








3.过去一个月,您是否访问过我们的网站 LitterRip.com?

4.过去一个月,您是否购买过 Litter Rip! 猫砂?





1.我们先来看这张图,图中是一个三层的前馈神经网络。左侧为输入层:三个圆圈表示神经元(即节点或特征,该网络将使用前三个调查问题作为特征)。现在,你看着这一列圆圈,想象它们分别代表一位顾客的答案。左上的圆圈包含问题 1「你有猫吗?」的答案,左中圆圈包含问题 2「你喝进口啤酒吗?」的答案,左下圆圈表示问题 3「你是否访问过我们的网站 LitterRip.com?」的答案。那么,如果顾客 1 对这三个问题的答案是「Yes/No/Yes」,则左上圆圈包含 1,左中圆圈包含 0,左下圆圈包含 1。这就与我们的数据集相对应了。


3.最右侧标注「y」的单个圆圈表示真值,即每个顾客对第四个调查问题「你是否购买过 Litter Rip! 猫砂?」的回答。这个圆圈有两个选择:0 表示没买过,1 表示买过。神经网络将输出一个预测概率,并将其与 y 进行对比,查看准确率,然后在下一次迭代中吸取教训。神经网络在数秒时间内可以完成数万次试错。



#This is the "3 Layer Network" near the bottom of: 

#First, housekeeping: import numpy, a powerful library of math tools.
5 import numpy as np

#1 Sigmoid Function: changes numbers to probabilities and computes confidence to use in gradient descent
8 def nonlin(x,deriv=False):
9   if(deriv==True):
10    return x*(1-x)
12  return 1/(1+np.exp(-x))

#2 The X Matrix: This is the responses to our survey from 4 of our customers, 
#in language the computer understands.  Row 1 is the first customer's set of 
#Yes/No answers to the first 3 of our survey questions: 
#"1" means Yes to, "Have cat who poops?" The "0" means No to "Drink imported beer?"
#The 1 for "Visited the LitterRip.com website?" means Yes.  There are 3 more rows
#(i.e., 3 more customers and their responses) below that.  
#Got it?  That's 4 customers and their Yes/No responses 
#to the first 3 questions (the 4th question is used in the next step below).  
#These are the set of inputs that we will use to train our network.
23 X = np.array([[1,0,1],
24               [0,1,1],
25               [0,0,1],
26               [1,1,1]])
#3The y Vector: Our testing set of 4 target values. These are our 4 customers' Yes/No answers 
#to question four of the survey, "Actually purchased Litter Rip?"  When our neural network
#outputs a prediction, we test it against their answer to this question 4, which 
#is what really happened.  When our network's
#predictions compare well with these 4 target values, that means the network is 
#accurate and ready to take on our second dataset, i.e., predicting whether our 
#hot prospects from the (hot) veterinarian will buy Litter Rip!
34 y = np.array([[1],
35               [1],
36               [0],
37               [0]])
#4 SEED: This is housekeeping. One has to seed the random numbers we will generate
#in the synapses during the training process, to make debugging easier.
40 np.random.seed(1)
#5 SYNAPSES: aka "Weights." These 2 matrices are the "brain" which predicts, learns
#from trial-and-error, then improves in the next iteration.  If you remember the 
#diagram of the curvy red bowl above, syn0 and syn1 are the 
#X and Y axes on the white grid under the red bowl, so each time we tweak these 
#values, we march the grid coordinates of Point A (think, "moving the yellow arrow")
#towards the red bowl's bottom, where error is near zero.
47 syn0 = 2*np.random.random((3,4)) - 1 # Synapse 0 has 12 weights, and connects l0 to l1.
48 syn1 = 2*np.random.random((4,1)) - 1 # Synapse 1 has 4 weights, and connects l1 to l2.

