[PYQT]QSS使用,附自己的模板(算是扒OSX UI)
最近在做Python GUI开发,一直觉得自己的界面LOW爆了,所以想找一些好的资源,但真心没有太好的,最终只找到一个QSS编辑器,一个API,一个OSX的Sketch资源文件。就有了这个QSS文件,本人没有UI经验,调整了一套,算是对自己一个交待吧。
一个API:https://doc.qt.io/qt-5/stylesheet-examples.html 官方例子。能用的都有了。
1 QWidget{ 2 color: #222; 3 background-color: #C8F5F5F5; 4 } 5 6 QFrame, QLabel, QToolTip { 7 border: 1px solid #8D8D91; 8 border-radius: 5px; 9 padding: 1px; 10 background:#FFFFFF; 11 } 12 QLabel { 13 border: 0px solid #8D8D91; 14 padding: 2px; 15 background:transparent; 16 } 17 18 QMainWindow::separator{ 19 border: 1px solid #8D8D91; 20 border-style: outset; 21 width: 4px; 22 height: 4px; 23 } 24 25 QLineEdit { 26 background:#FFFFFF; 27 selection-background-color: #4197FF; 28 border: 1px solid #8D8D91; 29 padding: 2px; 30 min-height: 20px; 31 border-radius:5px; 32 } 33 /* 34 border也可以加入渐变 35 border-top-color:qlineargradient(x1:0, y1:0, x2:0, y2:1, stop:0 rgba(255, 255, 255, 255), stop:1 rgba(206, 210, 255, 255)); 36 border-left-color:qlineargradient(x1:0, y1:0, x2:1, y2:0, stop:0 rgba(255, 255, 255, 255), stop:1 rgba(206, 210, 255, 255)); 37 border-right-color: qlineargradient(spread:pad, x1:0, y1:0, x2:1, y2:0, stop:0 rgba(206, 210, 255, 255), stop:1 rgba(255, 255, 255, 255)); 38 border-bottom-color: qlineargradient(spread:pad, x1:0, y1:0, x2:0, y2:1, stop:0 rgba(206, 210, 255, 255), stop:1 rgba(255, 255, 255, 255)); 39 40 */ 41 QLineEdit:hover{ 42 border:2px solid #B4B4D0F5; 43 border-radius:5px; 44 } 45 46 QLineEdit:focus{ 47 border:2px solid #7EA3D9; 48 } 49 50 QLineEdit:read-only { 51 border: 1px solid #DCDCDC; 52 color: lightgray; 53 } 54 QLineEdit:disabled { 55 border: 1px solid #DCDCDC; 56 color: lightgray; 57 } 58 59 QComboBox{ 60 background:#FFFFFF; 61 selection-background-color: #4197FF; 62 border: 1px solid #8D8D91; 63 padding: 0 1px; 64 min-height: 20px; 65 border-radius:5px; 66 padding:2px; 67 } 68 QComboBox:editable{ 69 border-style: solid; 70 border-radius:5px; 71 padding:2px; 72 } 73 QComboBox:hover{ 74 border-color: #4197FF; 75 border:2px solid #7EA3D9; 76 border-radius:5px; 77 } 78 QComboBox:focus{ 79 border-color: #7EA3D9; 80 border:1px solid #7EA3D9; 81 border-radius:5px; 82 } 83 QComboBox:on { /* shift the text when the popup opens */ 84 padding-top: 2px; 85 padding-left: 2px; 86 border-radius:5px; 87 } 88 QComboBox::down-arrow { 89 image:url(drop_down.png); 90 } 91 92 QComboBox::drop-down { /* shift the text when the popup opens */ 93 background:#4197FF; 94 width:15px; 95 padding-right:2px; 96 border-top-right-radius: 3px; 97 border-bottom-right-radius: 3px; 98 } 99 QComboBox QAbstractItemView { 100 background:#FFFFFF; 101 border: 1px solid #8D8D91; 102 border-radius:3px; 103 selection-background-color: #4197FF; 104 } 105 QComboBox QAbstractItemView::item{ 106 height:50px; 107 } 108 109 QPushButton { 110 border: 1px solid #8D8D91; 111 border-radius: 5px; 112 background-color: QLinearGradient( x1: 0, y1: 0, x2: 0, y2: 1, 113 stop: 0 #FEFEFE, stop: 0.05 #FBFBFB,stop: 0.4 #FBFBFB, 114 stop: 0.9 #F5F5F5, stop: 1 #F5F5F5); 115 padding: 2px; 116 min-height: 20px; 117 min-width:60px; 118 } 119 QPushButton:default { 120 background-color: QLinearGradient( x1: 0, y1: 0, x2: 0, y2: 1, 121 stop: 0 #68B1FA, stop: 0.05 #3C9AFC,stop: 0.4 #3C9AFC, 122 stop: 0.9 #0A81FF, stop: 1 #0A81FF); 123 } 124 125 QPushButton:hover{ 