Design Patterns Quick Memo
[Creational Patterns]
Abstract factory: use generic interface, client doesn't know which concrete class is being instantiated
Builder: step by step build something, example: building a house, making subway sandwich
prototype: 从现有的几个代表形clone新的, example: map editor
[Structural Patterns]
adapter: 把不同的接口适应化
bridge:分离主体和具体的implemenation, example:问卷调查template+具体问卷问题
composite: 文件和文件的相互包含和层级关系, example: 文件系统
facade:加一个统一的中间接口,隔离外界和子系统,e.g. compiler system
flight weight, 游戏引擎中对sprite的复用, reuse state,event
proxy: e.g.编辑器/浏览器里,读取图像文件失败时显示的红叉叉
[Behavioral Patterns]
chain of responsibility: one of the item in the open list is gonna handle the problem, which is opaque to the outside
command: queue/log request, a list/buffer..
interpreter: regex
iterator: traverse stuff, C++ STL, Java
mediator:租房,求房,(同辈之间)透过中介的关系; 按钮被另一个组建dictates
memento: save/screen shot a particular state of the subject
observer(subscription): flash, eventlistener thing; C++, delegation.
state: multiply states act according to same interface(e.g. TCPState, GameState, AI, animation tree)
strategy: a family of algorithm to solve a certain problem, encapsulated each one. (e.g. textEditor, linebreaker??)
template method: the most basic/common use of inheritance
Visitor: allow outside functionalities to be executed
class Element { Accept(Visitor visitor) { visitor.Visit(this); } } class Visitor { Visit(Element element) { //Do something
... } }
(NOTICE: while virtual functions are dispatched dynamically in C++, function overloading is done statically.)