
activemq in action(2)

2013-06-09 19:06  很大很老实  阅读(203)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报


JMS Client - An application written using 100% pure Java to send and receive messages.


• Non-JMS Client - An application is written using the JMS provider's native client API to send and receive messages instead of JMS.

  调用JMS provider的原生客户段api,用来发送和接受消息,而不是通过JMS。

• JMS Producer - A client application that creates and sends JMS messages.

                         用来创建和发送JMS 消息的客户端程序

• JMS Consumer - A client application that receives and processes JMS messages.


• JMS Provider - The implementation of the JMS interfaces which is ideally written in 100% pure Java.

• JMS Message - The most fundamental concept of JMS; sent and received by JMS clients.

• JMS Domains - The two styles of messaging that include point-to-point and publish/subscribe.
• Administered Objects - Preconfigured JMS objects that contain provider-specific configuration data for use by clients. These objects are typically accessible by clients via JNDI.
• Connection Factory - Clients use a connection factory to create  connections to the JMS provider.
• Destination - An object to which messages are addressed and sent and from which messages are received.


JMS客户端利用JMS API和JMS PROVIDER(比如activemq)进行交互,就想使用JDBC API访问数据库一样。

JMS客户端使用JMS API使对message服务的访问更加的标准化。



JMS producer:



JMS Consumer:
