Kubernetes github上的子项目之k8s.io(sig-k8s-infra sig组维护)

     关于社区的介绍在 https://github.com/kubernetes/community/tree/master/ 


  • 委员会是被授权处理敏感话题的指定人员。鼓励该小组在完成任务时尽可能开放,但由于所讨论主题的性质,允许私下交流。委员会的例子包括指导委员会和安全或行为准则等。
  • 特殊兴趣小组(SIG)是专注于项目一部分的持久性开放小组。SIGs必须有公开透明的程序。只要遵守Kubernetes行为准则,欢迎任何人参与并贡献自己的力量。SIG的目的是拥有和开发一组子项目。
    • 每个SIG兴趣小组的子项目都可以有一组子项目。这些小组是可以独立工作的。一些子项目会称为Kubernetes主要交付成果的一部分,而其他子项目将更具投机性,并在Kubernetes sigs github org中运行。
  • Working Groups are temporary groups that are formed to address issues that cross SIG boundaries. Working groups do not own any code or other long term artifacts. Working groups can report back and act through involved SIGs.
  • 工作组是为解决跨越SIG边界的问题而成立的临时小组。工作组不拥有任何代码或其他长期物件。工作组可以通过参与的SIG进行反馈和行动。
  • 用户组是用于促进交流和发现与Kubernetes用户群体长期相关的主题相关的信息的组。他们没有Kubernetes代码库的部分所有权。

     一个SIG兴趣组可以有自己的捐赠策略,例如SIG-cli/CONTRIBUTING.md 中所述,以及自己的邮件列表等。




下面介绍k8s.io : https://github.com/kubernetes/k8s.io

Code and configuration to manage Kubernetes project infrastructure, including various *.k8s.io sites


注意: sig-k8s-infra是Sigs中的其中一个sig兴趣小组

Kubernetes project infrastructure, managed by the kubernetes community via sig-k8s-infra
sig-k8s-infra 管理

  • apps: community-managed apps that run on the community-managed aaa cluster
  • audit: scripts to export all relevant gcp resources, and the most recently-reviewed export
  • 导出所有相关gcp资源的脚本,以及最近审核的导出
  • dns: DNS for kubernetes.io and k8s.io 针对kubernetes.io 和k8s.io的dns
  • groups: google groups on the kubernetes.io domain
  • 在kubernetes.io域名上的谷歌组
  • hack: scripts used for development, testing, etc.
  • 用于开发、测试等的脚本
  • images: container images published to gcr.io/k8s-staging-infra-tools
  • 容器镜像发布在 gcr.io/k8s-staging-infra-tools
  • infra/gcp: scripts and data to manage our GCP infrastructure
    • bash/namespaces: scripts and data to manage K8s namespaces and RBAC for aaa
    • bash/prow: scripts and data used to manage projects used for e2e testing and managed by boskos
    • bash/roles: scripts and data to manage custom GCP IAM roles
    • terraform/modules: terraform modules intended for re-use within this repo
    • terraform/projects: terraform to manage (parts of) GCP projects
  • k8s.gcr.io: container images published by the project, promoted from gcr.io/k8s-staging-* repos
  • 项目发布的容器图像,从gcr升级。来自gcr.io/k8s-staging-* repos
  • policyopen policy agent policies used by conftest to validate resources in this repo 
  • conftest 用于验证此仓库中的资源的open policy agent 策略
  • registry.k8s.io: work-in-progress to support cross-cloud mirroring/hosting of containers and binaries 
  • 正在开展工作,以支持容器和二进制文件的跨云镜像/托管

TODO: are these actively in use or should they be retired? TODO:这些是正在使用中还是应该退出?

  • artifacts
  • artifactserver

We provide a publicly viewable billing report accessible to members of kubernetes-sig-k8s-infra@googlegroups.com

Please see https://git.k8s.io/community/sig-k8s-infra for more information


关于sig-k8s-infra sig小组

  同时也可以看下社区下的兴趣组 https://github.com/kubernetes/community/tree/master/

K8s Infra Special Interest Group(K8s Infra 特殊兴趣小组)

 SIG K8s Infra is interested in the successful migration of ownership and management of all Kubernetes project infrastructure from the google.com GCP Organization (or elsewhere) to the CNCF, such that the Kubernetes project is able to sustainably operate itself without direct assistance from external vendors or entities.
SIG K8s Infra(小组) 对从google成功迁移所有Kubernetes项目基础设施的所有权和管理感兴趣。将GCP组织(或其他组织)提交给CNCF,以便Kubernetes项目能够在无需外部供应商或实体直接援助的情况下持续运行
In other words, we seek to eradicate usage of the phrase "oh that's something that only an employee of Vendor X can do, we're blocked until they respond."
换而言之,我们试图消除这种措辞   “哦,这是只有供应商X的员工才能做的事情,我们会被阻止,直到他们做出回应。”

The charter defines the scope and governance of the K8s Infra Special Interest Group.
charter 规定了K8s Infra sigs 的范围和治理。


Joining the mailing list for the group will typically add invites for the following meetings to your calendar.



The Chairs of the SIG run operations and processes governing the SIG.

  • Arnaud Meukam (@ameukam), Alter Way
  • Davanum Srinivas (@dims), VMware

Technical Leads(技术领导)

The Technical Leads of the SIG establish new subprojects, decommission existing subprojects, and resolve cross-subproject technical issues and decisions.

Emeritus Leads(荣誉退休领导)



The following subprojects are owned by sig-k8s-infra:
以下的子项目由 sig-k8s-infra 拥有所属权


Code and configuration to manage DNS records for domains owned by the Kubernetes project such as k8s.io and kubernetes.io



Code and configuration to manage Google Groups for domains owned by the Kubernetes project such kubernetes.io



Code and configuration to manage Kubernetes project infrastructure, including various *.k8s.io sites



Experimental project for OCI distribution(OCI分发实验项目)


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