/** * 专门用于创建披萨的工厂类 */ public class SimplePizzaFactory { public Pizza createPizza(String type){ Pizza pizza = null; if(type.equals("cheese")){ pizza = new CheesePizza(); } else if(type.equals("clam")){ pizza = new ClamPizza(); } else if(type.equals("pepperoni")){ pizza = new PepperoniPizza(); } else if(type.equals("veggie")){ pizza = new VeggiePizze(); } return pizza; } }
/** * 抽象pizza类 */ public abstract class Pizza { public abstract void prepare(); public abstract void bake(); public abstract void cut(); public abstract void box(); }
public class CheesePizza extends Pizza{ @Override public void bake() { System.out.println("bake CheesePizza ..."); } @Override public void box() { System.out.println("box CheesePizza ..."); } @Override public void cut() { System.out.println("cut CheesePizza ..."); } @Override public void prepare() { System.out.println("prepare CheesePizza ..."); } }
public class PizzaStore { SimplePizzaFactory factory; //SimplePizzaFactory的引用 public PizzaStore(SimplePizzaFactory factory){ this.factory = factory; } public Pizza orderPizza(String type){ Pizza pizza; pizza = factory.createPizza(type); //使用工厂对象的创建方法,而不是直接new。这里不再使用具体实例化 pizza.prepare(); pizza.bake(); pizza.cut(); pizza.box(); return pizza; } }
5、 简单工厂模式最大的优点在于实现对象的创建和对象的使用分离,但是如果产品过多时,会导致工厂代码非常复杂。
public interface HttpStack { /** * Performs an HTTP request with the given parameters. * * <p>A GET request is sent if request.getPostBody() == null. A POST request is sent otherwise, * and the Content-Type header is set to request.getPostBodyContentType().</p> * * @param request the request to perform * @param additionalHeaders additional headers to be sent together with * {@link Request#getHeaders()} * @return the HTTP response */ public HttpResponse performRequest(Request<?> request, Map<String, String> additionalHeaders) throws IOException, AuthFailureError; }
public class HurlStack implements HttpStack { private static final String HEADER_CONTENT_TYPE = "Content-Type"; /** * An interface for transforming URLs before use. */ public interface UrlRewriter { /** * Returns a URL to use instead of the provided one, or null to indicate * this URL should not be used at all. */ public String rewriteUrl(String originalUrl); } private final UrlRewriter mUrlRewriter; private final SSLSocketFactory mSslSocketFactory; public HurlStack() { this(null); } /** * @param urlRewriter Rewriter to use for request URLs */ public HurlStack(UrlRewriter urlRewriter) { this(urlRewriter, null); } /** * @param urlRewriter Rewriter to use for request URLs * @param sslSocketFactory SSL factory to use for HTTPS connections */ public HurlStack(UrlRewriter urlRewriter, SSLSocketFactory sslSocketFactory) { mUrlRewriter = urlRewriter; mSslSocketFactory = sslSocketFactory; } @Override public HttpResponse performRequest(Request<?> request, Map<String, String> additionalHeaders) throws IOException, AuthFailureError { String url = request.getUrl(); HashMap<String, String> map = new HashMap<String, String>(); map.putAll(request.getHeaders()); map.putAll(additionalHeaders); if (mUrlRewriter != null) { String rewritten = mUrlRewriter.rewriteUrl(url); if (rewritten == null) { throw new IOException("URL blocked by rewriter: " + url); } url = rewritten; } URL parsedUrl = new URL(url); HttpURLConnection connection = openConnection(parsedUrl, request); for (String headerName : map.keySet()) { connection.addRequestProperty(headerName, map.get(headerName)); } setConnectionParametersForRequest(connection, request); // Initialize HttpResponse with data from the HttpURLConnection. ProtocolVersion protocolVersion = new ProtocolVersion("HTTP", 1, 1); int responseCode = connection.getResponseCode(); if (responseCode == -1) { // -1 is returned by getResponseCode() if the response code could not be retrieved. // Signal to the caller that something was wrong with the connection. throw new IOException("Could not retrieve response code from HttpUrlConnection."); } StatusLine responseStatus = new BasicStatusLine(protocolVersion, connection.getResponseCode(), connection.getResponseMessage()); BasicHttpResponse response = new BasicHttpResponse(responseStatus); response.setEntity(entityFromConnection(connection)); for (Entry<String, List<String>> header : connection.getHeaderFields().entrySet()) { if (header.getKey() != null) { Header h = new BasicHeader(header.getKey(), header.getValue().get(0)); response.addHeader(h); } } return response; } /** * Initializes an {@link HttpEntity} from the given {@link HttpURLConnection}. * @param connection * @return an HttpEntity populated with data from <code>connection</code>. */ private static HttpEntity entityFromConnection(HttpURLConnection connection) { BasicHttpEntity entity = new BasicHttpEntity(); InputStream inputStream; try { inputStream = connection.getInputStream(); } catch (IOException ioe) { inputStream = connection.getErrorStream(); } entity.setContent(inputStream); entity.setContentLength(connection.getContentLength()); entity.setContentEncoding(connection.getContentEncoding()); entity.setContentType(connection.getContentType()); return entity; } /** * Create an {@link HttpURLConnection} for the specified {@code url}. */ protected HttpURLConnection createConnection(URL url) throws IOException { return (HttpURLConnection) url.openConnection(); } /** * Opens an {@link HttpURLConnection} with parameters. * @param url * @return an open connection * @throws IOException */ private HttpURLConnection openConnection(URL url, Request<?