Attaching the Script debugger to process ‘[****]’ on machine **** failed.
Attaching the Script debugger to process ‘[****]iexplorer.exe’ on machine **** failed. A debuger is already attached.
1. In your elevated VS command prompt, run devenv /ResetSkipPkgs //在vs命令行运行devenv /ResetSkipPkgs
2. then run devenv /setup //接着运行devenv /setup
3. See if the above fix the problem //上面两步应该就可以了
4. If problem still exist, please try to repair the installation via control panel, uninstall program, select VS and do repair //再不行的话,程序-》卸载-》修复
5. If still not working, the best choice is to uninstall VS and re-install it. //实在不行就重装吧
本条目发布于 2012 年 12 月 21 日。属于 未分类 分类。