
1. Clover传参

    a. jobflow传到子graph(GraphParameters): 

        设值: 用全局GraphParameters传递,在ExecuteGraph中的output mapping中传参 $out.1.BATCH_SIZE='10'

        取值:初始值为配置文件workspace.prm中设置的值, getParamValue("BATCH_SIZE")或者${BATCH_SIZE}

    b. 同一个graph(Dictionary):

        使用dictionary:dictionary.customer = "John Smith"; myCustomerID = isInteger(dictionary.customer);

        使用dictionary:SetJobOutput, GetJobInput

2. Clover控件属性

  a.   ExecuteJobflow

      Stop processing on fail: false           -- 子jobflow出错时继续执行

     Number of executors: ${NUMBER_OF_ITERATIONS}   -- 子jobflow并行数量

   b.  DBInputTable, DBOutputTable

         Batch size:              -- ${BATCH_SIZE}, 批量处理数据库请求

   Commit:                   -- 100 (default) | 1-MAX_INT, Defines after how many records (without an error) commit is performed.

              If set to MAX_INT, commit is never performed

          Max error count:     -- 0 (default) | 1-N | -1, By default, no error is allowed. If set to  -1, all errors are allowed.

     Action on error:       -- COMMIT (default) | ROLLBACK, By default, when the number of errors exceeds Max error count, correct records

              are committed into database.If set to ROLLBACK, no commit of the current batch is performed.

     DBInputTable和DBExecute前面连接控件时,应传入Query URL: port:$0.sql:discrete(可先用Reformat拼接好sql再传入), 不能直接在SQL Query写sql操作语句

posted @ 2017-02-21 13:23  安小  阅读(341)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报