游戏设计流程(Game Design Workshop)




首先是,设计游戏,和计算机背景,或者说编程什么的没有必然联系。所谓游戏,是一个玩家和系统、玩家之间交互的一个媒介。广义的讲,从身体对抗的橄榄球、足球,到斗智的围棋、国际象棋,靠演技和心理的德州扑克和杀人游戏, 从靠运气的大富翁、飞行棋、石头剪子布,到靠策略的星际争霸、三国志,靠技术的开赛车、格斗,都是游戏范畴。









Up the River -> Mountain Doom




Series of Tubes

- week1 一个美国同学的主意,就是玩家要在网络成名,贴照片啊,图片音乐的,成为红人。但是机制没有想清楚,做出来和大富翁一样。一种货币,获得到或失去,事件卡片过于随机,无策略可言。我一开始没有搞明白他们的故事,但是作为一个游戏设计,第一个礼拜真的很差劲。三个美国人对于一个疯狂的故事兴致勃勃,我有异议也不好插嘴。


- week2 由于第一个礼拜的失误,我作为一名高年级同学,提出了改良方案。引入第二种货币——名望,以增强策略性。但是我们在实施的过程,并没有取得好的收效。游戏复杂了,有了策略,玩家要选择保持现金流还是立马花出去。保持现金流可以用来购买高等级的物品,同时现金可能被事件影响而失去,立马花出去可以带来收益,但是低收益。所谓,高危险,高收益,这是游戏制衡的一个经典原理。但是还是过于随机,并且拍卖环节不尽人意,高的价钱没有带来高的利益,玩家自然不愿意冒险。还有一个原因就是,玩家不知道所谓利益大概是什么样的。



- week3 第二次游戏测试也变得乏味:没有人愿意购买道具,游戏成了掷色子的游戏。大家似乎失去了信心。要重新搞一个游戏,我个人是反对的认为应该在设计上下功夫,但是他们三人还是已经厌倦了。结果,最后成了一个另一个僵尸游戏。概念就是,用不同的类型的片拼贴走格子。虽然用到了3vs1的概念,但是这样的游戏特别难平衡,我们在试验游戏中就感受到了。后来测试中,发现非常多的漏洞,玩家可以轻易的使游戏进入无聊的境地,游戏无法进行下去。玩家的行动方式也是我不赞成的。













Rich Man‘s Bluff




事后我们带来了厨子的主意, 大家都非常喜欢做食物毒死人的观念。




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Up the river notes




Up the River is racing game with enough simple mechanics to keep it interesting. Suspense abounds as the boats sail against the current. The first player to the dock is not necessarily the winner which keeps the race exciting to the end.

The board is a river sliced into 10 tiles leading up to a harbor. The harbor has 12 numbered docks. The game includes a special die with arrows on one side.

Each player has three sailboats. Players roll the dice and move one of their boats the correct number of spaces.

The mechanics that keep this game from being a straight forward race include: the wave, the sand bar, the wind, the current and the waterfall.

The Wave(high tide) and Sand Bar:
The river has two special tiles: the wave and the sandbar. When boats land on the wave tile, they are pushed three spaces closer to the harbor. When boats come to the sand bar, they “run aground” and must end their turn on that tile.

The Wind:
When a player rolls an arrow, it’s a gust of wind. The wind can blow boats forward or backwards. The player must move one sailboat next to another sailboat of the same color. This can be one of the player’s own boats, to move it up the river or it can be another player’s boat to move it back down the river. The boat must stop at the first boat of the same color.

The Current:
After each player has had a turn, the first player takes the bottom river tile and moves it up to the top, next to the harbor. This nicely simulates the river’s current pushing the boats one tile away from the harbor.

The Waterfall:
Any boats that are on the bottom tile when it’s moved up next to harbor are said to have gone over the waterfall and are out of the game.

The first boat to reach the harbor docks on the number 12 dock and gets 12 points. The next boat gets 11 points, and so on until all the boats still in the game have reached the harbor. Players total their points when the last boat has docked. Highest number of points wins.

This game plays very quickly and is very suspenseful. Initially, it seems very simple to sail all of your boats up the river, but the game is more than just a roll and move. Decisions need to be made in several areas. These include: which boat to move, whether to use the wind to save one of your boats or to hold another player back. It takes some planning to be sure your boats aren’t going to be pushed over the waterfall by the impeding sand bar. Often, it’s necessary to sacrifice a boat over the waterfall.

Overall, I find this a light, fast, fun game. It is a nice family game that kids and adults can enjoy together. Kids find losing their boats over the waterfall pretty frustrating. However, after several plays, my kids learned that they can still win even when they lose a boat and they learned that sometimes it's in their best interest to sacrifice a boat to get a better position on the dock.

Up the River does rely heavily on luck of the dice. However, strategy and planning play enough of an important part to keep it from being completely mindless. 




Rule Vs procedure?


formal element

dramatic element

dynamic element


dominant strategy: sacrifice one boat


In order to save all of the 3 boats, averagely every boat has to wait for 2 rounds, which means two tiles down the river. That means you have to dice at least 3 every time in order to save them, that is about 2/3 chance each round. but say (2/3)^10, gets a very small value.


posted on 2012-03-09 15:56  安泰  阅读(2523)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报
