virtualenv 虚拟环境 (python)

What's the difference between “virtualenv” and “-m venv” in creating Virtual environments(Python)

venv is a package shipped directly with python 3 (No for python 2). So you don't need to pip install anything. 参考 Virtual Environments and Packages

virtualenv instead is an independent library available at and can be install with pip.   参考 Python开发必备神器之一:virtualenv 廖雪峰网站   Virtualenv in IPython Jupyter Notebook

virtualenvwrapper: 参考 Python开发必备神器之一:virtualenv        安装  on pypi

posted @ 2019-01-10 10:49  andy_0212  阅读(135)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报