IntelliJ IDEA常用快捷键和配置

IntelliJ IDEA常用配置



1、分屏横屏显示:Keymap->Main menu->Wondow->Editor Tabs->Split Horizontally 设置Alt+H
2、自动生成类SerialVersionUID:Editor->Inspections->Serializable class without 'SerialVersionUID' 打钩
3、自动导包:Editor->General->Auto Import->打钩Optimize imports on the fly,打钩Add unambiguous imports on the fly
4、关闭Tab:Editor Tabs->Placement(None)
5、关闭其他tab快捷键设置:Keymap -> Close Others -> "Ctrl + ."
6、run dashboard环境:启动DEBUG:alt + s
            打开run dashboard板块:alt + d
            格式化项目(横排项目):alt + e
7、对比文本:Open Blank Diff Window -> Alt + c
8、提示快捷键:Keymap -> Main menu -> Code -> Completion -> Basic -> alt + /
9、Identifier under care:选中高亮背
  Identifier under caret(write):选中高亮相同单词高亮
10、关闭mybatis的xml警告:inspections=>SQL dialect detection去掉打钩
11、菜单字体设置:Appearance & Behavior -> Appearance -> Ovrride default fonts by(not recommended)
12、设置选中一样单词高亮:Color Scheme -> Indentifier under caret (#575554) - > Indentifier under caret(write)(#575554)
13、注释空一格:Editor -> Code Style -> Java -> Add a space at comment start
创建类时的类注释:Editor -> File and Code Templates -> Files -> Class/Interface ->
 * @Description: TODO
 * @Author: ${USER}
 * @Version: 1.0
 * @Create ${DATE} ${TIME}

添加函数注释:Editor -> Live Template -> Abbreviation -> * ->

* @description: $description$
* @author: $author$
* @create: $date$ $time$
* @param param $param$
* @return $return$


要启用此功能:Settings/Preferences | Editor | General | Show quick documentation on mouse move


16、内存使用情况:Appearance > Show memory indicator 打钩,确定以后,可以在你右下角看到内存占比:542/1024




18、去掉首字母大写匹配:settings->Editor->General->Match case -> none(或则去掉勾选)


隐藏.idea文件夹和.iml等文件:File->Settings->Editor->File Types下的”Ignore files and folders”一栏添加 *.idea;*.iml;


posted @ 2018-07-21 10:29  antlord  阅读(282)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报