Git Statsh

git statsh:


save the local change, and back to the state of your last commit  

e.g before the change

bsc@ubuntu:~/Desktop/rcom_code/rcom/rcom$ git status
On branch rcom-669-write-deconfigure-message-to-cache-while-bcmapp-init

Changes not staged for commit:
(use "git add <file>..." to update what will be committed)
(use "git checkout -- <file>..." to discard changes in working directory)

modified: stack/link/source/bcmapp/code/bcmapp_fsm.c
modified: stack/link/source/bcmapp/code/bcmapp_fsm.h
modified: stack/link/source/bcmapp/code/bcmapp_fsm_entry.c


bsc@ubuntu:~/Desktop/rcom_code/rcom/rcom$ git stash
Saved working directory and index state WIP on rcom-669-write-deconfigure-message-to-cache-while-bcmapp-init: ffea477 Squashed commit of the following:
HEAD is now at ffea477 Squashed commit of the following:
bsc@ubuntu:~/Desktop/rcom_code/rcom/rcom$ git status
On branch rcom-669-write-deconfigure-message-to-cache-while-bcmapp-init  up-to-date


You can reapply the stashed change to another branch by git stash apply (in the target branch)

posted @ 2018-08-13 23:04  anyu686  阅读(807)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报