
情况是这样,A库的用户名和表空间分别为SH , SH

把业务表SH所有数据从A库,导入到B库, 表空间为SH,用户名为SP


语句为: 这里看出是因为用户变的原因,所以程序端需要进行用户变更

select sum(temp.lrs)
  from (select sum(a.lrs) lrs
          from (select count(distinct f.r026) crs
                  from sh.fb01 f
                 where f.f002 = 1
                   and f.f004 = 1
                   and f.if_big_donation = '0'
                   and exists (select 1
                          from sh.c01 c
                         where c.r001 = f.r001
                           and c.ownership = '1')
                 group by r001) a
        union all
        select count(distinct x.r026) ljzcrs
          from sh.fb01 x
         where q002 = 1
           and r001 in (select b.r001
                            from sh.f01 a, sh.fc02 b
                           where a.r001 = b.acr001
                             and a.r012 = '1'
                             and a.r011 = '0'
                             and b.aaa110 = '2'
                             and a.ownership = '2')
           and x.if_big_donation = '0') temp

修正语句为: 表名前缀换成sp

select sum(temp.lrs)
  from (select sum(a.ljzcrs) lrs
          from (select count(distinct f.acr026) lrs
                  from sp.fb01 f
                 where f.f002 = 1
                   and f.f004 = 1
                   and f.if_big_donation = '0'
                   and exists (select 1
                          from sp.c01 c
                         where c.r001 = f.r001
                           and c.ownership = '1')
                 group by acr001) a
        union all
        select count(distinct x.r026) ljzcrs
          from sp.b01 x
         where q002 = 1
           and acr001 in (select b.acr001
                            from sp.f01 a,sp.c02 b
                           where a.r001 = b.r001
                             and a.r012 = '1'
                             and a.r011 = '0'
                             and b.aaa110 = '2'
                             and a.ownership = '2')
           and x.if_big_donation = '0') temp




posted @ 2022-03-21 19:36  jinzi  阅读(1671)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报