Sublime Text 热门插件


最近筛选了一写sublime text上面的使用插件,先留下来,以后有机会详细介绍

1. Package Control

2. GitGutter & Modific

3. Git

4. BracketHighlighter

5. Sublimall (BufferScroll) 

  sync the config to all the sublime text clients

6. AllAutocomplete

7. SublimeREPL

  Built-In Parser for CL: Lua, NodeJS, Python, Shell

8. DocBlockr

  Comment template generator

9. Floobits

10. AutoFileName

11. Colorcoder

12. PlainTasks

13. MarkdownEditing

14. CTags

15. SideBarEnhancement

16. SublimeLinter

17. Trailing Spaces

18. Alignment

19. ApplySyntax

20. EasyMotion


posted @ 2014-11-11 15:43  燎原火  阅读(297)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报