

width number The width of calendar component. 180
height number The height of calendar component. 180
fit boolean When true to set the calendar size fit it's parent container. false
border boolean Defines if to show the border. true
firstDay number Defines the first day of week. Sunday is 0, Monday is 1, ... 0
weeks array The list of week to be showed. ['S','M','T','W','T','F','S']
months array The list of month to be showed. ['Jan', 'Feb', 'Mar', 'Apr', 'May', 'Jun', 'Jul', 'Aug', 'Sep', 'Oct', 'Nov', 'Dec']
year number The year of calendar. The example below shows how to create a calendar using the specified year and month.
<div class="easyui-calendar" data-options="year:2012,month:6" />
current year(four digits)
month number The month of calendar. current month, start with 1
current Date The current date. current date
formatter function(date) The day formatter function, return the day value. This property is available since version 1.3.6.

Code example:

	formatter: function(date){
		return date.getDate();
styler function(date) The styler function for calendar days, return the inline style or CSS class. This property is available since version 1.3.6.

Code example:

	styler: function(date){
		if (date.getDay() == 1){
			return 'background-color:#ccc';
			// the function can return predefined css class and inline style
			// return {class:'r1', style:{'color:#fff'}};	
		} else {
			return '';
validator function(date) The validator function that is used to determine if a calendar day can be selected, return false to prevent from selecting a day. This property is available since version 1.3.6.

Code example:

	validator: function(date){
		if (date.getDay() == 1){return true;}
		else {return false;}

以上看出上面的有些方法和属性注明在1.3.6中使用 那我们使用以前的老版本怎么办?


