2、AM335X上电后,根据Boot Sequence启动配置(LCD0-LCD15引脚,具体可参考TI官方的335X参考手册),从相应的存储设备启动,这里配置的是从SD卡启动。
1 ::sysinit:/etc/rc.d/rcS 2 ::respawn:/sbin/getty 9600 tty1 3 ::ctrlaltdel:/sbin/reboot 4 ::shutdown:/etc/rc.d/rcS stop 5 ::restart:/sbin/init
#!/bin/sh # minimal startup script, will work with msh (this is best available in # MMUless format). mode=${1:-start} #若第一个参数存在,则mode的值为第一个参数;否则mode等于start # load the configuration information if [ -x /etc/rc.d/rc.conf ] then . /etc/rc.d/rc.conf #不管/etc/rc.d/rc.conf是否可执行,都去执行它,等价于sh /etc/rc.d/rc.conf fi if [ $mode = "start" ] #若mode的值为start, then services=$cfg_services #那么services等于$cfg_services(这个值在/etc/rc.d/rc.conf中定义:"crond mount-proc-sys hostname depmod modules udev filesystems inetd") else services=$cfg_services_r #否则services等于$cfg_services_r (这个值在/etc/rc.d/rc.conf中定义:"inetd filesystems udev modules depmod hostname mount-proc-sys crond") fi cfg_services=${2:-$services} #若第二个参数存在,则cfg_services的值为第二个参数;否则cfg_services等于services # run the configured sequence #按配置的顺序,启动各个进程 for i in $cfg_services do if [ -x /etc/rc.d/init.d/$i ] #如果进程是可执行的,那么 then echo "/etc/rc.d/init.d/"$i $mode #打印进程信息 /etc/rc.d/init.d/$i $mode #挨个执行 fi done if [ $# -ge 2 ] #如果参数个数大于等于2 then exit 0 #退出 fi if [ $mode = "start" ] #若mode的值为start, then # show all kernel log messages if [ -x /proc/sys/kernel/printk ] #若/proc/sys/kernel/printk可执行 then #echo 8 > /proc/sys/kernel/printk echo 0 > /proc/sys/kernel/printk #清空/proc/sys/kernel/printk fi # echo set kernel halt time echo -e "\033[9;0]" > /dev/tty0 #echo Bringing lo up /sbin/ifconfig lo up 2>/dev/null /sbin/route add -net netmask gw dev lo 2>/dev/null #echo eth0 setting #网卡0设置 if [ -x /etc/eth0-setting ] then echo "Found /etc/eth0-setting..." /etc/rc.d/ifconfig-eth0 /etc/eth0-setting #在/etc/eth0-setting文件中配置IP、MASK、GATEWAY信息 fi #echo eth1 setting #网卡1设置 if [ -x /etc/eth1-setting ] then echo "Found /etc/eth1-setting..." /etc/rc.d/ifconfig-eth1 /etc/eth1-setting #在/etc/eth1-setting文件中配置IP、MASK、GATEWAY信息 fi #echo wlan0 setting #wlan0设置 if [ -x /etc/wlan0-setting ] then echo "Found /etc/wlan0-setting..." wpa_supplicant -B -D wext -c /etc/wpa.conf -i wlan0 wpa_cli add_network wpa_cli enable_network 0 /etc/rc.d/ifconfig-wlan0 /etc/wlan0-setting fi fi # run rc.local if present and executable if [ -x /etc/rc.d/rc.local ] #如果/etc/rc.d/rc.local可执行 then echo "Found /etc/rc.d/rc.local..." /etc/rc.d/rc.local $mode #那么,直接执行它。整个启动脚本的重点在这里,后面分析它 fi # run startx if present and executable if [ -x /usr/bin/startx ] then if [ $mode = "start" ] then rm /tmp/.X0-lock startx fi fi
b、运行系统服务进程:crond mount-proc-sys hostname depmod modules udev filesystems inetd
c、设置网络IP/etc/rc.d/ifconfig-eth0 /etc/eth0-setting、/etc/rc.d/ifconfig-eth1 /etc/eth1-setting
10、分析/etc/rc.d/rc.local start脚本程序
#!/bin/sh mode=${1:-start} #mode等于传入的参数1为start if [ $mode = "start" ] #如果mode的值等于start,那么运行以下程序 then #set sgtl5000 volume 0~127 amixer cset numid=5 65 #猜测是设置蜂鸣器音量,还不确定 echo "start format board mmc..." echo 1 > /sys/class/leds/user_buzzer/brightness #打开蜂鸣器,说明开始运行此脚本更新系统 /etc/rc.d/spi.sh #运行/etc/rc.d/spi.sh脚本,把/boot/u-boot.spi.512拷贝到Flash中,以后程序从此处取出u-boot运行 以下为/etc/rc.d/spi.sh脚本内容: #!/bin/sh echo "****************************************************" echo "****************************************************" echo "" echo " Hua Ming spi Flashing Script - 01/01/2015" echo "" echo "erase spi flash..." flash_erase /dev/mtd0 0 8 echo "write boot/u-boot.spi.512 ..." flashcp /boot/u-boot.spi.512 /dev/mtd0 echo "done" /etc/rc.d/mmc.sh /dev/mmcblk1 #运行/etc/rc.d/mmc.sh脚本对mmc以ext3文件系统格式进行分区,分为4个区分别为sys、opt、user、Reserved。 mount /dev/mmcblk1p1 /mnt #挂接sys分区,将rfs_335x.tar.gz的文件进行解压缩,里面存放了最小根文件系统 cd /mnt tar -xzvf ../rfs_335x.tar.gz mount /dev/mmcblk1p2 /mnt/opt #挂接opt分区,将HmReader.tar.gz解压缩,里面存放了应用程序 tar -xzvf ../../HmReader.tar.gz cd boot ln -s boot.scr.mmc1 boot.scr sync echo 0 > /sys/class/leds/user_buzzer/brightness #蜂鸣器关闭 echo "format finished ..." #格式化结束,更新完成 fi
/etc/rc.d/rc.local start脚本程序功能总结如下:
