



    (1)确认采用stk500的通讯协议。bootloader.atmega328P-<BOARD>.programmer(default value: stk500) is the protocal used by thebootloader.  

  (2)允许对相应内存地址空间操作。bootloader.atmega328P-<BOARD>.unlock_bits(default value: 0x3F) is the value to write to theATmega328 lock byte to unlock the bootloadersection.

   (3)写熔丝位的扩展位。bootloader.atmega328P-<BOARD>.extended_fuses(default value: 0x05) is the value to write tothe extended byte of the ATmega168fuses. 

   (4)写熔丝位的高位。bootloader.atmega328P-<BOARD>.high_fuses(default value: 0xde) is the value to write to the high byte of theATmega328 fuses.

  (5)写熔丝位的低位。bootloader.atmega328P-<BOARD>.low_fuses(default value: 0xff) is the value to write to the low byte of theATmega328 fuses.

  (6)给出bootloader文件的路径。bootloader.atmega328P-<BOARD>.path(default value: optiboot) is the path (relative to the Arduinoapplication directory) containing the precompiled bootloader.

   (7)给出bootloader文件名。bootloader.atmega328P-<BOARD>.file(default value: optiboot_atmega328.hex) is the name ofthe file containing the precompiled bootloader code (inbootloader.path).

  (8)锁定,禁止再修改相应内存空间。bootloader.atmega328P-<BOARD>.lock_bits(default value: 0x0F) is the value to write to theATmega328 lock byte to lock the bootloader section (soit doesn't get accidently overwritten when you upload asketch).


posted @ 2019-04-16 20:27  安&之~(若索)  阅读(4708)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报