ibatis.net 不明确的引用 Ambiguous match found

We are using IBatis Data Access 1.9.2 since a long time with .NET 3.5SP1 and 
it's working fine.
Also we decide to transfer part of the project to .NET 4 and we have some 
errors in the IBatis Builder.Configure method.

I have noticed that the error is within the Castle.DynamicProxy dll.  More 
specifically, the class file in that dll: 
Castle.DynamicProxy.Builder.CodeBuilder.SimpleAST.LockBlockExpression invokes 
with reflection the method System.Threading.Monitor.Enter without specifying 
(new in .net 4.0) the overload arguments. Changing that line of code to: 
gen.Emit(OpCodes.Call, typeof(Monitor).GetMethod("Enter", new Type[] { 
typeof(object) })); should solve the problem.
In the mean time, you can set the target framework in the properties window for 
your project to .net 3.5 and that will solve the issue as well.
简言之,ibatis.net 某些版本在4.0环境下会出现标题的问题,这是一个BUG!要解决它可以用新的Castle.DynamicProxy.

posted @ 2020-03-07 22:05  angrycoder  阅读(141)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报