126 border: 2px solid #B4B4D0F5; 127 background-color: QLinearGradient( x1: 0, y1: 0, x2: 0, y2: 1, 128 stop: 0 #68B1FA, stop: 0.05 #3C9AFC,stop: 0.4 #3C9AFC, 129 stop: 0.9 #0A81FF, stop: 1 #0A81FF); 130 } 131 QPushButton:pressed{ 132 background-color: QLinearGradient( x1: 0, y1: 0, x2: 0, y2: 1, 133 stop: 0 #68B1FA, stop: 0.05 #0A81FF,stop: 0.4 #0A81FF, 134 stop: 0.9 #3C9AFC, stop: 1 #3C9AFC); 135 136 } 137 QPushButton:disabled{ 138 border:1px solid #CDCDCD; 139 color:#C7C7C7; 140 background:#EFEFEF; 141 } 142 143 QToolButton { 144 border: 1px solid #8D8D91; 145 border-radius: 2px; 146 background-color: QLinearGradient( x1: 0, y1: 0, x2: 0, y2: 1, 147 stop: 0 #FEFEFE, stop: 0.05 #FBFBFB,stop: 0.4 #FBFBFB, 148 stop: 0.9 #F5F5F5, stop: 1 #F5F5F5); 149 min-width:15px; 150 min-height:20px; 151 } 152 QToolButton:hover{ 153 border: 2px solid #B4B4D0F5; 154 } 155 QToolButton:pressed{ 156 border: 2px solid #7EA3D9; 157 } 158 QToolButton::menu-arrow { 159 image:url("drop_down.png"); 160 161 } 162 QToolButton::menu-button { 163 border-top-right-radius:2px; 164 border-bottom-right-radius:2px; 165 background:#4197FF; 166 width:20px; 167 margin-left:2px; 168 } 169 QToolButton[popupMode="1"] { /* only for MenuButtonPopup */ 170 padding-right: 20px; /* make way for the popup button */ 171 background:#FFFFFF; 172 } 173 174 QCheckBox { 175 padding:2px; 176 } 177 178 QCheckBox::indicator { 179 width: 13px; 180 height: 13px; 181 } 182 183 QCheckBox::indicator:unchecked { 184 image: url(checkbox_unchecked.png); 185 } 186 187 QCheckBox::indicator:unchecked:hover { 188 image: url(checkbox_unchecked_hover.png); 189 } 190 191 QCheckBox::indicator:unchecked:pressed { 192 image: url(checkbox_unchecked_pressed.png); 193 } 194 195 QCheckBox::indicator:checked { 196 image: url(checkbox_checked.png); 197 } 198 199 QCheckBox::indicator:checked:hover { 200 image: url(checkbox_checked_hover.png); 201 } 202 203 QCheckBox::indicator:checked:pressed { 204 image: url(checkbox_checked_pressed.png); 205 } 206 207 QCheckBox::indicator:indeterminate:hover { 208 image: url(checkbox_indeterminate_hover.png); 209 } 210 211 QCheckBox::indicator:indeterminate { 212 image: url(checkbox_indeterminate.png); 213 } 214 215 QCheckBox:disabled{ 216 padding:2px; 217 color:#C7C7C7 218 } 219 220 QCheckBox::indicator:disabled { 221 width: 13px; 222 height: 13px; 223 border:1px solid #CDCDCD; 224 border-radius:5px; 225 } 226 227 QRadioButton::indicator { 228 width: 13px; 229 height: 13px; 230 } 231 232 QRadioButton::indicator::unchecked { 233 image: url(radiobutton_unchecked.png); 234 } 235 236 QRadioButton::indicator:unchecked:hover { 237 image: url(radiobutton_unchecked_hover.png); 238 } 239 240 QRadioButton::indicator:unchecked:pressed { 241 image: url(radiobutton_unchecked_pressed.png); 242 } 243 244 QRadioButton::indicator::checked { 245 image: url(radiobutton_checked.png); 246 } 247 248 QRadioButton::indicator:checked:hover { 249 image: url(radiobutton_checked_hover.png); 250 } 251 252 QRadioButton::indicator:checked:pressed { 253 image: url(radiobutton_checked_pressed.png); 254 } 255 QRadioButton:disabled{ 256 padding:2px; 257 color:#C7C7C7 258 } 259 260 261 262 QSlider::groove:horizontal { 263 border: 0px solid #999999; 264 height: 10px; /* the groove expands to the size of the slider by default. by