How to create a dimension


Now I have SSAS solution project :Adventure Works SSAS

Riight click on the 'Dimension' and select 'new dimension'


next:select the right data source and table:

Next,we can see:

The wizard will display the tables that have FK relationship with the main table.

Make sure the related tables are selected.


We will meet the page 'select the dimension attribute'

The wizard has selected the PK of each table as the default value.

Of course you can select others you need.

here we select 'English product name','color','list price','size','status'.

then next:we rename the name of dimension as 'SampleProDim'

click 'Finish'.

The dimension is created,then we should deploy it:

We can check the deploy progess in the lower right corner:

 Then select the 'browser' tab of 'Dimension browser':

Now we can browse the dimension by the hierarchical structure like 'English product name' we have selected.

 If we select the primary key 'product key' then click 'Member Properties':

then browse the dimension:

After created the dimension,we need to modify it:

Sometimes we need modify the name column of the attribute,for example:

We will modify the name column of 'Product Category Key' as 'EnglishproductCategoryName':

Double click the attribute 'Product Category Key'

Then click the namecolumn in bottom right corner,we will see:

Select the right one.

We also need to check the warning of the design.

We can see the waring by the break line:

 Also we can check the waring by click 'view',then select 'waring list':

In order to solve the waring,we need to do something:

Right click on 'Product Category Key' then select 'new hierarchical structure':

move 'Product Subcategory Key' and 'Product Key' to it, and now the waring has changed:

In order to avoid the waring,We need to modify the attributre of 'Product Category Key'

Set like this :

Make the same change to 'Product Subcategory Key' and 'Product Key'

Now the waring is


Now we select the tab 'attribute relationship':

Because we can't get subcategory from product key,we need add a new relationship:

After the change,deploy it.

Then we can browse the new dimension:

After some dimensions are created, we can create a cube based on these dimensions.

We will talk about it later.

posted @ 2012-06-10 18:33  answerlkh  阅读(200)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报