Cannot currently modify this text in the editor

整合代码后发现在调试状态下不能修改代码了,, 想要编辑的时候状态栏显示“Cannot currently modify this text in the editor”, 一开始反应是察看了下开始工程的Debug设置,因为其切换到的C++工程, 发现Debugger Type一项设置的为Auto,赶紧改为Mixed,发现问题依旧。Google了半天没有结果。

后来发现准备敲入任何字母的时候弹出个警告框:"changes are not allowed when unmanaged debugging is enabled" 用这个关键字终于找到了答案:


You can't have both Edit + Continue (for managed code) and Interop enabled at the same time.

1. If you want to debug + edit just the C# code, you can use managed-only debugging.
2. If you want to debug + edit just the native C++ code, you can use native-only debugging.
3. If you want to debug both C# and native C++ code (but not edit), you can use interop-debugging.




Does VS2005 support Mixed Mode Edit and Continue in Unmanaged C++ code?

posted @ 2008-07-22 16:05  Anders06  阅读(411)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报