
pthread_create   -- the input thread fuction need take void pointer as input argument, and retrun void pointer. 
pthread_join (*thread,  *return_value_pointer)-- wait until the thread finish, can be used to pass the return value of thread to main function.

mutex/locks -- pthread_mutex_lock;

thread pool -- to define a number of available thread to handle the message in the Task queue (FIFO) .  The number of threads may be dynamically adjusted during the lifetime of an application based on the number of waiting tasks. The thread pool allows me to easily have a configurable limit for the number of tasks being running in parallel.



pthread_cond_t Condition variables --  are synchronization primitives that enable threads to wait until a particular condition occurs. pthread_cond_wait () is to ask the thread to wait, until pthread_cond_signal() is called 

volatile  -- block the compiler to fast running the code by assume some variable, pointer etc is unchanged as those variables could be changed by a thread, or SINGAL etc and compliler does not aware.


How can a single core processor run multiple tasks at once?


posted @ 2020-06-12 05:07  anyu686  阅读(122)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报