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Posted on 2008-01-07 19:39  analyzer  阅读(381)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报

Lucky for you Elements is easy to implement. First Download the zip file, and upack it. Put the entire "Elements" folder on your server where ever you normally keep your CSS files (Example: you might have a CSS folder, put the Elements folder in there). Now just add this code inside your head tags:

Important! Just make sure to double check that the path to the elementsImport.css file is correct!

Reset Your Absolute Path Links
If you use absolute paths for your links, your internal links will get external link icons. To fix this you need to reset your internal links. This can be done by opening up externalLinks.css file and look for the comment that is marked IMPORTANT follow what it says. If you have some external links that are images, have background colors or borders you can give them the class: "exempt" which will remove the external link icon.

What if I don't want to use all four files?
Not a problem, just open up the elementsImport.css file, and remove the the files you don't want to use.