#6 FOR LOOP: this iterator takes our network through 60,000 predictions, 
#tests, and improvements.
52 for j in range(60000):

  #7 FEED FORWARD: Think of l0, l1 and l2 as 3 matrix layers of "neurons" 
  #that combine with the "synapses" matrices in #5 to predict, compare and improve.
  # l0, or X, is the 3 features/questions of our survey, recorded for 4 customers.
57  l0=X
58  l1=nonlin(np.dot(l0,syn0))
59  l2=nonlin(np.dot(l1,syn1))

  #8 The TARGET values against which we test our prediction, l2, to see how much 
  #we missed it by. y is a 4x1 vector containing our 4 customer responses to question
  #four, "Did you buy Litter Rip?" When we subtract the l2 vector (our first 4 predictions)
  #from y (the Actual Truth about who bought), we get l2_error, which is how much 
  #our predictions missed the target by, on this particular iteration.
66  l2_error = y - l2

  #9 PRINT ERROR--a parlor trick: in 60,000 iterations, j divided by 10,000 leaves 
  #a remainder of 0 only 6 times. We're going to check our data every 10,000 iterations
  #to see if the l2_error (the yellow arrow of height under the white ball, Point A)
  #is reducing, and whether we're missing our target y by less with each prediction.
72  if (j% 10000)==0:
73    print("Avg l2_error after 10,000 more iterations: "+str(np.mean(np.abs(l2_error))))

#10 This is the beginning of back propagation.  All following steps share the goal of 
  # adjusting the weights in syn0 and syn1 to improve our prediction.  To make our 
  # adjustments as efficient as possible, we want to address the biggest errors in our weights.  
  # To do this, we first calculate confidence levels of each l2 prediction by
  # taking the slope of each l2 guess, and then multiplying it by the l2_error.  
  # In other words, we compute l2_delta by multiplying each error by the slope 
  # of the sigmoid at that value.  Why?  Well, the values of l2_error that correspond 
  # to high-confidence predictions (i.e., close to 0 or 1) should be multiplied by a 
  # small number (which represents low slope and high confidence) so they change little.
  # This ensures that the network prioritizes changing our worst predictions first, 
  # (i.e., low-confidence predictions close to 0.5, therefore having steep slope). 
88  l2_delta = l2_error*nonlin(l2,deriv=True)

  #11 BACK PROPAGATION, continued: In Step 7, we fed forward our input, l0, through 
  #l1 into l2, our prediction. Now we work backwards to find what errors l1 had when
  #we fed through it.  l1_error is the difference between the most recent computed l1 
  #and the ideal l1 that would provide the ideal l2 we want.  To find l1_error, we 
  #have to multiply l2_delta (i.e., what we want our l2 to be in the next iteration) 
  #by our last iteration of what we *thought* were the optimal weights (syn1). 
  # In other words, to update syn0, we need to account for the effects of 
  # syn1 (at current values) on the network's prediction.  We do this by taking the 
  # product of the newly computed l2_delta and the current values of syn1 to give 
  # l1_error, which corresponds to the amount our update to syn0 should change l1 next time.
100  l1_error = l2_delta.dot(syn1.T)
  #12 Similar to #10 above, we want to tweak this 
  #middle layer, l1, so it sends a better prediction to l2, so l2 will better 
  #predict target y.  In other words, tweak the weights in order to produce large 
  #changes in low confidence values and small changes in high confidence values.

  #To do this, just like in #10 we multiply l1_error by the slope of the 
  #sigmoid at the value of l1 to ensure that the network applies larger changes 
  #to synapse weights that affect low-confidence (e.g., close to 0.5) predictions for l1.
109  l1_delta = l1_error * nonlin(l1,deriv=True)

  #13 UPDATE SYNAPSES: aka Gradient Descent. This step is where the synapses, the true
  #"brain" of our network, learn from their mistakes, remember, and improve--learning!
  # We multiply each delta by their corresponding layers to update each weight in both of our 
  #synapses so that our next prediction will be even better.
115  syn1 += l1.T.dot(l2_delta)
116  syn0 += l0.T.dot(l1_delta)