#!/bin/sh echo "****************************************************" echo "****************************************************" echo "" echo " Hua Ming Example Flashing Script - 01/01/2015" echo "" if [[ -z $1 ]] #如果传入脚本的参数1不存在的话 then echo "mmc.sh Usage:" echo " mmc.sh <Dev>" echo " Example: mmc.sh /dev/mmcblk0" exit #退出脚本 fi STARTTIME=$(date +%s) #获得当前时间 ##---------Start of variables---------------------## ## Declare eMMC device name here #DRIVE="/dev/mmcblk0" DRIVE=$1 #DRIVE=/dev/mmcblk1 ##----------End of variables-----------------------## ## Kill any partition info that might be there dd if=/dev/zero of=$DRIVE bs=4k count=1 #猜测是清除设备原有的分区 sync sync #马上写入设备 ## Figure out how big the eMMC is in bytes SIZE=`fdisk -l $DRIVE | grep Disk | awk '{print $5}'` #算出块设备的大小(以字节为单位) ## Translate size into segments, which traditional tools call Cylinders. eMMC is not a spinning disk. ## We are basically ignoring what FDISK and SFDISK are reporting because it is not really accurate. ## we are translating this info to something that makes more sense for eMMC. CYLINDERS=`echo $SIZE/255/63/512 | bc` #作数学运算算出一个柱面的大小 ## Check to see if the eMMC partitions have automatically loaded from the old MBR. ## This might have occured during the boot process if the kernel detected a filesystem ## before we killed the MBR. We will need to unmount and kill them by writing 4k zeros to the ## partitions that were found. #检查是否已经被挂载,并且已经分区。若有,则清除 check_mounted(){ is_mounted=$(grep ${DRIVE}p /proc/mounts | awk '{print $2}') if grep -q ${DRIVE}p /proc/mounts; then echo "Found mounted partition(s) on " ${DRIVE}": " $is_mounted umount $is_mounted counter=1 for i in $is_mounted; do \ echo "4k erase on ${DRIVE}p${counter}"; dd if=/dev/zero of=${DRIVE}p${counter} bs=4k count=1; counter=$((counter+1)); done else echo "No partition found. Continuing." fi } check_mounted; ## Partitioning the eMMC using information gathered. ## Here is where you can add/remove partitions. ## We are building 2 partitions: ## 1. FAT, size = 9 cylinders * 255 heads * 63 sectors * 512 bytes/sec = ~70MB ## 2. EXT3, size = 223 ($CYLINDERS-[9 for fat]) cylinders * 255 heads * 63 sectors * 512 bytes/sec = ~1l.7GB ## ## You will need to change the lines ",9,0c0C,*", "10,,,-" to suit your needs. Adding is similar, ## but you will need to be aware of partition sizes and boundaries. Use the man page for sfdisk. echo "Partitioning the eMMC..." sfdisk -D -H 255 -S 63 -C $CYLINDERS $DRIVE << EOF ,65,0x0c,* 65,65,,- 130,130,,- 260,,,- EOF ## This sleep is necessary as there is a service which attempts ## to automount any filesystems that it finds as soon as sfdisk ## finishes partitioning. We sleep to let it run. May need to ## be lengthened if you have more partitions. sleep 2 ## Check here if there has been a partition that automounted. ## This will eliminate the old partition that gets ## automatically found after the sfdisk command. It ONLY ## gets found if there was a previous file system on the same ## partition boundary. Happens when running this script more than once. ## To fix, we just unmount and write some zeros to it. check_mounted; ## Clean up the dos (FAT) partition as recommended by SFDISK #dd if=/dev/zero of=${DRIVE}p1 bs=512 count=1 ## Make sure posted writes are cleaned up sync sync ## Format the eMMC into 2 partitions echo "Formatting the eMMC into 4 partitions..." mkfs.ext3 -L "sys" ${DRIVE}p1 mkfs.ext3 -L "opt" ${DRIVE}p2 mkfs.ext3 -L "user" ${DRIVE}p3 mkfs.ext3 -L "Reserved" ${DRIVE}p4 ## Make sure posted writes are cleaned up sync sync echo "Formatting done." #格式化完成 ## The block below is only necessary if using 'dd'. ## Force check the filesystem for consistency and fix errors if any. ## Resize partition to the length specified by the MBR. ## /sbin/e2fsck -fy ${DRIVE}p2 ## /sbin/resize2fs ${DRIVE}p2 ENDTIME=$(date +%s) echo "It took $(($ENDTIME - $STARTTIME)) seconds to complete this task..." #计算格式化EMMC花了多长时间 ## Reboot echo "" echo "********************************************" echo " Hua Ming Example Flash Script is complete." echo ""
12、到这里所有系统更新完成,拔掉SD卡,重新上电后根据Boot Sequence启动配置(LCD0-LCD15引脚,具体可参考TI官方的335X编程手册),从相应的存储设备启动,这里配置的是SPI接口的Flash启动。说启动可能不准确,其实是内部的ROM从SPI的flash中拷贝镜像到RAM中运行。然后启动u-boot,u-boot启动后会从MMC的/sys分区的/boot目录下取出uImage镜像再到RAM中运行,接着Linux系统挂接到/sys系统。然后整个系统正常运行。