, this is treated first here and in far greater detail
than other standard library components.
4.1 The STL
The STL was the major innovation to become part of the
standard and the starting point for much of the new thinking
about programming techniques that have occurred since.
Basically, the STL was a revolutionary departure from the
way the C++ community had been thinking about containers
and their use.
4.1.1 Pre-STL containers
From the earliest days of Simula, containers (such as lists)
had been intrusive: An object could be put into a container
if and only if its class had been (explicitly or implicitly) derived from a specific Link and/or Object class. This class
contains the link information needed for management of objects in a container and provides a common type for elements. Basically, such a container is a container of references (pointers) to links/objects. We can graphically represent such a list like this:



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