#Print results!
119 print("Our y-l2 error value after all 60,000 iterations of training: ")
120 print(l2)

1.Sigmoid 函数:行 8-12 (关于sigmoid可参考https://www.cnblogs.com/answerThe/p/11374674.html

第一个函数是将矩阵(此处表示为 x)放入括号内,将每个值转换为 0 到 1 之间的数字(即统计概率)。转换过程通过代码行 12 实现:return 1/(1+np.exp(-x))。那么为什么需要统计概率呢?神经网络不会预测 0 或 1,它不会直接吼「哇,顾客 1 绝对会买这款猫砂!」,而是预测概率:「顾客 1 有 74% 的可能购买这款猫砂」。这里的区别很大,如果你直接预测 0 和 1,那么网络就没有改进空间了。要么对要么错。但是使用概率的话就有改进空间。你可以调整系统,每一次使概率增加或减少几个点,从而提升网络的准确率。这是一个受控的增量过程,而不是盲猜。将数字转换成 0 到 1 之间的数字这一过程非常重要。

sigmoid 的第一个函数将矩阵中的每个值转换为统计概率,而它的第二个函数如代码行 9 和 10 所示:

    return x*(1-x)

该函数将给定矩阵中的每个值转换成 sigmoid 函数 S 曲线上特定点处的坡度。该坡度值也叫做置信度(confidence measure)。也就是说,该数值回答了这个问题:我们对该数值能够准确预测结果的自信程度如何?你可能会想:这又能怎么样呢?我们的目标是神经网络可靠地做出准这是我们的标签确的预测。而实现这一目标的最快方式就是修复置信度低、准确率低的预测,不改变置信度高、准确率高的预测。「置信度」这一概念非常重要!

2.创建输入 X:行 23-26

代码行 23-26 创建了一个输入值的 4x3 矩阵,可用于训练网络。X 将成为网络的 layer 0(或 l0)

3.创建输出 y:行 34-37

这是我们的标签,即第四个调查问题「你是否购买过新款猫砂?」的答案。看下面这列数字,顾客 1 回答的是「Yes」,顾客 2 回答的是「Yes」,顾客 3 和 4 回答的是「No」。

4.生成随机数:行 40 (关于np.random.seed()可参考https://www.cnblogs.com/answerThe/p/11364354.html

生成随机数的原因是,你必须从某个地方开始。因此我们从一组捏造数字开始,然后在 6 万次迭代中慢慢改变每一个数字,直到它们输出具备最小误差值的预测。这一步使得测试可重复(即使用同样的输入测试多次,结果仍然相同)

5.创建突触(即权重):行 47-48

因为输入x.shape=[4, 3],所以syn0.shape=[3, 4]

l1 = x * syn0 = [4, 3] * [3, 4] = [4, 4]

因为最后结果是四个人的答案所以l2.shape = [4, 1]

l2 = l1 * syn1 = [4, 4] * syn1 = [4, 1]

所以syn1.shape = [4, 1] 

也许你会疑惑,代码行 47 中的「2」和「-1」是哪儿来的。np.random.random 函数生成均匀分布于 0 到 1 之间的随机数(对应的平均值为 0.5),而我们想让随机数初始值的平均值为 0。这样该矩阵中的初始权重不会存在偏向于 1 或 0 的先验偏置(在最开始的时候,网络不知道接下来会发生什么,因此它对其预测结果是没有信心的,直到我们在每个迭代后更新它)。

那么,我们如何将一组平均值为 0.5 的数字转变为平均值为 0 的数字呢?首先,将所有随机数乘 2(这样所有数字分布在 0 到 2 之间,平均值为 1),然后减去 1(这样所有数字分布在-1 到 1 之间,平均值为 0)。这就是「2」和「-1」出现的原因。



