Error Budgets includes:

  • releasing new feature
  • expected system change
  • inevitable failure in hardware, network etc 
  • planned downtime
  • risky experiment 
  • share responsibility for reliability between Ops and Dev teams.
  •  reduce feature iteration speed when our systems are unreliable.

SLI Metrics: page 6 .

Example avalibility SLI:

The proportion of valid requests served successfully.


Example latency SLI:  

The proportion of valid requests served faster than a threshold.


Example quality SLI:

The proportion of valid requests served without degrading quality.




User Journey: Home Page Load

SLI Type: Latency

SLI Specification:

Proportion of home page requests that were served in < 100ms

(Above, “[home page requests] served in <100ms” is the numerator in the SLI Equation, and  “home page requests” is the denominator.) 

SLI Implementations: 

  • Proportion of home page requests served in < 100ms, as measured from the 'latency' column of the server log.
    (Pros/Cons: This measurement will miss requests that fail to reach the backend.)

  • Proportion of home page requests served in < 100ms, as measured by probers that execute javascript in a browser running in a virtual machine.
    (Pros/Cons: This will catch errors when requests cannot reach our network, but may miss issues affecting only a subset of users.)


99% of home page requests in the past 28 days served in < 100ms.



Measuring SLI:


Application-level Metrics 




  • Often fast and cheap (in terms of engineering time) to add new metrics.

  • Complex logic to derive an SLI implementation can be turned into code and exported as two, much simpler, "good events" and "total events" counters.

  • Application servers are unable to see requests that do not reach them.

  • Measuring overall performance of multi-request user journeys is difficult if application servers are stateless.

Logs Processing 

rocessing server-side logs of requests or data to generate SLI metrics.



  • Existing request logs can be processed retroactively to backfill SLI metrics.

  • Complex user journeys can be reconstructed using session identifiers.

  • Complex logic to derive an SLI implementation can be turned into code and exported as two, much simpler, "good events" and "total events" counters.

  • Application logs do not contain requests that did not reach servers.

  • Processing latency makes logs-based SLIs unsuitable for triggering an operational response.

  • Engineering effort is needed to generate SLIs from logs; session reconstruction can be time-consuming.

Front-end infrastructure metrcis




  • Metrics and recent historical data most likely already exist, so this option probably requires the least engineering effort to get started.

  • Measures SLIs at the point closest to the user still within serving infrastructure.

  • Not viable for data processing SLIs or, in fact, any SLIs with complex requirements.

  • Only measure approximate performance of multi-request user journeys.





  • Synthetic clients can measure all steps of a multi-request user journey.

  • Sending requests from outside your infrastructure captures more of the overall request path in the SLI.

  • Approximates user experience with synthetic requests.

  • Covering all corner cases is hard and can devolve into integration testing.

  • High reliability targets require frequent probing for accurate measurement.

  • Probe traffic can drown out real traffic.

 Client Instrumentation 



  • + Provides the most accurate measure of  user experience.  +

  • Can quantify reliability of third parties,  e.g., CDN or payments providers. 

  • Client logs ingestion, and processing  latency make these SLIs unsuitable for  triggering an operational response. 

  • – SLI measurements contain a number of  highly variable factors potentially  outside of direct control. 

  • – Building instrumentation into the client  can involve lots of engineering work. 

posted @ 2020-08-12 21:13  anyu686  阅读(169)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报