(function ($) {
    function _4ef(_4f0, _4f1) {
        var opts = $.data(_4f0, "calendar").options;
        var t = $(_4f0);
        if (_4f1) {
            $.extend(opts, { width: _4f1.width, height: _4f1.height });
        t._size(opts, t.parent());
        t.find(".calendar-body")._outerHeight(t.height() - t.find(".calendar-header")._outerHeight());
        if (t.find(".calendar-menu").is(":visible")) {
    function init(_4f3) {
        $(_4f3).addClass("calendar").html("<div class=\"calendar-header\">" + "<div class=\"calendar-prevmonth\"></div>" + "<div class=\"calendar-nextmonth\"></div>" + "<div class=\"calendar-prevyear\"></div>" + "<div class=\"calendar-nextyear\"></div>" + "<div class=\"calendar-title\">" + "<span>Aprial 2010</span>" + "</div>" + "</div>" + "<div class=\"calendar-body\">" + "<div class=\"calendar-menu\">" + "<div class=\"calendar-menu-year-inner\">" + "<span class=\"calendar-menu-prev\"></span>" + "<span><input class=\"calendar-menu-year\" type=\"text\"></input></span>" + "<span class=\"calendar-menu-next\"></span>" + "</div>" + "<div class=\"calendar-menu-month-inner\">" + "</div>" + "</div>" + "</div>");
        $(_4f3).find(".calendar-title span").hover(function () {
        }, function () {
        }).click(function () {
            var menu = $(_4f3).find(".calendar-menu");
            if (menu.is(":visible")) {
            } else {
        $(".calendar-prevmonth,.calendar-nextmonth,.calendar-prevyear,.calendar-nextyear", _4f3).hover(function () {
        }, function () {
        //$(_4f3).find(".calendar-nextmonth").click(function () {
        //    _4f5(_4f3, 1);
        //$(_4f3).find(".calendar-prevmonth").click(function () {
        //    _4f5(_4f3, -1);
        //$(_4f3).find(".calendar-nextyear").click(function () {
        //    _4f8(_4f3, 1);
        //$(_4f3).find(".calendar-prevyear").click(function () {
        //    _4f8(_4f3, -1);
        $(_4f3).bind("_resize", function (e, _4f4) {
            if ($(this).hasClass("easyui-fluid") || _4f4) {
            return false;
    function _4f5(_4f6, _4f7) {
        var opts = $.data(_4f6, "calendar").options;
        opts.month += _4f7;
        if (opts.month > 12) {
            opts.month = 1;
        } else {
            if (opts.month < 1) {
                opts.month = 12;
        var menu = $(_4f6).find(".calendar-menu-month-inner");
        menu.find("td:eq(" + (opts.month - 1) + ")").addClass("calendar-selected");
    function _4f8(_4f9, _4fa) {
        var opts = $.data(_4f9, "calendar").options;
        opts.year += _4fa;
        var menu = $(_4f9).find(".calendar-menu-year");
    function _4f2(_4fb) {
        var opts = $.data(_4fb, "calendar").options;
        if ($(_4fb).find(".calendar-menu-month-inner").is(":empty")) {
            var t = $("<table class=\"calendar-mtable\"></table>").appendTo($(_4fb).find(".calendar-menu-month-inner"));
            var idx = 0;
            for (var i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
                var tr = $("<tr></tr>").appendTo(t);
                for (var j = 0; j < 4; j++) {
                    $("<td class=\"calendar-menu-month\"></td>").html(opts.months[idx++]).attr("abbr", idx).appendTo(tr);
            $(_4fb).find(".calendar-menu-prev,.calendar-menu-next").hover(function () {
            }, function () {
            $(_4fb).find(".calendar-menu-next").click(function () {
                var y = $(_4fb).find(".calendar-menu-year");
                if (!isNaN(y.val())) {
                    y.val(parseInt(y.val()) + 1);
            $(_4fb).find(".calendar-menu-prev").click(function () {
                var y = $(_4fb).find(".calendar-menu-year");
                if (!isNaN(y.val())) {
                    y.val(parseInt(y.val() - 1));
            $(_4fb).find(".calendar-menu-year").keypress(function (e) {
                if (e.keyCode == 13) {
            $(_4fb).find(".calendar-menu-month").hover(function () {
            }, function () {
            }).click(function () {
                var menu = $(_4fb).find(".calendar-menu");
        function _4fc(_4fd) {
            var menu = $(_4fb).find(".calendar-menu");
            var year = menu.find(".calendar-menu-year").val();
            var _4fe = menu.find(".calendar-selected").attr("abbr");
            if (!isNaN(year)) {
                opts.year = parseInt(year);
                opts.month = parseInt(_4fe);
            if (_4fd) {
        var body = $(_4fb).find(".calendar-body");
        var sele = $(_4fb).find(".calendar-menu");
        var _4ff = sele.find(".calendar-menu-year-inner");
        var _500 = sele.find(".calendar-menu-month-inner");
        _500.find("td:eq(" + (opts.month - 1) + ")").addClass("calendar-selected");
        _500._outerHeight(sele.height() - _4ff._outerHeight());
    function _501(_502, year, _503) {
        var opts = $.data(_502, "calendar").options;
        var _504 = [];
        var _505 = new Date(year, _503, 0).getDate();
        for (var i = 1; i <= _505; i++) {
            _504.push([year, _503, i]);
        var _506 = [], week = [];
        var _507 = -1;
        while (_504.length > 0) {
            var date = _504.shift();
            var day = new Date(date[0], date[1] - 1, date[2]).getDay();
            if (_507 == day) {
                day = 0;
            } else {
                if (day == (opts.firstDay == 0 ? 7 : opts.firstDay) - 1) {
                    week = [];
            _507 = day;
        if (week.length) {
        var _508 = _506[0];
        if (_508.length < 7) {
            while (_508.length < 7) {
                var _509 = _508[0];
                var date = new Date(_509[0], _509[1] - 1, _509[2] - 1);
                _508.unshift([date.getFullYear(), date.getMonth() + 1, date.getDate()]);