> request) throws IOException { HttpURLConnection connection = createConnection(url); int timeoutMs = request.getTimeoutMs(); connection.setConnectTimeout(timeoutMs); connection.setReadTimeout(timeoutMs); connection.setUseCaches(false); connection.setDoInput(true); // use caller-provided custom SslSocketFactory, if any, for HTTPS if ("https".equals(url.getProtocol()) && mSslSocketFactory != null) { ((HttpsURLConnection)connection).setSSLSocketFactory(mSslSocketFactory); } return connection; } @SuppressWarnings("deprecation") /* package */ static void setConnectionParametersForRequest(HttpURLConnection connection, Request<?> request) throws IOException, AuthFailureError { switch (request.getMethod()) { case Method.DEPRECATED_GET_OR_POST: // This is the deprecated way that needs to be handled for backwards compatibility. // If the request's post body is null, then the assumption is that the request is // GET. Otherwise, it is assumed that the request is a POST. byte[] postBody = request.getPostBody(); if (postBody != null) { // Prepare output. There is no need to set Content-Length explicitly, // since this is handled by HttpURLConnection using the size of the prepared // output stream. connection.setDoOutput(true); connection.setRequestMethod("POST"); connection.addRequestProperty(HEADER_CONTENT_TYPE, request.getPostBodyContentType()); DataOutputStream out = new DataOutputStream(connection.getOutputStream()); out.write(postBody); out.close(); } break; case Method.GET: // Not necessary to set the request method because connection defaults to GET but // being explicit here. connection.setRequestMethod("GET"); break; case Method.DELETE: connection.setRequestMethod("DELETE"); break; case Method.POST: connection.setRequestMethod("POST"); addBodyIfExists(connection, request); break; case Method.PUT: connection.setRequestMethod("PUT"); addBodyIfExists(connection, request); break; case Method.HEAD: connection.setRequestMethod("HEAD"); break; case Method.OPTIONS: connection.setRequestMethod("OPTIONS"); break; case Method.TRACE: connection.setRequestMethod("TRACE"); break; case Method.PATCH: connection.setRequestMethod("PATCH"); addBodyIfExists(connection, request); break; default: throw new IllegalStateException("Unknown method type."); } } private static void addBodyIfExists(HttpURLConnection connection, Request<?> request) throws IOException, AuthFailureError { byte[] body = request.getBody(); if (body != null) { connection.setDoOutput(true); connection.addRequestProperty(HEADER_CONTENT_TYPE, request.getBodyContentType()); DataOutputStream out = new DataOutputStream(connection.getOutputStream()); out.write(body); out.close(); } } }
public class HttpClientStack implements HttpStack { protected final HttpClient mClient; private final static String HEADER_CONTENT_TYPE = "Content-Type"; public HttpClientStack(HttpClient client) { mClient = client; } private static void addHeaders(HttpUriRequest httpRequest, Map<String, String> headers) { for (String key : headers.keySet()) { httpRequest.setHeader(key, headers.get(key)); } } @SuppressWarnings("unused") private static List<NameValuePair> getPostParameterPairs(Map<String, String> postParams) { List<NameValuePair> result = new ArrayList<NameValuePair>(postParams.size()); for (String key : postParams.keySet()) { result.add(new BasicNameValuePair(key, postParams.get(key))); } return result; } @Override public HttpResponse performRequest(Request<?> request, Map<String, String> additionalHeaders) throws IOException, AuthFailureError { HttpUriRequest httpRequest = createHttpRequest(request, additionalHeaders); addHeaders(httpRequest, additionalHeaders); addHeaders(httpRequest, request.getHeaders()); onPrepareRequest(httpRequest); HttpParams httpParams = httpRequest.getParams(); int timeoutMs = request.getTimeoutMs(); // TODO: Reevaluate this connection timeout based on more wide-scale // data collection and possibly different for wifi vs. 3G. HttpConnectionParams.setConnectionTimeout(httpParams, 5000); HttpConnectionParams.setSoTimeout(httpParams, timeoutMs); return mClient.execute(httpRequest); } /** * Creates the appropriate subclass of HttpUriRequest for passed in request. */ @SuppressWarnings("deprecation") /* protected */ static HttpUriRequest createHttpRequest(Request<?