giving it a height, it has a fixed size */ 265 background: qlineargradient(x1:0, y1:0, x2:0, y2:1, stop:0 #C7C7C7, stop:1 #EFEFEF); 266 border-radius:5px; 267 margin-left:5px; 268 margin-right:5px; 269 margin-top:10px; 270 margin-bottom:10px; 271 } 272 273 QSlider::handle:horizontal { 274 image:url(qsliderbar.png); 275 margin: -10px -1px; /* handle is placed by default on the contents rect of the groove. Expand outside the groove */ 276 277 } 278 279 QSlider::groove:vertical { 280 border: 0px solid #999999; 281 height: 10px; /* the groove expands to the size of the slider by default. by giving it a height, it has a fixed size */ 282 background: qlineargradient(x1:0, y1:0, x2:0, y2:1, stop:0 #C7C7C7, stop:1 #EFEFEF); 283 border-radius:5px; 284 margin-left:5px; 285 margin-right:5px; 286 margin-top:10px; 287 margin-bottom:10px; 288 } 289 290 QSlider::handle:vertical { 291 image:url(qsliderbar.png); 292 margin: -1px -10px; /* handle is placed by default on the contents rect of the groove. Expand outside the groove */ 293 294 } 295 296 QSlider::add-page:vertical { 297 background: white; 298 } 299 300 QSlider::sub-page:vertical { 301 background: pink; 302 } 303 304 QProgressBar { 305 border: 2px solid #DCDCDC; 306 background-color: QLinearGradient( x1: 0, y1: 0, x2: 0, y2: 1, 307 stop: 0 #FEFEFE, stop: 0.05 #F5F5F5,stop: 0.95 #F5F5F5); 308 border-radius: 5px; 309 text-align: center; 310 font-weight:bold; 311 color:#550000; 312 } 313 QProgressBar::chunk { 314 background-color: QLinearGradient( x1: 0, y1: 0, x2: 0, y2: 1, 315 stop: 0 #68B1FA, stop: 0.05 #0A81FF,stop: 0.4 #0A81FF, 316 stop: 0.9 #3C9AFC, stop: 1 #3C9AFC); 317 } 318 319 320 321 QSpinBox,QDoubleSpinBox { 322 padding-right: 15px; /* make room for the arrows */ 323 border:1px solid #8D8D91; 324 border-radius:5px; 325 min-height:20px; 326 padding:2px; 327 background:#FFFFFF; 328 } 329 330 QSpinBox::up-button,QDoubleSpinBox::up-button { 331 subcontrol-origin: border; 332 subcontrol-position: top right; /* position at the top right corner */ 333 334 width: 15px; /* 16 + 2*1px border-width = 15px padding + 3px parent border */ 335 border-image: url(spinup.png) 1; 336 border-width: 1px; 337 padding-right:1px; 338 } 339 340 QSpinBox::up-button:hover,QDoubleSpinBox::up-button:hover { 341 border-image: url(spinup_hover.png) 1; 342 } 343 344 QSpinBox::up-button:pressed,QDoubleSpinBox::up-button:pressed { 345 border-image: url(spinup_pressed.png) 1; 346 } 347 /* 348 QSpinBox::up-arrow { 349 image: url(up_arrow.png); 350 width: 7px; 351 height: 7px; 352 } 353 ¿Éµ¥¶ÀÉèÖÃarrow 354 */ 355 QSpinBox::up-arrow:disabled, QSpinBox::up-arrow:off , 356 QDoubleSpinBox::up-arrow:disabled, QDoubleSpinBox::up-arrow:off 357 { /* off state when value is max */ 358 image: url(:/images/up_arrow_disabled.png); 359 } 360 361 QSpinBox::down-button,QDoubleSpinBox::down-button { 362 subcontrol-origin: border; 363 subcontrol-position: bottom right; /* position at bottom right corner */ 364 365 width: 15px; 366 border-image: url(spindown.png) 1; 367 border-width: 1px; 368 padding-right:1px; 369 } 370 371 QSpinBox::down-button:hover,QDoubleSpinBox::down-button:hover{ 372 border-image: url(spindown_hover.png) 1; 373 } 374 375 QSpinBox::down-button:pressed,QDoubleSpinBox::down-button:pressed { 376 border-image: url(spindown_pressed.png) 