        } else {
            var _509 = _508[0];
            var week = [];
            for (var i = 1; i <= 7; i++) {
                var date = new Date(_509[0], _509[1] - 1, _509[2] - i);
                week.unshift([date.getFullYear(), date.getMonth() + 1, date.getDate()]);
        var _50a = _506[_506.length - 1];
        while (_50a.length < 7) {
            var _50b = _50a[_50a.length - 1];
            var date = new Date(_50b[0], _50b[1] - 1, _50b[2] + 1);
            _50a.push([date.getFullYear(), date.getMonth() + 1, date.getDate()]);
        if (_506.length < 6) {
            var _50b = _50a[_50a.length - 1];
            var week = [];
            for (var i = 1; i <= 7; i++) {
                var date = new Date(_50b[0], _50b[1] - 1, _50b[2] + i);
                week.push([date.getFullYear(), date.getMonth() + 1, date.getDate()]);
        return _506;
    function show(_50c) {
        var opts = $.data(_50c, "calendar").options;
        if (opts.current && !opts.validator.call(_50c, opts.current)) {
            opts.current = null;
        var now = new Date();
        var _50d = now.getFullYear() + "," + (now.getMonth() + 1) + "," + now.getDate();
        var _50e = opts.current ? (opts.current.getFullYear() + "," + (opts.current.getMonth() + 1) + "," + opts.current.getDate()) : "";
        var _50f = 6 - opts.firstDay;
        var _510 = _50f + 1;
        if (_50f >= 7) {
            _50f -= 7;
        if (_510 >= 7) {
            _510 -= 7;
        $(_50c).find(".calendar-title span").html(opts.months[opts.month - 1] + " " + opts.year);
        var body = $(_50c).find("div.calendar-body");
        var data = ["<table class=\"calendar-dtable\" cellspacing=\"0\" cellpadding=\"0\" border=\"0\">"];
        for (var i = opts.firstDay; i < opts.weeks.length; i++) {
            data.push("<th>" + opts.weeks[i] + "</th>");
        for (var i = 0; i < opts.firstDay; i++) {
            data.push("<th>" + opts.weeks[i] + "</th>");
        var _511 = _501(_50c, opts.year, opts.month);
        for (var i = 0; i < _511.length; i++) {
            var week = _511[i];
            var cls = "";
            if (i == 0) {
                cls = "calendar-first";
            } else {
                if (i == _511.length - 1) {
                    cls = "calendar-last";
            data.push("<tr class=\"" + cls + "\">");
            for (var j = 0; j < week.length; j++) {
                var day = week[j];
                var s = day[0] + "," + day[1] + "," + day[2];
                var _512 = new Date(day[0], parseInt(day[1]) - 1, day[2]);
                var d = opts.formatter.call(_50c, _512);
                var css = opts.styler.call(_50c, _512);
                var _513 = "";
                var _514 = "";
                if (typeof css == "string") {
                    _514 = css;
                } else {
                    if (css) {
                        _513 = css["class"] || "";
                        _514 = css["style"] || "";
                var cls = "calendar-day";
                if (!(opts.year == day[0] && opts.month == day[1])) {
                    cls += " calendar-other-month";
                if (s == _50d) {
                    cls += " calendar-today";
                if (s == _50e) {
                    cls += " calendar-selected";
                if (j == _50f) {
                    cls += " calendar-saturday";
                } else {
                    if (j == _510) {
                        cls += " calendar-sunday";
                if (j == 0) {
                    cls += " calendar-first";
                } else {
                    if (j == week.length - 1) {
                        cls += " calendar-last";
                cls += " " + _513;
                if (!opts.validator.call(_50c, _512)) {
                    cls += " calendar-disabled";
                data.push("<td class=\"" + cls + "\" abbr=\"" + s + "\" style=\"" + _514 + "\">" + d + "</td>");
        var t = body.children("table.calendar-dtable").prependTo(body);
        t.find("td.calendar-day:not(.calendar-disabled)").hover(function () {
        }, function () {
        }).click(function () {
            var _515 = opts.current;
            var _516 = $(this).attr("abbr").split(",");
            opts.current = new Date(_516[0], parseInt(_516[1]) - 1, _516[2]);
            opts.onSelect.call(_50c, opts.current);
            if (!_515 || _515.getTime() != opts.current.getTime()) {
                opts.onChange.call(_50c, opts.current, _515);
    $.fn.calendar = function (_517, _518) {
        if (typeof _517 == "string") {
            return $.fn.calendar.methods[_517](this, _518);
        _517 = _517 || {};
        return this.each(function () {
            var _519 = $.data(this, "calendar");
            if (_519) {
                $.extend(_519.options, _517);
            } else {
                _519 = $.data(this, "calendar", { options: $.extend({}, $.fn.calendar.defaults, $.fn.calendar.parseOptions(this), _517) });
            if (_519.options.border == false) {
    $.fn.calendar.methods = {
        options: function (jq) {
            return $.data(jq[0], "calendar").options;
        }, resize: function (jq, _51a) {
            return jq.each(function () {
                _4ef(this, _51a);
        }, moveTo: function (jq, date) {
            return jq.each(function () {
                var opts = $(this).calendar("options");
                if (opts.validator.call(this, date)) {
                    var _51b = opts.current;
                    $(this).calendar({ year: date.getFullYear(), month: date.getMonth() + 1, current: date });
                    if (!_51b || _51b.getTime() != date.getTime()) {
                        opts.onChange.call(this, opts.current, _51b);

