08 2008 档案

摘要: 走钢丝的人,在刺激中体验快感。带着问题思考,在问题上迸发火花。或者给问题以答案,或者给答案以问题,你可能永远无法看清全部,但是总能从一点突破很多。事实的关键就在于面对问题,我该如何思考? 带着问题思考,是技术探索的最佳实践, 每当我收到很多朋友来函探讨技术的问题,总能给我很多的技术思索和惊喜,今天我们的话题就是由一个朋友的来函开始的,你可以通过链接打开KiMoGiGi在To 王涛 的问题一文中精彩绝伦的思考 阅读全文
posted @ 2008-08-27 00:06 Anytao 阅读(10025) 评论(53) 推荐(1) 编辑
摘要:If a country has its sprit, this nation and its people will overcome any difficult time, such as Chinese are famous for their diligence, wisdom, and brave. If a person has his spirit, he can create any miracle in his whole life, such as Zhang Yimou and his Beijing Olympic Opening Ceremony. The same happens in real business world. If a company has its spirit, it will very vital and active in business, such as Microsoft have become the biggest software company in the world. It’s all brilliant his 阅读全文
posted @ 2008-08-22 10:54 Anytao 阅读(1449) 评论(7) 推荐(0) 编辑
