因为easyui的分页条比较死板,所以只能自己写个简单的,不过够用(function ($){ var settings = { PrevText: "Prev", NextText: "Next", PageSize: 10, RecordCount: 0, CurrentIndex: 1, ShowIndexNum: 5, //页码最大数 FrameCSS: "next", IndexCSS: "next02", CurrrentIndexCSS: "next... 阅读全文
c#方式要添加CKEditor 和CKFinder两个DLL的引用 CKFinder.FileBrowser _FileBrowser = new CKFinder.FileBrowser(); _FileBrowser.BasePath = "/ckfinder/"; _FileBrowser.SetupCKEditor(CKEditor1);JS方式要添加<script src="/ckfinder/ckfinder.js" type="text/javascript"></script>JS引用 var 阅读全文
XmlElement is a subclass of XmlNode (and so is XmlAttribute, XmlText, XmlDocument, etc.). There is no performance implication of using one over the other at all, since XmlNode is simply the base class for all types of nodes in a DOM Xml document instance.It just so happens, that many of the APIs in 阅读全文
ReportingServices中如何对数据进行分页合计?Posted on September 1, 2008 by bigqxg Report services中不直接支持分页合计,实现这个功能得加些vb code(report code).右键report区域(BIDS中最外层的黄色区域),选择report properties;打开code tab. 加入如下代码public shared Dim _rowCount As Int32=0public shared Dim _sum as Int32=0public Function AddToRowCount() as Int32_ 阅读全文
普通行列转换(爱新觉罗.毓华 2007-11-18于海南三亚)假设有张学生成绩表(tb)如下:Name Subject Result张三 语文 74张三 数学 83张三 物理 93李四 语文 74李四 数学 84李四 物理 94*/-------------------------------------------------------------------------/*想变成 姓名 语文 数学 物理 ---------- ----------- ----------- ----------- 李四 74 84 94张三 74 83 93*/create table tb( Name 阅读全文
违反并发性:UpdateCommand影响了预期1条记录中的0使用 SqlDataAdapter.Update 更新数据时不仅数据库表要有主键,而且DataTable也要有主键开发实例问题:由于表容余 表A和表B拥有相同的某些字段,但数据不同时使用A表的数据,去填充修改B表数据,也可能导制这个问题 阅读全文
(function ($){ var methods = { init: function (options) { options.obj = this; options.obj.children().bind("mousedown", options, methods.ondrag).unbind("click").css({ cursor: "move" }); }, destroy: function (options) { this.children().unbind("mousedown").css({ 阅读全文
(function ($){ var methods = { init: function (options) { var table = this; table.next().bind("click", table, methods.addRow); var trArray = table.children().children("tr[ctrltype!='total']"); if (options.total) { // var newRow = methods.addRow(table); // newRow.children( 阅读全文
1. js 中用 if 做判断var v="";var v=0;var v=undefined;var v=false;var v=null;if(!v){alert("False");} var vv="string" var res=v || vv;//res==vv 2. ReadOnly 在 阅读全文
Data Binding Microsoft Chart ControlOverviewWhen you add a new visualization in your application, the very first thing you do, is bind it to the data. Microsoft Chart control allows many different ways of populating data in the chart and it is important to understand the differences between them and 阅读全文