为什么表示 l2 和 l1 神经元的圆圈被从中间分割开了?圆圈的左半边(带有 LH 字样)是 sigmoid 函数的输入值,右半边是 sigmoid 函数的输出:l1 或 l2。在这个语境下,sigmoid函数只是将前一层与前一个权重相乘,并转换为 0 到 1 之间的值。代码如下

return 1/(1+np.exp(-x))


l0 = [1, 0, 1] (即第一个人对三个问题的回到),第一个数值为  1

syn0 = [ 3.66 -2.88   3.26 -1.53]     第一个权重为  3.66
    [-4.84  3.54   2.52 -2.55]      
    [ 0.16 -0.66  -2.82  1.87]


现在,我们用 l0 的第一个值 1 与 syn0 的第一个值 3.66 相乘,看看会得到什么:


l0 * syn0 = l1_LH        ------>     (1 * 3.66) + (0 * -4.84) + (1 * 0.16)  = 3.82

sigmoid(l1_LH) = l1    ------>     1/(1+np.exp(-x)) = 1/(1+(e^-3.82)) = 0.98

l1 * syn1_1 = l2_LH    ------>      (0.98 * 12.1)  +  【 (l1_2 * sy1_2) + (l1_2 * sy1_2) + (l1_2 * sy1_2) + (l1_2 * sy1_2)  =  -11.97 】 =  0.00

sigmoid(l2_LH) = l2    ------>     1/(1+np.exp(-x)) = 1/(1+(e^0)) = 0.5

y - l2 = l2_error           ------>      1 - 0.5 = 0.5


l0(4, 3) * syn0(3, 4) = l1_LH(4, 4)

nonlin(l1_LH) = l1(4, 4)

l1(4, 4) * syn1(4, 1) = l2_LH(4, 1)

nonlin(l2_LH) = l2(4, 1)

最后的L2也就是我们的预测结果(0 ~ 1)之间的概率。代码行58,59




7.1 梯度下降的第一步即,计算当前的预测结果与真值 y(1/yes 或 0/no)之间的差距。


l2_error = y - l2

y = [

l2 = [
    [ 0.50]
    [ 0.90]
    [ 0.05]
    [ 0.70]

 7.2 打印误差值 代码行 72-73

if (j% 10000)==0:
  print("Avg l2_error after 10,000 more iterations: "+str(np.mean(np.abs(l2_error))))

np.mean(np.abs(l2_error))) 取误差的绝对值,然后求平均数并打印出来,从而简化了打印过程。

现在我们已经知道预测结果(l2)距离真值(y)的距离,并打印了出来。但是,我们距离真值还是太远,我们要如何降低目前令人失望的预测误差 0.5,最终近似真值呢?很显然只能通过调整权重syn0,syn1来改变误差!

7.3 代码行 88

 l2_delta = l2_error*nonlin(l2,deriv=True)

上述代码的意思是,损失值 * 预测值的坡度 = 下一次预测值的变化


8 def nonlin(x,deriv=False):
9   if(deriv==True):
10    return x*(1-x)
12  return 1/(1+np.exp(-x))
x * (1 - x) 就得出了其坡度。很多人会问为什么,如果看了上面贴的关于sigmoid函数的链接就会知道,sigmoid函数的导数便是f(x)*(1 - f(x))


7.4 现在我们来可视化代码88行,看一看到底是如何计算变化的

l2_delta:                       l2_error:                l2 slopes after nonlin():
[ 0.125] Big change             [ 0.50] Big Miss         [0.25] Not Confident
[ 0.009] Small-ish Change   =   [ 0.10] Small Miss    *  [0.09] Fairly Confident
[-0.003] Tiny change            [-0.05] Tiny miss        [0.05] Confident
[-0.150] Huge Change            [-0.70] Very Big Miss    [0.21] Not Confident

通过上面的等式不难看出大误差对应大坡度,大的误差(即l2_error中大的值)   *   大的坡度(即通过nonlin计算得出的值)   =    变化也大(即l2_delta中大的值)

 l2_delta实际上就是下一次迭代中我们希望看到的 l2 的变化。

7.5 计算l1_error 代码 100 行

100  l1_error = l2_delta.dot(syn1.T)