1; 377 } 378 379 380 QScrollBar:horizontal { 381 border: 1px solid grey; 382 background: #ffffff; 383 height: 20px; 384 margin: 0px 20px 0 20px; 385 } 386 QScrollBar::handle:horizontal{ 387 background: #68B1FA; 388 min-width: 20px; 389 } 390 QScrollBar::add-line:horizontal { 391 border: 1px solid grey; 392 background: #B4B4D0F5; 393 width: 20px; 394 subcontrol-position: right; 395 subcontrol-origin: margin; 396 } 397 398 QScrollBar::sub-line:horizontal { 399 border: 1px solid grey; 400 background: #B4B4D0F5; 401 width: 20px; 402 subcontrol-position: left; 403 subcontrol-origin: margin; 404 } 405 406 QScrollBar:vertical { 407 border: 1px solid grey; 408 background: #ffffff; 409 width: 20px; 410 margin: 20px 0 20px 0; 411 } 412 QScrollBar::handle:vertical { 413 background:#68B1FA; 414 min-height: 20px; 415 } 416 QScrollBar::add-line:vertical { 417 border: 1px solid grey; 418 background: #B4B4D0F5; 419 height: 20px; 420 subcontrol-position: bottom; 421 subcontrol-origin: margin; 422 } 423 424 QScrollBar::sub-line:vertical { 425 border: 1px solid grey; 426 background: #B4B4D0F5; 427 height: 20px; 428 subcontrol-position: top; 429 subcontrol-origin: margin; 430 } 431 432 433 434 435 436 437 QDateEdit,QTimeEdit,QDateTimeEdit { 438 padding-right: 15px; /* make room for the arrows */ 439 border:1px solid #8D8D91; 440 border-radius:5px; 441 min-height:20px; 442 padding:2px; 443 background:#FFFFFF; 444 } 445 446 QDateTimeEdit::drop-down { /* shift the text when the popup opens */ 447 image:url(drop_down.png); 448 background:#4197FF; 449 width:15px; 450 padding-right:2px; 451 border-top-right-radius: 3px; 452 border-bottom-right-radius: 3px; 453 } 454 455 QDateEdit::up-button,QTimeEdit::up-button,QDateTimeEdit::up-button { 456 subcontrol-origin: border; 457 subcontrol-position: top right; /* position at the top right corner */ 458 459 width: 15px; /* 16 + 2*1px border-width = 15px padding + 3px parent border */ 460 border-image: url(spinup.png) 1; 461 border-width: 1px; 462 padding-right:1px; 463 } 464 465 QDateEdit::up-button:hover,QTimeEdit::up-button:hover, 466 QDateTimeEdit::up-button:hover { 467 border-image: url(spinup_hover.png) 1; 468 } 469 470 QDateEdit::up-button:pressed,QTimeEdit::up-button:pressed, 471 QDateTimeEdit::up-button:pressed { 472 border-image: url(spinup_pressed.png) 1; 473 } 474 /* 475 QSpinBox::up-arrow { 476 image: url(up_arrow.png); 477 width: 7px; 478 height: 7px; 479 } 480 ¿Éµ¥¶ÀÉèÖÃarrow 481 */ 482 QDateEdit::up-arrow:disabled, QDateEdit::up-arrow:off , 483 QTimeEdit::up-arrow:disabled, QTimeEdit::up-arrow:off , 484 QDateTimeEdit::up-arrow:disabled, QDateTimeEdit::up-arrow:off 485 { /* off state when value is max */ 486 image: url(:/images/up_arrow_disabled.png); 487 } 488 489 QDateEdit::down-button,QTimeEdit::down-button, 490 QDateTimeEdit::down-button { 491 subcontrol-origin: border; 492 subcontrol-position: bottom right; /* position at bottom right corner */ 493 494 width: 15px; 495 border-image: url(spindown.png) 1; 496 border-width: 1px; 497 padding-right:1px; 498 } 499 500 QDateEdit::down-button:hover,QTimeEdit::down-button:hover, 501 QDateTimeEdit::down-button:hover{ 502 border-image: url(spindown_hover.png) 1; 503 } 504 505 QDateEdit::down-button:pressed,QTimeEdit::down-button:pressed, 506 QDateTimeEdit::down-button:pressed { 507 border-image: url(spindown_pressed.png) 1; 508 } 509 510 QDateTimeEdit QAbstractItemView{ 511 background:#FFFFFF; 512 } 513 514 QTextEdit, QListView { 515 background-color: white; 516 background-attachment: fixed; 517 border:1px solid #8D8D91; 518 border-radius:5px; 519 padding:2px; 520 } 521 522 QDockWidget { 523 border: 1px solid lightgray; 524 titlebar-close-icon: url(close.png); 525 titlebar-normal-icon: url(undock.png); 526 } 527 528 QDockWidget::title { 529 text-align: left; /* align the text to the left */ 530 background: lightgray; 531 padding-left: 5px; 532 } 533 534 QDockWidget::close-button, QDockWidget::float-button { 535 border: 1px solid transparent; 536 background: darkgray; 537 padding: 0px; 538 } 539 540 QDockWidget::close-button:hover, QDockWidget::float-button:hover { 541 background: gray; 542 } 543 544 QDockWidget::close-button:pressed, QDockWidget::float-button:pressed { 545 padding: 1px -1px -1px 1px; 546 } 547 QGroupBox { 548 background-color: #FFFFFF; 549 border: 1px solid gray; 550 border-radius: 5px; 551 margin-top: 1ex; /* leave space at the top for the title */ 552 padding-top:15px; 553 } 554 555 QGroupBox::title { 556 subcontrol-origin: margin; 557 subcontrol-position: top center; /* position at the top center */ 558 border:1px solid #8D8D91; 559 border-radius:3px; 560 min-width:150px; 561 min-height:30px; 562 margin-bottom:10px; 563 background-color: qlineargradient(x1: 0, y1: 0, x2: 0, y2: 1, 564 stop: 0.2 #F5F5F5, stop: 0.8 #FEFEFE); 565 } 566 567 QStatusBar { 568 background: #C8F5F5F5; 569 } 570 571 QStatusBar::item { 572 border: 1px solid #8D8D91; 573 border-radius: 2px; 574 padding:2px; 575 } 576 577 578 579 QTabWidget::pane { /* The tab widget frame */ 580 border-radius:5px; 581 } 582 583 QTabWidget::tab-bar { 584 left: 5px; /* move to the right by 5px */ 585 } 586 587 /* Style the tab using the tab sub-control. Note that 588 it reads QTabBar _not_ QTabWidget */ 589 QTabBar::tab { 590 background: #FFFFFF; 591 border: 1px solid #C7C7C7; 592 border-bottom:1px solid #8D8D91; /* same as the pane color */ 593 border-top-left-radius: 5px; 594 border-top-right-radius: 5px; 595 min-width: 25ex; 596 min-height:5ex; 597 padding: 2px; 598 } 599 600 QTabBar::tab:selected, QTabBar::tab:hover { 601 background: qlineargradient(x1: 0, y1: 0, x2: 0, y2: 1, 602 stop: 0 #68B1FA, stop: 0.4 #3C9AFC, 603 stop: 0.5 #0A81FF, stop: 1.0 #68B1FA); 604 border:1px solid #0A81FF; 605 } 606 607 QTabBar::tab:selected { 608 border:1px solid #0A81FF; 609 border-bottom:1px solid #8D8D91; /* same as pane color */ 610 } 611 612 QTabBar::tab:!selected { 613 margin-top: 2px; /* make non-selected tabs look smaller */ 614 } 615 616 /* make use of negative margins for overlapping tabs */ 617 QTabBar::tab:selected { 618 /* expand/overlap to the left and right by 4px */ 619 margin-left: -4px; 620 margin-right: -4px; 621 } 622 623 QTabBar::tab:first:selected { 624 margin-left: 0; /* the first selected tab has nothing to overlap with on the left */ 625 } 626 627 QTabBar::tab:last:selected { 628 margin-right: 0; /* the last selected tab has nothing to overlap with on the right */ 629 } 630 631 QTabBar::tab:only-one { 632 margin: 0; /* if there is only one tab, we don't want overlapping margins */ 633 }
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