<!--今天--> <sql id="today"> and to_days(create_time)= to_days(now()) </sql> <!--昨天--> <sql id="yesterday"> and to_days(now())-to_days(create_time) <![CDATA[ <= ]]> 1 </sql> <!--本周--> <sql id="thisWeek"> and YEARWEEK(date_format(create_time,'%Y-%m-%d')) = YEARWEEK(now()) </sql> <!--上周--> <sql id="lastWeek"> and YEARWEEK(date_format(create_time,'%Y-%m-%d')) = YEARWEEK(now())-1 </sql> <!--本月--> <sql id="thisMonth"> and date_format(create_time,'%Y-%m')=date_format(now(),'%Y-%m') </sql> <!--上月--> <sql id="lastMonth"> and date_format(create_time,'%Y-%m')=date_format(DATE_SUB(curdate(), INTERVAL 1 MONTH),'%Y-%m') </sql>
<!--查询分享数--> <select id="queryShareCountByDayNumber" parameterType="java.lang.Integer" resultType="java.lang.Integer" useCache="false"> select count(*) as shareCount from b_share_info where user_id = #{userId} <if test="dayNumber != null and dayNumber == 1"> <include refid="today"></include> </if> <if test="dayNumber != null and dayNumber == 2"> <include refid="yesterday"></include> </if> <if test="dayNumber != null and dayNumber == 3"> <include refid="thisWeek"></include> </if> <if test="dayNumber != null and dayNumber == 4"> <include refid="lastWeek"></include> </if> <if test="dayNumber != null and dayNumber == 5"> <include refid="thisMonth"></include> </if> <if test="dayNumber != null and dayNumber == 6"> <include refid="lastMonth"></include> </if> </select> <!--查询被查看数--> <select id="queryLookCountByDayNumber" parameterType="java.lang.Integer" resultType="java.lang.Integer" useCache="false"> select sum(look_count) as lookCount from b_look_info where user_id = #{userId} <if test="dayNumber != null and dayNumber == 1"> <include refid="today"></include> </if> <if test="dayNumber != null and dayNumber == 2"> <include refid="yesterday"></include> </if> <if test="dayNumber != null and dayNumber == 3"> <include refid="thisWeek"></include> </if> <if test="dayNumber != null and dayNumber == 4"> <include refid="lastWeek"></include> </if> <if test="dayNumber != null and dayNumber == 5"> <include refid="thisMonth"></include> </if> <if test="dayNumber != null and dayNumber == 6"> <include refid="lastMonth"></include> </if> </select>