
【LJ?Dragon】You’re more than a shadow, I’ve just to believe.
【LJ?Dragon】A true friend is some one who reaches for your hand and touches your heart.

There has been some confusion in the phonegap community and to complement Simeon Bateman’s recent blog post, I want to make sure that everyone understands the entire story behind the PhoneGap name and how it relates to Apache cordova.

最近PhoneGap社区发生很多问题,所以我想让所有人都能理解PhoneGap的神秘的故事和它与Apache Cordova的联系。

Late last year, Adobe/Nitobi donated the PhoneGap codebase to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) for incubation. We wanted to ensure proper stewardship of the source of PhoneGap, and to maintain a transparent and open governance that was well documented and understood. We also wanted to make it easier for other large organizations to contribute. Many companies are not only comfortable with the Apache organization and license, but already have a CLA with Apache.

在上一年(指的是2011年)Adobe/Nitobi把PhoneGap的源代码 贡献给Apache软件基金会(ASF)托管。我们想PhoenGap的源码能够透明,公开,文档能够更加齐全已经更容易理解。我们同样想大公司来共同参 与这个项目。许多公司都熟悉Apace这个组织和其许可说明,身子有一些还是Apache的代码贡献者。

As a result of the contribution, we were required to ensure that the intellectual property was unfettered by trademark ambiguity. This presented us with the hard requirement to rename PhoneGap in its open source form as a project incubating at Apache. The name we first choose was Apache Callback, which was dumb for a host of reasons and quickly the community renamed it to Cordova. While genesis stories of PhoneGap often vary with the teller, most committers can agree the project was born at Nitobi, when the office was on Cordova Street in Vancouver.

作为代码贡献,我比必须确保商标的知识产权能够自由使用。所以,我们必须修改 PhoneGap在Apache托管下的名字,首先我们选择了“Apache Callback”,不过后来呢,社区很快的就把名字改成未Cordova。当时PhoneGap的来历在不同的人口中都不断的变化,但相当多的一部分人 同意其出生在Nitobi,其办公室当时就在温哥华的Cordova路。

What’s the difference between Apache Cordova and PhoneGap?

Apache Cordova和PhoneGap有什么区别呢?

PhoneGap is a distribution of Apache Cordova. You can think of Apache Cordova as the engine that powers PhoneGap, similar to how WebKit is the engine that powers Chrome or Safari. (Browser geeks, please allow me the affordance of this analogy and I’ll buy you a beer later.)

PhoneGap是Apache Cordova的一个分支。你可以这样想,Apache Cordova是一台发动机,运行在PhoneGap上,就像WebKit这个浏览器引擎运行在Chrome浏览器和Safari浏览器上。

Over time, the PhoneGap distribution may contain additional tools that tie into other Adobe services, which would not be appropriate for an Apache project. For example, PhoneGap Build and Adobe Shadow together make a whole lot of strategic sense. PhoneGap will always remain free, open source software and will always be a free distribution of Apache Cordova.

随着时间的推移,PhoneGap可能会加入其它的Adobe的服务,而这些服务不 适合发布到Apache的项目上。例如,PhoneGap和Adobe Shadow就有一大堆的战略方针。不过不用担心,PhoneGap会持续地保持免费开源而且在Apache Cordova上也是免费的。

Currently, the only difference is in the name of the download package and will remain so for some time.


What is Apache Cordova to a PhoneGap developer? (i.e. someone who just wants to build apps)

怎么从Apache Cordova转型PhoenGap开发者?

As a developer building PhoneGap applications, nothing has changed. PhoneGap is still free, openly licensed, and the main focus of the PhoneGap team. If your goal is to build cross platform apps with HTML, JS and CSS then keep on using PhoneGap for everything you need. This isn’t to say the transition has been perfect. We messed up the last release by not correctly updating the documentation to reflect the name change which confused new users. Future releases will have checks in place to ensure our documentation has the correct references. If you happen to be reading this and nodding in frustration, I encourage you to use as the canonical source for edge documentation. If you want to help us keep this stuff on point, please read on.

作为一个开发者,创建一个PhoneGap应用,没有任何的变化。PhoneGap 仍然是免费,开源授权和PhoneGap团队的主要成员。如果你要建立HTML、JS和CSS的APP,你可以保持不变使用PhoneGap的任何功能。 这并不是,这个过渡已经完美了,我们搞砸了以前的版本,没有及时更新文件名,导致困惑了新的用户。后续的版本,我们会检查到以确保提提供正确的文档。如果 你碰巧看到这篇文章,不用害怕,我建议你使用http://docs.phonegap.com作为正规的技术文档来阅读。如果你获得这东西的帮助,就阅读它吧。




posted @ 2017-04-21 09:12  Whter  阅读(1110)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报