
unit Unit1; interface uses Windows, Messages, SysUtils, Variants, Classes, Graphics, Controls, Forms, Dialogs, StdCtrls, DBCtrls; type queue = array[1..4, 1..20] of real; TForm1 = class(TForm) lbl1: TLabel; lbl2: TLabel; lbl3: TLabel; lbl4: TLabel; lbl5: TLabel; btn1: TButton; edt1: TEdit; edt2: TEdit; edt3: TEdit; edt4: TEdit; dblst1: TDBListBox; lbl6: TLabel; btn2: TButton; btn3: TButton; labresult: TLabel; procedure btn2Click(Sender: TObject); procedure btn1Click(Sender: TObject); private { Private declarations } public function AVG(queue1: queue; m, n: integer): real; { Public declarations } end; var Form1: TForm1; i: integer; score: queue; implementation {$R *.dfm} function TForm1.AVG(queue1: queue; m, n: integer): real; var k: integer; sum: real; begin sum := 0; for k := 1 to n do sum := sum + queue1[m][k]; Result := sum / n; end; procedure TForm1.btn2Click(Sender: TObject); var engave,mathave,vfpave,dataave:real; // 分别存放四门功课的平均成绩 begin engave:=AVG(score,1,i); // 调用函数aver,求i个学生英语成绩的平均值 mathave:=AVG(score,2,i); // 调用函数aver,求i个学生数学成绩的平均值 vfpave:=AVG(score,3,i); // 调用函数aver,求i个学生vfp成绩的平均值 dataave:=AVG(score,4,i); // 调用函数aver,求i个学生数据结构的平均值 // 计算结果显示在labresult上 labresult.caption:='各科的平均成绩是:'+chr(13)+chr(13); labresult.caption:=labresult.caption+' 英语:'+floattostr(engave); labresult.caption:=labresult.caption+' ; '+' 数学:'+floattostr(mathave); labresult.caption:=labresult.caption+' ; '+' VFP:'+floattostr(vfpave); labresult.caption:=labresult.caption+';'+' 数据结构:'+floattostr(dataave); end; procedure TForm1.btn1Click(Sender: TObject); var str1: string; begin i:=i+1; // 每输入一学生信息i加1 score[1][i]:=strtofloat(edt1.Text); // score数组的第1行存放英语成绩 score[2][i]:=strtofloat(edt2.Text); // score数组的第2行存放数学成绩 score[3][i]:=strtofloat(edt3.Text); // score数组的第3行存放vfp成绩 score[4][i]:=strtofloat(edt4.Text); // score数组的第4行存放数据结构 str1:=edt1.Text+' '+edt2.Text +' '+edt3.Text+' ' +edt4.Text; dblst1.Items.add(str1) ; // 将第i个学生的各门成绩添加到scorelist列表中 edt1.Text:=''; //清空用于输入成绩的各文本框 edt2.Text:=''; edt3.Text:=''; edt4.Text:=''; edt1.SetFocus; // 光标定位在engedit文本框上,等待下次输入 end; end.