heimall 加个证书, 外网https 访问

elf-signed certificates and local CAs

Per default Heimdall uses the standard certificate bundle file (ca-certificates.crt) to verify HTTPS sites and will ignore additional certificates placed in /etc/ssl/certs. If you wish to use enhanced apps with HTTPS sites that use a self-signed certificate or certs signed with your own local CA, you can override the default bundle:

  • Create a unified certificate .pem file that contains all CAs and certificates that Heimdall has to verify. For example, if you use both LetsEncrypt and a local CA for your internal apps, concatenate the LetsEncrypt intermediate CA (export via browser) and your local CA cert.pem (or any number of self-signed certs) into one heimdall.pem file.
  • Place the heimdall.pem into the container (if you use Docker), for example by placing it in the path that you mapped to /config. Make sure that the Heimdall user has read access (chmod a+r).
  • Set the openssl.cafile setting in /config/php/php-local.ini to your cert bundle:
# /config/php/php-local.ini
openssl.cafile = /config/heimdall.pem

Restart the container and the enhanced apps should now be able to access your local HTTP websites. This configuration will survive updating or recreating the Heimdall container.



posted @ 2021-11-17 14:54  以浪得虚名  阅读(1528)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报