

2017-07-20 19:15  很大很老实  阅读(9701)  评论(1编辑  收藏  举报




pip3 install pytest


然后,在pycharm中,files-》settings-》tools=》python integrated tools=》设定default test runner

然后,写一个简单的py程序(记住,test_*.py or *_test.py):

def inc(x):
    return x + 1

def test_answer():
    assert inc(3) == 5

def test_wcf():
    assert inc(3) > 5

def test_hy():
    assert inc(3) < 5


C:\Python35\python.exe C:\Users\wcf\AppData\Local\JetBrains\Toolbox\apps\PyCharm-P\ch-0\171.4694.67\helpers\pycharm\_jb_pytest_runner.py --path C:/fitme/work/nltk/test_5.py
Testing started at 18:53 ...
Launching py.test with arguments C:/fitme/work/nltk/test_5.py in C:\fitme\work\nltk
============================= test session starts =============================
platform win32 -- Python 3.5.3, pytest-3.1.3, py-1.4.34, pluggy-0.4.0
rootdir: C:\fitme\work\nltk, inifile:
collected 3 items

test_5.py F
test_5.py:3 (test_answer)
def test_answer():
>       assert inc(3) == 5
E       assert 4 == 5
E        +  where 4 = inc(3)

test_5.py:5: AssertionError
test_5.py:6 (test_wcf)
def test_wcf():
>       assert inc(3) > 5
E       assert 4 > 5
E        +  where 4 = inc(3)

test_5.py:8: AssertionError

================================== FAILURES ===================================
_________________________________ test_answer _________________________________

    def test_answer():
>       assert inc(3) == 5
E       assert 4 == 5
E        +  where 4 = inc(3)

test_5.py:5: AssertionError
__________________________________ test_wcf ___________________________________

    def test_wcf():
>       assert inc(3) > 5
E       assert 4 > 5
E        +  where 4 = inc(3)

test_5.py:8: AssertionError
===================== 2 failed, 1 passed in 0.05 seconds ======================

Process finished with exit code 0

 如果只运行pytest,则对当前目录下所有的test_*.py or *_test.py文件都进行测试。