Move Zeroes (算法)


后来吃晚饭的路上又想了想,把想清楚的思路发到手机上,吃完饭回来一下子就做出来了/(ㄒoㄒ)/~~ 因此记录一下。


Given an array nums, write a function to move all 0's to the end of it while maintaining the relative order of the non-zero elements.

For example, given nums = [0, 1, 0, 3, 12], after calling your function, nums should be [1, 3, 12, 0, 0].


  1. You must do this in-place without making a copy of the array.
  2. Minimize the total number of operations.


Array   Two Pointers


 1  1 public class Solution {
 2  2     public void moveZeroes(int[] nums) {
 3  3         int len =nums.length;
 4  4         int pt1=0,pt2=0;
 5  5         while(pt2<len){//pt1指向0,pt2逐渐移动
 6  6             if(nums[pt1]==0){
 7  7                 if(nums[pt2]!=0){
 8  8                     nums[pt1]=nums[pt2];
 9  9                     nums[pt2]=0;
10 10                     pt1++;
11 11                 }
12 12             }else{
13 13                 pt1++;
14 14             }
15 15             pt2++;
16 16         }
17 17     }
18 18 }


posted @ 2016-07-05 20:27  静静静流  阅读(214)  评论(3编辑  收藏  举报