现在我们知道下一次迭代中 l2 预测要做的改变是 l2_delta,也知道到达目前预测结果的 syn1 值。那么重要的问题来了:如果我们用 l2_delta 乘以这次迭代的 syn1 值会怎么样?这就像好莱坞编剧一样:你写了一个悲伤结局的电影,主角被龙喷出的火焰灼伤然后被吃掉,所以未能到达城堡。导演看了剧本满屋咆哮:「我要 happy ending,我要主角打败恶龙,发现生命的意义,然后转身离开!」你同意按老板的意思修改剧本。你知道了要达到的结局,就转回去寻找哪个动作出了错。哪个情节使得你没有成为英雄反而被龙吃掉?数学就是在做这样的事情:如果你把 l2_delta(期望的完美结局)乘以 syn1(导致错误结局的情节),那么你将收获 l1_error。改变造成错误结局的情节,下一版剧本将变得更好。

7.6 计算下一次l1的变化l1_delta 代码 109 行

109  l1_delta = l1_error * nonlin(l1,deriv=True)

知道了 l1_error,你就可以计算在下次迭代中将 l1 改变多少才能得到更好的 l2 预测,而这就是 l1_delta。

7.7 更新权重 代码 115 - 116 行

更新权重的数学方法即 用 (当前每一层输出 * 下一层的变化) + 上一层的权重  =  新的上一层权重

115  syn1 += l1.T.dot(l2_delta)
116  syn0 += l0.T.dot(l1_delta)


import numpy as np

def nonlin(x, deriv=False):
        return x*(1-x)
    return 1/(1+np.exp(-x))

x = np.array([
    [1, 0, 1],
    [0, 1, 1],
    [0, 0, 1],
    [1, 1, 1]
y = np.array([
l0 = x
syn0 = 2*np.random.rand(3, 4) - 1
syn1 = 2*np.random.rand(4, 1) - 1

for i in range(60000):
    l1 = nonlin(np.dot(l0, syn0)) #4, 4
    l2 = nonlin(np.dot(l1, syn1)) #4, 1
    l2_error = y - l2
    if (i % 10000) == 0:
        print("Avg l2_error after {} more iterations: {}".format(i, str(np.mean(np.abs(l2_error)))))
    l2_delta = l2_error * nonlin(l2, deriv=True) #4, 1 # 得到变化
    l1_error = np.dot(l2_delta, syn1.T) #4, 4
    l1_delta = l1_error*nonlin(l1, deriv=True) #4, 4 变化 = 坡度 = 每个点的导数
    syn1 += l1.T.dot(l2_delta)
    syn0 += l0.T.dot(l1_delta)




import tensorflow as tf
import numpy as np

X = np.array([
    [1, 0, 1],
    [0, 1, 1],
    [0, 0, 1],
    [1, 1, 1]
Y = np.array([
LR = 0.00001

x = tf.placeholder(tf.float32, shape=(None, 3))
y_ = tf.placeholder(tf.float32, shape=(None, 1))
w1 = tf.Variable(tf.random_normal([3, 4], stddev=1, seed=1))
w2 = tf.Variable(tf.random_normal([4, 1], stddev=1, seed=1))
a = tf.matmul(x, w1)
y = tf.matmul(a, w2)
loss = tf.reduce_mean(tf.square(y - y_))
train_step = tf.train.GradientDescentOptimizer(LR).minimize(loss)

with tf.Session() as sess:
    init = tf.global_variables_initializer()
    setps = 6000 * 10
    for i in range(setps):
        start = (i * BATCH_SIZE) % 4
        end = start + BATCH_SIZE
        sess.run(train_step, feed_dict={x: X[start: end], y_: Y[start: end]})
        if i % 1000 == 0:
            print(sess.run(loss, feed_dict={x: X, y_: Y}))




posted @ 2019-08-19 01:11  AnswerThe  阅读(423)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报