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DevExpress.XtraPdfViewer Namespace


  PdfCurrentPageChangedEventArgs Provides data for the CurrentPageChanged event.
  PdfDocumentChangedEventArgs Provides data for the DocumentChanged event.
  PdfDocumentProperties Provides information related to the currently opened document in the Document Properties dialog.
  PdfViewer A control to display PDF files in WPF WinForms applications without the need to install any third-party software on end user machines.
  PdfZoomChangedEventArgs Provides data for the ZoomChanged event.
  PdfCurrentPageChangedEventHandler A method that will handle the CurrentPageChanged event.
  PdfDocumentChangedEventHandler A method that will handle the DocumentChanged event.
  PdfZoomChangedEventHandler A method that will handle the ZoomChanged event.


  PdfZoomMode Lists the document zoom modes provided by a PDF Viewer.


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Public field ActualSize Sets the document zoom factor value to 100%.
Public field Custom The document zoom factor is defined by the PdfViewer.ZoomFactor property value.
Public field FitToVisible The document zoom factor is calculated to fit the actual content of a page (if possible).
Public field FitToWidth Sets the document zoom factor value to fit the entire page width.
Public field PageLevel Sets the document zoom factor value to fit the entire page heigh