> request, Map<String, String> additionalHeaders) throws AuthFailureError { switch (request.getMethod()) { case Method.DEPRECATED_GET_OR_POST: { // This is the deprecated way that needs to be handled for backwards compatibility. // If the request's post body is null, then the assumption is that the request is // GET. Otherwise, it is assumed that the request is a POST. byte[] postBody = request.getPostBody(); if (postBody != null) { HttpPost postRequest = new HttpPost(request.getUrl()); postRequest.addHeader(HEADER_CONTENT_TYPE, request.getPostBodyContentType()); HttpEntity entity; entity = new ByteArrayEntity(postBody); postRequest.setEntity(entity); return postRequest; } else { return new HttpGet(request.getUrl()); } } case Method.GET: return new HttpGet(request.getUrl()); case Method.DELETE: return new HttpDelete(request.getUrl()); case Method.POST: { HttpPost postRequest = new HttpPost(request.getUrl()); postRequest.addHeader(HEADER_CONTENT_TYPE, request.getBodyContentType()); setEntityIfNonEmptyBody(postRequest, request); return postRequest; } case Method.PUT: { HttpPut putRequest = new HttpPut(request.getUrl()); putRequest.addHeader(HEADER_CONTENT_TYPE, request.getBodyContentType()); setEntityIfNonEmptyBody(putRequest, request); return putRequest; } case Method.HEAD: return new HttpHead(request.getUrl()); case Method.OPTIONS: return new HttpOptions(request.getUrl()); case Method.TRACE: return new HttpTrace(request.getUrl()); case Method.PATCH: { HttpPatch patchRequest = new HttpPatch(request.getUrl()); patchRequest.addHeader(HEADER_CONTENT_TYPE, request.getBodyContentType()); setEntityIfNonEmptyBody(patchRequest, request); return patchRequest; } default: throw new IllegalStateException("Unknown request method."); } } private static void setEntityIfNonEmptyBody(HttpEntityEnclosingRequestBase httpRequest, Request<?> request) throws AuthFailureError { byte[] body = request.getBody(); if (body != null) { HttpEntity entity = new ByteArrayEntity(body); httpRequest.setEntity(entity); } } /** * Called before the request is executed using the underlying HttpClient. * * <p>Overwrite in subclasses to augment the request.</p> */ protected void onPrepareRequest(HttpUriRequest request) throws IOException { // Nothing. } /** * The HttpPatch class does not exist in the Android framework, so this has been defined here. */ public static final class HttpPatch extends HttpEntityEnclosingRequestBase { public final static String METHOD_NAME = "PATCH"; public HttpPatch() { super(); } public HttpPatch(final URI uri) { super(); setURI(uri); } /** * @throws IllegalArgumentException if the uri is invalid. */ public HttpPatch(final String uri) { super(); setURI(URI.create(uri)); } @Override public String getMethod() { return METHOD_NAME; } } }
然后在Volley的类中newRequestQueue里面根据不同的android 的版本号,选择使用HttpUrlConnection的HurlStack或者使用HttpClientStack的HurlStack;
/** * Creates a default instance of the worker pool and calls {@link RequestQueue#start()} on it. *获取Volley对象 * @param context A {@link Context} to use for creating the cache dir. * @param stack An {@link HttpStack} to use for the network, or null for default. * @return A started {@link RequestQueue} instance. */ @SuppressLint("NewApi") public static RequestQueue newRequestQueue(Context context, HttpStack stack) { File cacheDir = new File(context.getCacheDir(), DEFAULT_CACHE_DIR); String userAgent = "volley/0"; try { String packageName = context.getPackageName(); PackageInfo info = context.getPackageManager().getPackageInfo(packageName, 0); userAgent = packageName + "/" + info.versionCode; } catch (NameNotFoundException e) { } if (stack == null) { if (Build.VERSION.SDK_INT >= 9) { stack = new HurlStack(); } else { // Prior to Gingerbread, HttpUrlConnection was unreliable. // See: http://android-developers.blogspot.com/2011/09/androids-http-clients.html stack = new HttpClientStack(AndroidHttpClient.newInstance(userAgent)); } } Network network = new BasicNetwork(stack); RequestQueue queue = new RequestQueue(new DiskBasedCache(cacheDir), network); queue.start(); return queue; /* * 实例化一个RequestQueue,其中start()主要完成相关工作线程的开启, * 比如开启缓存线程CacheDispatcher先完成缓存文件的扫描, 还包括开启多个NetworkDispatcher访问网络线程, * 该多个网络线程将从 同一个 网络阻塞队列中读取消息 * * 此处可见,start()已经开启,所有我们不用手动的去调用该方法,在start()方法中如果存在工作线程应该首先终止,并重新实例化工作线程并开启 * 在访问网络很频繁,而又重复调用start(),势必会导致性能的消耗;但是如果在访问网络很少时,调用stop()方法,停止多个线程,然后调用start(),反而又可以提高性能,具体可折中选择 */ }
// 抽象的工厂类,定义了其子类必须实现的createProduct()方法 abstract class Factory { //运用了Java 中的泛型和反射技术 public abstract <T extends IOHandler> T createProduct(Class<T> c); } class ConcreteFactory extends Factory { public <T extends IOHandler> T createProduct(Class<T> c) { T handler = null; try { handler = (T) Class.forName(c.getName()).newInstance(); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } return handler; } }