



case  $char  in
        C | c )
                command 1
                ;;          #每一个选择都以双 ;; 结束
        M | m )
                command 2
            *   )               #  * 未匹配到相符的其他值                                                                                                                                                                 
                echo  “error”

esac           #case的结束语句是以esac 结束




echo "check system run status"
echo "show CPUinfo: C/c "
echo "show Memery used: M/m "
echo "show Disk use status: D/n "
echo "show System user login: U/n "
echo "show System load average:L/l"
echo "show System Ip address: I/i"

read_input () {
read  -t 10 -p "please Input C/M/D/U/L/I : " char

show_status () {

case $char in 
        C | c )
                cat /proc/cpuinfo | grep -o -i 'model name.*'
        M | m )
                free -m
        D | d )
                df -h
        U | u )
        L | l )
                top | head -1 | cut -d " " -f 11-15
        I | i )
                ifconfig | grep -o "[0-9.]\{7,\}" | head -1
        * )
                echo "The characters you have entered are wrong. Please look at the hints"

for i in $( seq 1 10)
if [ $i -eq 10 ]; then
        echo "已经到达查询的最大次数,脚本退出;"


[root@yufu home]# ./ 
check system run status
show CPUinfo: C/c 
show Memery used: M/m 
show Disk use status: D/n 
show System user login: U/n 
show System load average:L/l
show System Ip address: I/i
please Input C/M/D/U/L/I : The characters you have entered are wrong. Please look at the hints
please Input C/M/D/U/L/I : m
             total       used       free     shared    buffers     cached
Mem:          1869        165       1703          0         21         48
-/+ buffers/cache:         96       1773
Swap:         1999          0       1999
please Input C/M/D/U/L/I : c
model name    : Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-3317U CPU @ 1.70GHz
model name    : Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-3317U CPU @ 1.70GHz
please Input C/M/D/U/L/I :


这样可以实现交互式地传递参数,并且通过循环可以设置选择次数,通过read  -t 限制等待输入时长等

posted on 2018-04-13 21:25  孤岛鱼夫  阅读(18788)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报