    $.fn.calendar.parseOptions = function (_51c) {
        var t = $(_51c);
        return $.extend({}, $.parser.parseOptions(_51c, [{ firstDay: "number", fit: "boolean", border: "boolean" }]));
    $.fn.calendar.defaults = {
        width: 180, height: 180, fit: false, border: true, firstDay: 0, weeks: ["S", "M", "T", "W", "T", "F", "S"], months: ["Jan", "Feb", "Mar", "Apr", "May", "Jun", "Jul", "Aug", "Sep", "Oct", "Nov", "Dec"], year: new Date().getFullYear(), month: new Date().getMonth() + 1, current: (function () {
            var d = new Date();
            return new Date(d.getFullYear(), d.getMonth(), d.getDate());
        })(), formatter: function (date) {
            return date.getDate();
        }, styler: function (date) {
            return "";
        }, validator: function (date) {
            return true;
        }, onSelect: function (date) {
        }, onChange: function (_51d, _51e) {

    $.fn._propAttr = $.fn.prop || $.fn.attr;
    $.fn._size = function (_14, _15) {
        if (typeof _14 == "string") {
            if (_14 == "clear") {
                return this.each(function () {
                    $(this).css({ width: "", minWidth: "", maxWidth: "", height: "", minHeight: "", maxHeight: "" });
            } else {
                if (_14 == "unfit") {
                    return this.each(function () {
                        _16(this, $(this).parent(), false);
                } else {
                    if (_15 == undefined) {
                        return _17(this[0], _14);
                    } else {
                        return this.each(function () {
                            _17(this, _14, _15);
        } else {
            return this.each(function () {
                _15 = _15 || $(this).parent();
                $.extend(_14, _16(this, _15, _14.fit) || {});
                var r1 = _18(this, "width", _15, _14);
                var r2 = _18(this, "height", _15, _14);
                if (r1 || r2) {
                } else {

    function _16(_19, _1a, fit) {
        if (!_1a.length) {
            return false;
        var t = $(_19)[0];
        var p = _1a[0];
        var _1b = p.fcount || 0;
        if (fit) {
            if (!t.fitted) {
                t.fitted = true;
                p.fcount = _1b + 1;
                if (p.tagName == "BODY") {
            return { width: ($(p).width() || 1), height: ($(p).height() || 1) };
        } else {
            if (t.fitted) {
                t.fitted = false;
                p.fcount = _1b - 1;
                if (p.fcount == 0) {
                    if (p.tagName == "BODY") {
            return false;

    function _18(_1c, _1d, _1e, _1f) {
        var t = $(_1c);
        var p = _1d;
        var p1 = p.substr(0, 1).toUpperCase() + p.substr(1);
        var min = parseValue("min" + p1, _1f["min" + p1], _1e);
        var max = parseValue("max" + p1, _1f["max" + p1], _1e);
        var val = parseValue(p, _1f[p], _1e);
        var _20 = (String(_1f[p] || "").indexOf("%") >= 0 ? true : false);
        if (!isNaN(val)) {
            var v = Math.min(Math.max(val, min || 0), max || 99999);
            if (!_20) {
                _1f[p] = v;
            t._size("min" + p1, "");
            t._size("max" + p1, "");
            t._size(p, v);
        } else {
            t._size(p, "");
            t._size("min" + p1, min);
            t._size("max" + p1, max);
        return _20 || _1f.fit;

    function parseValue(_6, _7, _8, _9) {
        _9 = _9 || 0;
        var v = $.trim(String(_7 || ""));
        var _a = v.substr(v.length - 1, 1);
        if (_a == "%") {
            v = parseInt(v.substr(0, v.length - 1));
            if (_6.toLowerCase().indexOf("width") >= 0) {
                v = Math.floor((_8.width() - _9) * v / 100);
            } else {
                v = Math.floor((_8.height() - _9) * v / 100);
        } else {
            v = parseInt(v) || undefined;
        return v;

    function _17(_21, _22, _23) {
        var t = $(_21);
        if (_23 == undefined) {
            _23 = parseInt(_21.style[_22]);
            if (isNaN(_23)) {
                return undefined;
            if ($._boxModel) {
                _23 += _24();
            return _23;
        } else {
            if (_23 === "") {
                t.css(_22, "");
            } else {
                if ($._boxModel) {
                    _23 -= _24();
                    if (_23 < 0) {
                        _23 = 0;
                t.css(_22, _23 + "px");
        function _24() {
            if (_22.toLowerCase().indexOf("width") >= 0) {
                return t.outerWidth() - t.width();
            } else {
                return t.outerHeight() - t.height();






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