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Gmail FS : Gmail File System

Gmail lite and Gmailer: Open Source project, PHP based class-library to interact with gmail.

Gallina : Very cool concept of Gmail based blogging

Gmail Helper: A downloadable Windows application that alerts you when you have new Gmail messages.

Email2POP: Interfaces with Gmail to provide POP3 and SMTP access to Gmail accounts.

GSuite: Provides quick access to your account, easy search access, new mail notification, 'mailto:' handling and much more.

GNotify: Gmail utility that runs in your systray and notifies you when you have new Gmail.

GMailerXP: This program, still in development, will offer total control of your GMail account from any Windows computer.

GCount: Lives on your Mac and alerts you to pending GMails.

OSX GMailStatus: Alerts OSX users to unread mail, makes access to GMail easier, and even lets GMail act as your default mail client.

GMail Notifier: For FireFox/Mozilla, adds an icon to your toolbar that keeps you updated on the number of GMails you have waiting.

G-Mailto: Sets Gmail as your default mail program in Windows. So when you click on a mailto:// url, your favourite web browser will open up a page with Gmail's Compose window. Pretty nifty. Mac Version

GTray: Windows system tray notifier for new Gmail mail.

GmailCompose: A Mozilla Firefox extension to open the Gmail compose window with the click of a button.

GMail Loader: This software is made to import mails from an existing account to a Gmail account.

Pop Goes Gmail: A small software which enables you to convert Gmail messages in pop3 standard and to read them with Outlook.

G-Mailto Bookmarklet: Launch a new GMail with a bookmark.

Gmail Drive : Gmail Drive for Windows based on gmail-fs.

好东西这么多,目前我用了GMail Drive,安装后效果如下图: 
如果你也感兴趣,不妨访问Gmail Driver 获得更多信息。

想利用Gmail作些事情,必然需要知道相应的API。好在已经有人release了GMail API(开源的可以访问GMail API查看详细信息,或者通过访问GMail Agent v0.6.1下载Windows安装包)。
如GMail API中所描述的“ an open source Gmail API written for the .NET framework, and a proof of concept Windows application built on top of that API that provides basic remote Gmail functions. ”,通过它就可以在.Net平台上调用Gmail的功能接口,实现你所想达到的目标。


posted on 2004-12-31 13:23  ~在思考中沉淀~  阅读(3591)  评论(8编辑  收藏  举报